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A long slog
28 October 2023
......... just to get through the first six episodes, which I confess is all I've managed to get through. It's been work trying to keep my interest in seeing this. I saw a review that said the original team had succeeded in keeping this true to the original series and all I can say is NO! Just, no. It has none of the attitude, none of the atmosphere, none of the wit. Just none of it. I was going to give it a five just because the acting isn't really bad and I guess the story could have been OK......... I wonder if it really rates even a four, though. I'd like to read the book to see if Elmore Leonard really pooped out a log for this one. But no, I won't risk making the same mistake twice.

The worst thing, as others have said, is the daughter. I don't know if Olyphant's daughter's acting is good or bad, but I know her character is nothing more than a distraction to what is already a boring story. Snotty, stupid, ring-nosed little disobedient twit, she is disgusting. You hate having to watch her try to guilt her father. Olyphant's portrayal of Raylan as an old, tired, stringy gray-haired, past his time to retire lawman is not inspiring. Boyd Holbrook is casually mean and murderous enough, I guess. But I don't see how anyone could care about any of these characters. What a disappointment.

Well, after viewing the entire series, I had to knock another star off. The ending reeks of the writers saying, let's just make short work of this and get the hell out of here. This series was truly a waste of everyone's time, especially the viewers!
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Mr. Church (2016)
Irresistable tearjerker
16 October 2023
I don't think I've ever given a ten before, but there is simply no weakness to this movie. A family drama that never hits a sour note and actors who hit their marks every time, it's something everyone should watch at least once. Eddie Murphy is a revelation as Mr Church. There is no comedy in this role and he plays it with a depth that most people would never think he could. No one could have played the role better. No one. Britt Robertson is angelic in her beauty and her heartfelt performance penetrates to your soul. Natasha McElhone and the other actors are just as good, from the child actors to the short role of Jelly at the end, it's all just perfect. But be sure to have a box of tissues handy.
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Convoy (1978)
Maybe not even a three star movie
16 May 2023
And I'm a Peckinpah fan, old enough to have gone to see this in a crowded theater on opening day. After great movies like The Wild Bunch, Junior Bonner, Cable Hogue and The Getaway, I was expecting another classic. So getting this mess was a surprise and a huge disappointment. Kristofferson, Borgnine and Burt Young were professional and were serviceable in their roles despite the dialogue they were saddled with. The three stars are for them. But the rest of it was not even up to the level of a bad TV movie. The wooden readings of the moronic dialogue by the other parts- I say parts because the people in the roles surely were not trained actors- made me cringe upon hearing them. The screenplay based on CB "lingo" was enough to make one gag. The overlong bar fight, the tedious convoy, especially during the sand road scene and terrible score that accompanied it... the whole thing was pathetic and it did indeed signal the end of Peckinpah's reputation.
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You Know My Name (1999 TV Movie)
It's unethical to slander a good man's name like this movie does
23 May 2021
Tilghman was the corrupt one in this story, not Wiley Lynn. Tilghman was extorting protection money from the casinos and bawdy houses in Cromwell. Lynn was the federal agent in charge of enforcing the prohibition of alcohol in the area. Tilghman had made public threats to kill him, but when he tried to as Lynn was raiding one of his client's businesses, Lynn was able to fire his weapon first and kill the corrupt marshal. He was tried for the killing and found not guilty, but the myth of the old "lawman" was stronger than the truth, and Lynn's reputation was destroyed and he resigned from his federal job. He became an alcoholic and eventually died in another shootout.

I'm disappointed that Sam Elliott would agree to make a movie like this, which is so obviously based on lies.
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Domino (2005)
What are the two worst things on TV?
9 April 2021
Answer: Jerry Springer and the like, and Stupidity TV shows. And guess what?

This movie heavily features both. There is a long section of the movie that is nothing but a Springer segment, plus dialog and situations that copy that sleazefest, and then the bounty hunters get hired to do a Stupidity TV show with Christopher Walken doing his worst Christopher Walken impression as the show's producer.

