
38 Reviews
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John Wick (2014)
Awesome Action!
28 March 2015
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This movie totally kicked ass. From the wonderful characters to the amazing action scenes. The soundtrack was on point. It drew the viewer into the movie. The hallmark of a good actor is to make you forget the actor and believe the character they are playing. Keanu IS John Wick. Yes the plot was predictable and a little over the top. WHO CARES! The plot was simple but the pacing and action scenes more than make up for the simplicity of the plot. You rooted for John Wick's character. I could imagine all dog lovers saying "Kill em' All!" After the bad guys killed the most adorable puppy ever. The only thing that could have maybe helped believe John's motivation for destroying everyone was if more time between him and the dog was spent together bonding. But despite this...the movie was never boring. I never once thought "this movie is stupid" or rolled my eyes at the ridiculous of it like I have at other movies like Expendable 3. You wanted John to come out on top. The action was exciting. It did try to be more than it was. It was an action movie. So great full that they didn't make this movie in stupid pg ratings. That is why many of the other action movies suck. People getting there heads chopped off but there is no blood..stupid. this movie held nothing back. It did not waste time on sappy love stories, sex was not overly displayed. Great characters, again one of the best action movies for the year. I hate I missed seeing it in a theater.
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Four Seasons (2014)
This was stupid
28 February 2015
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I don't know why I continued to watch this mess. I guess I kept watching to get to the end. What a waste of time. There was no ending. The dumb movie was just over. There was no resolution to any of the plots. The main character was a deplorable human being. He had absolutely no redeeming qualities what so ever. There was no progession. The character did not learn from his mistakes. The character never got what he deserved. What happened with the Bianca character? What happened to the Rebecca characters? What happened with Helen? What happened with Christian Keys characters situation with his daughter and ex wife? It is like the director got bored or tired and just decided to end the movie with a very unbelievable and contrived ending . Throughout the movie I kept hoping the guy would get caught, beat up something. But no, we had to watch stupid scene after stupid scene of people doing stupid things. This was not romantic, it was not funny, it was a terrible movie. I hate that because I really like the actor Christian Keys, he is the only good thing in this movie.
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Maze Runner...not
7 February 2015
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I rented this from Red Box last night. Me and hubby started watching it. I fell asleep after 15 minutes. I woke up the next morning, thought maybe after a full nights rested sleep, maybe I fell asleep last night because I was tired,not because it was boring. So, I popped the DVD in and quickly surmised I fell asleep because it was boring. And stupid. It is evident that each year the average intelligence and common sense of today's youth is sadly declining. First off, the setting: we are expected to believe that a group of teenage adolescent hormones a blazing boys are communal, getting along...GET REAL! This may be more believable if this was a group of girls. The boys are supposed to have been in this maze/glade for 3 years, but their clothes look slightly used, there aren't any showers around but they look clean. The characters: who are these kids, where did they come from, why are they there, are the kids cloned, so many questions that are not answered. plot: made no sense what so ever. A forest in the middle of the desert?! Teens stuck in a maze and instead of trying to get out they farm?! Like another reviewer said, this should be called 'the field talker' not much time is spent in the actual maze. Ah, they finally get into the maze, I guess they ran out of money for set building. This has to the most boring maze ever. Spiders and falling rocks,that's all. There was no character development, you don't care about anyone. What is the point of the spiders? What is the point of the maze? So many questions left unanswered does not make me want to wait for the next movie. Think I will pass.
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The Remaining (I) (2014)
I feel hoodwinked... this is not really a faith movie
6 February 2015
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I Just watched what I thought was a Christian movie about the rapture. The Remaining ...this movie is NOT for kids. If you do not like scary movies DO NOT watch this movie. It comes off as more of a scary movie with scenes like the paranormal movies, some which are a little disturbing. Now I do realize that the tribulation is going to be a terrible time for non believers, but in my opinion, if they wanted this movie to try to get people to believe in Jesus, I don't think it's going to help. Believe in God, get folded like an accordion or destroyed by invisible monsters. There will be some of those who become converted after the rapture will be killed. It's just the way this movie portrayed it was a little ridiculous.
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Falcon Rising (2014)
MJW at His Best
16 January 2015
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Wonderful movie. Why Hollywood does not use Micheal jai white more is beyond me. His fighting is beyond excellent. No stunt doubles. No cgi. Just above the rest kick assery. He is one of the best fighting actors ever. He is so under used. Yes, his acting isn't Oscar material, but he plays his parts well. You can really feel his characters emotions. He owns ever action scene he's in. This movie wasn't all action. It had a good story. There was good pacing. Of COURSE he is easy on the eyes to on which helps. You look forward to every scene he's in. The plot line moves along nicely. The shooting location was great. Rio was a great background to the movie. If you like White's other movies, you will like this movie.
