
2 Reviews
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Highlander: The Source (2007 TV Movie)
Unbelievably Awful
21 July 2008
I was waiting for this movie to come out for a while, Highlander had not had anything new come out for a few years and I was eager for something new. I could not have been more disappointed. The actors from the series are all there, the ones whose characters survived the series anyway, and that is the only plus I can possibly give this movie. The writing was horrible, the actors shouted their lines unconvincingly much of the time. Elements of the Highlander universe were just added with no explanation, and the characters treated these additions like they were always there. The one thing about Highlander that even made some bad episodes watchable were the sword fights, not here, the sword fights were idiotic and the villain was ridiculously fast and strong and yet the characters are able to fight him long enough for the writers to have a long enough fight. The acting was terrible, even actors from the series who gave very good performances before seemed just awful. The ending was so bad, I literally laughed out loud.

Skip this movie, it is not worth watching.
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The Shield (2002–2008)
The best cop show I've ever seen and one of the best shows on TV period
29 July 2007
The Shield has a documentary feel to it and pulls you in from the very 1st episode. The show concentrates on the barn, a police station in LA. The lead character Vic Mackey (Michael Chiklis) who has a reputation for brutality. If you think you can guess where any of the characters will be in the 3rd or 4th season you'd be wrong, this show will surprise you and sometimes shock you as with the 1st episode. Despite Vic Mackey and the strike team's brutality and other crimes many viewers will actually find themselves rooting for them. Likewise characters you might view as the good guy may turn out otherwise. One really great thing about this show is it doesn't tell you how to think. It will show both sides of issues and won't say who is right in the end. The Series has finished it's sixth season at this point, if you plan to watch this show start from the beginning and avoid reading or watching anything about the later seasons until you've watched them. Trust me there are real shockers you don't want spoiled.
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