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9 March 2024
This is a movie that everyone should see, it doesn't matter the religion, the age, the race, or in which country they live. This is not about India only, it's about every country in the world, in which there's corruption, so more or less in all the countries of the world. This movie is about violence, hatred, power, egoism, ego, arrogance, fear, rage, anger, injustice, freedom, love, ideals, justice, courage, friendship, family, and even more. A movie that talks about what is happening in many countries, even today, in which the dictatorship is called democracy, countries that are in Europe as in all the other continents. A lot of people in many different countries in the world are sleepy, they don't notice what is happening, because they follow the mass media, the propaganda without thinking who is behind them, and without asking questions, or without thinking, and accepting everything the regime is telling them to do. It's the triumph of corruption, injustice, slavery, lies. After watching this movie you'll understand what I'm talking about, unless you also are sleepy. A movie like this one, should push people to think about their country, their government, without saying... oh, that's India, I live in a democratic country. Are you sure about? Let me ask you something... do you think that Italy is a democratic country? If your answer is yes, then you need to wake up, you're sleeping!

Anyway this movie is absolutely great... the actors are so good that you don't even think you're watching a movie. Almost 3 hours without getting bored, and of course, as many other Bollywood movies in between some dramatic scenes, you can find some dancing and singing, that never would happen in a Hollywood movie, unless it's a musical, of course. This is the main feature of the Bollywood movies, it's part of their culture, but someone could find it annoying or boring.

Highly recommended.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
Oh yes! Absolutely yes!
8 January 2024
WOW! I just finished watching the last episode. I've really seen very few series good like this one.

I enjoyed it! I loved it!

Let's say something... it's not for everyone, the violence here is at very high level, some scenes can be quite disturbing for someone, and the sex even though is not graphic, is almost present in every episode. It's normal, because in the real life it would be like that, but someone who likes fake lives might be saying... oh, it wasn't necessary. OK, I don't agree with it, but it's my opinion.

Anyway let's go on... in my opinion that who played the role of the "Sheriff", "Lucas Hood" is the less likeable person in this show, and sometimes I found myself saying... OK Lucas, you deserve to be beaten... his face doesn't perfectly fit, I don't know why, something is missing. He is a good actor, but there's something that I can't explain that makes me to think that another actor would have been a better choice, and he is not very sympathetic. I'm sure that many people won't agree with me, and it's OK, as I said... in my opinion.

Who is the most likeable, great, astonishing, wonderful, amazing character? Always in my opinion... Job! I started loving him since the first moment I saw him, and I'm not gay. This actor is awesome!

The writers are very good, the story is well written, and everything you want, but Job did his best to transform this show in something unforgettable.

All cast is absolutely very good, you dive in the story without thinking that it's just a movie... it looks true. It's difficult to stop watching this series until the end, but there are 4 seasons with 10 episodes each season, so at a certain point you have to go to bed, or do something else, and it's really hard to do that, because you always want to know what will happen next.

I'm not going to say anything about the story, you have to find it out by yourself, just do it, and you won't regret it.

Everyone really did an amazing job! Congratulations!
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What is this?
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why something that has nothing to do with the Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio? Ah, OK, it's Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, so he mixed a lot of stuff, offering a picture of the fascism with the Duce Benito Mussolini, why not even Hitler, and maybe something else? This is not Pinocchio, this is... I take some parts of the original book, then I change everything, I use some characters that don't exist, I put some war, something evil, some ghoulish, something scary, and voila, my Pinocchio!

Should this a story for children as the original book is? Absolutely not. Nothing is painted with the tones, delicacy, the shades of the original Pinocchio. Probably those who gave a high score never read the story of Pinocchio, the true story, not this one.

And not even in the end Pinocchio becomes a real boy, it remains a horrible puppet, yes, it's horrible, it's scary, what is this Mr. Del Toro? Is it a horror movie? Didn't you see how cute was Pinocchio? This is not it. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have changed anything about the story, but you cut some fundamental parts of the book, where are the cat and the fox? And Lucignolo? I don't know, for an American Pinocchio is nothing that they can remember, but for an Italian Pinocchio is untouchable, it's a masterpiece, it remembers our childhood, it was one of the first books that we read, it was moving, it was simply great! You destroyed our dreams, our memories, our childhood, everything. Sorry, you are an American who can't understand a book like Pinocchio, it's not in your culture, it's Italian, it's Italy!