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Left Behind (I) (2014)
Leave this movie behind
1 January 2015
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First off, I am a Christian and I think this movie sucks terribly. I knew from the first few minutes into the movie that this was not going to be good. The acting in this movie was horrendous. Nicholas Cage looked bored, he did not play the role of Richard Steele at all. NONE of the actors were any good. Why did they bother. So glad I only wasted $1.50 at Redbox rather than $10 bucks at at theater. I feel sorry for those who wasted their precious time and money on this horrible excuse for a movie. I fast forwarded thru much of the movie. Any of the actors that are actually known are only in this to get a paycheck. I would imagine they will not have much of a paycheck. At least the Cameron Williams version was watchable. The only redeeming quality of this movie is it ends.
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The Equalizer (2014)
Denzel doing what he does best
31 December 2014
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Some may say this is a usual Denzel movie. I agree in part but that doesn't take away that this was an awesome movie. Yes it's predictable, but the plot and action makes it OK. The movie does a good you in not fully explaining 'Roberts, background. It was fun trying to guess his background. It added to the suspense because just like the bad guys in the movie, I wanted to know 'who was he'. The action was great, not boring at all. Denzel does a great job playing these type of roles. The movie kept me engaged. The soundtrack was great. The robinhood/ninja character was interesting and kept you guessing. The special effects were not over the top. The last scene when Denzel is walking in water coming down and he has that cool, killer look as he slowly goes towards the bad guy while shooting him with the nail gun was priceless.
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Finally A Half Decent Movie
30 December 2014
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Because of the numerous terrible movies that come out now days and some of the reviews, I went into this movie with low expectations. Boy was I so happy that I did not listen to the negative reviews. This movie was awesome. No there is no over the top action. And yes, there are some slow moments in the movie, but as a whole, the movie Rocked! I did not believe they would be able to make a good movie about the last book. And like others, I wondered why they would split it into two movies. They hit the mark with this pre-final movie. I actually got chills during some of the scenes like when Catniss goes to district 8 and is in the hospital and they throw up the mocking bird sign. There were so many great and intense scenes. I left the movie for once in a very long time, not regretting the money spent. I can't wait until part two. I hope hope that they don't mess it up. Can't wait to get this on DVD.
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Well, not sure what else to expect
23 December 2014
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I was going to wait until this movie came to redbox but got the urge to go see it in 3d. Oh how I wish I would have saved my $14. I'm not saying anything new. This movie was just 'ok'. It has absolutely no heart. There is no comparison to the LOTR movies. The hobbit movies are a poor, watered down version. What happened to Peter Jackson? It is obvious this was just about money. The crappy cgi characters did not help the movie. Video games have better graphics. The scenes were boring. Due to no character development, you do not give one iota who dies. You can't even remember their names. The ending was terrible. They didn't tie up any lose ends. Instead of wasting LOTS of time on Bilbo going back to the shire, they could have addressed many plot holes. Gandalf looked tired and bored. There were no surprises nor was any suspense. They most definitely overdid the superhuman Legolas defying gravity scenes. was totally unrealistic. The fight scenes were boring...the same looking muscled up monsters, who could be felled with a rock thrown by a hobbit was just laughable. I agree with others, the 'love' triangle was not necessary and was rather boring and made no since...they were deep in love after seeing each a few times...really?! The pacing in the movie was terrible. There was no sense of passing of time. It's like the armies were just around the corner. Too many of the scenes had me thinking,'I've seen this before'. Too many lose ends: What happened to the gold? What happened with the elf jewels? What happened to Bard and his people? What happened to the dwarfs? What happened to the elves? It would have been interesting to see how Sauramon gets turned to the dark side. I could keep going but I'm sleepy now. That's my 2 cents.
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What, Why, huh?!