Other than Mickey Rourke and Lucy Liu, the actors are all horrible. Scott's direction is clearly a sign of his oncoming depression or dementia. In a word, the movie, other than Rourke's and Liu's turns, is just a mishmash of horrible editing, cutting, music and writing. Execrable.
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Desierto (2015)
Pointless story
5 September 2020
Morgan plays a right-wing desert rat disgusted with the Mexicans illegally crossing to the US. After a discouraging encounter with the Border Patrol, which has taken no action on his sighting of illegal crossings, he decides to take matters into his own hands when he spots a large group of immigrants, with the help of his vicious dog and high-powered rifle. What follows is a relentless, xenophobic fantasy of violence, gore and terror, with a very predictable ending. It's decently acted, but it has quite a few scenes that require too much suspension of disbelief, added just because they are in the script, apparently. There's just no point to this movie.
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Not much more than an average made for TV movie
7 July 2020
I won't go into the story much, as that is well reviewed elsewhere. This is a very watchable movie, with an easy to follow storyline and well defined characters. But it is populated with actors like John Saxon, Nicholas Coster, Allan Arbus and James Sikking, who are strictly of the TV variety. And frankly, Redford, Fonda and director Pollack pretty much phone it in as well. Some of the line readings make you cringe. It seems that all involved saw this just as a moneymaker and nothing else. There are no deep meanings here, everything is as easy to understand as a bucket of cold water in your face. It's still an enjoyable, entertaining movie to watch. Just don't expect any more than that.
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A good movie, just a little strange. (Some light spoilers)
3 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know how to rate this movie. It's such a strange slice of seventies life. The main character, Redord's Big Halsy, is a totally amoral drifter and grifter. He never changes throughout the entire movie, not one bit. Oh, he lets slip a few moments of doubt, here and there, but he's incapable of being someone anyone can depend on. Ever. Then there's Michael Pollard's Little Fauss, his real name, apparently. A strange, shy, bumbling incompetent, his mannerisms make him hard to feel sorry for, much less root for. His parents, with scenery-chewing peformances by Noah Beery and Lucille Benson- everyone of a certain age will recognize these two fine supporting actors- are just as odd, speaking with strange country accents and living just awful, hard-scrabble lives. The only difference in their living circumstances is at least they have a house. Halsy, on the other hand, lives wherever he can con someone into a bed, even if he has to pimp his girl to a sleazy photographer at the motorcycle race, a guy who might have his eye as much on Halsy's often-uncovered torso as on his bikini-topped girl. If he can't find a bed, Halsy sleeps in abandoned buildings or sheds. And the girls he picks up put up with it. It's such strange movie, but the thing is, to play these roles the acting has to be superb, and Redford's is. It's an artistic tour de force for him to plaster that phony, toothsome smile on his face, or try to be convincing as he boastfully and obviously lies. He makes you understand every nuance of what Halsy wants out of the people around him and why he wants it. Pollard, Beery, Benson and every supporting actor manage to flesh out these strange characters in a convincing and entertaining way. I guess in the end, despite the fact I find the movie very entertaining, I don't think it deserves an eight for the ultimate nihilism of its story. Although Little learns a life lesson on how to judge people by their actions rather than their looks or charisma, that's hardly a difficult or life-altering discovery. It's a movie that isn't going to grab you with any new insight into life, but it's enjoyable to watch and I recommend it.
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Formulaic action movie, but well done.
13 July 2018
If you like action movies, you should like this one. It's a revenge/buddy movie, set in New Orleans, and the musical score really helps the viewer get in a bluesy state of mind. Stallone is excellent as the old hit man who is still in incredible shape, but is a bit worn down, not by age but by the life. Still, he's seen and done it all and it's prepared him for anything. I see no need to describe the whole movie, but suffice it to say it's easy to watch, with no jarring moments that take you out of the story. The actors, many of whom are well known, all carry their roles with ease. Well, except for the second lead, a Korean actor named Sung Kang. Originally, Thomas Jane was cast in his role as the cop who teamed with Stallone's hitman. But apparently to appease the Asian audience, he was replaced with Kang. Kang is definitely the second banana in the role, and I'm not sure they would have played it that way with Jane because Jane is a much stronger personality onscreen. Kang has all the personality and likeability of an eggplant. He's not terrible in the role, but he definitely does not have the chops to spend time onscreen jousting with Stallone. Luckily, that one weakness in the film does not spoil the experience. Bullet to the Head is very watchable and enjoyable for what it is- an old-fashioned get even by shooting up the bad (or the worse) guys type of movie.
