
32 Reviews
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Rough Night (2017)
The Hangover with an all girl cast... SHOCKING!!!
21 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Good to see the studios finally listening to what people want, and making daring, creative, unique movies COMPLETELY UNLIKE anything we've seen before!!!


It's not a perfect world, and unfortunately, movies are stupidly expensive to make, and the investors and decision makers generally play it safe and green-lite whatever script seems the least risky.

It's hard to blame them really. A person's got to sleep at night!

So, sadly, the studios would rather churn out sequels and remakes of anything that made a lot of money in the past. Then paste in the currently hottest stars, and rest easy with a reliable profit projection based on a bunch of data.

It's MATH people! The Hangover + Kate McKinnon + Scarlett Johansson = $

And as an added bonus, top critics will be scared to give it a bad review for fear of being labelled "SEXIST"! How can we loose!!$!$!!

OK, with that little rant out of the way, I guess I'll move on to ranting about how the film lacks a single original idea! It starts out feeling like a carbon copy of "The Hangover." Remember in "The Hangover" when the timeline suddenly jumps to the next day and the hotel room is trashed and the guys embark on a fun, mysterious adventure to piece things together?! Well, something like that was too clever for this movie, so instead it just turns into the movie "Very Bad Things" combined with a bunch of other crap that seems familiar and lazy.

The characters are mostly boring, poorly developed, and worst of all, they all feel somewhat forced. You know that epic swagger and confidence that Scarlett Johansson exhibits in the MARVEL films? None of that here. She seems slightly awkward and uncomfortable in this role, and a little unsure of who her character is supposed to be exactly.

I was about to throw in the towel and admit defeat 10 minutes in, when thankfully Kate McKinnon shows up and quickly seems to be the only excuse I can think of to keep watching.

It's not really that the movie is that bad, it's more just that it's not that good, and not that funny. It's a shame to see a very talented cast, that seems slightly un-inspired by the material and characters they are playing, and the group's chemistry was lacking. I was having a hard time relating to a single character, and I definitely did not believe that they were actually BEST friends with each other.

All that being said, the movie does have some funny moments, and is pretty well made overall. I started skipped ahead a little in the second half because I was getting bored, but that's most likely due partially to my self-diagnosed ADHD! I almost started feeling generous and gave it 5 stars when Kate McKinnon sings her song during the credits, that was pretty hilarious actually. Unfortunately, the script is pretty lazy and a lot of the dialog is bland and UN-inspired.

A Movie like this will NEVER be GREAT! It will never make a TON of money or stand the test of time. But it's also highly unlikely to fail and loose money, so this is what we get. So I guess I'll add one last memo to Hollywood... "TAKE SOME RISKS ONCE IN A WHILE, PLEASE!!!" I know, I know, they are too busy spending that remake cash on strippers and blow to have any chance of noticing this. That and the don't care :) So if this looks like the type of movie you would like, you probably will enjoy it. All others may want to steer clear. The real issue is the over saturation of these types of films coming out of Hollywood. It's a pretty decent, while forgettable comedy, but it's hard not to imagine what other, way cooler movie that this money could have gone towards instead...
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Amazing production design that captivates the imagination
2 March 2017
Ill start out with the negative, because I can sort of understand why it didn't get great reviews. Critics tend to look more at story than anything else, followed by acting. I think this movie has a great story at it's core, but It's a simple story, and not terribly original. It also gets very cheesy cliché Hollywood toward the end. It's very predictable and there are really no surprises. That is a shame, because the movie really is amazing and it would be cool if it had a more creative story to match.

The pace starts slow, and stays slow throughout most of the movie. It feels very reminiscent of 2001: A Space Odyssey in many ways. If the story ventured into more creative territory instead of going for the cliché Hollywood ending, it would be very comparable to Kubrick's masterpiece in many ways.

While I like a lot about this movie, the thing that stood out the most to me is the production design. The spaceship is SOOO COOL looking. There is a lot of attention to detail and it all feels very realistic. For a lover of Sci-Fi like me, it really captivates my imagination and stuck with me. The ship has a very cool design and seems well thought through. We get to really explore every part of the ship and get to know it like its a character of the film. This alone makes this movie great in my opinion.

Next thing to applaud is the CGI. Everything looks so good, so clean, and very real to me. Visually, this film really nailed it in my opinion. The anti-gravity scenes are very cool and the space-suit scenes are very cool also. It's a film that can appeal to a person of any age for this reason. It doesn't really need to rely on an amazing story to be great because the concept and design of the ship is so fun to watch and explore.

The cinematography was very beautiful also. There are some very iconic looking shots and the camera work and lighting is wonderful, reminding me again of Stanley Kubrick's films. I will have to watch it again to comment on the sound design, film score, and editing, but I would say that all the technical work on this film seemed really great.

Chris Pratt is always fun to watch and full of charisma. A good portion of the film it is just him alone on the ship, so with a boring actor, it could be very painfully at times, but he keeps it fun and entertaining. I didn't really think that Pratt and Lawrence had all that much chemistry, but it works okay. Her character didn't seem very well developed, and I wasn't really sure if I even liked her character.

Overall, I really loved this movie, despite it's flaws. It's the type of film that I will want to own on Blu-ray and put on frequently just to admire the cool shots and concept of the film. I have been day-dreaming about this movie since I saw it, as it provokes other thoughts of space travel and the future.

If you love Sci-Fi, I would think that you will really love this movie.
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Blair Witch (2016)
Fun but completely lacks the authentic feeling of the original
26 January 2017
The first Blair Witch is a film that I have a lot of respect for and has had a huge influence on the genre. What made it so amazing, is the fact that the actors really were scared. The directors took a creative approach to making the movie that shouldn't have worked, but it did.

