
5 Reviews
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Still shamelessly milking the same oldn 1994 cow, how sad.
6 November 2022
This series is a pathetic attempt to shake every possible dime off an incredible 90s film.

The actor of the Louis (which is of course now black) does not have one 10th of Brad's talent. We grow so tired of the same old cashgrab race-swap story, its Marvel, it's Disney, and its side leftovers such as this forgetable series that not only won't stand the test of time but also not stand the test of next year.

This kind of series goes to show how amazing the original movie was, that horrible companies still try to mimic it to this day.

How about trying to create something original? Something new... Without riding on a horse that would rather die than carry this kind of lazy writing. Poor, very poor indeed.
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Behind Her Eyes (2021– )
The trailer tells the entire series if you have half a mind to see it.
17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well, as the trailer clearly shows you bits and pieces of every major piece of the story, then you don't need much of an imagination to see where this is going. Why is the series so scared that they show everything in the trailer? Here's why:

The main flaw is that you can't see Rob's personality or traits in Adele, and that greatly reduces the overall quality of the series. Its like those movies where the directors just do whatever they want in order for the pieces to later fit together even though it doesn't add up when you reveal the whole picture. In other words (and unfortunately) - bad story telling.

I didn't read the book but I'm sure it was so much better... When you think about it, the creators kind of treats the viewer as an mindless zombie in the big picture, as you're just supposed to take it as it is at the end and not question that transition to Adele and say 'ahhh of course, it all adds up' just because they made her an addict. ONE thing is not enough to justify an entire series of 'lets just do whatever we want to make things fit'.

And that's why the trailer shows everything. Because they know the series is built obn really poor story telling. Those kind of shows just try to sell you everything they got on the trailer.

A perfect transition from the book would probably end up as a trailer where you see a simple 'cheating' story, and perhaps you wouldn't want to watch it... But you'd find out from friends that there's more to it, and the word would spread to make the series a hit, rather than though an all revealing trailer.

Very poor story telling.
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10x10 (2018)
Can't get over how extremely poor script was...
14 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly it was so hard to get through this movie... One poor scene after another., where nothing made sense.

The woman kept beating his ass to the ground, yet she always left him in a fine state ready to overtake her again, until the end where she turns into some kind of monster.

I have no idea how this movie keeps a score above 3, which would still be a kindness.
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From unique magic, to empty fastfood.
20 December 2017
I will say one thing... No movie has ever made me so sad before. Unfortunately it wasn't the movie itself that contains sadness or any other emotions, but the utter destruction of the magic that Star Wars had.

The original trilogy did something very rare, it somehow captured magic, truly! You can still feel it today. In truth, new movies shouldn't really have the ability to destroy the magic of older ones... But if you continue to pile trash over diamonds, eventually their shine will be lost to the world.

I still had some hope after Force Awakens, I'm not ever sure why (as it was really bad in itself) but I guess that JJ at least had some respect for the original trilogy. He tried his best to make a movie that feeds the shrinking attention span minds of the new generations, and with that he succeeded... While putting in motion a wrecking ball that is The Last Jedi.

Where Force Awakens succeeded, The Last Jedi excelled and took it to a whole other level. It was a total home run, a once in a lifetime masterpiece for new generation kids who live on junk food and cheap thrills. Last Jedi was Fast and Furious in space, only so much better. And at the same time it was also the biggest insult that any sequel movie has ever given it's prequels before.

Do you know those moments in Fast and Furious after some character does something cool and they dramatically zoom-in to show insanely cool facial expressions? Kids will be happy to know that The Last Jedi has endless ammounts of such awesome zoom-ins!

From rarely capturable magic to a complete empty non-stop immediate gratification cheap thrill.

I am heartbroken for all true fans of Star Wars, this is a sad moment. Disney has taken a legend and turned it into a drug for teenagers, the next trilogy will be the drug for the next generation of teenagers, and so on, for as long as they can milk it, until any shred of dignity is lost even from the memory of the original trilogy. Making more money for people who are already beyond wealthy, while trampling all over something that actually has some real goodness in it.

It is also shocking to see the ranking the movie gets in all major websites. I don't know what else to say...
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Lonesome Dove (1989)
Defined my very idea of "friendship" at age 10.
23 February 2015
I was about 10 years old when I first watched Lonesome Dove.

My parents were away, working hard to provide for our family, and I was left at home with a few channel. To my blessed luck, Lonesome Dove aired in one of those channels. I watched the first part, and counted the days, hours, moments, for next week's part. I was only 10, but I knew I was struck by something meaningful... Among all the junk that was being aired in between, all the TV reporting of wars in my country, all the political corruption I cared nothing about... I will tell you this: Lonesome Dove gave me faith in humanity.

To this day, I can say this was the only cinematic film to ever truly touch my heart. I have seen many films/series since, but none has made an impact as beautiful and true as Lonesome Dove.

Gus and Call's friendship in this 4part masterpiece, has defined my very idea of what friendship could look like in real life.

Today I have a couple of dear friends. People I enjoy sharing my life with. People I'd follow to the ends of the earth if asked. And remembering dear old Gus and Call's journey, is something that brings tears to my eyes. For me... it was real. For me, their friendship was a lighthouse of hope. It was shining the words: "Never give up on your brothers and sisters, they are your light in the darkness".

To friendship!
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