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Love this show and I'm no cook
23 August 2017
These two attractive ladies get a cookbook,make several recipes from it and have a guest chef come in and judge their efforts. Along the way, they have some very entertaining interactions, mishaps and observations about the cookbook, each other, and life in general. They are obviously close and longtime friends and that comes through in a way that makes them very endearing. It's just a very enjoyable show and it's a shame they are not doing it (or anything else) anymore.
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Contraband (2012)
15 January 2015
If all you want is an entertaining action film, this one is completely acceptable. Mark Wahlberg plays Mark Wahlberg, and I happen to like his usual screen persona, that of likable tough guy. But this movie does require a LOT of suspension of disbelief. Fist of all, there's the casting. The worst is Giovanni Ribisi. A less-imposing bad guy you'll never see. His weird high-pitched voice with an indecipherable accent along with a few verbal ticks will have you wondering why anyone would be afraid of him. Then there's Kate Beckinsale. It's impossible to believe that this elegant British beauty could be the foul-mouthed trailer park trash wife of a lowlife ex-smuggler. Even more laughable is the guy who plays her brother, a greasy, zit-faced, moronic little dweeb who couldn't possibly be related to her unless he was adopted from the pound. Beyond that, there are the usual absurdities of movies. The police never show up unless the script requires their presence, there's seldom any consequences for criminal acts, etc. In the end, Wahlberg is really just as bad as any other criminal. He's just more likable and intelligent. And the movie is an interesting look into the world of contraband smuggling on cargo ships. Have fun watching it. But be sure to check your sense of reality at the door.
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Blue Bloods (2010–2024)
Too many flaws
15 January 2015
This show wouldn't be totally awful without some of the huge and purposeful flaws it contains. First, and most obviously, there's the casting. The show beats you over the head with the family dynamic. This is a family of cops. The grandfather was a cop, the father is the police commissioner, and his sons are cops. The daughter is an assistant district attorney, and they all have several huge family meals together, every episode. Apparently, that's why a lot of viewers like the show. The main problem is not the totally unrealistic idea that four generations of a family would get together constantly to have huge meals. No, the main problem is the casting of the actors who portray the family members. There's not one person in the whole cast who looks like they could possibly be related to any of the other people. I mean, Donny Wahlberg as Tom Sellecks's son? Come on! Not only do they not resemble each other in the slightest, they are actually the exact OPPOSITE physically. Tall, short, balding, not balding (even at an advanced age), dark, pale... Absolutely ridiculous. None of the others are any better, including the children. The show is also beset with "TV acting". Tom Selleck is the perfect example of this. His go-to technique is to make the lines in his face around his mustache deepen as he bows his head. Donny Wahlberg's acting chops also consist of mostly frowns in varying degrees. Finally, there's the political nature of the show. It's the old cop religion, us against them, them meaning the rest of us who aren't cops. And it's the dirty "libruls" who are always out to get the cops, who are really good people despite Donny beating a suspect in practically every episode. I'm probably being generous in giving it three stars, but they do tell a story that you can follow and be interested in. That's the extent of what they do right. (definitely not "left")
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Air America (1998–1999)
It's not meant to be the movie...
17 February 2003
This syndicated tv show was not intended to ape the movie. It's a nice little action show and it's too bad more stations didn't pick it up. Lonzo has had at least 2 syndicated series fail since the long running "Renegade". It's too bad, he is a creditable "B" actor.
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