
16 Reviews
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6 December 2002
This isn't the live action Batman, but much like Mask of the Phantasm, is an amazing animated Batman! So amazing in fact, that they should've made it Batman and Robin! It is so much what the last Batmovie Batman and Robin should have been. Totally amazing.
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Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are definantly back in black!
29 November 2002
I liked part one of Men in Black. I really did. But after I got done watching this one (I brought it on DVD today), I must say that I like this one more then part one even!

Like the tagline says: Back in Black. Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith are definantly back in black! THE BLACK SUITS, SO NOD YA HEAD!

Part One: 8 out of 10

Part Two: 10 out of 10
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Oh yeah, soon this evil graveyard is raising hell with new people!
20 October 2002
Why? One review said why do I do this to myself? Watch horror film sequels? Because we look for a good scare.

Not in this one. We get a big bunch of balony, bad script, and I don't even want to talk about directing. All in all, a disgrace to Stephen King, his works, and the original Pet Cemetary.
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Pet Sematary (1989)
Sometimes dead IS better!
20 October 2002
Not the best horror movie in the world people, but a fun one none the less. I like the biggest part of it. Almost 97% of this classic Stephen King horror film will scare the pants off you!

If you enjoy the horror film genre, or you enjoy Stephen King novel movies, you need to see this. I guarantee you it will leave you sleeping with the lights on!

9 out of 10!
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A True Classic! Enough Said! Greatest Christmas Movie I Have Ever Seen!
20 October 2002
I have seen a lot of Christmas movies, to just try and get me in the mood. The Grinch, A Christmas Carol, Charlie Brown Christmas, The Jetsons Christmas Carol, How The Flintstones Saved Christmas, Married With Children Christmas Episodes, but none have come to be the classic I call A CHRISTMAS STORY. I have to give it a ten, and if you don't get in the Christmas spirit watching this, you need to crawl up in a hole somewhere and forget about it. It will touch you and really get you in the mood.

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The Godfather (1972)
20 October 2002
I'm not saying it's my favorite film, THE SHINING is my favorite movie of all time, but I have to say: this has to be the greatest movie ever made.

Like I said, The Shining is my favorite, but I enjoy this one. It is another one of my main favorite movies. Marlon Brando is the light of the screen, in my opinion, in which was his best performance ever. Highly recommended. Skip part two and three, see Part One!

A GIGANTIC 10 out of 10.
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Another Great One.
20 October 2002
Here is another good Christmas Movie. The first time I saw this was when I was in the 8th grade, and we were getting close to Christmas Break, so we watched this.

I was surprised. I figured it would be boring, but I must admit, I enjoyed it.

9 out of 10.
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I'm disappointed
6 October 2002
I didn't like this PREQUEL! Why didn't they make a sequel to the '94 smash hit!? Well, let me take this by the cast and let you be the judge.

Mark Addy: What happened to John Goodman? I know they wanted Fred to look a little younger. SO WHAT?? Dress John Goodman up to where he would look young. I am ashamed of him.

Stephen Baldwin: Not Rick Moranis -- but still pretty good none the less.

I am disappointed in this. And after all that waiting for the next Flintsontes movie...

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Oh God it's dead!
6 October 2002
Batman, the immortal hero that is supposed to live forever, is dead. And he didn't die because of a criminal: he died because of two names: Joel Schumacher and George Clooney.

Arnold Schratzeneeger: He puts a bright spot on this film. He actually did good in this. Some people say he sucked and was corny, but actually I enjoyed his performance.

George Clooney: How do I say this? The worst Batman? Even though I am being nice when I say this... why oh why was he cast for this role? A good actor playing his worst role!!

Chris O' Donnell: Worse then Batman Forever. God what a spoiled brat!

Uma Thurman: No wonder she kills when she kisses. Ugly, and full of bull!

Alicia Silverstone: Are we ready for another sidekick this quickly??

Joel Schumacher: He killed it. He is the Antichrist Bat-fans!

This is DEFINANTLY not worth your time.

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Oh... no!
6 October 2002
Val Kilmer: Where's Michael Keaton? The guy looks sick for God's sakes! And why did his Batman seem as nice as what it did?? And, did you notice the sick scenes he was in as Batman??

Tommy Lee Jones: Second best in the movie, although he did overact it too much. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy his character role, and the way he played it, cause it was funny, but he didn't have to overact as much as he did.

Jim Carrey: Oh thank heaven! The Riddler was brought back to life when Jim Carrey took the character on stage. I am so glad that he was cast in that spot, because no actor could have done it better.

Nicole Kidman: Skip her scenes!

Chris O' Donnell: Brat!

Joel Schumacher: A NEW DIRECTOR?? Stop him before he murtilizes the Bat-movies.

Not worth your time.

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Yabba dabba doo! I LOVE YOU!!!
6 October 2002
John Goodman: A whole lot better then that other guy who was in Viva Rock Vegas. What was his name anyway? A fairly nice Fred Flintstone. I loved the way he played the character like it was his own real life person.

Rick Moranis: What a good actor. He also had a great character here. Enjoyed most of it. Especially his little thing about wanting thirty packets of ketchup in the lunch room.

Script: Awesome. The script had to be good to create such a cenematic masterpiece. I would love to read this.

Direction: Another hit.

So, what I am saying, I recommend this highly. If you like the cartoon series of the Flintstones, you will love this.

9 out of 10.
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Another BATMAN smash hit!
6 October 2002
Michael Keaton: Again, you have THE Batman reprising his most famous role. He is much better in this one too, because he is more violent and tightheaded in this one.

Danny DeVito: PERFECT FOR THE PENGUIN! He has the walk, he has the talk, he has the skill, he is the Penguin! Very enjoyable to see him in this role.

Michelle Pfieffer: Here is the one that stole the show. Her stunning job as both sides of Selina Kyle, then her purrrr-fect role as the Catwoman, you have a happy Batman fan.

Christopher Walken: Actually, until the end, he wasn't all too bad.


This is the second best.

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Batman (1989)
This IS Batman
6 October 2002
Jack Nicholson: COME ON GUYS?? He is a terriffic actor. And he is a perfect fit for this role. He really has something going here. A half crazy, if not completely doofy villian is just what we need.

Michael Keaton: The Batman GOD! Much better then Kilmer, and you can worship him upside Clooney. If you want to see a Batman who is all dark with only action and bittersweet revenge in mind, you watch the Michael Keaton Batman movies.

Batman is the best one in the series. 9 out of 10.
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Blade II (2002)
30 September 2002
Oh my God, the action in this movie. This had some awesome fights in it, some better then the original Blade, and it was also much better. Everyone knows only Wesley Snipes could have done this part of the Blade man. And the script and directing, good. And this movie -- bad as hell!
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Shrek (2001)
Crying from laughter. Very funny animation and movie.
30 September 2002
Shrek is what you would NOT call your average romance comedy. You would call it an above average, with some hilarious lines and scenes in it. I really do enjoy this. As Mike Myers voices Shrek, Eddie Murphy voices the donkey, Cameron Diaz voices the Princess Fiona, and John Lithgo voices Lord Farquad. A delight. 10 out of 10!
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Huh? I don't get it? Was I supposed to?
24 September 2002
Was it the fact that Jim Varney played two different people, or was it the fact that there was just something wrong with my sense of humor today. I DON'T GET IT! AND I DON'T LIKE THIS!! Please, skip this one and go to Earnest Saves Christmas! 3.
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