6 stars because the animation is very good, 1 star for the story.
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A very good movie!
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know anything about this piece of American history, I'm not American, but I have to apologize to all Native Americans as I am a white man, it's not my fault, but I am ashamed of. This is a movie about what happened in 1920 in Oklahoma, but it perfectly depicts what still happens at our days. I'm not going to talk about that, because I'm here to say something about this movie. It's simply a very good film, and you won't easily forget it. Is it the best movie ever? No it's not, it's just a movie that for many reasons you won't forget, and after watching it, you'll agree with me, unless... It talks about greed, power, lies, evil, injustice, racism, betrayal, hate, and of course, money. Among that some love too... true love? Maybe...

It talks also about how easy was killing Native Americans, with the purpose of stealing their money, and not to be condemned, until the moment in which so many Native Americans were murdered that was impossible not to investigate about those deaths. Did the white man started to investigate, because of those murders? Of course not, the Native Americans had to go to the President, and asking for justice. What happened then? Did the Native Americans get full justice? Again, of course not, they weren't white men, they were Native Americans. However more or less, they got some justice, if we can call that, justice. Many people don't know that one day we all will pay for our bad actions, and we'll get the right punishment. It calls Universal Justice, and there's no chance to escape.

What was the reason why the white man started killing the Native Americans? Money, of course, but exactly why? The discovery of "black gold" on land belonging to the Native American Osage Nation, and suddenly they got rich.

It wasn't acceptable, they were savages, not civilized people like the white man, so some "good" white men decided that they had to get some of that money at any costs. So they started to kill the Natives.

Now it's time for you to see what really happened, and how.

A very good cast, and a great director was able to make this movie possible... Robert De Niro, Leonardo Di Caprio, Lily Gladstone, and the director Martin Scorsese.

It's very long, but believe me, you won't fell asleep.

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Not completely bad, but... anyway it's a martial arts movie.
1 January 2024
Where is the problem here? There is a great cast of really skilled martial artists, (even champions), and among them there is someone who have had just some training about martial arts, and unfortunately even if you're not an expert, you can easily spot them, because there's a huge difference between them and the others.

Another problem is very similar to the first, it's about acting.

Good actors, and let's say just less good actors. In many movies there can be very good actors, and maybe one or two less good ones. Obviously the latter would have just one or two lines, so you'll probably overlook them, and in the end, no complaints, you forgot about them.

In this movie instead, half of the actors act well, and the other half have some difficulties. Immediately you can tell the difference between them. Pity, it could have been a good movie.

If you don't like this genre, don't give it a look, it's a martial art movie, period. You would be disappointed, and pushed to write a bad review, because you'll be bored by seeing so many people using martial arts. Anyway, if you're a martial arts movie fanatic, you'll be pissed off, as the fights are not very realistic, and some moves are quite basic.

It's not a disaster, you have just to think that you want to spend one hour and a half without thinking too much, enjoying your popcorn, and drinking your favorite beverage. That's it.
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Redline (2007)
4 stars? It's unfair, it deserves more.
30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
4 stars? Why? It's unfair, unless you don't like cars, you don't like this kind of races, you don't like good acting, and don't say to me that these actors are not able to act, because you are absolutely wrong. But there's another possibility... many reviews are from people who don't understand anything at all.

I'm not saying that this one is one of the best race car movies, but surely it's not the worst, and there are idiots who dare to give only 1 star! It shouldn't allow you to write any review, you just write because you are envious, you're angry, you're mad at yourself as you didn't do anything good in your life, you are a failure, and you try to get some satisfaction by writing a bad review... believe me, it doesn't work, and you are making a fool of yourself.

At least look at some numbers before writing idiotic things.

This movie costed 4 million dollars, and the gross takings was 26 millions! A lot of movies would like to have this success.

Please, stop writing about movies, you're not able.

For those who are able to use their brains... this movie is not Fast & Furious, it's a movie about illegal drag-racing competitions, and the big bet behind that. It's not an Oscar movie and it doesn't want to be. It's honest, there are good actors, it's simple, and if you like to see some of the best super cars of that year (2007), you'll be satisfied. Ferrari Enzo, Mercedes McLaren, Lamborghini, Ford GT, and many others. As usual, there are many beautiful girls and one of them is a driver in some races. Obviously there's more, but it's enough. Again, if you like great cars (only a stupid person can say that the Ferrari Enzo sucks, it means he doesn't know anything about cars), some beautiful girls and the world of illegal car racing, this movie is for you, unless you expect to watch another Fast & Furious. It's not.
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Chino (1973)
A nice old sad western movie
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is nice, very good acting, and it can't be a surprise as it stars Bronson, Bozzuffi and Bronson's beautiful wife Jill Ireland.

