
4 Reviews
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Warehouse 13: Duped (2009)
Season 1, Episode 8
Va, Va, Voom
3 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Having watch all of WH13 since the beginning (and several times since) this eps is the one I love the most. It starts off with Myka & Pete fighting - Myka is winning. Then we get to see how and why they're fighting because we get to go back in time sort of.

Pete is playing ping-pong with a mirror image of himself, Myka catches him and proceeds to tell him how dangerous that is since they're in the Warehouse. Pete being Pete teases her, she shoves him and the fun begins.

Watching Joanne Kelly (who is stunning in the little black dress) play Myka as well as Alice!Myka (some call her Evil!Myka) was such a joy. She was not only knocking Pete's teeth crooked but Ms. Kelly knocked it out of the park with her performance. I especially loved the interaction between Mirror!Myka & Artie. Very telling for both characters and actors.

Pete's reaction to the kiss. PRICELESS. This is by far the best eps of S1.
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Warehouse 13 (2009–2014)
Joanne Kelly is NOT the kiss of death for shows
4 March 2010
Seems to me that l_brennan1979 has a beef with the wonderful Joanne Kelly and doesn't realize that ONE ACTOR can not, or will not make a show tank. The shows Ms. Kelly has been in tanked because of POOR RATINGS which had nothing to do with HER. So to that end, I think that poster is wrong.

Myka is supposed to have been all stuffy in the beginning, that's part of who Myka is. Myka is "by the book" where as Pete is more of a "free thinker". Their relationship is a lot like that of Bones & Booth on Bones. Also, Myka is an only child so it's no wonder she reacted to Pete the way she did some times. She has no siblings to have learned from.

Yes I am a fan of Ms. Kelly's and I've seen both actors in person and they have wonderful chemistry in real life (like really good friends chemistry since Mr. McClintock is happily married) and it translates very well on screen.

I LOVE this show and am so excited that it will be back for S2 (filming for S2 started 1 March). I look forward to seeing how the S1 Cliffhanger is resolved.

It's not X Files or Friday the 13th and it's not trying to be. It's a fun, light-hearted show.
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Playing House (2006 TV Movie)
Giving up Sex, Chocolate and sex involving Chocolate
29 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I recently was able to purchase a copy of this on DVD (only Australia has it on DVD weird I know - ETA: The DVD I have is PAL format & I have no way of making copies. You can now order it through I believe). I had to have it.

I had seen it years ago and really enjoyed it. It's light, funny and heartwarming. Frannie (I would like to know how the reviewer from 2006 got the name Madeline though) is so freakin' adorable (fabulously played by Joanne Kelly) and goofy. She hooks up with Calvin, the experimental jazz musician and winds up preggers. Calvin leaves on tour before she even finds out. The scene in the bathroom as she's waiting for the pregnancy test result is one of the funniest moments ever and very true to life I expect for some people. She winds up going back to Canada after landing her dream editing job with Michael because she sorta let her visa laps.

The other funny scene is when she & her mom are at the restaurant & Calvin calls and she yells on the phone about her being preggers. OMG that was so funny.

I love this movie have watched it numerous times.
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Counterstrike (2002 TV Movie)
Can I get an OY!
27 January 2003
The main reason I finally watched this movie is because of the actress who played Brittany, the ship's security chief...Rachel Blakely. She frellin' ROCKS! Of course...watching Joe Lando was a bonus, hubba hubba. But the story and script were a bit too cheesy for my tastes and I like cheesy! LOL It was a nice cheesy diversion for a couple of hours...but it could have been so much better. As for the little know actors factor...I've seen a few shows from Australia so a lot of the actors in this flick were familiar to me. Most of them have done guest spots on "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World" and on "FarScape". So it was fun playing "spot the TLW/FS guestie" while watching this flick. I give it a 5. Wasn't terrible, but wasn't a blow me away kind of action flick. I have a feeling that several of the cast were thinking "rent check" while making this flick. LOL
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