5 December 2014
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First off I loved the 1st and 2nd movies. They were fun, didn't take themselves too seriously and there was plenty of over the top action. I feel like fans of the first films were tricked into watching this watered down poor excuse for an action movie. Frankly this is not really an action movie. It's a bad bad boring as heck of a movie. Why does Hollywood do this?! They take the things that make a movie series good and replace it with no name, no acting characters. No one cared about the 'new crew' they all could have been killed in the first few scenes and it would not make one iota of a difference to the plot. Throughout this movie, I kept saying What the hockey sticks! There us TOO much talking! Why the pg13 rating?! I am so glad that I did not go see this in a movie theater I would have been royally peed off. Old actions stars kicking ass, blowing things up...That's ALL we want see. This movie tries to take its self way too seriously. When Terry Crews character was shot, I felt something...I said 'Oh No'. When Mel Gibson captured the new crew, I didn't care what so ever about them, actually I was hoping they would all die. That would have been more interesting.
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Great take on a Dracula
26 November 2014
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I agree with other reviews. People this is a fantasy people. It was not boring. It was fun and interesting take on the Dracula story. So what liberty with the actual history. So what. I'm only sad the movie was too short. It had the right amount of action. It did not need lots of gore. The scenes were well played. The darkness of the movie helped with the atmosphere. The actor they choose to play Dracula was perfect. His dark and passionate acting really brought the chapter to life. The beauty of story telling is you can change it how you want. Giving Dracula a heart. It made you root for him. There are a few cheesy lines. This does not mean the entire movie was bad. Great pacing. Good special effects. Great movie.
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Godzilla (2014)
21 November 2014
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Do not believe the positive reviews. Unless you enjoy monster movies that don't have monsters. It is unbelievable how utterly boring and crappy this is. My primary behavior throughout this movie was lots of eye rolling, face smerking, and lip curling. I laughed when Godzilla showed up, it was just plain ridiculous and lasted for 2 seconds. The characters in this movie are absolutely POINTLESS. Every move characters make makes no no sense. Giant monster coming at you, just stand there and stare. Why they called this Godzilla is beyond me. There is way too much people, the monsters, for there 2 seconds of screen time, just walk around. You don't see them destroying stuff, you just see the after affects. The plot is stupid, it would not matter if the movie was filled with lots of good action, but alas, they spend time throwing out stupid theories...WHO CARERS!!Obviously the wife of the soldier doesn't care. She and the son add absolutely nothing to this movie. Her husband is in a country where there is an earthquake, she can't be bothered. This movie is a Big waste of time. The monsters are boring, they look like plastic bugs. They are not scary or menacing at all. You don't care about anyone in this movie. A Godzilla movie with no Godzilla, not interesting just plain stupid.
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Maleficent (2014)
Wonderful adaptation
20 November 2014
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It's amazing how some people think. This movie is so awesome it has everything you need. You want a love story, it's there. You want revenge, it's got you covered. They took an old classic and gave it a nice twist. They brought the story to life and gave it flare. The movie is not dull at all. Seeing how Stephan's love turns to hate was great. How they showed him become the monster was classic. Angelina Jolie acting was on point. She played the part of the scorned fairy so well. You emphasized with her story. I wanted her to get revenge against Stephan. The girl who played snow white fit the ideal character. Her smile and demeanor showed caring and wonder. You believed the fairy land was real. I have nothing negative to say about this movie. It's a nice take on an old story.
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A Funny Movie
19 November 2014
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No matter how many times I see this movie, it never gets old. I laugh every time I see it. You can't take it seriously. It is a fun ride. Kennedy ' s role as B-rad the white rapper was perfect. The slang the acting was point on. You have to be a prude to not laugh. There are so many funny moments. Like when they try to prove B-rad is 'cured' by taking him to the movies. Or the ' King Kong' scene. Many many more. Why some want to bash this movie is beyond me. Tye Digs and Anthony Anderson played their role well. There isn't much wrong with this movie. Just let your self go and enjoy.

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The Machine (I) (2013)
So Pleasantly Surprised
1 November 2014
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In this day in age when most movies suck terribly, it is a wonderful delight to finally see a movie that absolutely rocks. The makers of this movie really put some actual thought into this film. First off, the movie looks awesome. The set looks so real. You can totally believe this is a dark future with advanced technology. The special effects were great, they did not look fake. The story was intriguing. It brings up thought provoking ideas. What is life, how do we know we are alive? The way they pulled this off was excellent. The movie is surreal, the acting superb. You can't go wrong watching this. The actors do an excellent job. The guy who plays Vincent displays the appropriate emotions, the evil corporation is portrayed with class. You could feel the emotions from the movie. You were so rooting for the machines. The machines acted more human.