Normally, when you watch a movie, you suspend your disbelief and go along for the ride. This usually involves overlooking the fact that it's pretty obvious you are watching actors acting, no mater how talented they are. The original Blair Witch is the only movie I know of where it's obvious that nothing is forced and nothing is fake. It's flaws and shortcomings are part of what makes it so real and so great.

This movie is nothing like that. It's a carefully crafted Hollywood remake, and like most low budget horror films, the acting is not that great. They took the approach that every other movie in Hollywood takes, because it's the only way to guarantee results. It makes for a movie that works, but in a completely different way than the original.

The original was a cultural phenomenon, that got everyone talking, because it felt SO REAL that people actually believed it WAS REAL! It was a historical event and gave rise to countless imitators and parodies. This remake will not go down in history and there is nothing terribly special about it, but if you accept that and are a horror fan, there is still plenty to like.

So don't go into expecting to see anything brilliant or revolutionary, but if you get past the bad acting and cheesy melodrama, it will give you a few good scares.
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Trolls (2016)
Love the positive vibes and creative, colorful animation! Instant good mood!
6 January 2017
I'm a 30 year old man, so probably not what the producers envisioned as their primary market, but I still love this movie!

Being a raver at heart, it's fun to watch these troll live in the ultimate psychedelic fantasy. With non-stop music, dancing, hugs, and trippy hairdos, these Trolls know how to keep it PLUR!

I'm not usually a big fan of musicals, but this movie has a nice variety of songs and keeps them short, fun, and too the point. Never a moment to get bored. Most of the songs are very cliché, generic, pop songs, but they are catchy and upbeat, so it's hard to complain.

Anna Kendrick and Justin Timberlake have great chemistry and put a lot of personality into the characters. I think they nailed it.

I feel like the team that made this movie did a great job collaborating between the writing, acting, and animation to create lots of really great moments for characters that a truly hilarious. Unlike most comedies, this one seems to get funnier each time I watch it. I can't get enough of the fun characters and find myself smiling throughout the day thinking of the great moments in this film.

Creative musical numbers like "Sounds of Darkness" perfectly complement hilarious comedy scenes like the encounter with M. Cloud, and lead me to believe that the guys who directed this movie have a lot of talent.

I'm surprised this film doesn't have a higher rating. I really can't think of what is not to like, but I'm guessing it's just one of those things where you either love it or hate it. I can see it becoming somewhat of a cult classic. I really hope it made enough money that we will get to see a sequel!
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Great movie with wonderful production design and engaging plot
23 September 2016
I'm surprised this movie is not rated a bit higher, although 6.8 is not too shabby. I thought this was a great film. It kept me entertained and was fun to watch. The story contains enough twists and turns to stay interesting and it has a satisfying ending.

I recently watched a documentary about the popularity of performing lobotomies up until something like 50 years ago, and I found this film to all the more relevant and believable due to that fact.

I loved the Gothic renaissance style wardrobe and production design and though that many scenes had a great feel and style. The movie is well cast, and the director was very creative with developing the different characters in the asylum.

Edgar Allen Poe's story holds up surprisingly well in modern times, and makes for a great movie, that deals with issues still very relevant today.

This film is not scary and I would definitely not call it a horror film, like I thought I was going to be watching. It is a suspenseful drama with a bit of action and somewhat psychological.

It is great at forcing the viewer to question what madness really is, and who is actually more insane here, the patients or the doctors. It shows how madness is a matter of perspective, and someone I mad deep to be absolutely insane, you might think is the sanest person of all. It all comes down to your beliefs and outlook.

I found myself forming analogies between the dynamic in this asylum, and our current government and upcoming presidential nominees. It is so common to have a political figure, or celebrity, or author, or film-maker who I may praise as genius, while my conservative grandparents view as a depraved misguided evil villain.

If you are looking for horror, you may want to watch something else, but if you are looking for a fun and suspenseful period film based on a classic and timeless story, definitely check this one out!
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Honeymoon (2014)
Fun suspenseful horror film with a twist of sci fi
23 September 2016
I'm actually surprised this film doesn't have a higher rating. Right before this I watch the horror film "Mama," which I criticized for showing too much and leaving nothing to the imagination. Refreshingly, this movie does the opposite, and shows very little, which really makes the movie better. It is common for low-budget movies to have to be creative and not show things they want to show, but this is usually a blessing in disguise.

The two young actors are great and they have a good chemistry. They seem so perfect for each other, so it becomes that much more suspenseful as things start to go wrong.

The movie has a fairly simple plot, and never really explains exactly what is going on. From an early point in the film, I got an idea that we were dealing with a sci-fi, otherworldly evil and there is never really any twist or surprise that reveals anything different.

The reason that the movie still works, is the couple is likable and we really feel the husbands frustration and feel sorry for him.

I read another review complaining about the ending, and I can see where they are coming from, but to me the ending was fine. I'm actually glad they didn't try to reveal too much or explain everything perfectly. The main let down is that it is very predictable. It basically confirmed my suspicions all along.

I like sci-fi horror movies like this, and I actually prefer this type of explanation over the more common metaphysical/ghost type of evil.

Overall, it was a fun and suspenseful movie that kept me engaged until the end. There is not a lot of depth or substance to keep me thinking about it, but I can definitely still recommend it.
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Mama (I) (2013)
Promising start and some nice sound and cinematography but story falls flat
22 September 2016
I didn't really care for this movie too much overall. It drew me in right from the beginning and it stays entertaining enough, but the CGI is not great and it quickly turned into a cheesy ghost story without anything original to offer.

