
11 Reviews
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Batman Begins (2005)
Great Batman picture one of the best!
5 August 2008
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Batman is of course one of the best superheroes ever. This adaptation of the classic comic book character is the truest form of any Batman there ever was it really brings out the essence of what Batman is and what it should always be. Christian Bale did a good job as Batman fighting two minor villains but they did a great job as well. This film does tell Batman's origin story the way it was always intended like in the comics. This film is a dark and gritty masterpiece not to take anything away from Tim Burton's batman films which were good, but this is what Batman should have always been. This picture also shines a light on minor characters like Alfred, James Gordon and Luscious Fox that play major roles in Batman/Bruce Wayne's life. Scarecrow is also a really cool villain.
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The Greatest Batman Film Ever!!!!
18 July 2008
To start off I'd like to say that I am a huge fan of the 1989 Batman picture and thought that Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson did great in their roles. However there is a new Batman in town and he is Christian Bale who I thought did a much better job as Batman this time around, also I never in my mind thought that I would say this, but Heath Ledger topped Jack Nicholson's Joker. He stole the show that is what makes this movie a must-see for any fan of Batman. We have just witness a classic film and one that should be the first ever superhero movie to be considered for an Academy Award for best actor for the late Heath Ledger and one for Best Picture. Chances of that are slim, but it is about time that critics are taking superhero movies a lot more seriously. GO SEE THIS FILM NOW!!!!
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15 March 2008
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The 90's was an interesting decade for The Academy Awards Best Picture winners you have the bad like Dances With Wolves and Shakespere In Love and the great like Shindler's List and Forrest Gump. However If I had to choose one movie in this decade that stands out as the best one, it has to be American Beauty. American Beauty is a story that focuses on a dysfunctional family living in a suburban neighborhood. Kevin Spacy and Annette Benning are excellent as the unhappy middle-aged married couple with an odd ball daughter who falls for the boy next door who is pretty odd himself, also Kevin Spacy's character falls for his daughter's best friend a wild girl played by Mena Suvari. This is complete with a great story and great music, this in my opinion was one of the best movies that came out in over 20 years and a well deserved Academy Award Winner for Best Picture in 1999 and the best one of that decade. If you haven't seen this film yet please watch it you won't regret it.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
A Masterpiece!!!
15 March 2008
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Martin Scorsese's superb character study of a rather disturbed NYC Taxi Driver, is one of the greatest movies of all time. Robert DeNiro has already been considered a superstar having done The Godfather Part II. Everything about this story was incredible and Harvey Kietel was great as the pimp of a young prostitute played by at the time a 12 year old Jodie Foster. This movie is just a way of showing what scary things a regular hard working man may see in the late hours of the night at NYC or anywhere else for that matter it just took place in NYC, and he decides he wants to go and clean it up. Also look for a great cameo by Scorsese himself as a weird passenger. Great film if you haven't seen it go rent it and watch it I highly recommend it.
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Rocky (1976)
Beautiful Story!!!!!
15 March 2008
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I absolutely love this film it was incredible I have seen this film thousands of times and I never grow sick of it. This is a well deserved Oscar Winner for Best Picture, now don't get me wrong I loved Taxi Driver (which was nominated for best picture that same year) as well, but this is a great story of a man going for the impossible and coming out on top, in love and life. Beautifully acted by Sylvester Stallone (sadly to say one of his only few great performances) and Talia Shire as Adrian his love interest. Rocky gets a perfect score in my book and is to date the best Boxing movie of all time. Now if you have never seen this movie before that is a shock and I beg you please go out and watch it and you will be sure to love every moment.
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The Apartment (1960)
Best Jack Lemmon Movie and One Great Love Story!!!
