
3 Reviews
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The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
An excellent film (Way to miss the point, snarkists...)
27 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I have to laugh at the way come people with an axe of their own to grind have to cast this as some 'liberal propaganda' or 'communist sympathy' or whatever other nonsense such people are spouting in these reviews.

The film itself is...well, it's made in the early 1980s, and not on a great big budget. Some of the acting isn't the best, some of the blocking tends to look amateurish with the benefit of a quarter-century of new technology, and yeah, the special effects aren't going to seem real impressive to a generation that's seen so much more than was available then.

It's still a frightening, well-written, well-composed movie with a vital and valid point about the utter insanity of nuclear weapons. It's frightening and as close to 'real' as one could expect at that time. I really don't see this so-called "liberal" slant or "elitism" toward rural America. If you are so fortunate to have not grown up under the threat of "Mutually Assured Destruction" and myopic enough to think that the threat of nuclear war is now passed...well, I envy you in your ignorance. If all you can think to say about this fine movie is "the special effects suck," then I congratulate you on your uncanny ability to miss the point. The remark about Kennedy's "over-reaction" really made me laugh, given that historians of all political bent are in general agreement that if not for Kennedy's "over-reaction" - and my father was on one of those boats - the results may well have looked much like this film. Please, if you want someone to pat you on the back and tell you how clever you are, go troll MySpace or something.

If, on the other hand, you want to get a genuine feeling (or a trip down memory lane) for what it was like to live under the constant fear of nuclear war; to understand the blanket of fear that we all lived under at that time (and don't believe this nonsense about 'oh, the cold war was nearly over,' we sure didn't know that *then*); to understand the sense of melancholy, resigned distrust of our fumble-fingered "leaders" and why some of us have never been in a big hurry to go to war...take a look at this film. Yes it's dated. Yes some of the performances could have been better.

And yes, if you have anything approaching a soul or a sense of humanity, it will frighten and move you, regardless of whether "Threads" was a better film or the special effects "suck." Rated 10/10 because what the movie loses in performance quality and fancy CGI that didn't even exist 25 years ago, it more than makes up for in a perfectly-executed buildup to the event, and an unflinching look at how the crass self-absorption evidenced by some of these comments would play out in a real disaster.
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Mister Sterling (2003– )
Best New Show On Television This Century
14 February 2003
No, I don't work for NBC. I also don't watch a lot of television. Mr. Sterling is the first program in many, many years that I make it a point to NEVER miss. Where it could be very bland and formulaic, it transcends; where it could pander to popular opinion, it takes chances; where it could be "West Wing Part 2," it stands on its own...and IMO, it stands head and shoulders above West Wing. A senator with a conscience - whoda thunk it? The show pulls no punches, portraying a Senate that many of us in the US like to pretend doesn't exist; a senate of favors and political intrigue, where "doing the right thing" is measured in how you can get the most campaign contributions or 5-second soundbytes on CNN.

If you only watch an hour of television a week, make it Mister Sterling. You won't regret it. In a world where "The Real World" is anything but, and "reality television" is an oxymoron, this bit of creative fiction provides more "reality" than I can recall seeing in a television show in this century. Maybe I'm being a bit over-enthusiastic about it, but I don't think so. If this show is given a chance to succeed, I think it can become the sleeper hit of the 2003 season, and beyond. A truly amazing show.
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Bitter Moon (1992)
This is not a comedy, nor is it a porno flick (mild spoilers)
9 October 2002
Warning: Spoilers
In disagreement with "Howlin Wolf," I feel the need to point out that this is not supposed to be "Rambone 47" or "Porky's." This is a dark, brooding film that serves as a study in dysfunctional relationships, with all of the warts and sores and scars carefully highlighted for maximum impact. I don't want to spoil too much, but suffice it to say that this film is replete with irony so thick you can cut it with a knife. It's not a happy movie; it's not a movie designed to make you feel good about relationships. It's about bitterness, anguish, and the strange way that life has of catching up to you in ways you never expected. People who would enjoy this movie to is fullest potential would be Polanski fans, women who have just left abusive relationships, and recently single men trying hard not to face their own role in the demise of their recent relationship. It will make you look harder at yourself, and if you are in a relationship, it might make you try harder to be a good person within that relationship's confines.

Revenge is indeed a dish best served cold....and bitter.
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