It reminds me a lot of other ghost story movies. It has a similar plot to "The Ring" in a way, but is less suspenseful and doesn't work as well. It shows the "ghost" a lot, probably too much, instead of leaving more for the imagination, which left me pretty bored in the second half. After it is shown that the ghost can appear whenever and do actual physical harm, it becomes kind of silly to keep dragging the movie on with close calls.

The ending was terrible in my opinion, and I couldn't even finish the last few minutes of the film. I don't want to spoil it, but I will say that its overly dramatic and emotional.

The sound design is great and the film has nice production value other than the CGI. I think this director shows a lot of promise and would do better with a better script.
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Incredible directing and cinematography in this abstract art film
21 September 2016
It seems that, after the massive success of Drive, Refn is being given the opportunity to make the films he wants to make and take a lot of creative license.

I think this is a good thing, and it's a smart way to go about a career in any creative industry. Achieve mainstream success doing things that are commercially viable, and when you have people's attention and trust, you can do something more abstract and creative and people will actually go see it with an open mind, and quite possibly love it.

Another example of this is a band like Radiohead, they put out "Creep" which is a perfect radio single, and when that got them famous, they went and made albums that would never have been produced or listened to if they had done them straight away.

This is a cool movie. It's not for everyone. The editing, camera work, framing, pace, screenplay, lighting, production design, wardrobe... all the creative elements of this film have a modern, stylistic feel that seems ahead of it's time. It's the type of movie you may want to tell all your friends is your "favorite" even if it's not, just to make yourself look cool (haha.. sad but true)

The plot is very abstract, and contains a lot of elements of surrealism. Refn reminds me of film-makers like David Lynch or Terry Gilliam or even Salvador Dali. I like that he took a risk and really went with his vision to make a film that could never have mainstream appeal. It is a piece of art, and left open to interpretation. The whole thing may be a dream, or an alternate reality, or some combination of these with real life.

The production design and framing and editing made me feel things and think things and imagine things. It seemed to be trying to take me on a journey through space and time while telling an intoxicating story that was an allusion to the real world.

It helps to be in the right state both mentally and physically for a movie like this. It's the type of movie you want to watch in a very dark room, on a very comfortable couch, with a big screen and a great surround sound system. Then you can prepare to get lost in the film and experience it as a whole, instead of just watching it.

I definitely can't watch movies like this everyday, and while it is a great exercise in expanding your mind, being creative, and thinking abstract thoughts, it may seem boring on the wrong day.

A cool thing about movies like this, is the re-watch-ability of them. Most movies are best the first time you see them, and don't offer much for a repeated viewing. This is the type of movie that can be watched many times. The experience will be different each time and you may notice or realize things you didn't see the first time.

It reminds me of David Lynch and his movie "Mulholland Drive." I really love that movie and it is similar in the way that people love it or hate it. With "Mulholland Drive," I watched it many times, and grew to understand it on my own terms, which was a fun journey.

I do hope that Reft doesn't decide to continue making movies that are always this abstract. Often times, I watch movies with a great plot, that are very entertaining films, but wish the director and cinematographer had been more creative with the lighting and camera work. Seeing his style and eye applied to mainstream blockbusters and thrillers would be really cool in my opinion, but I doubt he will ever go too far into directing movies with a typical "Hollywood" script. After the success of "Mulholland Drive," Lynch continued to make exclusively dreamy, abstract movies, and while I respected that, it just didn't seem necessary.

Go check this movie out with an open mind on a night when you are relaxed and feeling good. Maybe watch it with some friends and have a good conversation afterward sharing thoughts and interpretations; I'm sure they will vary radically. You might love it, and you might hate it, but I think most people will respect the artistry of the film and have trouble forgetting it anytime soon.
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Amazing movie, one of the best I've seen
19 September 2016
I watched this right after watching "The Next Three Days" and being very impressed. To my surprise, I actually found this movie to be even better. Not only is it thrilling, suspenseful, and contains great acting and writing, but it deals with powerful issues that stick with you.

I found "The Next Three Days" To be surprisingly thoughtful for a thriller, but this movie even more so. I tend to not watch a lot of war movies and depressing films, even if they are good, because I'm not always in the mood for something depressing or sad, but this movie stays fun and entertaining, while slowly introducing important and deep issues that need to be addressed.

It's basically a suspenseful thriller, and a really good one at that, but as the movie goes along, you slowly appreciate what these boys went through in Iraq, the horrible things they saw, and the horrible effects it really has. The war may be in the Middle East, and they definitely see the worst of it, but the horrible effects come back home with the soldiers and affect us here as well.

I think this movie is rated unfairly low, because veterans, patriots, and conservatives write it off as liberal propaganda. It ends with a very controversial shot, but I love that Haggis had the balls to do this because it gave me even more to think about after the film was over.

The film is based on a true story and is actually very realistic, so anyone who writes it off as liberal or anti-America is in denial about the real issues and the fact that war is never a good thing. Sending young boys off to war is something that governments have always brainwashed their citizens to believe is a good thing and should be honored, when in reality it is horrible and tragic. This film makes that apparent, but does not make it the central plot of the film.

I really think Haggis is a brilliant writer who puts a lot of thought and effort into his writing. He is one of the best film-makers at creating movies that are fun to watch and entertaining, but also deal with important issues and leave you with something to think about.

I have recently watched "The Next Three Days" and "Crash" and this movie, all three of which were written and directed by Haggis, and although this has the lowest IMDb rating of the three, I personally thought it was the best of the three. In fact, I could easily put it as one of my favorite movies of all time. Crash deals with racism and has a clever script, but I find it to be less entertaining and more depressing. This movie deals with a depressing topic, but does not bog down the movie with sad moments, but instead leaves you to think about it at your leisure after the film is over.

