
7 Reviews
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Yancy Butler Brings it Alive once more!
29 September 2012
At the end of the third film we are left to assume the feisty "cougar" Reba is dead- This is not the case. The fourth film opens with her having survived the attack and now working with the local authorities to contain the vicious reptiles. Enter the new sheriff of the city, her daughter and a ruthless, out for himself poacher played by Robert Englund of Freddy Krueger fame.

This film is better than the standard SyFy fare, and as for the franchise better than parts 2 and 3. Yancy Butler is once again an entertaining and ass kicking force. If you suffered through the last 2 sequels then give this one a chance because as far as entertainment value goes it's way beyond the previous offerings (except of course the first.)
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Enjoyable low budget film
2 July 2007
This is a really good piece of work. Its not what you would call a roller coaster ride of suspense or action , but it does make you think. Plus it has a twist ending to die for. Very original.

The story is that of A jury in the deliberation room about to come to a conclusion on the guilt or innocence of accused serial killer Jack Hamiliton. The Killer has claimed 14 victims in an extreme method. First he seems to have no particular mold for who to pick- Man, woman,child,the elderly, Black, white or even handicapped. For this guy anyone will do.

He first paralyzes the victim via injection then drains the blood from their bodies. Basically the victim watches as they bleed to death and can't do a thing to stop it.

The Jury is bent on the guilt of Mr. Hamilton all except the Jury Foreman Mr.Griffith (Willam Forsythe of "The Devils Rejects") Who thinks that its a possibility that Hamiliton is actually innocent. He presents facts to the other members of the Jury- But he seems to be bringing more than just facts to the tables...but his own Ideas and speculations.

Ms. Olvia Toney (Yancy Butler of "Witchblade") begins having a problem with Griffiths methods and it leads to confrontation.

The plot is good though the story does move slowly in the beginning. The dialog carries the film.

The characters seem stereotypical and cookie cutter but this actually plays a big part into the story.

The acting is good on almost all parts - I have always like Forsythe as he manages to bring his intimidating presence to yet another film. This guy can bring the temperature in any room down 10 degrees.

This was shot during the height of Yancy Butler's problems and perhaps it shows in some of her delivery. Things are too dramatic and over pronouced at many times...Almost as if (speculation here) she was doing so to avoid slurring. I love Yancy's work and acting and she is by far one of my favorite actresses so saying that isn't easy. The final scenes with her though are riveting and she does an outstanding job with them. All in all this is a wonderful film and I very much recommend it to anyone who enjoys murder mysteries and or courtroom dramas.
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Give credit where its due...and it is.
10 December 2006
"Striking Range" has been a film I have been following for quite sometime- This usually works as a disadvantage because after so long I get let down with the end result. When the first seven minutes of the film was released on youtube I became very skeptical of the film. From the shaky camera work to the dialog I was like -"WTF"? It isn't surprising many people shared my opinion.

However the movie came out and I went ahead and rented it. sat through those seven minutes again and Im very glad I did because what follows is a very good film. The acting improved vastly as did the action and suspense. It was all quite interesting.

There are flaws of course- but knowing the budget and work that went into this ( via Internet and Indie Slate.) they are very easy to over look. My main issue was the purpose of one central character and while it does lend to one of the morals of the film ,it does kinda throw the viewer a bit off focus.

There's a lot good though- The moral of the story for one- ideals , agendas and power- what that can do to someone even if its not your own. The acting was Super. Honestly I have never really paid attention to Lou other than a brief TV series he did a while back...which was so-so. But he is very good as Vash. Another stand out is Glen Moreshower from 24-very good and Of course Yancy Butler great as always.

But seriously this film was low budget and you can't even really tell especially when you compare it with fims with a trillion dollar budget (you would be surprised.) that look very shoe string. this is high quality. and while it isn't the best thing ever it is waaaayyyy better than its current ranking.
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The Hit List (1993)
Not quite the Hit I was expecting.
26 March 2006
This movie is slow and tedious. But thats only at the first viewing of it. The Story is actually a fun and original one. Yancy Butler's Real life ex-fiancé (Jeff Fayhey lawnmoverman ) Plays charlie Pike a Hit man who takes a Job as a favor for Jordan Henning ( Yancy Butler ) the rich widow of a mob boss. But Jordan has something more sinister up her sleave then the protection she is asking pike for. The acting in this film is surreal and eerie. Fahey gives a oddly quiet though not bad performance of the hit-man falling for the possibly deadly Butler. He is fit in the role. This was Yancy's first film. She does an excellent job. Still though today this film lookes and sounds dated. It didn't stand the test of time...but its still for a good viewing every now and then.
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Doppelherz (2003 Video)
odd.... evil....grotesque.......annoying.
11 July 2003
repetition isnt something i can tolerate. though this film is intellgent(though at the same time completely non-senseical) it is overdone. it provokes the mind and is truly disturbing but its utterly boring as well. knowing the artist manson is this is a disappointment. i have seen it twice and i want to watch it leaves you .....empty.perhaps that was what he was aiming for.
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Fast Money (1996)
yancy is a goddes
25 June 2003
this movie is by far one of her better works. its exciting and a bit unpredictible! which is far to say than many of her inferiour works (ravager) also this movie has great lighting. as far as the other acting matt is less than perfect and plays up th nerd concept way too much. if anything just see this for yancy. its killer so is she.
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Witchblade (2000 TV Movie)
yancy butler blows angelina jolie away
1 December 2002
this 2 hour tele-film is better than most big-hollywood action films. it is very epical. the effects arent all that bad and the acting is very good. YANCY BUTLER is the sexiest woman alive. her acting is much better than angelina jolie who played a similar role in tomb raider. her eyes reflect so many emotions that many actors have to express in paragraphs. if you are going to watch one film in your life make it witchblade.
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