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I had great expectations and I'm totally angry at M Night AGAIN.
26 January 2013
Look- I'm not a fan of this director. Lady in the Water was rather good. Some others weren't too dreadful. He inserts himself frequently into his own pictures-cameos. Whether it's an homage to Hitchcock or just a sense of undeserved pride,who cares? It's embarrassing. Boo. Hiss. I read the controversy about ethnic origin. I agreed.In this day and age,there is no excuse not to use the cast of the right ethnic type. It's OK to substitute a Korean martial artist for a Chinese one or a Japanese one (etc) especially for the little boy,but a Caucasian-no. My son was in martial arts for 10 years. There are many Karate and TKD and other studios all over the country with children who can act. I really thing film,even for children,should require some acting skills by the cast before they are hired. You can't just hire Jeff because your daughter has a crush on him,for example.

I was really looking forward to Dev Patel's next vehicle after Slumdog Millionaire but clearly ,giving him a cape with a hood and a burn scar and telling him to "act wounded,angry,unloved,and monosyllabic" was not useful. Patel is a mature actor and M Night made no use of him. Next to the little white kids parading around in costume, shorty trying to find something besides air and confessing he's a coward (why did I keep thinking of Kung-Fu Panda?) the absolute whipped cream and cherry on top of this sundae was Assif Mandvi.

Laugh or cry? Could you decide? I really couldn't. The dialog was so horrible. (Yes- everything IS the director's fault) But the minute Mandvi speaks,with that distinctive voice, you know it's him. Alright-fine. If he could act. But he can't He can only read lines. So whenever he speaks,you expect the punchline. Where's Jon Stewart? Is a Republican in the wings with a large cigar and a poster of Mao? Can it be any more sadly hilarious? He can't play a villain. But he's trying,I suppose,for a really nasty Asian used car salesman.

Directors in the good old days have re-shot half the film when they found the voice wasn't right,or a character died,or a test audience didn't respond well. I guess these days,you just puff out your chest and say,"screw the audience. I'm M Night Whats'it's."
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The River (1951)
Avoid this movie,run away. Live to view another day.
5 September 2011
Having read many of Rumer Godden's books,I hope to G-d she looks nothing like Harriet. There is Nothing,and I mean NOTHING in all the scenery of India that could take my mind off the face of that girl. I kept thinking, braces? nose reduction? paper bag?) No- since she was indeed the center of the movie,and that in itself was the main mistake, they casting should have been ,shall we say, less unfortunate. And to the reviewer who thinks a movie set in Bengal needed less local color,I say, "&*(*&&%!.) Who cares that three girls had a crush on a fairly uninspiring,homely,one-legged man? I didn't. I watched for "the local color." I have lived in Bengal and dipped my toes in the Ganges stared down a Brahmin cow,stroked a donkey painted pink for some unknown reason had a banana thrown at me by a Hanuman monkey and stood beside a dancing bear. Yes India is colorful and dangerous and not the least bit romantic. That nonsense should have died in all of your heads a long time ago when you discovered the reality of famine, corruption, bribes, and inequality that is India.

I liked the music but found it strange that Melanie had such a thick non-Bengali accent and when her father tried to praise her painting (which isn't in her blood-so where did she learn it?) he said "bahaut achi" which is Hindi for or very nice.They are in Bengal. He would have said "Khub Bhallo" - which means very good in Bengali.