If you haven't seen this movie, GO SEE IT! And I hope it eventually gets a higher rating like it deserves.
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Under-rated movie... intense action and thought provoking
18 September 2016
When it comes to thrilling action movies, this one really had it all for me. It is VERY suspenseful, and maintains a good pace throughout. And not only is it thrilling, but it also gave me lots to think about long after the credits rolled.

Russell Crowe plays John, a man whose wife is convicted of murder. He is convinced that she is innocent and becomes determined to break her out of jail. This creates a lot of suspenseful situations as soon as he starts to prepare. It got me thinking about a lot of things, including the moral dilemmas John faces.

There is a great Liam Neeson cameo where he gives John advice, since he has escaped from prison several times before. He warns John of the intense hurdles and sacrifices he will have to make, so I very quickly realized that the stakes and risk are very high if he goes through with it.

The fact that I don't know if the wife is actually innocent or not, adds another layer of depth to the story. I was left trying to decide if John is making the right choice to break her out, which forced me to try and decide if she actually did it. Being so unsure how to feel, it really drew me in, and got me paying attention to every little detail in the movie. Haggis is great at throwing in little clues and nuances in the performances that made me question and re-think things.

John is obviously a good guy, so I was rooting for him to succeed, but it is hard to know how to really feel about his character. Russell Crowe is great at playing characters that seem slightly insane, and it's hard to decide just how crazy he really is. They have a son, around 10 years old, and this makes his decisions all the more important. He is risking leaving this kid with both parents in jail if he screws up, but it will also re-unite the kid with his mother, who may be innocent.

Overall, it is a very clever movie that is well crafted. The biggest strong point for me is really the script. It's a smart script that is well thought through. I can tell that Haggis understands what the viewer will be thinking and feeling during the experience and he times things perfectly to make for a fun, exciting, and thoughtful experience.

Beside the writing, the acting was also very good. Russell Crowe brought a lot of depth to the character. The only criticism I have is that it is somewhat hard to believe that he would actually do this. He seems like a little bit too soft and reserved of a character to do these things, but in a way, that adds to the suspense because it makes us more unsure if he will pull it off. Elizabeth Banks is pretty good as the wife. I'm a little unsure how to feel about her performance. My main problem with her is that I didn't really like her character very much, she comes across as a bitch. I understand why that needs to be an element of her performance, but I would have liked to learn a little more about her positive traits to understand why John loves her so much. I think a few tweaks to her character development and a little more edge to John's character, could have increased how believable the story is.

The only other criticism I can think of, is that Haggis clearly is a great writer who understands the story and did a fabulous job directing the actors and their actions, but there is not a lot of creativity or style in the way things were filmed. The camera work and cinematography was mostly pretty straight forward, and I would have liked to see a little more creativity in that department. Maybe some extreme close-ups, or interesting angles and framing. I would have liked to see Haggis hire a cinematographer that brought a little more to the table to make this movie a great visual experience in addition to being a great emotional experience.

If you like intense movies that keep you on your toes and give you lots to think about, don't miss this one!
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Cool movie but too much cheese and not enough fun
10 September 2016
I started enjoying superhero movies a lot more when I learned to accept that they don't make any sense, they never will make any sense, and that's okay. I go into a movie like this planning to turn my brain off and just have fun watching some cool stuff.

This movie definitely has plenty of cool scenes in it. I liked the opening scene in ancient Egypt and the Quicksilver scene was fun. While I think it's ridiculous how some reviewers give it 1 star and hate it with a passion, I can actually see where they are coming from. They are angry and frustrated because this movie really should have been so much better.

It seems like Bryan Singer is just out of touch with knowing how to really direct the actors into giving realistic performances, and he just fills the movie with stupid clichés and cheesy moments. It really does kind of insult the viewers intelligence. With better direction, this movie actually could have been really great.

For a movie that actually has some interesting characters and what could be an interesting plot, there is absolutely no subtlety in this movie. Every plot point and every emotion is narrated and shoved in your face, so that the dumbest 3 year old will know exactly what is going on at all times.

This is one of those movies where all the biggest laughs at are moments that are supposed to be serious. It really does feel like a parody some of the time. For example when Apocalypse starts to suck information out of Storms TV and we see flashes of different major historic events. It is completely obvious that he is absorbing information about what he missed while sleeping, but since Singer is convinced we are all morons, he has to throw in a cheesy line where Apocalypse says he is "Learning" How can you not laugh at lines like that!

For a movie that is this cheesy and ridiculous, it really is very long and serious and dark. A director like Nolan can pull that off with "The Dark Knight" because he actually knows how to direct the actors and make things feel sincere. "The Dark Knight" has a depth and realism, and Nolan knows how to craft a character that actually acts and talks like a real human. It seems like Singer is trying to make a long, dark movie like The Dark Knight, but it just doesn't work because he's not a good enough director and all the dialog is cheesy and unrealistic. It results in a movie that just feels over long and over dull.

I do enjoy this movie, but part of the fun is laughing at how bad some of the cheesy parts are. Basically it's a movie that's good, but should have been a lot better and had a different director.
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Simple supernatural horror in the hands of a skilled director
1 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is what it looks like when you take a decent script and put it in the hands of a highly skilled and experienced director in the prime of his career.

James Wan directed the first Saw movie, as well as The Conjuring, and the Insiduous movies. He also directed Furious 7 and is currently working on Aquaman. It almost seems like he is showing off in this movie. It seems like he is having fun and pulling all his tricks out with confidence and ease to make a movie that is just plain awesome.