Good directing and pace too.

It's not the usual western, and this time the ending can be not really satisfying.

Well, this is the triumph of evil people, money, power, violence.

It's not a good teaching as it points out that poor people have to give up, and not always it's true.

He lost everything, because someone decided that he was not well accepted, and he hadn't watch his sister. Someone arrogant, obviously rich, powerful, and bad.

Nowadays it happens the same, rich people take advantage of poor people, the story doesn't change, and probably it never will.

At that time, there was plenty of space, huge lands totally uninhabited, but still rich people had to have everything and poor people almost nothing.

This is the point, almost nothing wasn't acceptable, because a lot of rich people want everything, the absolute power, so as usual he used violence to convince him to stop thinking to have rights, and the game was over, the character gave up.

This ending is not what many people would like to see, but it perfectly depicts how the things were.

We like to see that the good man will have justice, and that the evil one will lose everything. The reality is totally the opposite, and probably this movie ending is the correct one.

A really good sad music accompanies you throughout the film.

Recommended if you like western movies, but not if you like happy ending stories.
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Better than the first?
9 September 2023
The first movie was released in 1986, this one in 2022, 36 years later!

The technology we currently have is something that we could only dream at that time.

Everything has changed, and filming in 1986 was quite surely more difficult than today.

A lot of special effects that in 1986 didn't exist. It was more genuine, natural, not so much sophisticated.

An Oscar for both, for the better music, and sound.

The first movie got a cumulative worldwide gross 24 times more than the budget, this one, "only" 11.

The time has changed, but I would think that I liked more the first movie. Anyway even this is not bad at all, and it deserves a high score.

I'm old, that time remembers me something that I'll never forget, but it's private, sorry.

For the current generation, looking at the spectacular special effects used in this movie is astonishing and great, for me it was the same at that time... now almost everything is fake, and I don't like it much.

Anyway I appreciated this movie and I surely can recommend it.

At that time, I gave it 9 stars, now 8.
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Mysteria (2011)
Nice movie, and the ending? ***SPOILERS!***
9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that many people won't understand at all, and they can be pushed to give it a very low score, because of that.

I know it's not easy, but it's not a bunch of scenes randomly shot, not at all.

It's interesting, well acted and directed and the script is very good. You start watching it, you got hit and involved, because you want to know how it will go on... Is it my guess right? Who is guilty? WOW, nice! After a while, a phone start ringing again... you're full of curiosity, you start guessing... is it her? Nobody will answer to you, unexpectedly... the credits. It's over.

How can it be possible? Who was the murderer, what happened? OMG, I can't bear it! This movie is crap!

No, it's not, read the title, and start thinking.

Probably you won't like it, and maybe you'll say that the script is awful, poor, and the writer is bad, and the acting was horrible and the pace was wrong. I'm sorry, it's you , just you.

You have to use your imagination, your fantasy, it's possible you don't have any of them, so, your anger will lead you to write a bad review, and give it a low score.

Pity, it was good, it deserves a better score, 7 stars, not 9.

Recommended, but not to everyone.
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27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get why this movie has a high score, it doesn't deserve it. It's horrible, it doesn't make any sense, just killing people, but how can it be possible that those people after being shot many times, were able to fight as nothing happened to them? And the plot? Trying to kill John Wick in any way possible, period.

The worst thing is that they used some scenes from the movie The Warriors (1979), they didn't try to change anything, a black woman with nice big lips, talking on the radio, guiding the gangs with the purpose to chase and kill The Warriors. Same with John Wick, but of course with a modern technology. Shame on you! Didn't you have any better idea? You just copied an old movie that was much better than this one, and that soundtrack was great!

What a disappointment! It remembers somehow Kill Bill, but that movie was very good, this one is almost unacceptable!

I enjoyed the other movies about John Wick, they were very well done, and had a good plot. This time it seems like they didn't know what to write.

Not even the ending was good, is he really dead? We can't be sure, and probably there will be a John Wick 5, because something is missing. Anyway the fight against the thugs, before the last duel, was really bad... just a videogame.
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Tracers (2015)
I enjoyed it
13 March 2023
I'm just speechless after seeing about what some people can do. I was watching this movie almost without breathing, even because the pace is very high.