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Drumline: A New Beat (2014 TV Movie)
So So sequel
28 October 2014
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To start off, I do not think it was absolutely horrible, but it also wasn't very good either. One of the good things they did, your eyes won't be sorry you watched this movie, there is plenty of sexy eye candy for girls and boys. Overall this movie seemed a lot lighter than the first. Some of the acting was either over the top or below the bar. The actor playing Kevin Taylor- they should have picked someone else, he just doesn't fit the role. Nick Cannon's short reprisal of his role felt forced and fake. The story was way too predictable, you knew that ANT was going to win, you knew that the white boy and black girl would get together, you knew that the gay guys crush was on the down low, etc. But I guess what else is there to expect from this type of movie, originality? Also, a lot of the band music and step moves were just watered down copies of the first movie. There a few good moments like when the lead actress is trying to help her boyfriend get past family drama. Also the role they had for one of the characters playing the butthole/meathead, he didn't want a girl on the line, they never resolved this, the character did not repent of his ways or get his comeuppance. This was kind of annoying, a bad character just stays bad with no consequences? One of the good things about the first movie was seeing how Nick Cannon's character went from an arrogant punk to being a team player. Well that's my 2 cents, take it or leave it, you won't miss anything if you don't watch this movie.
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fought to stay awake
30 September 2014
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Where to begin? First off, this movie is boring as heck. I had to fast forward thru several sections of this yawn fest. The acting was horrendous. The characters do stupid things. The action scenes were not realistic at all. The girl and guys being tossed around like rag dolls but no one gets hurt. There is way too much down time. The action scenes are boring and i say again unrealistic. The way the autobots changed was so cheesy. The story line was stupid. No explanation on how they went from the previous movie. The plot was dumb. The story made no sense. The plot was completely predictable. I laughed but not at funny parts. I laughed at how pathetic this movie was. I did not care about any of the characters. The story was empty.
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Bloodsport (1988)
Great old movie
21 September 2014
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I know this movie is really old but it's timeless. First off, Jean Claude was so HOT in this movie. I forgot how much of a cutie he was when he was younger. The fight scenes were great. The evil guy, Bolo really pulls off the bad guy perfectly. The fight scenes were not boring you can feel the hits. Can i say again, van damme in red briefs yummy. The faces they make are comical. You knew Jackson was going to get it to cocky. Great throwback movie. Awesome movie. No pretense. Just good martial arts. The simple story works. Its no masterpiece but it holds its own. Excellent movie. To bad they don't make them like this anymore.
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Not one laugh
19 September 2014
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Within the first few minutes I knew this movie was going to suck, I just didn't think it would suck this bad. I had a sick feeling in my stomach through out the entire movie. I actually felt embarrassed for the actors. This movie was NOT funny at all. The jokes were so lame, the movie was flat, there was NO chemistry, everything was forced. I was just annoyed, like other reviewers have said Kevin Hart has way too much screen time. His jokes were corny, uninteresting. Really, why. So predictable. I wanted to fast forward so many times. The pacing of the movie was terrible. I have never rolled my eyes so much. Really sad This was was terrible.
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Transcendence (I) (2014)
Movie works if you have the IQ of a tad pole
12 September 2014
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I just finished watching this movie and have to say what the heck is wrong with Hollywood? Do they not have writers that any frigging common sense. How hard is it to make a movie that is logical, engaging, and doesn't insult your intelligence. You could try and suspend rational thought and just try to watch it for entertainment, but that's impossible to do in this movie because there is no suspense, no serious action, frankly it's pretty boring. The premise completely defies logic. First, there is no way the government would not have been all over the not-so-secret, unguarded facility. Really. Depp was supposed to be a SUPER intelligence, why would he set up in an unguarded section in the US?! Depp is supposed to be in the Internet, with access to any file, but he couldn't find out about the government/terrorist plot?! The script screws itself up, Depp REWROTE his code, so it was totally unbelievable that a virus could have been created in a few minutes, stupid. The whole premise of the movie was stupid, technology is bad and any advancements must be destroyed. This concept was so stupid. Depp ' s character was CURING people, the environment, there was nothing 'evil' about what he was doing. The writing was terrible, the reason the terrorists wanted to destroy Depp ' s creation is stupid, it makes no sense. There was no build up of Depp ' s character going from good to evil, the Lawn Mower Man did a way better job of showing how the characters went from nice to homicidal maniac. It was just plain stupid to set the premise that Depp had become the smartest super computer but he acted like he had the IQ of a 2 year old. Don't waste your time on this unintelligent movie.
