
4 Reviews
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Eat Pray Love (2010)
Could have been better
3 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I waited for the movie to be launched anxiously and after I saw I can honestly said it was worth the wait. EPL is definitely one of the movies where Roberts proves us again that she is a great performer. Perfect lines, perfect emotion,perfect balance. The other actors simply revolve around her and they do a good job at it. James Franco is perfect in the part of a young actor and Javier Bardem is magnificent as usual. The scene with the tears where Felipe cries because his son is leaving in incredibly well-played. As for the plot, it is indeed rather exaggerated (woman in her middle-age crisis decides to abandon everything she has and set out in world) but Julia Roberts' acting makes it tolerable and in certain moments of the movie quite believable. The scenery is simply amazing,Italy is presented in a fabulous way, India and Bali also. The food depicted in the movie makes you give up any diet and dig into Italian cuisine. I'd say it's a great movie that has certainly earned a place in my list of favorite romance movies.
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2 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is simply awful and painful to watch honestly. I read all the books and although the writing is not that good in the books either the movie is worse. Bella's acting is completely annoying, she can't give a convincing line, no chemistry between her and Edward either. She has the same facial movements throughout the entire movie (unfortunately not more than 3). Edward is in this movie only to remind the teens of how gorgeous he is and that's it. In each one of his lines he looks like he's in pain or he's gonna throw up (same thing I noticed about Pattinson in 'Remember me'). Not to mention the fact he's wearing some kind of lipstick which is wrong on so many levels. Jacob's performance isn't worth mentioning because I am convinced he wasn't designed to act. His sole reason for being in this movie is given by the amount of muscles he grew. Not once in this horrendous 2 hours movie have I felt that he's genuinely in love with Bella. The rest of the characters are simply props because they don't give any cohesion whatsoever in the plot, they are just killing time until the sequences with Bella and Edward appear. I put my hopes and dreams that at least the famous 'blanket scene' will capture something of the books essence but it failed dramatically. It seems that the actors are just repeating the lines, they have no feeling, no empathy, anyone from the street could have done this scene better. The details about the Cullen members' transformation into vampires should have been stretched into a second part of the movie. There are too many things that are included in this movie to make it look like the book, that ruin the movie for good. It's like a soup inflated with too many ingredients. The impression I got after watching both 'New Moon'and 'Eclipse' is that they were made without any intent of creating a decent movie. They relied only on the success of the books and on the cravings of the teenage girls for seeing Pattinson over and over again. The first part of the series was different at least it offered a closer look at Bella's feelings somewhat similar to the book. In conclusion the worst spent 2hours of my life.I'm really sorry I paid for the ticket I could have used the money on popcorn and it still would have been a better investment
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big disappointment
17 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched the movie hoping to capture some of the moments form the series.But there weren't any.It really made me sad watching 4 girls who can't find their identity although they've reached a certain age. The plot is very weak, and the jokes don't even exist.Sometimes I was under the impression that I was watching a Fashion channel instead of a movie. I didn't expect to watch an Oscar movie, but on the topic of fashion+friendship I can find at least 3 movies better than this one (one would be 'The Devil wears Prada'. The only character from the TV show that keeps its personality is Samantha(it was a bit unbelievable that she would end up being faithful and committed to one man for the rest of her life).Her break up from Smith was necessary. Miranda's character doesn't follow the line of the series(she was very upfront, and now she waits for 5 months to tell Carrie that Big's indecision was her fault. Her character wasn't the one of a woman who can't cope through life, and now she seems to neglect Steve until he cheats on her. Charlotte is unnecessary in this movie,she doesn't have any role in it(she doesn't have any problems, she is there to remind us that life is like a fairy tale when you marry a rich person and all you have to do all day is going jogging and watching fashion shows) And Carrie's behavior doesn't make any sense(instead of talking to Big in the night before the wedding she tells him to go to sleep, because everything will be fine in the morning).She's very self-centered but she was like this in the series also. And the movie is way to long for this type of a plot(not to mention that their trip to Mexico doesn't have any relevance). Except for the costumes, sometimes during the movie I got the impression that it was made to show off clothes instead of showing a plot.
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Great Romanian movie
14 April 2008
It's a great love story that takes place during communism. If the teenagers today want to see real feelings, in a time when there were no internet or mobile phones, the should see this movie.'Oldies but goldies.It's real,very well-played,and it makes some of us remember high-school(for the ones who were in high-school during communism).There are no stupid lines, no rich spoiled teenagers facing ridiculous problems, it's reality. Every scene is very well-shot, and the dialogs are very realistic, not to mention the soundtrack (which reminds me of the more famous "Love story'). It's got everything you want for a nice movie full of realism and true love
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