
15 Reviews
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Back To Basics
26 June 2023
A return to form for the series. In my opinion, the Walking Dead ended up having too many characters. The split to doing the best characters in their own spin offs is much better.

Negan and Maggie have great on screen chemistry and having a goal to follow doesn't make it feel like it is drifting like the end of TWD.

I like the way the script writers have remembered to put the undead back in and put a horror feel to it. The settings are dark and foreboding and there is a constant feeling that something bad can happen at any minute.

I am really looking forward to seeing how the series plays out but so far so good.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Started good then conformed to the diversity groups.
4 May 2023
The first few episodes were so full.of promise and then it started to make a rapid decline. The story telling came across as they had just lost interest. Its like they got a series commissioned off the first 2 episodes and didn't invest the monies in a good story teller or writer. It became like a doctor who episode from the 90s.

Then it quickly introduced same sex relations which seemed the norm now and part of every new series. Nothing against it but not for me.

I guess they have boxes to tick and quotas to meet. Got to include something for the you know what communities to latch onto. Bud Light will sponsor it next season.
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The Lair (2022)
A disappointing outing from Neil Marshall
14 November 2022
I'm a big fan of Neil Marshall and was really looking forward to this movie. I followed the hype train and was of the belief that this would be a return to form in the like of The Descent. Boy was I wrong. The script is awful and steals ideas from dialogues used in other movies like Predator, Aliens and Resident Evil. The acting is over exaggerated and there is no chemistry between the cast.

Now let's talk about "The Creatures". The suits worn by the Creature actors are so comical I think they were left-overs from some old 70's Doctor Who episode.

I can't remember the last time I watched a movie that felt so cheap and poorly executed.

Neil, what was going on in your head when you did this. Give us another great like Dog Soldiers or The Descent. You know you can do it.
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Firestarter (2022)
Gives TV-Movies a bad name
19 May 2022
The production of this movies comes across like it was made for the Sci-Fi channel. Its a shame because the original was not the best film but it was enjoyable to watch. The acting is ok but the film has nothing about it that draws you in or makes you feel any form of emotion other than regret at wasting your time watching it.
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Unoriginal, recycled trash
22 February 2022
What a disappointment. The script is predicable and recycled from previous outings. I would say its a Teen Slasher film but that would insult even that genre. Don't waste your time with this forgettable episode.
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Great Visuals & Location- that's it.
31 January 2022
This film offers great visual effects, make up and filming locations but the story telling and script are really bad and disjointed with gore and violence thrown in without thought. The actor is good and believable but unfortunately I couldnt help feeling I had wasted an 1.25 hours of my life .
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The Rezort (2015)
Not a bad effort
31 January 2022
A bit of a slow burner but it's not too bad an effort. The effects are good and the make up is passable. As for the acting, it's above average apart from the dumb rude boy accent supposedly from London, innit Bruv.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Till Death (2021)
Season 7, Episode 5
Great Episode without Morgan
10 November 2021
Fun, action packed episode made even better because Morgan is not in it. So many good characters left on the sidelines in this series to accommodate the boring Morgan story. It's a shame that it's become The Morgan Show.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Six Hours (2021)
Season 7, Episode 2
Watch with no sound and subtitles
18 October 2021
The episode features a distressed baby crying for half of it and it becomes to much. I turned the sound off and out the subtitles on. The episode itself felt like a filler and lacked depth or direction.
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By far the worst film I have ever seen.
18 September 2019
Where to start....the plot was awful and without direction. The acting was amateurish and borderline comedy. There was no fluidity to the scenes and it jumped around leaving me wondering if I had dozed off and missed something. The special effects were very bad. I would not recommend this anyone.
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The Colony (I) (2013)
A fantastic B-movie.
1 June 2019
Ignore the bad reviews, this is a great film. Atmospheric, bloody, dark, good plot and well acted. I've watched it 3 times over the last year or so. Highly recommend.
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Godzilla (2014)
Even worse than the 1998 version.
17 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Worse film ever! save your money and don't go. Godzilla is only in the film for a maximum of 10 minutes, the rest of the 90 minutes or so, that I lost of my life, is filled with mediocre acting that was about as exciting as treading on an upturned plug with no shoes on. I got the impression that the majority of the budget was spent on the sets and actors, leaving the effects for Godzilla until last, which resulted in him having minimal time in the film. Literally, up until the 70 minute mark, you only saw a tail and a few spines from his back. When a headshot finally materialised, it was only for a matter of seconds. I genuinely feel short changed and would strongly recommend that anyone planning to see the film should wait for it to come out on DVD.
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Mediocre at best
18 May 2011
After buying the film and watching it I cant help thinking that I wasted my money unfortunately. Overall the film had a good script and so much potential but was sorely let down by the director and wardrobe. The actors were good so it is not their fault that the film seems like it was shot in space as it lacks atmosphere.

This is set during the 2nd world war so you would think that a vampire wearing a modern,tailor cut leather trenchcoat sporting tribal graphics coupled with undergarments from Ann Summers, would be a little out of keeping with the clothes of that era. Did i mention the red streaks through the hair? The other costumes are passable but the wardrobe department were definitely not up to the task overall.

The camera angles are very one dimensional and you get the feeling that the directors imagination was on holiday when working on this film. It feels like the film is shot from a distance and their is no interaction between the characters, giving them a chance to express themselves fully. There is also a severe lack of musical accompanyment to any of the scenes so you get no sense of build up or excitement which makes it very flat.

It is a real shame as this could have been up there with the greats of vampire films but they should have given the job of director to someone else...anyone else.
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Worst zombie film ever
6 March 2010
This is without a doubt the worst film I have ever seen. The acting is so bad that i had to turn the film off after 15 minutes. I love zombie b-movies but this is a z-movie.

The script and dialogue exchange was laughable and the story line was such a rip off of so many other zombie films that i am surprised the film was allowed to go ahead. It also seemed like the the dubbing was out of sync and was clearly made on a small budget. Overall, the 15 minutes that i saw were so bad that i will forever remember this as the most laughable attempt at making a horror film that i have ever had the misfortune of viewing.

Don't waste your time on this.
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A racist portrayal of whites
9 August 2008
Racist rubbish. It portrays white girls in a very negative way. It's very sad that these sort of films are allowed.

If the title was " I'm Through With Black Girls" and portrayed them in a negative way then all hell would break loose. In actual fact, it wouldn't have been made.

It's becoming apparent recently that it's OK for good ole "whitey" to be the butt of jokes or typecast as being not as cool or good as other races.

Keep smiling white people cause it's acceptable for racist abuse to be used on us!
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