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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
An astonishing performance
1 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, having just seen this episode I am in awe.

Rather than the Joel and Ellie story arc this episode focuses on two kindred spirits over the best part of 20 years.

When I saw the episode length of this one I thought there must be much more to it as the first two were telling the story of the game really.

This episode tells the story of two people who meet just after all hell has broken loose with the outbreak, at first strangers, then friends, to lovers and soulmates. It's a touching love story all in under 90 minutes.

I see a lot of viewers didn't like this for its certain undertones, but to rate a show you have to look much deeper, look at the acting and how well the performance was delivered.

When I started watching this I wasn't fully convinced but by the end it got me a bit upset, very powerful drama and the well placed Linda Ronstadt reference and music sample made it even more so. Bravo!
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No one talks to Kevin!!!!
13 October 2022
Hahaha wonderful, loved it, really interesting and different end to a Marvel show! Taking breaking the third wall to another level.

Lots of things going on in this episode but I think the best eps of the season had to be the pilot and episode 8 with Daredevil.

This season has reminded me of the Sensational She Hulk comic run by John Byrne, it matched the humour of those comics, if you've never read them you must check them out as soon as possible.

Tim Roth has been great throughout this season too..... Although Abomination seems to now have a strange fins for ears thing going on...but I'll let that slide.

Here's hoping for Season 2!! Make Mine Marvel! Nuff Said!!
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Andor (2022– )
Great showcase for British talent, just a bit meh
22 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I went into the 3 premiere episodes with high hopes as I enjoyed Rogue One very much.

The only thing is, is this a story we really need to be told? We all know what happens to the main character already so this removes any danger whatsoever when he is captured or in danger leaving the purpose null and void.... This seems to be a tend of Disney now to focus on unnecessary prequels rather than move forward with new more refreshing ideas.

In the Star Wars universe they did the same thing with Solo, Boba Fett and Obi Wan.... These stories are not necessarily needed and can't help but think it's simply a cash cow for Disney. The Mandalorian stands out far better as it is new material!!

Another example of an unnecessary film Black Widow, I love Scarlett Johansson don't get me wrong, but that film should've been released around the time Captain America Civil War came out.... Knowing the ultimate fate of Black Widow detracted any danger or suspense because we knew she didn't meet her end from the start, it had already been documented!!!! If Disney continue to churn out this lazy material I may have to stop subscribing... Its boring.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Coming Home (2022)
Season 4, Episode 13
Whine whine whine, moan moan moan, cry cry cry, who am I? Oh I'm Michael Burnham!!!
27 August 2022
Sick of this monotonous tripe now, Paramount if you listen to fans reviews heed these words... No one cares about Burnham one iota! Spend time next season developing characters other than her and make it so each has a strong story arc... Learn from Strange New Worlds and follow by their example. All Trekkies are getting sick of this show (Discovery).

Strange New Worlds only had 10 eps and each was strong on its own merits, it focused on different characters and how their path developed, this is exactly how to satisfy an audience and keep people interested.

The story this season on Discovery has been so painful, the way everyone kept using abbreviations I felt like I was in a work meeting not watching a Sci Fi show! Just garbage. Give me a job I'll write for you and show you what the fans want!!!
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
I've tried to like this, but I just don't
29 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Such a waste of a good character, the origin is slow and tedious, and to say that the power is just given by a bangle is just lame, when they first said that I thought the Bangles would turn up singing Manic Monday, unfortunately these episodes are making more of a Weird Wednesday instead.

At episode 4 we finally see some fighting, but apart from that I just can't enjoy this one nuff said.
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Strange New Worlds meets Catspaw/Shore Leave
23 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is a strange one, but I gave it a chance and it acts of a kinda tribute to the Original Series episodes Shore Leave and Catspaw. The episode begins with the Doctor reading a story to his daughter as the crew encounter a space anomaly which causes the book to come to life.

Despite being a bit of a silly story, this does actually showcase the acting talents of the cast, especially Anson Mount who does a sterling job as the coward of the Kingdom.

Not one of my fave episodes, but not terrible either.
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Absolutely AMAZING!!!!
15 December 2021
This has to be the best Spidey film I have ever seen, especially if you have grown up with the films and franchise, the scenes and story just flow magnificently and have lots of surprises along the way. Go see it as soon as possible and dodge all the spoilers, you certainly won't regret it! There are two end credits scenes too so don't leave too early.....

