
3 Reviews
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Shipping News/ My life without me - both better
7 December 2004
They're right! Old material, hackneyed, lame, avantgarde...14 years ago maybe. Good acting, directing, and cast, but the script, the plot, the story is unoriginal and clichéd. Collin Farrel's character is a little inconsistent in his portrayal. Sometimes dim and sometimes normal, a little too goofy sometimes. The movie lost me once he moved into the Village with his childhood friend and Robin Penn. Up to that point it was filled with potential and a strong basis for a decent plot. But once the move to NY happened, everything became predictable and pedantic. It wanted to be Life As A House or My Life Without Me or Shipping News, all of which were better. This is a movie entrenched in mediocrity.
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The Writers should be ashamed.
11 November 2003
It went out not with a bang or a fizzle but a ridiculous and predictable waste of time. Modern cinema, if you can even call what we have in America today cinema, has become a horrid spectacle lacking all subtlety, grace, or reason. However, this is not always the worst thing. Dadaism was cool, if anyone who reads this has ever even heard of such a trend. Shlock and kitch can be funny. Reloaded had kitch factor. It could qualify as schlock. Revolutions should be burned in a flaming pile of refuse though. There is nothing to even make fun of. I would rather watch Ishtar. This wasn't even as good as watching someones kid brother play video games. And Professor Cornell West, the guy with the afro on the Council of Zion, man, have you sold out. Not one original idea in this movie. Not one well scripted line,(although I was partial to the Hindu programs)Not a redeeming feature in this piece of fecal matter they call a blockbuster. I've seen children in better games of make believe. A collosal waste of time. If you want to see a good movie rent EQUILIBRIUM.
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Porn 'n Chicken (2002 TV Movie)
Fun for any Columbia/ Union Student
13 October 2002
For Comedy Centrals first movie, it was compelling and sometimes amusing. I don't think it was meant to be a comedy as much as it was billed that way. I enjoyed the film primarily because they were able to film in recognizable locations at Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary. The characters were well written. Any college student can probably relate to some of the people in this movie. This is kind of like reality TV meets the average teen movie. The acting was not wonderful, but it was decent. The plot was predictable and not very cutting edge. The best thing this movie has to offer is its portrayal of the college student in a real life story.
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