10 Reviews
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The Predator (2018)
Okay movie, ignore the one star reviews
1 December 2018
Not the greatest movie ever made but not deserving of the one star reviews dished out here. By the way, just because you do not like like a film does not mean you automatically give it one star. Shows a lack of critical assssment. The movie is entertaining enough and there are problems to be sure. But if you just want to keep ck back with a decent enough sci-fi, horror flick late at night and enjoy the good a lot no with the bad you might find this surprising. If all you want to do is piss and moan and slam down another one star review here then maybe move along.
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Got into it
12 November 2018
A gritty slow burn of a small town desert noir story. Fallen cop seeks to redeem himself. Lots of strange characters and when the violence erupts it is brutal. Overall pretty good. Worth a watch.
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Family Demons (2009)
12 November 2018
Had heard this was good but right away I did not like the acting, cinematography or direction. Camera work was really bad. Don't know why some people made it sound so great. The first Australian horror or crime film I have not liked in a long time.
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The Meg (2018)
Not really that bad
3 November 2018
This might get lumped in with most of the crappy shark flicks that are churned using cheap CGI and cheaper acting and production, but in the end it is not to bad. Nothing new or ground breaking. All the same cliches and characters you find in movies like this but it is done well enough to be watchable. Jason Statham is okay at doin* the same thing he always does. Chinese actress Li Bingbing acts in the way most Chinese actresses do, which is from the overacting school but she fits into the story line well enough. The little kid character doesn't dominate the story which is relief. I didn't expect to like it but I did.
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Rogue (2007)
Cut above average your croc flick
23 October 2018
I was going to just veg out with a no brainer CGI croc flick and this turned out to be much different and better than expected. From the director of the Wolf Creek films I expected this to be relentlessly gory and a body count type animals attack but it went i a slightly different direction while still fitting into the genre. Not too gory and the croc is believable. I did not see one scene where it looked fake. A good mix of practical and CG effects. The film lost lots of money and it has that shadow to deal with, but don't worry. It's doable.
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First Man (2018)
I walked out
13 October 2018
I used a free movie pass so I did not lose any money thankfully. Canadians trying to tell the story of America's moonlanding. They obviously feel jilted. Yes let's make this about humanity as a whole and not the US and the space race. But they failed. I did not like the shaky cam work and space pacing of the film. Scenes drag on so slowly. Not even in the same league as a real space film like Apollo 13. I just could not take it and left. I knew too that the flag snub by progressive Canadians was coming and feel the experience leading up to it was was not worth it. Boring and slow and not American.
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Hold the Dark (2018)
Way too slow and long
6 October 2018
The film had potential but most of was too painfully slow. Apparently trying to artsy or something. Some graphic violence jumps up at you now and then and then it back to plodsville. I had to fastforward it for the last stretch to just end it.
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Spinning Man (2018)
A slow burn but good
24 June 2018
I enjoyed this myself. It is a cat and mouse style slow thriller. If you like something action packed or in your face it may tire you a bit at times, but it is a good movie that is well acted, written and directed. Not perfect, it close enough.
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The Monster (2016)
No action, no suspense
30 May 2018
If you think people walking around slowly in the rain with the camera cutting back and forth between the same two characters for an eternity is scar6 then you'll love this one. Wasted flashbacks trying to dthe fellow the characters you don't care about in the first place. Tedious is the best word I can think of. I found myself exhaling and sighing in frustration just wanting something to happen.
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Boring and frustrating
8 April 2018
Just had me fed up about half way through. Really tried to like it. The shots were needlessly artsy and the music score often inappropriate. One could gild the lily all day with this and try to make it into something deeper than it is. In the end I just felt like fastforwarding it. Pretentious and ultimately painful to finish.
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