I want to go see it all over again it was superb! Make mine Marvel!!!!
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Dune (2021)
Painfully slow and relies on the visuals to get through
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, that's nearly 3 hours I'll never get back, terribly slow and I didn't care if any characters met their maker in this. Unfortunately in this day and age people lack originality so Hollywood has to revisit and ruin why a classic is exactly that. Such a shame but I won't be bothering with part two, a real let down... Save your time and use it for something more worthwhile.
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What a load of rubbish!!!
20 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe I watched this it's so bad. The characters are just so conflicted and everyone is a moron all of a sudden. The story if you can call it that is just a trick or treat bowl full of bad concepts and ideas all mish mashed together into an awful pulp of nonsense. You'll actually be rooting for Michael in this one, at least he sticks to a plan of some sort. JLC spends most of it in a hospital bed I hope you aren't expecting her to do anything apart from gaze out of windows and talk to an injured cop. Lots of people die in this film alongside the franchise.

How exactly is Laurie Strode coming to get Michael when she doesn't even leave her hospital room? Bonkers rubbish, guff.
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Loki: Lamentis (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Having just watched this I need to know why Disney have wasted time on this episode? I feel like hardly anything was achieved here whatsoever and it felt like a Doctor Who episode from recent years rather than Loki. I know we have to have filler episodes for character building but heck we only have 6.eps to go at, not 22! I hope this was a one off, big disappointment this week Disney+.
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A completely missed opportunity
9 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this last night having high hopes based on the trailer, unfortunately they were all the best bits. Half of the film is solely the main character with the other characters talking over a radio who you see for a millisecond at the start so don't really know much about them and their voices are so alike I found it difficult to know who was who. The other thing that bothered me about this film is that Chloe's character has a broken arm and finger yet later in the film this appears to be forgotten when she lays into the gremlin. The climbing outside the aircraft during flight was ridiculous, just a mish mash of a story being told here with the most unsatisfying of endings, flat as a fart in fact. Oh dear oh dear.
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WandaVision: The Series Finale (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
Pretty darn good indeed! Watch before reading this...
5 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The wait is over, finally the story comes to an end.

I loved this series I admit but even though this episode had thrills and effects galore, I feel it was missing something but not sure what... Was hoping for maybe a big cameo like tha Mandalorian and unfortunately it didn't deliver.

However 3 things stood out for me knowing the comics... 1. Vision can now come back, but I won't say how. 2. Loving the new costume Wanda, looking very fit indeed and a great tribute to the classic costume. 3. Monica Rambeau first appearance as Captain Marvel due to sky rocket in value now I think... Could be a Secret Invasion tie in.

Could've done with a Doctor Strange cameo for Multiverse of Madness though.

A solid 9 out of 10.
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WandaVision: Don't Touch That Dial (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Bewitched meets Life On Mars
15 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Two episodes in and I'll be honest I'm not sure what this is trying to do.

The writers clearly want to homage Bewitched from the 60s and its a nice touch, but we aren't in the 60s anymore.

Episode two is starting to show a Life On Mars style with certain things being shown that are non fitting to the environment.

The best way to describe this show is Marmite, you'll either love it or hate it, at the moment I'm in the middle, the jury is out.
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Not sure about this....
15 January 2021
I love Marvel, but this is odd, I'm hoping it improves as ep 1 was just strange.
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Poor finale for the worst season yet
8 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great so now we are back to the Michael Burnham chronicles again, the most annoying, disobedient, uncaring, crying at everything, obnoxious character in the history of Star Fleet now has the Captain's chair and no one else in the cast gets any decent screen time. I'm now done with this series, even the new uniforms are pants. Good luck and let's hope season 4 is the last one ever. Gene Roddenbery would be spinning in his resting place at this sheer self obsessed nonsense.
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Well that was odd......
26 December 2020
I'm still not sure what I just watched!!! That story was very strange and I'm completely flabbergasted now...

Trust me don't take anything from the trailer to what this film could be about.

Without a doubt the strangest superhero film I've ever seen.

Miss Gadot and Miss Wiig look fantastic don't get me wrong but this film shoots off in so many misfiring directions by the end of what seems an eternity at 2hrs 31mins you'll be pondering for hours thinking what the hell was that?!!!