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Divergent (2014)
What the fudge sickle
21 August 2014
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OK, where to begin. Why oh why does this type of crappy, stupid, make no sense, dribble, poor excuse for a movie get made? I rolled my eyes thru out the movie. So many issues, why this has over a 2 rating is beyond me. The plot was stupid, each scene was so predictable, You knew that Four and Trish were going to get together, they didn't bother with trying to develop why they ended up together, it just spontaneously happened, their 'love' story was completely unbelievable. Why was there a train running? Who was running the train? What was the purpose of the train other than something for the actors to jump on and off?! Trish becoming a kick ass fighter was totally unbelievable as well, the actress who played her did not pull off becoming 'tough' I laughed at the parts she was supposed to be beating up others, it was soo corny. This movie was boring, dumb, nonexistent plot that made any sense. Don't believe the 7.5 rating
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Wow this movie rocked
2 August 2014
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I am not sure what the bad reviews are about. Forget about true history, this movie was action packed, good story build up, and FINALLY no stupid ass pg13! Arms and heads being hacked off and blood spewing in gallons. The movie looked awesome, other worldly, it was engaging. The leads did their thing, I believed the battles were real. There was very little slow time, this movie draws you in, I was clapping when the Spartans ships showed up th help kick some Persian behind. Yes it was predictable, but it was still awesome. The Background story of how the evil king of the Persian came to be was great. It was great having the evil lead female. I wish I had not listened to the reviews and went and saw this in the movie theater. This was uplifting after seeing the crappy Hercules movie. I will watch this again.
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Hercules (I) (2014)
Wait until it comes to redbox
25 July 2014
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Wow, just came from viewing the latest movie with the name Hercules in the title. Why, oh why must Hollywood continue putting out this garbage. This movie is a little better than the Keller Lutz movie but not by much. Why does Hollywood feel they have to make naturally violent movies into watered down, boring ass pg-13 movies!! It is so unbelievable when you see heads and body parts b being cut off without spewing blood, I mean really, why bother trying to cater to 13 year olds, lots of parents these days let their younger than 18 year olds see rated R movies anyways. It completely takes away the realism of the movie. I found myself rolling my eyes thru most of the movie. Why can't we get movies that are supposed to be about ancient times actually put the effort to try to really capture the time period. The soundtrack for this movie sucked. , really, it did nothing to bring you into the movie. Yes there is action, but as said above, lo bloody battles, there was no tension, you knew no one was going to die during certain fight scenes. The costumes looked like they borrowed them from other gladiator movies. The scenery was forgettable, bland, uninteresting. There was zero character development so you don't care about any of the characters. There was one scene where they were yelling at each other that made me think of the scene in the movie Scary Movie where Damon Wayan's character and his friends are getting high when the killer character is smoking with them and they start yelling "WHATS UP" repeatedly. I like Dwayne Johnson but I didn't really believe he was Hercules. His mannerisms and speech made me think of his wrestling character The Rock. I could go on but I'm tired. Tired of these crappy movies.
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RoboCop (2014)
Robocop remake boring as heck
15 July 2014
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I had to add my 2 cents to the mix, this movie sucks. It is so boring I started playing with my phone within 10 minutes. Why does Hollywood keep putting out this crap. This movie has no suspense, like many others have said, there is no villain, Elmer fudd made a better villain. The plot holes are ridiculous. Why take the better parts of the movie and trash them and replace with boring, no nonsense story line. The original had a way better plot and story, this movie is just silly. Part of the story that helped you came about the character was he didn't remember his family, they thought he was dead. Part of the plot was Murphy gaining control through out the movie, it moved the plot along. The evil corporation is not evil, it's boring. Where is the gritty, dirty city that was over run with corruption? Pg13 rating, really, what was the point.
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The "Legend" of Hercules
23 May 2014
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First off the movie was not totally horrible but why they called it The 'Legend' of Hercules is beyond me. There wasn't anything 'legendary' about this version of the story of Hercules. It's actually pretty forgettable. Like many others have said, the cgi is pretty hokey, when they were on the ship in the 'sea', I was hoping, expecting a sea monster to pop up but alas, no just fake waves, you could tell they were in the studio. When they landed in Egypt, I was hoping, expecting a giant scorpion or something to pop up, alas no, just boring, not scary or intimidating men in plastic costumes. The laughable boring plot. The times they actually showed something supernatural, they could have saved their money, it looked like a grade school science project. They ignored the good parts of the story of Hercules, watered down and completely messed up the story of Hercules. They should have decided to make a movie about gladiators with no magic/God's or special powers or went all out on special effects/monsters. Instead we get a half boring gladiator/crappy magical movie. I could go on and on but that's my 2 cents.
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