Great actors, great stunts as I don't think that the actors were able to do something like that. I enjoyed everything , since the very first moment. When I read the title, I wasn't sure that it could be a good movie, but I saw the main actor and I recognized him as the Werewolf Jacob in Twilight, so I thought... let's give a try and I'm not regretting I did it. Probably not everyone would like a movie like this, but it deserves a look, because it's quite different from other movies and the story is not bad at all.

My score is a little bit high, but I don't care, because I spent some good time and that's it.
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Nice movie
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What many people don't understand is that working to satisfy your huge ego doesn't work and it's not what you should do. A lot of people got and get in troubles because of their ego. It's better to think about something else, something that will help you when you'll be dead and when the ego won't have any kind of meaning. This movie shows what some people can do to satisfy their hungry ego, even commit a murder.

I'm sure that someone would say... come on , it's just a movie, nothing else. Oh no, it's much more than a movie, because many times in the world happen things like this one depicted in this movie.

Good movie, well acted and directed.

My score is 8/10.
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Turnover (2019)
What a surprise!
8 February 2023
I can't believe what I just saw, this movie is simply great! All the characters are perfect, very well acting! A really good director who shot it in an amazing way. I saw this movie, almost by chance, without expecting anything more than something boring, even annoying without any kind of story, a bunch of scenes randomly shot. WOW, how wrong I have been! It's a poem full of love, friendship, nice teachings and even some fun. Well done, I hope that a lot of people would have a chance to watch this movie, because it deserves this. Highly recommended! No spoiler as I don't want to ruin anything 9 stars is my score, because I really enjoyed it!
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Dark Desire (2012 TV Movie)
WOW! Unexpected!
25 January 2023
Great movie! Well acting, directing and story. Congratulations to all cast. I really enjoyed it. In the beginning I didn't expect anything good, but I noticed a couple of definitely good actors, (Kelly Lynch and Michael Nouri), so I thought that maybe... and it was! WOW! Very good pace, interesting plot, full of suspense and I didn't miss anything, just stuck to the screen until the ending. That was really well written and satisfying.

I'm not saying anything about the story as I don't want to ruin the surprise, but I highly recommend to give a look to this movie, if you like thrillers, of course.

Maybe it doesn't deserve 9 stars, but not even it deserves few stars, so I'm trying to give it a chance.
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My Brother's Keeper (III) (2020)
Great movie!
25 January 2023
For "I wish it were better"... don't say you're a Christian, as you don't know anything about Christian people, for you it's just a word.

For all the others... wonderful movie! The same story... ego, proud, guilt, fault, anger, hate, forgiveness, apologies, love, plans, faith, friendship and God over everything, because God is all and all we need... yes the same old story, but when we will learn it? When the man will learn that God have always plans for them, even when it seems the contrary, because of loss, damage, misfortune, accident and so on. God gave us the free will, this means that we can follow Him or we can choose another way and do everything by ourselves. The only difference is that following Him will take us to Him and changing path. Sooner or later, will find ourselves in trouble. It's up to us, it's our choice, it's our life. This movie is very good, because it shows us all that I described and even more. It's not just a movie, it's the life, our life as human beings. Very well acting. A director who knows his job and offers us a movie that has a perfect pace. What about the story? Absolutely perfect, nothing forced, but of course, if you deny the existence of God, then nothing might have sense for you, I'm sorry, it's your life, it's your choice, and nobody will say to you... you have to have faith, you have to believe in God, no way. You have to decide for yourself, but please, don't think that giving a bad score will change your poor (if you think I'm talking about money, you really got nothing) life, Good luck!

9 stars.
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A nice surprise!
24 January 2023
Sometimes the ego is so big that we are in it. This character is showing it very clearly, a good lesson for those who can understand it. Another good lesson... it happens that we see something that appears to be how we see it, and we convince ourselves that it is true without thinking that perhaps there could be another explanation. Again our pride and bad mind is so huge that it drives us to believe what we thought we saw instead of waiting a minute, breathing and letting others explain. After that we can decide, and perhaps we can spare ourselves greater suffering. Of course, this is a movie and it has to last at least one hour, but in the real life, many times it happens as I just described, because of our immense ego. Good actors, director, story, absolutely well done!

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Bully High (2022)
A recommended movie... spoilers? I don't know.
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm recommending this movie, because of its teachings and that's the reason why I gave it 8 stars, so I'm not going to judge the movie, but what is inside it and what you can learn by watching it, even if you think that you know everything about this stuff.