I'm gutted, this could have been great but isn't, the first film is far superior.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Terra Firma, Part 2 (2020)
Season 3, Episode 10
One of the most promising episodes this season
19 December 2020
Being a hater of earlier season 3 and a massive fan of the original series I absolutely loved this for the tribute for one of the best plots star trek has ever had. No spoilers but well done to the writers, I never saw that coming and it sets up Section 31 perfectly. Keep going and tone down the Michael presence please, its time the other characters got a look in. Especially Detmer and Tilly.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Unification III (2020)
Season 3, Episode 7
I've had enough of this Burnham stuff now
28 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Always focusing on the worst character when all the others don't get a look in.

The other thing I don't get is how on earth did her mother end up exactly 930 years in the future? Not explained at all. Full of speeches and crying from a character no one cares about.

Stop this Burnham rubbish at once please, you are going to lose a lot of viewers, we want to see a Star Trek show, not The Michael Burnham Chronicles.

Also this episode was a filler full of talk and no action. So boring and nothing much happened in the 50 minutes.

Oh and Tilly was the obvious choice for the new temp Number 1.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Forget Me Not (2020)
Season 3, Episode 4
Why is only Michael Burnham the one to help?
6 November 2020
I'm getting sick of this now, always Michael Burnham this Michael Burnham that every week, please writers for Season 4 do not make every ep about MB it getting boring and I end up doing the washing up when it's on, and I hate washing up!! We need more story arcs for other characters. This ep is just MB and a Kes/Voyager dark haired wannabe. It doesn't work, it's just tedious now please listen to the fans.
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What the hell is this nonsense?
17 October 2020
What a waste of time, are the writers just obsessed with one character who is probably the most irritating know it all in the Federation?

I liked season 1 and loved season 2, but this Mad Max meets Blade Runner doesn't work for Star Trek. Please please take note of what your fans are saying, I'm sick of this whoa is me I'm Michael Burnham crap, get with the character building for Discovery Crew and give them their own story lines for Gods sake or people are going to stop watching this drivel.

It had as much to do with Discovery as Beans on toast does..... Nada!
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Extraction (II) (2015)
Complete yawnfest
4 October 2020
Oh dear oh dear, I like Gina Carano which is shy I gave this a chance, but it's sooooo bad.

Character building 2 out of 10 Story 1 out of 10 Director obsession with the theme music 10 out of 10

This is just a horrible film, I've tried my best to find something good, but there is nothing there!

Better use of your time is to do your washing or watch paint dry!
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Battleship (2012)
I really liked this
7 June 2020
I think the idea of covering the classic game is pretty tricky to do and this film handled it well. I saw it at the cinema in 2012 and have watched it 4 or 5 times since and thoroughly enjoy it each time. Ignore the haters, if you want a fun action packed evening with some humour too then check this one out!! 8 out of 10.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Inescapable (2019)
Season 6, Episode 6
Outstanding performances!
14 May 2020
Wow, this is my favourite episode of all so far, Jemma and Fitz showing a complete range of all acting skills, truly fantastic performances. A must watch, some happy, sad and terrifying moments all in 42 minutes!! Well done!!!!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Orientation: Part 2 (2017)
Season 5, Episode 2
The one where Jemma gets tinnitus.....
2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Season 5 is rubbish, I can't wait for it to be over, I don't like anything about it, just a waste of time and effort. The characters are different in the way they act, especially Mac and the format doesn't work. Car crash TV. Skip to season 6. Oh and in this episode Jemma gets tinnitus, rubbish overall.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Orientation: Part 1 (2017)
Season 5, Episode 1
What did you do Marvel?!!!!
1 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show, well I did, up to the end of Season 4 the story arcs, the characters, the twists and turns all first rate, then we get this rubbish. What were you thinking Marvel? Seriously, you took a fantastic show and got cocky with it, sending them to space and fill the season with new characters no one cares about and also changing the well loved characters. Mac especially, why is he all of a sudden so agitated? Never like that before and quite annoying to watch. What is it with characters losing their hands all the time? Just rubbish, you've really annoyed me so far with season 5, I might skip to season 6 as this isn't worth my time, even in lockdown. 3 out of 10, it sucks.
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