This is one of those movies that could have been terrible with the wrong director. The script really isn't anything all that special. It works, but there is nothing terribly new and original here, and the resolution to this movie is so bad it made me laugh out loud. (**Spolier**) This big powerful demon is terrorizing this family throughout the movie, and Lorraine is able to destroy it by "saying his name." And guess what? The demon told her what his name is... oops! I guess the demon didn't think that one through very well. To be scared of this demon for over an hour and then see the whole problem solved because she simply says his name, after he told her what it is, was kind of a let down for me. But then again, we're talking about demons here, so it's all kind of silly to begin with, and there really isn't any solution that would make much logical sense.

That being said, I don't really watch a movie like this for the plot, I watch it for the horror, and this movie has lots of it. They used a clever plot device that the demon is "hiding" by acting through other spirits. This gives the director a chance to use a wider variety of techniques and keeps things interesting. It's clear that James Wan really knows what he is doing and he plays with everything from CGI, to stop-motion, to jump-scares, and creepy sound effects. He has a lot of tricks in his bag and it makes for a movie with some great scenes.

He is especially good and using cinematography and color grading to darken areas of the frame just enough that you can't quite make out what you're looking at. I can't think of many other directors who do this as often and as well, but it really works.

Another scene I really love is the one with Lorainne by herself where the painting comes to life. Scenes like that are so cool, so well directed, and so scary, that they are instant classics in my opinion. If I were teaching a class on the greatest scenes in horror films, there are a few in this movie that would make the list.

Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga are no strangers to horror films. Besides being in both Conjuring movies and the Insiduous movies, Vera was also played the mom in Orphan, another great horror film. I think they were well cast and do a good job playing Ed and Lorraine. This movie relies heavily on child actors, which can be tough, but they all do a great job. The main girl who plays Janet is really the main character in this film, and she does an admirable job. I found it somewhat unconvincing at times when she was doing the different demon voices, but I don't think that is her fault.

If you are a fan of horror, you will love this movie. Don't go in expecting a great story, but you can expect to see a really scary movie with a director who has become a master of his craft and is really given an opportunity here to do what he does best.
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The Wolverine (2013)
Stylistic and unique superhero movie
18 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I actually really like this movie. I applaud them for daring to try something different. There really aren't any other movies quite like this. It definitely draws closely from various movies, but its not like your average superhero movie.

I think the plot is actually really cool and is actually pretty realistic for a superhero movie. The cinematography is beautiful and the locations and production design are nice as well. The whole Japanese samurai ninja culture is always cool and it is fun to see it blended with an x- men story.

There aren't many other superheroes in this movie, which is refreshing. Especially nowadays where they seem to pack way too many characters into every movie. Besides Wolverine, I really only recall poison Ivy being in the movie, and she goes by a different name and looks mostly like a normal person.

I forget what the criticism was of this movie. I remember people complaining that Wolverine doesn't have his powers for most of the movie, but that didn't bother me at all. The story builds to a nice climax and the pace is pretty good.

I wish more superhero movies would take risks and try to be original and creative like they did here. Go see this movie if you like a good action flick or x-men or Samurai culture.
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Decent movie with good suspense
18 August 2016
This movie definitely works. It's paced well and keeps you guessing. When the twist comes, I was genuinely surprised. It's a pretty simple movie that works because of a well thought out story and a solid script. With those things in order, a movie always has a good chance of working.

The other elements of the movie were pretty solid over all but nothing special. I wasn't impressed with the cinematography. It's okay, but could have been better and much more creative and artistic, especially in such a scenic location.

The acting was okay, and the cast mostly worked, but I could see other actors bringing another dimension to the roles.

My main complain, and this is mostly a directorial thing, but also editing and cinematography, was after the big reveal, it cut to flashbacks that explain the story, which went on way too long in my opinion. It gets the job done, but I could see it done in a cooler way.

Overall, it's a movie that works, but with a more creative director, it could have been really great. Instead, the director got the job done effectively, but didn't really stylize it in a notable way.

Definitely a movie worth watching. You probably don't need to own it or watch it over and over, but the first viewing will make for good solid entertainment.
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Fun movie with lots of laughs
19 July 2016
I was really surprised to see all the negative comments and reviews regarding this movie. It was nothing groundbreaking but there is really nothing here to get worked up about. The comments about it being sexist or racist are ridiculous. It seems like most people formulated these opinions based on the trailer and just wanted something to complain about.

I saw it in 3d IMAX last night and really enjoyed it. Some of the jokes fell flat, but overall, it was quite funny. The theater was mostly empty, but the people who were there were all laughing and having a good time.

I thought that the all female cast was a fun choice. It was a good way to mix things up. They each brought a little something and had a lot of charisma. Kate McKinnon was especially creative with the way she played her character. And Chris Hemsworth's character is hilarious. It was actually refreshing to see the "dumb blond" comic relief played by a guy.

The visuals were great. In fact, some of the CGI was very impressive. Other times, it looked a little cheesy, but a little cheese works fine in a movie like this.

I went in with an open mind and not very high expectations, and was pleasantly surprised. Let's not over-think this people- it's just a movie!
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Vacation (I) (2015)
Funny movie if somewhat lazy
29 June 2016
If you like dumb crass comedies, you really can't go wrong with this.

It stays consistent with the vibe from the original movies and has plenty of good laughs.

Ed helms does a good job as the dad. Otherwise, the cast was pretty decent overall, but nothing to rave about. I feel they got a bit lazy in terms of really finding interesting comedic actors and crafting hilarious memorable characters. I think that is part of what will separate this from truly great comedies like the original. The jokes were funny, but the characters were forgettable. Even when they had potential to be memorable, like with the truck driver at the end, instead it's just your average dude.