It is a really good movie and a lot of people should see it, not because there are famous actors, the best photography or else, but for the teachings, as I already said. About bullying, racism, taking advantage of the others, violence, verbal and not, and of course pedophilia. Forgiveness, apologies, understanding, friendship, tolerance, acceptance, peace, love is what it shows us and unfortunately many people don't know what they are. The world is upside down now and it's up to us work on ourselves to make the world right, a better world as we can, of course. This movie give us some good examples to think about.
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A great teaching! A great movie!
13 January 2023
An old western with great actors and very well directed.

I'm not going to say anything, because that letter explained everything and watching this movie I felt the same that that man wrote. If you want to know more, watch this movie and you won't regret that, it's wonderful.

The only certainty is the God's Justice and everyone on the Earth will be judged following His Laws. This great movie has an important, let's say essential teaching... you're a man, don't try to be God, because one day you'll find yourself in front of Him and you'll pay for your actions. Someone can think that a lynch could happen at that time only, not in our day, but maybe they forgot what happened during the fake pandemic, so many people are crazy! Their stupidity is thinking that they are right, but He'll decide that, not you, man! If you were among those who wanted to lynch those who weren't vaccinated, give a look to this movie and start thinking how evil you are! Start to think about it, before it's too late.
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Dead Men (2018)
A movie without an ending and in general just a mess.
12 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers

Disappointing! It wasn't really a bad movie, but at 1:49:22 it started to be a mess, with no logic, no sense. Three men might shoot a man, who was riding towards them with the aim of killing them, and they were pointing their guns at him, and they waited for that very man to have shot and wounded one of them, then the same thing happened without any of them shooting him back. Why? No idea. Another thing I didn't like was the interruption between a scene and another one. It lacked of continuity. Going on, everything was absolutely confused, it seemed that at one point they didn't know what to do further and they shot as they could, putting the scenes one after another one without knowing exactly what they were doing. Before the end the stupidity reached the maximum level... he was surrounded and he asked for freeing his wife in change of a paper that he clearly showed. Why not killing him and taking that paper? No, it didn't happen, they released his wife and then they took him... seriously? The ending was horrible and absolutely inexplicable, the villain escaped from his fate and the good Apaches probably killed, I write probably, because ends up meaningless, as if they've run out of money to shoot any more.

3 stars and sorry, not recommended.
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Very good teachings, recommended for everyone.
10 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Even if we think that the church is connected to God, in many churches that's not true. God is not there, useless going to the church to find God, He's everywhere, not just in the church. Some churches are in the hands of quite bad people interested only in money and they don't help anybody, but themselves, if you don't have enough money to live you don't have to give anything, (especially to the church), thinking that then God will repay you back. It doesn't work in this way, mostly because you give that money expecting to get something back, no way! Pray and help as you can, one day you'll give money to those who are in need, no companies, church or institutions, unless you really know that they will use your money for good purposes, rarely it happens (my personal experience). Stop thinking that pastors, priests are more close to God than you, it's not true at all. The Vatican has so much money that they could help the whole humanity, but they don't do anything, they ask for money, instead. A lot of people are asking for money to God, it's a nonsense, ask for being reconnected to Him, because if you don't live in the abundance (it doesn't mean to have a lot of money), you're not connected to God. Praying and going to the church doesn't mean you are connected to Him.

This movie is very good, because it shows who some pastors are, the pastor asked for 777 dollars for his church (pastor's pockets), because then you'll get back even more. There are many stupid people like Jessica who think that offering more than they have, will repay them back, you can't buy God's blessings. That pastor is an evil person, a scammer, who takes advantage of people and he's not connected to God, but unfortunately many people think he is. Look what some churches do for people in need, nothing! Look how greed, arrogant, self righteous, sometimes we are (Jessica is a good example). Jessica is a naive person and had an angel next to her, but she offered her service to the devil thinking she was serving the Lord. The devil, many times appears to us in disguise. We should have more compassion, humility, less ego and above all more true love for God, ourselves and the others. However, one day we'll find ourselves in front of the real Justice and that's it, start to think about it now.
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What did you see?
4 January 2023
I don't have any idea on what the reviewers saw.

I saw this movie that lasted 1 hour 48 minutes and 06 seconds and not just 44 minutes.

It wasn't bad at all, it was funny and I spent that time without regretting anything.

The actors are really good, the director too.

The story is not new, but it's interesting and even if it has some flaws, and probably a little predictable, I can't say I didn't follow it with interest.

I don't think it's fair to give a score so low, but I really don't understand what movie the reviewers were talking about.