To me this is one of those ,The Emperor Is Naked Folks movies.
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Guzaarish (2010)
Plagarized movies are never " One of a Kind"
30 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible. Pitiful. The dialogue,Sofia calling Ethan Mr. Mascarenas for 12 years. His mother staying away because he "didn't want her to see him that way." If my son said that-a son who hadn't left -or wasn't to leave the house,for the next decade+, I would simply move in anyway. What exactly would he do to stop me? And why was Ethan ready to die? Towards the middle,it's explained that he needs dialysis frequently and breathing assistance. However,dialysis is done in a hospital,even in the U.S. This doesn't mesh with Ethan never leaving the house. As for that,if he got out more often, perhaps his depression wouldn't have driven him to request death as a choice. The plot suddenly submits,through his lawyer,that he has no money. I submit,if he had sold his huge,useless house, bought a modern,well- equipped 3 bedroom flat with a view,kept his radio show,married Sophia,he could have lived with a great degree of happiness for several more years . He had a support system,family, people who loved him and needed him and things to look forward to. Even in this country,simply being a paraplegic does not warrant euthanasia. People who choose to end their lives generally have no support, financial reserves, friendship, human contact,and despair due to severe and unending pain. I think this fairy tale makes a mockery of those souls who suffer all of the above and still manage to hang on. As for the scene with Ethan lying in his bed being tortured by the leak in the roof-twaddle. He had a voice and at least 5 people in the house. The lawyer had mentioned the day before that the roof leaked. How convenient. The American song choice was maudlin and needed editing. We didn't need to hear the whole thing to get the message. I could go on,Hrithik at times looked demented when he pulled his face in a smile. His eyes were wild looking. The clothes he and Siddiqui wore to court looked like the circus had come to town. It was hilarious but I'm sure that was not the intent. This is frequently a problem in Bollywood movies when the characters wear western-or attempt to wear western clothes. Even Indian clothes look too over-the-top. SRK is one of the few actors who -usually-looks dressed appropriately. I'm not fond of the habit of Indian film makers stealing works from elsewhere and passing them off as their own. I hated Black. I have watched the original so many times that Patty Duke's performance is etched in my brain. However,I prefer Ek Ajnabee to Man on Fire. I think it had a nice Indian twist. But that is a rare thing indeed.
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Ek Ajnabee (2005)
Thoroughly enjoyed it!
19 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I deplore India's theft of recent scripts and whirlwind remakes of those same movies. Man on Fire-2004/followed by Ek Ajnabee-2005, is an obvious example. I haven't see all of Man on Fire. I saw the end. I found it well acted but depressing. I am of the Melina Mercouri school of Tragedy . When she saw Medea,she envisioned it ended with "and they all went to the beach." Having said that, I obviously did not run out and rent a copy of Man on Fire so as to see the parts I had missed. Denzel Washington is an accomplished actor so I expected nothing less than a stellar performance throughout. I just didn't see the beach. Today, I turned on the Zee channel, and Ek Ajnabee was playing,again, half way through the movie. The performance by Big B was immediately sensitive and riveting. I googled. Bollywood being what it is,I had 1 1/2 hours left to enjoy. It certainly shows what Indian actors,given decent scripts, can produce.Knowing that it was a rip-off, while a disappointment, since I believe Indians are capable of writing equivalent or better scripts. I have your word that the events ,plot,and even the dialog are the same in both movies. Only the ending differs. Therefore,for my money, I will probably be shelling out whatever Nehaflix is charging this month. Well I have since had a chance to watch the entire movie and I must say I was impressed. It held my attention, and it was Indianized ,if you know what I mean. Seriously,when Anamika is asking for help with her homework and the servants try to reply in front of the Colonel,it's hilarious. Is there a comparable scene in Man on Fire? Could there be? If you don't you know what I'm talking about,the little girl asks "what is the capitol of the USA?" They answer "London," and Bacchan stares but says nothing. Then she asks, "who is the prime minister of India?" Smiles, head nodding,aha!, "ShahRukh Khan!" The look on Bacchan's face was well worth the cost of the DVD-$7 at Nehaflix. Loved it!!! Denzel never had that scene. Denzel is big-not that big. Indianized.

I'm on my 3rd viewing today. Yup-still love it. An I hate action movies.Happy Diwali- bang. I know it's not very cerebral,but the acting is believable, the characters are well drawn, I loved the little girl and her mother. Yes,the song was an extra I would have cut. But I still give it a 7. I enjoyed the mayhem. Immensely. "And they all went to the beach." Jai Ho!
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Meet the Spartans -better than the material it's spoofing-most of the time.
8 February 2009
Meet the Spartans may be silly and stupid but it is a spoof after all. I laughed out loud repeatedly when I saw it last week On Demand. OK-it was free and the price was right. It's a spoof of the movie 300. saying it had no plot is nonsense. It actually follows the movie from beginning to end. I've watched 300 3 x now and MTS 3+ x. On the whole,MTS was the better movie. I could have done without the defecating penguin and the general use of body fluids for laughs from the first shot of the the baby Leonides(who did look a lot like a baby Shrek) to the Pit of Doom to Xerxes (who's body jewelry I thought was over the top-till I saw 300!)and the training of the small boys( which again struck me as too harsh-till I saw 300.) All in all,this reminded me of SNL spoofing S. Palin. The lines were already there. So was the plot. If you didn't like the spoof,maybe you should take a more critical look at the original.

So here I am -it's July 18,2009. I have watched the movie 5 times-at least. As soon as I get around to it ,I will buy a copy.It's fandamdtastic. I read ALL the comments. SHAME one your closed little minds. I don't usually waste much time on spoofs but this was a worthy one. I watched it in isolation. I watched after having seen its model. Best of all,I watched the 2 movies back to back. Wow! The 300 was pretentious crap. Really. But Meet The Spartans made it forever,memorable pretentious crap.I especially love the spray-on six packs and the dancing and skipping.But then I have a superb sense of humour and just love the snark. As for the child abuse? It's actually a pretty broad depiction of what happens in 300. So maybe you should watch closer.
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