
9 Reviews
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Big Game (2014)
Very watchable fun
14 October 2023
Samuel, Samuel Samuel, Like we've never seen before. If you're after a bit of tongue in cheek fun this is for you.

Any low scores are surely because people might've been expecting a blockbuster, and that, it is not. It's just a well made popcorn B-movie for a relaxing in night.

All the moments that are a stretch of the imagination, the camera and acting let's you know its intended as tongue in cheek.

Talking of the acting, it's pretty good all around.

The scenery is of course fantastic.

In all, it's a feel good kid hero movie that might bring a smirk and a grin to you. For me it deserves a solid 7.
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Stuff. Get rid of stuff. It doesn't mean much and you'll feel better
26 February 2023
The whole hour is just saying stuff 5 times a minute.

The story of 2 people who realised they ha d too much stuff and got rid of it. The sense that things don't really make you feel better, but actually can make you feel guilty for the waste and clutter. Even memories aren't in things but in your memories and keeping a few trinkets is better than diluting it in hundreds.

On top of that I found the 2 talking so robotic, like a poor Ted talk with bad audio. Gave up at 35 minutes mark, but since I was washing up could be worse.

So, there, saved you 53 minutes in exchange of your 1 minute reading this. ATB.
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Creed (II) (2015)
It's has a few moments.
17 October 2021
Took me a while but finally watched it.

Its sad to see that a 40 year old movie totally out classes a 2015 follow up.

There are times it feels so flat and disjointed I thought it'd done. Then a couple of moments bring some luster.

The score is lacking. The fight seems with all the tech can't match the old. Some of the dialogue follows the same line.

Its really lacking heart and a big score.
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It was Ended better than it started. 6.5* rounded up to 7.
28 April 2020
Ok as a straight to TV type movie - not a series or mini series, simply a movie in 2 parts! Pure entertainment in its whole, nothing to make your grey cells work too hard. The start was pretty abysmal I won't deny it and I was ready to turn it off after only 10 minutes. Complete with the worst wooden acting ever, phenomenally poor really. Still, I watched in hope of it improving. And it did. The story line, far-fetched of course, was interesting enough. The action was ok, the hero hits everything, the baddies could hit a barn. Nothing too flashy. Some great moves sprinkled here and there. The flashbacks were just about passable. The acting/filming improved as the movie went on. It did start to gel and capturing interest as it went on. Episode 2 started as Ep 1 finished. At the end all, the story line tied together cohesively (still far-fetched) nothing left untold. Could've, should've, well, certainly left a door open for an Ep 3 continuation. Lacking that, served as a pilot for the XIII series in 2011 which has a similar rating, different actors, further episodes. To watch sometime.
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Strike Back (2010–2020)
Gist: Scroll back to series 1-5 recipe!
22 April 2020
Scroll back to series 1-5 recipe! The first series was great. Depicted the excitement of genre and also Potter's difficulties, choices and ultimate price as many had to make during their duty. Series 2 to 5, changed tack a little, hiking the excitement factor and adding a great fun element with Winchester and Stapleton chemistry, the section 20 team changed somewhat over these series but never lost the spark. New characters always adding some perspective. They made you care in someway as movies ultimately need viewers to do. Series 6 lost it all.No interest, no emotion. The short appearance of Winchester and Stapleton at end of series 6, akin to teleport'ed from a different dimension. Both in the manner done as with the calibre of the acting side by side. It provided a glimmer that maybe they've be back, but no, sadly. And Strike Back fell in the abyss of forgetfulness. The idea behind Series 1-5 lingering... Was a great show.
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Early Man (2018)
Wallace and Gromit comes of age painting 'history' into animation
25 February 2018
For me, its the best so far and I loved Chicken Run!

This time, the story is depicting historic events all compressed into one in a fun way. We had the extinction of the dinosaurs 65m years ago, the meeting of the pre-historic man with the bronze age man and their evolution. Adding coliseum 'games' into the mix. Sure, not an accurate history lesson, but its a bit of fun. I love how they did away with the fighting at the 'games' and expertly handled greed and manipulation. All wrapped in the fun signature animation.

The adults were never forgotten throughout with plenty of innuendos aimed at keeping them entertained.

Overall, I thought this was a great offering. My children loved it (4 and 9) and my 9 year old giving it a 9 score :).
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Glad they use Vinnie in a Cameo for marketing. Surprisingly good.
7 November 2014
So... like most people started watching this because of Vinnie in the front cover. Well.. there is a 60 seconds Vinnie Cameo. Vinnie at no point features holding onto a shotgun. They used it as a marketing strategy to get you and me to see it. And I'm glad because the movie is very good (where most in the genre just don't cut it these days). Decent acting. It's the old story you hurt my family, I hurt you more. But interesting with morals and a twist within the story. I believe anyone could understand the main character's reasons. The movie goes from the revenge plot to a... liquidator plot. Solving nasties in the business. Enjoyed it.
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Entertainment. Seven or Eight; Eight!
13 April 2014
I started watching this movie being a little curious never having seen any street dance film before. Boy was I in for some entertainment. Some reviews claimed no story, although recognising how brilliant some of the moves where. If anyone else thinks this is just run of the mill, then please tell me your favourites because I'm watching them too! Me? I found the story as valid as any of the dance classics (Dirty Dancing is always going to come mentioned). A crew that wants to be heard so they can make a name for themselves, and end up wanting to be heard to have a voice and fight for what they have. The dance choreography was phenomenal, creativity to the max. Each I find breaking the previous, and the end scene perfect. That end scene then ties closer to the picture directing, wow, it's great. The final duet dance with the cityscape and sundown behind them. Its magic. Will it/ could it become a classic? Depends if the protagonists make it in the cinema world! (I believe) It's that good.
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Real Steel (2011)
Character, comedy, 'full of beans'
24 November 2013
Its been a while since I was this entertained. The movie is brimming full of character, its funny, the human touch comes through and even some light drama. The lines across the film are spot on. Sure, the secondary plot is very lightweight, but who cares? For the type of movie this wants to be... its atom! It hits the spot every time. I thought the acting added value and the whole father/son, albeit via a robot game evolved through the movie. It went from a very distant and 'so what' to warm, sentimental scenes. Very good acting. On the dialogue, some of the 'You sold me', '100 miles for a kiss - Was worth it', they are just peppered lightly to life and amuse. Brilliant.
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