7 February 2008
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This film is now and will forever be a masterpiece. Jack Lemmon and Shirly Mclaine lit up the screen in their grade a performances, Fred MacMurray was also great as the not so cool boss. The chemistry between the two main characters were great and in my opinion this was Mr. Billy Wilder's best film. This film has something for everyone comedy, romance and drama all rolled up in one to give us true greatness in film. We all have been in this situation kind of where we love one girl but she's in love with someone else who is a complete ass and doesn't see you for what you are until you spend some quality time together and get to know the person you have overlooked for quite sometime, which in my opinion adds realism to the picture.If you have not seen Billy Wilder's The Apartment please give it a chance it is in black and white which I think is great, I highly recommend this picture.
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Goodfellas (1990)
Why I Think This Is The Best Mob Film Ever!!!!!
1 February 2008
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Now don't get me wrong I love The Godfather I think it's one of the best ever, but this one takes the medal as the best mob film ever. Martin Scorsese is great and knows how to make an epic film work. I love how the mobsters were all street guys and had lived well, but not like royalty like in the Godfather. Some of these guys lived in regular homes. This showed a side of mobsters having fear that the feds were following them or listening in on their conversation as opposed to the Godfather where they seemed like they weren't worried at all at times. Plus Robert De Niro, Joe Pesie, and Ray Liotta are all top notch names and added realism to this epic tale of crime. Martin Scorsese is one of the greatest directors in Hollywood and this film is his masterpiece. If you haven't seen this film yet I highly recommend it.
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Halloween (2007)
Not better then the classic, but not that bad
30 January 2008
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I truly thought Rob Zombie did a decent job at turning a horror classic like John Carpenter's Halloween into his own film or a different take, believe this would have sucked if he tried to duplicate what Carpenter did. Zombie made this film the way he felt it should have been and I respect him for that. In my opinion a little bit to bloody for my taste, but that's what was so great about the original it was scary enough without the blood. I did like that Michael came from a dysfunctional family which differs from the classic where he came from a normal family. Coming from a messed up family kind of shows why he is whacked. Well I say it's a lot better then the crappy horror films they make these days and say if you enjoyed the original, give this one a try.
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Nicholson at his best!!!
29 January 2008
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I loved As Good As It Gets quite frankly in my opinion it was the best movie of 1997 and I also loved Titanic, but I think this film should have won the Oscar for Best Picture. A story so pure and great comes once every few decades. The story of a man who hates everyone and everything coming to grips with reality and becomes very nice and starts to see himself becoming part of the human race. The movie was so well acted it is like you can see the change in Melvin like it's for real. Helen Hunt was also great in this picture and so beautiful as well and her and Nicholson had this great chemistry that is quite rare these days in these type of films. Well acted, written and directed. It is James L. Brooks best film and Jack Nicholson at his best as well. This film is a perfect 10, if you have not seen this film, I highly recommend it.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Not as good as the first 2 but not that bad.
29 January 2008
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I am a huge Spider-man fan and a fan of the films as well. I thought that all the actors gave 100% to this film, but the story was a little shady. I enjoyed the villains and thought they were all great but the final fight between all four guys could have been a lot better. One thing I did enjoy was the Peter Parker and Mary-Jane love triangle with Harry and how they all struggled in their situations as if to show a much more human side to these super heroes, making it so we can relate to them. There is plenty of action for the fans of action and a good deal of drama and humor and romance for other fan of that. All together I say the movie gets a 6 1/2 stars out of 10.
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Annie Hall (1977)
Quite Simply Allen's Best!!!!
29 January 2008
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I am a huge Woody Allen fan and think that the majority of his movies are great. Bananas, Sleeper, Love and Death were all great comedies, but in 1977 came along a Masterpiece "Annie Hall". I love the story and the great chemistry between Allen and Keaton added realism to the whole film. This film was really funny, but at the same time brought Allen's great deep dramatic elements that were absent in the films I mentioned earlier. This also brought on such other classics like Hannah and Her Sisters, Crimes and Misdemeanors and Match Point. Woody Allen is a genius at blending comedy, satire and drama all together and bringing us unforgettable classics like Annie Hall in my opinion one of the greatest films of all time as a comedy or a drama. If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend it.
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