I will also say that there is a bit of inconsistency in the characters. Like the writers didn't really take the time to figure out who their characters were, but instead were focused on writing stupid jokes. For example, the dad knows what a glory hole is, but has never heard the term rim job?

So I don't think this movie will be remembered as anything remarkable, but its still a great way to pass some time if you want to watch a dumb but very funny comedy.
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Spring (I) (2014)
Romantic Love Story - Don't expect a horror film
31 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie because I was in the mood to watch a horror film and I like watching random indy horror flicks sometimes.

Unfortunately (for me), this really isn't a horror film at all, in the way that it is not the least bit "scary." If you like chick-flicks and romantic comedies, you will probably like this. It's basically a simple love story between two young people but with an interesting twist. Our main protagonist travels to Italy after his mom dies and falls in love with a girl who turns out to be some kind of vampire/werewolf creature.

The movie stays somewhat intriguing for a while, but in my opinion, the big reveal where he first finds out she is a "monster" (the audience knows long before) is very cheesy and comical. They cut to too many close-up shots that show imperfections in the make-up and the went a little overboard, choosing to turn her into a strange octopus like creature this time around. I found myself laughing at a lot of moments that were supposed to be intense or serious.

If you are looking for an independent romantic comedy with a creative twist, you will probably like this. They have good chemistry and the acting is pretty decent most of the time. The film is beautifully shot, with a pleasant looking, artistic feel and nice simple color grading that feels natural and not over-done.

Personally, once it gets to the part of the story where she starts explaining her transformations, I just couldn't buy it and felt like the film sort of fell apart at that point. She clearly acts like a young person, and not someone who is thousands of years old and lives forever. They would have been better off leaving things un-said, than trying so hard to explain everything and open up a myriad of holes in the story, and leave you with more questions that answers.

While this film wasn't really for me, its a quality film and I can see why many people have enjoyed it. It will be interesting to see what this director does next.
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Amazing One-of-a-kind movie will keep you guessing and thinking
10 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Mulholland Drive has been one of my favorite movies for a long time. Some people complain that it doesn't make sense or that the movie thinks it is more clever than it really is. I personally do not agree, and I think it is a brilliant milestone in cinema.

This is a spoiler, but the way I have always viewed the film is as follows.

The first 2/3 of the movie is Naomi Watts Dream. You are getting to see a stream of her unconscious.

After the box drops and the cowboy says to wake up, we NOW get to see what the REAL world is like for Naomi Watts. Yes, it still goes into some "daydreams" but for the most part, this is now reality. We see lots of character and elements from Naomi's real life that had shown up in her dream, but her dream shows a lot about her psyche and the way she thinks abstractly about different events and people in her life.

Some people say the movie doesn't make sense, but if you think about it this way, not only does it make a lot of sense, but you can see how everything Naomi dreamt about gave further insight to how she really felt about the people and situations in her life, and you begin to see a very complex character. By experiencing her dreams and her reality, you know a lot about this woman's thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

It is a very creative way of telling a story that is, in some ways simple, and in other ways, very complex. I am a film-maker who lives in Los Angeles, so I love all the commentary about the film industry, and I love the fact that this movie explores the subconscious of a disgruntled actress in Hollywood and her perceptions of the film- industry. I think that they parallel a lot of actors experience and provide a lot of good commentary about the industry in a way that can be both serious and very humorous.

Lynch is also known for his great sound design and ambiance and it shows here. He is great at creating a mood, creating tension, and making you feel a certain way. Some scenes feel very uneasy while others feel very familiar and he achieves a lot of this through subtle sound design.

Between the creative script, the brilliant directing, and the wonderful performances, this movie is a truly an experience that should not be missed.
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Trainwreck (2015)
Super funny movie with a great cast
9 February 2016
I'm not usually into romantic comedies, but this movie is freakin hilarious. I have been watching it over and over and just can't get enough. I usually just go back to my favorite scenes, and watch those, but there are a LOT of really funny moments in this film. During the second half, it get's more into the "story" and the romance aspects which I think work well also, but I don't really need to see all that multiple times.

What makes this movie so great is the writing and the cast. You can tell that Amy spent years thinking about comedy and fine-tuning her stand up, and took a lot of her funny bits to incorporate into this movie. And the cast is so perfect. Even the supporting cast like John Cena, Brie Larson, and Lebron James killed it. I was really surprised how funny Lebron James is.

I really think that Amy just has that "it" factor that makes her fun to watch. She's just a really funny person and the more times you watch this movie, the more you will notice the little nuances in the performances.

It's only so often that a comedy will draw me back over and over and continue to make me laugh and this is one of them.
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Sisters (III) (2015)
above average comedy - worth a watch
2 January 2016
After seeing Star Wars for the second time and falling asleep halfway through, my girlfriend and I decided to stick around for another movie and randomly walked into a showing of Sisters right as it was starting. I had never heard of it and had no expectations.

I looked around and noticed about 30 females sitting around me and only 1 or 2 guys, so I figured I was in for some kind of chick flick. Luckily, it ended up being a movie that was perfectly enjoyable for guys to watch. I would imagine, however, that woman would identify with these characters more, and this would be a great movie for a girls night out.

The plot was pretty thin and it seems very similar to other movies that I've seen before, but there was a lot to like in this movie. The chemistry between Amy and Tina is undeniable. You can tell that they had a lot of fun making this movie, and they both have lots of charisma and are fun to watch. While a few jokes fall flat or seem contrived, there were lots of hilarious laugh out loud moments. They both have such great facial expressions. With the wrong cast, this movie could have been terrible, but Amy and Tina really pull it off.

Overall, we ended up being really happy to have stumbled upon this movie. It was the perfect brainless, care-free, feel-good comedy that made for a fun time at the movies. The theater we saw it in was about half full and everyone was laughing loudly and having a good time.

