4 Reviews
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Red Zone Cuba (1966)
One of the Biggest Milestones in the History of Film
18 August 2009
Through watching MST3K, I have also come to view a lot of really, really bad films. Manos, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians ... they even inspired me to watch Plan 9, which is widely considered the worst movie ever created.

But nothing can be compared to when I sat watching the episode featuring the Coleman Francis movie, "Red Zone Cuba". I soon came to understand that this was no ordinary film. I came to know that this was truly the worst movie ever conceived.

There is no plot. The dialog is 100 percent incomprehensible and incoherent. The acting is pretty much the worst you can imagine. The editing is equally horrible. The cinematography seems as though they just got a random kid on the street, stuck a cheap camera in his hand and said, "Here, point the camera this way for us." From the moment the characters start talking and interacting, you know you're in for a bumpy ride.

The only thing good about the whole movie was the fact that is was so terrible. I don't know if Coleman Francis thought it was funny to waste his money like this, or if he truly thought this would be a good film, but either way, he achieved some kind of all-time low for film-making.

But I warn you to watch it only on MST3K. I don't know what might happen to you otherwise, the movie stinks so bad...
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Beethoven's 4th (2001 Video)
21 December 2008
This has got to be the most terrible movie ever created. It's cheap, stupid, and pointless. The only reason they made it was to try and bring in as many dollars as they could with this apparently never-ending, relentless series.

In this movie, Beethoven manages to get switched with the dog of a very rich family who happens to look just like him. Hilarity is supposed to ensue here, but it just doesn't. Anyway, it all spirals downward to a lame ending that tries to make up for the rest of the film, but again, it fails. Big dumb dog, big dumb plot, big dumb movie.

Any attempt at what was supposed to be humor (and wouldn't really have been funny anyway) is ruined by the unspeakably horrible acting and lame dialogue. It was thoroughly un-enjoyable, from start to finish.

When will these people get it into their heads that this series is OVER? It was over from the very beginning. They're just wasting their money. Well come to think of it, they didn't spend any anyway...

Terrible. Just terrible.
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Good Stuff
6 March 2008
This movie creates a very nice blend of common Cambodian life, and splendid, powerful music. Having lived in Cambodia for nine years, I can definitely understand this film. It describes the Cambodian culture awesomely.

The photography is great to say the least. You are taken from 5 minute, unbroken shots of people just walking (perfect pictures of suburb life), to choppy, blurred shots of the chaotic traffic, and back to the silent, peaceful provinces. Very nice.

The music is beautiful, and I think it is fitting, despite what some people have said. It adds the perfect touch, and makes everything a lot more enjoyable.

I can see how this movie would not mean much to someone who had never seen Cambodia, but I think it's certainly worth at least one watch. I give it 8 out of 10.
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A Poor Film
4 March 2008
This movie was very poorly done. The animation was awful, and painful to watch, often repeating the same frames over and over and over and over...O_o Then the music is horrible, and the lyrics don't rhyme very well.

Characters are not developed well, and vocal talent definitely could be better.'Tui' sounds screechy, and gets hard to listen to, especially in his song. Leo's song had some potential. But it dissipated in the strange lyrics.

All in all, I would give it a nothing. But since I have to give it something, I say 1 star out of 10.
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