I think that there is a misunderstanding, even because in IMDb is written that this movie lasts only 44 minutes, so I think that we didn't watch the same film.

However I can recommend this movie to those who would like to spend some time without thinking too much and just to relax.
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A real threat!
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Some reviewers just wrote some nonsense and gave a very low score, and not even they are aware that some of what has been described in this movie is absolutely true, not the super powers tough.

If the best hackers would be unite, they could save the world and I'm not kidding, but they are too selfish and instead of being heroes, they are criminals. So talented and so stupid. This movie is real, I mean about that the governments are in the hands of someone (a bunch of billionaires, Blackrock and Vanguards) and that those people are interested to kill people, (bill gates told that clearly and it's trying, it, as it is not human), because they want to decrease the population, because they think we're too many for the resources we have on the earth. Pity that they are the same people who decide about everything in the world, not only they own banks, media, all the biggest companies in the world, but they are the same people who take advantage of the whole population by managing the world resources, and they take decisions on what the world has to do next. The reptilians exist too, but I'm not going to say more about. Unfortunately a lot of ordinary people are completely blind and they don't understand, see, listen to, do anything, so that the manipulation of the humanity is almost possible (look at the "pandemic"). We'll fight until our death, the body is human, the soul is divine and eternal., unless you decide to stay with the darkness instead of the Light.

Those who wrote this, know that it's true, great people!
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27 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible movie! The attempt to make people laugh failed miserably, it is too exaggerated! Two idiots like them are not likeable at all, in the end, they are annoying, why the director and the producer didn't understand that, it's a flop, but it could be a funny movie, maybe using different actors or a better script.

It's really difficult to find something fun, I tried to consider different aspects and point of view, but absolutely I couldn't laugh. Everything is pushed beyond the line of the acceptability.

They beat a chauffeur, because they think it's a thief... can you laugh for that? I don't know, I couldn't. The receptionist of a hotel gives them a card to open the door of their room and they don't know it's the key and annoying they ask for a key. Funny? Maybe.

It would have been funny if the words they said were different, or probably if it was another actor.

Anyway I wasn't satisfied, I didn't like the actors, but even less him, she wasn't that bad. My score is 4.
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Christmas Caper (2006 TV Movie)
16 December 2022
I wasn't expecting anything like this, I was ready to see something boring, quite bad. WOW! It was great! When it ended I was disappointed, because I wanted it to last more, how I don't know as the ending was absolutely satisfying. All the actors were very good, Shannon in primis, but even the others acted very well. The director did his job, no complaints at all.

I'm not saying that the story is new or that it was a masterpiece. It was funny, I spent an hour and a half in a very relaxing way and I enjoyed this movie.

Someone gave it 3 stars and wrote "like opening a wrapped present, and getting fruitcake". I'm sorry, but you said something stupid. What's wrong to get a fruitcake? You had to say, garbage, rotten fruit, I mean I would like to get a fruitcake. You see... you don't know what to write, and you write idiotic things. Give us all a favor... stop writing! Because of people not clever like you, I have to give to this movie 9 stars instead of 7, because it doesn't deserve 3 stars only! Grow up!
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A nice, Christmas movie
15 December 2022
I don't know what to say about this movie. It's a well done, funny, tender, romantic, easy, sweet, Christmas movie. If you don't like this kind of movie, then I don't think you should watch it. To appreciate a movie like this, you have to appreciate the little things that the life, every day offers to us. If you appreciate only wonderful, extraordinary, unbelievable, fantastic things, I'm sorry, you will be disappointed. Put aside your huge ego, load some humility and you will enjoy this movie.

The actors are really good and they know their profession. Same for the director.

It has not been shot in California, Oregon as you would expect by seeing their map and road signs, but in British Columbia, Canada. I don't think it's a big deal.

I enjoyed it and I never felt bored and it's not lame at all, as someone said, but of course, not everyone will like it.

7 stars, but I gave it 10 as I don't like when a movie like this one, gets a low score, because I know that many people worked a lot to make this movie, and the effort was huge. I'm sure, it wasn't easy at all. I worked as an actor in some movies (nothing special) and I saw that many people worked at the same time, in any kind of conditions.

Many reviewers just don't care, they stay at home, writing some stupid things (not all of them, fortunately) and giving 1 star, just because they feel important, when in reality they are losers and their lives suck. I really didn't find any movie that doesn't deserve at least 3, 4 stars. It's just my opinion, but I always think about what there's behind, not only what is in front of me.

I'm not a critic and I'm glad I'm not, that profession is really awful.
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