I would highly recommend it to anyone who likes comedy and is in the mood for a crazy dumb movie thats lots of fun!
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Awesome movie with some flaws
18 November 2015
It's crazy to me how harsh some of these reviews are. How can you really HATE this movie? It's pretty awesome, in my opinion.

Let's face it, people. It's a Terminator movie dealing with time travel. It's not going to make a whole lot of sense. Most of the negative reviews I read heavily criticized things that didn't make sense in the plot regarding the science or time travel. I really think you need to be able to overlook and not-over analyze most of these things to enjoy a movie like this.

If you can just sit back and enjoy the ride, I think most people will find this movie to be great.

I read that the marketing campaign gave away most of the plot twists and that the director was really upset about it. Personally, I don'y watch TV, so I had not seen any of the trailers. I was completely surprised by the big twist regarding John Connor, and really though it was an awesome moment in the movie.

It didn't bother me upon watching the film, but the one thing pointed out in other reviews that does seem a bit silly in retrospect, is the fact that they are so eager to travel to the FUTURE to stop genisys, and they travel to the very last minute to give themselves just enough time. I see how this is somewhat necessary to make the film more intense, but it is really ridiculous that they wouldn't just wait it out so that they could have more time and be more prepared, or at least give themselves some leeway and travel to 2016 instead of 2017.

The main reason I'm giving this movie 8 stars instead of 9 is the casting. I don't think that a movie like this could really hope to deserve a 10 rating, because it's made to be mindless blockbuster entertainment, but with the right casting, I think it could have lived up to T1 and T2 a little more closely. Emilia Clarke does not have the intensity or drive needed to really pull off the character. She's not terrible, but a little too cute and adorable. Jai Courtney didn't bother me much but I do agree that he somewhat lacks charisma. He would actually make a good terminator.

Overall, I would say that if you like action movies and sci-fi, go into this not expecting much, and you will have a good time.
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Ant-Man (2015)
Entertaining superhero movie FULL of plot holes
7 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've become a big fan of MCU movies ever since the first Iron Man movie came out. I went into this expecting to love it, and I did enjoy it, but for the first time in a MCU movie, the plot holes were just too glaring to over-look, and the script felt disjointed.

I did enjoy the movie, and I learned long ago, that if I'm going to enjoy a super-hero movie, I can't over-think things. I really have to suspend my dis-belief. I watched this with that same mentality, but I couldn't help feeling like things weren't right.

This movie goes to some great lengths to explain the sci ency parts of what's going on but then completely ignores the things it just told you. Like Scott is told that his mass stays the same when he shrinks... then how can a group of ants or a flying any carry a 200 pound man? How man Hank carry around a key chain of a shrunken tank that would weigh thousands of pounds?

Another thing that kept bothering me... if he can easily make ants and random objects enlarge in size, how come he only shrinks? Why does he never get bigger, or at least mention the possibility? It would seem like that would be just as useful as shrinking. Not mention the fact that ants could no way survive being that size, they would not get enough oxygen. Any when Ant-man is small his voice should get very high in pitch but it stays the same.

Another thing that made no sense, when Hanks wife or Scott shrink down to "sub- atomic size" how exactly does this stop a missile or destroy the Wasp suit, if they are really THAT small and shrinking rapidly, it's hard to see how they could do that much damage at that size. Any if he is smaller than molecules, he would not be able to breath because the oxygen molecules would be bigger than him.

Then there was the whole mission that led to the fight with Falcon for some random "tech" object, even though it was never explained what that was, or why it was necessary or why Hank couldn't just build a new one.

And then there was the strange was in which Hank recruited Scott, by planting the idea of the safe, but having a friend of a friend tell the story... What if Scoff didn't steal the suit? Why would he bother to take it anyway? There were surely a lot easier ways to recruit him, like just talking to him or offering him money. The money he gave to the girl for telling the story would have been more than enough to convince him to try it on.

They there was the question of why Scott never even questioned this whole issue of the suit "taking a tole on people" "messing with their brain chemistry" .. you would think he might be slightly worried about that... but no, not at all.

I could go on and on... even with trying to just sit back and enjoy without thinking, these questions kept popping out at me. The movie just really made no sense at all.

I will say that I still enjoyed it. I though Michael Pena did a great job as comic relief, and Paul Rudd was a good Ant-Man, but while I enjoyed this movie, I left feeling sure that it should have been better. It just doesn't quite live up to some of the better MCU movies like Winder Soldier, Avengers, or Iron Man 1.
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Should have been so much better
13 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie really isn't that terrible, but considering the hyper, the budget, the resources, and the fact that Marvel has been putting out such great movies lately, it seems a lot worse than it is.

First the good things... I actually thought the story was re-told in a pretty cool way at it's most basic form. The idea of traveling to another dimension, instead of out into space, I think could work very well. It leaves a lot of possibilities, but unfortunately most of these were not explored.

The movie started off pretty well. In fact, for the first half of the movie, I thought maybe it was going to be a lot better than people let on.

A lot of people on here are complaining about the cast, but I think they were okay, just poorly directed. Most of them have proved themselves to be good actors in other films. I heard Trank was telling them on set to be as flat as possibly with all their deliveries and it shows.

I'm glad to hear that they are moving forward with FF2, because I don't think there is anything about this world that has been created that is inherently bad. The movie had lots of problems, but mostly that it felt incomplete, like it was cut short and scenes were missing along the way. This shouldn't really stop the next movie from being good.

