
2 Reviews
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A finely accurate, touching story
23 February 2005
As this is more of a history film, I will write this review based on the historical aspect of the film and not so much about the acting. However it goes without saying that the acting and handling of the camera was nothing less than superlative! By watching the film you really have the impression of being there at that time.

This film details the last six days of the primary members of a resistance group called the White Rose. The White Rose was an organization of students, mainly around Munich, during the years 1942-1943, though there were fringe elements that eluded capture by the authorities that survived until the end of the war. Many of those survivors contribute to this story.

There are two other films about the group. The main one was a film called "The White Rose". It can be found described here in IMDb. It recounts the complete story of the group. The other was Fünf Letzte Tage (The five last days), which deals with Sophie's last five days. Both of these movies were released in 1982 and the same actress (Lena Stolze) plays Sophie Scholl.

This current film is an amalgamation of the two films with some expansion to the story. More information since the original two films, released in 1982, was subsequently available.

I have studied the story of this group at some length and find the historical aspects of this film track very well with a few notable exceptions. First, at one point when Sophie learns that Christoph Probst was also implicated (she and Hans tried to take all the blame to avoid others from being drawn in) historical accounts say she was shaken to her core and she screams. In the movie however it hardly phases her, she only screams later after the meeting with her parents. I suppose this was done to increase the theatrical value by the placement.

The other is that Police Commissioner Mohr is painted slightly darker than in real life. According to Else Gebel he came back from the prison "white as chalk". She asks if they will die and he only nods shaken from the experience. Else asks how she took it. He replies that she was very brave." He then said, "Keep her in your thoughts in the next half an hour. By that time she will reach the end of her suffering.".

However despite this I thought it was a fantastic film, and probable to date the best one on the subject. There have been a recent wave of films coming from the Bavaria Film Studios, "Der Untergang", "Napola" and this film, coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the end of the war. It has been suggested in some circles that this is an attempt to whitewash, I disagree. Until 1994 when I made a visit to Tuebingen and saw some graffiti, I never heard of the White Rose (I am an American). In fact I didn't even know there WAS a German resistance. So I think this about time that this is also given it's place in history along side of the other aspects. In every age there is always a resistance element -- even in our own day. So why should this be such a surprise?

I hope that those who see this film enjoy it as I have. I give it nine stars!
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A very well constructed story!!! Warning Spoilers!!!
28 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is about the a type of Nazi school called the NPEA, which means NAtional POLitische erziehungs Anstalt (National Political Education Institute) design to train the future Gauleiters (heads of Nazi Districts) of the world. Napola was the popular name for the schools; just as Nazi was for NAtional soZIalist.

The movie starts in Berlin during the middle of the second world war. A young Friedrich fights in a boxing match and ends up impressing a teacher at the Napola school for the Nazi Elite. In the end he gets an invitation to attend the school.

The film heavily leverages contrasts. Friedrich is a simple boy of non remarkable parents (the father could be communist, one of the Nazi party's strongest foes) who forges his fathers signature to get into the school. At one point we are introduced to one of Friedrich's roommates.

Sigfried has a bed wetting problem and is made a public example of. Later during an exercises with live grenades he sacrifices himself to save his friends. He gets a hero's death. The teacher that made a public example of him runs on the other hand, leaving the boys in harms way. It was the weakling bed wetter that saves the day. Here we also have the biblical image in play of a man laying his life down for his friends.

Albrecht, the best friend of Friedrich is a poet and tends more to the artistic side of life. He is fond of writing poetry, while his father (who is the Nazi Gauleiter of the region) has a very brutal side which will become apparent in the movie. His father despises him for his weakness, but takes Friedrich as a man after his own heart after a demonstration at his home.

The students are called to help in an "action". Certain events happen that cause both Albrech and Friedrich to question themselves and their future. Albrech uses his writing skills to protest what had happened. The consequence is very severe unless he writes a retraction. He does not. Instead he chooses a different way that traumatizes Friedrich and brings shame to his father. Friedrich suddenly sees things through Albrecht's eyes and decides to do something on his own.

The message of the movie is clear. Success in this school is not necessarily determined by intelligence--but rather brutishness. Those who have any ounce of humanity are weeded out. Then we find in these "perfect" exemplars surviving this elimination serious character defects that have separated them from humanity.

What I like about this movie very much is that it contains the interesting paradox that when you try to root out humanity--it is only found in greater abundance as which is what happens to Friedrich. The final contrast is that instead of making a better Nazi of Friedrich--it make him a better human instead. So as he failed at the school, he succeeded in life.

I highly recommend it even if you have no interest in the history of World War II or the Nazi's its a very good story!
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