
7 Reviews
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Repeaters (2010)
pretty good DRAMA---
29 March 2013
First off, don't watch the trailer. It gives away too much of the meat of the movie that you probably shouldn't see till it plays out past you. One of those go-in-blind movies. I just watched it and it's a pretty good DRAMA. Don't expect flashy special effects here. 3 young adults in a half-way house experience an electrical shock during a storm and get stuck in a day-loop, not unlike Groundhog Day. This is NOT a comedy. The 3 realize pretty early on what is going on and decide to 'ride it' doing different things every repeat, goofy and fun early on, then turning dark..and deadly. Good photography, direction and especially good acting from the three unknown leads. Worth the time.
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V/H/S (2012)
Real well done, folks!--
8 August 2012
Real well done. The anthology's link material (some guys on a $ errand to retrieve a VHS tape) is the weakest, but all the various clips/sequences on 'the tape' are remarkable in their own ways. Best of the 'hand held cameras' genre, lots of PRACTICAL FX in a variety of 'found cam' stories.We've got Vampires, Ghosts, Haunted Houses,and things best not described all presented completely believable. When I was in my late teens I had a 6mm camera hand-me-down and made use of it. I quickly realized after viewing developed films I'd made, what my limitations were. This has been taken to heart by contributors to this film.. They realize what their resulting footage looks like and have directed their cameras,each in their own style, all VERY effective.. to record accordingly. The results are gripping and effective! I'm 58 yrs old and thot I'd seen it all. Glad I didn't miss this! Do Ye Dare?...
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Cell Count (2012)
Slow but entertaining-------
21 June 2012
I just watched this film and wanted to give all an immediate response. O.K. Short version~ Well acted, well photographed (good lighting, clear image, tripods apparently used for the cameras , some well done PHYSICAL NOT CGI make-up/creature Effects, engaging enough story (tho could have been condensed),could've been ramped up a bit by about a quarter, the pace was generally slow but ultimately started caring about the characters. Not overly creative direction, tho quite easy to follow. Longer comments~ Terrible, height-of-the-action freeze frame ending that worked for Butch Cassidy & The Sun-dance Kid or Thelma & Louise, but here had me starting to throw a slipper at the TV. This has been compared to an early David Cronenberg film, in that there's sudden and surprising bizarre moments that catch you off guard, and are well handled here. Everything--the sets, the characters, the mystery, are all very compelling and involving and realistic...I have surgery scars that look very much like the ones in the film. The makeup effects are well handled and completely (unfortunately) believable. If I had to suggest changes it'd be to ramp up the pace--(I didn't look up the running time, seemed proper enough for a movie, but at times during the thing I found myself saying to myself--common, lets get moving forward...) Director Todd E. Freeman could deliver killer cinema if given some proper budgets to work with--make note Hollywood!
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Remake but why?---
29 October 2011
A color re-do of the original B & W movie. But why? Did they need a color version that could be shown on television with out a lot of gore and graphic make up FX that might need to be edited out to allow for TV showing? This played on a local movie channel the weekend of Halloween recently and I happened to have a digital copy on my computer, so I started it up and got the 2 in sync to watch and compare the differences. Oddly the only thing that stood out was the language. When Tony Todd first comes to the house he goes back outside to finish off a walker he had hit with his car and disabled but not killed. After shooting him he shouts to the skies 'God damn you' and the TV version cut the 'God' out. But the movie kept all the squib gun hits intact. There's no half-jawed dead, no extreme makeup effects or gore in this version, so it seems to have been done only to produce a color undead movie with this classic title that could easily be shown on TV, and perhaps re-claim copyright on the title. Dunno. The makeup is poor, and the script holds nothing special or creative past the original story. Nice to see 'chilly Billy' the newsman in the original film appear in this version. I used to watch his Saturday night creature feature show on Pittsburgh TV and enjoyed his smoking/drink in hand horror host persona. His daughter went on to star in the third Romero film in the series.
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Unthinkable (2010)
Unthinkable? more like unwatchable---
27 May 2010
Guy has a few nukes supposedly stashed around, all set to go off in near future. Agents capture him and lock him in a glass room and try humane efforts to extract information to no avail. Call in Sam Jackson, retired and listed as 'don't bother him' to government agencies, but they do anyway cause, ya know, this situation is REALLY bad and only Sam can save us. The rest of the movie is the interrogation of this poor schmuck, ranging from shouting loud at him to cutting off finger segments (off camera too) with everybody telling Sam 'oh no, that's too much' as he starts probing the captive's parts. If you're having trouble sleeping this might put you over, otherwise avoid this snooze fest.
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more like 'The Hills Have 3 Fingers'..
17 December 2009
Movie #2 in the series was superior. This? The mutant hillbilly's makeup might have been effective, only with the poor lighting and cinematography, one couldn't tell. There was a lack of practical FX, instead they went the CGI route which would've been effective if someone with any skill had handled it. Seriously, why does anyone watch this kinda stuff= clever, well done kills and maybe some action scenes that give some amount of terror or tension. For whatever reason this movie missed it's mark. But it was probably intended as a direct to video film and not worth putting any properly trained personnel onto the project. 3-fingers certainly kept coming, beyond all realism, and the actor was probably the best thing in this disaster. The knees-down appearance of another person at the end with a dripping propeller blade shaft makes it appear that there's an unseen mutant hillbilly ready for a forth film. Let's not encourage that.
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Metal Man (2008 Video)
real home movie quality, or lack of it---
30 April 2009
wow. like somebody had a halloween costume that kinda resembled Ironman and someone else had a camera and everyone decides " Hey gang, let's make a movie..we've got a costume and a camera!" Acting is high school play quality. The rare 'special fx' are perhaps the only good thing in this, one hesitates to call it, film, tho limited to force shields and morphing. Reggie 'Phantasm' Bannister stands around wearing a lab coat and almost no hair now except that famous pony-tail and reads cue-cards in a semi-Conscious state--not unlike the state this movie produces in it's watchers. surely you've got something better to do with your time. even syfy channel wouldn't show this. Useful only as a sleep-aid. Do not operate heavy machinery after watching this movie. Side effects may include drowsiness, lack of focus, drooling, loss of faith in humanity, and rectal leakage.
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