I heard stuff was cut from the movie, so I'm not really sure what the script looked like, if maybe things were cut afterward that make the story seem non-sensible, but the script as it is in the movie, is pretty bad. The characters aren't properly developed and it really seems like a bunch of random pages got deleted throughout the film, but they continued using it anyway.

As far as the whole "dark, gritty" thing, I think it kind of works, but I'm not sure if this is the best superhero story for that. I feel like Fantastic Four is one of the more far-fetched superhero stories. I could buy the idea that they go to space (or another dimension) and come back with some sort of mutation. Chances are it would be negative of course, like some sort of cancer, but for the sake of entertainment, I could but the fact that cosmic radiation causes a beneficial mutation. But 5 completely different, random, and really cool mutations that are all completely different from one another?? Yeah right. If anything, they would all have the same or at least similar powers. That being said, this doesn't seem like the type of story that really needs to be taken super seriously. That's why I rather like the fact that Avengers and most of the other MCU movies have so much humor. Captain America and Iron Man have much more believable origin stories than Fantastic Four, so it seems silly to me to pick this one to make super serious, but had the plot holes been filled in and the movie been directed better, it could have worked.
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Fun, entertaining super hero movie that has some flaws
10 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I just read a bunch of reviews for this movie on IMDb and they all seemed to be negative. I definitely think they were being over harsh, most likely because they had SUCH high expectations going into this film. For how hyped up this movie is and how much money was spend, there are some things worth criticizing, but it certainly doesn't make it a bad movie. If you like superhero blockbusters, you will most likely enjoy this film.

I was torn between giving this a 7 or an 8. If I could be more precise, I would have said 7.4 or something. There are some really cool scenes, like the hulk-buster scene in Africa, I liked Andy Serkis in Africa, I thought vision was pretty col. The climax was pretty exciting and epic. And like many Marvel movies, there are lots of little things to notice which make it fun to re- watch.

One of the main criticisms I read people citing, was the over use of humor. This didn't bother me at all. It creates a completely different tone than a movie like "Dark Knight," but I think it works. Some of the jokes I actually thought were pretty funny, like at the beginning when Iron Man says "Good Talk" and one of the men yells "NO it wasn't!" Something about the delivery is very funny to me. Also when Dr. Helen Cho is invited to the party and asks if Thor will be there. Her delivery of that line was great. Robert Downy Jr is always funny and charismatic, and he delivers here as usual.

On the downside, the character development in this movie isn't great. I think they can get away with it because it ties in with all the other Marvel movies, so they think they can skip it, plus with so many characters, it's just not possible to really develop everyone, but some of the characters seem to act in a way that contradicts previous films. Iron Man, Captain America and Thor all seem to disregard much of what happened in their recent films. But most notably, Black Widow and Dr. Banner's romance does seem forced, and was never hinted at in previous films. Black Widow seems to have a new hero to flirt with in each film, and Dr. Banner doesn't really seem interested in her at all, even in this movie. They could have probably made the romance between them work, but they just went about it the wrong way.

Then lastly there is the issue of Ulton, his motives, and the jumbled plot surrounding his existence and his plan. It is a pretty cool story, but it really makes very little sense. It never is explained why he hates the avengers and he sort of explains why he wants to destroy Earth, but not in a very clear or logical way. Both he and vision come about so suddenly, and they are both instantly cracking jokes and coming up with grand schemes. It's not very easy to believe.

Also, the climax is sort of weird. Ultron seems like this invincible force that can live in the internet and change and multiply bodies and now has a vibranium body. But then at the end of the film, Vision "locks him out of the internet" and Hulk punches him, and now he is destroyed??? Lots of build up to suddenly take care of him really easily.

The whole movie does kind of have a weird mix of scenes trying to hard to be emotional surrounded by intense action and comedy. The first Avengers movie was much better at finding this balance.

The CGI was mostly great, however the first long shot of the Avengers invading Stryker's research base had some very fake video game looking stuff, but that must have been a pretty difficult shot to make look real. The CGI toward the end with the city rising was cool.

While there are some flaws, it takes some analysis and possibly a few viewings to really let them start bugging you. If you just turn off your brain and enjoy the action, its a cool movie. And in reality, all super hero movies are completely ridiculous, so I don't think these flaws warrant calling this movie a complete failure.

The first Avengers movie I can watch over and over, while this one I lost interest in after a few times, but I still enjoyed it very much and had a lot of fun watching it.
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Surrogates (2009)
Cool movie with hard to believe plot
18 June 2015
Some of the other reviews here seem to criticize the fact that the characters are not "human" enough and hard to relate to. That didn't really bother me. I don't feel like every sci-fi action movie needs to be overly emotional. Sometimes it's okay to have a movie that is just cool and fun, which this movie definitely is.

This is an entertaining movie, and if you like sci-fi, you will probably like it. It had a good pace, good special effects, and some cool action sequences. Bruce Willis is well cast, and the acting over-all is fine.

The main problem I had with this movie, is that it is really not plausible. The plot is full of holes and the movie is basically impossible to believe. They start the movie by saying that, within 20 years of so, everyone goes from a normal life, to living vicariously though their own personal robots. They even quote the number that 98% of people not live completely thought "surrogates." If it were something like 10%, it would be a lot easier to accept. There are places in the world were people still don't have fresh water to drink and have never seen a computer, and they expect us to believe that everyone in developing nations, can afford their own personal sophisticated robot? Yeah, right!

Even if the surrogates were useful for certain things, like dangerous jobs, or wanting to go out to a nightclub as a better looking person, there is no way that you wouldn't still want to go out and get some fresh air once in a while.

The ending has some interesting twists, but over-all, the ending is very predictable and somewhat cliché.

If you like sci-fi, this movie is worth a watch. The plot is cool, but could have been written in a more believable way.
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