
18 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Thrice bitten twice shy
30 August 2023
Another nolan disaster, the last three of his movies were totally illegible, mumbling dialogue overlaid with loud annoying music that completely destroyed what may have been great movies Interstellar being a perfect example, mc connaughty's southern drawl was the icing in the cake there!! Entire movie totally ruined. Oppenheimer, from what i have read in many quarters suffers from the same NOLAN ADDICTION!!.

What i really take acception to is a movie that is so heavily advertised and so heavily slanted towards a made up narrative rather than truth. Its what is not discussed, shown or even remotely mentioned that makes this movie a sad farce, no doubt it will do marvelously coms oscar time.
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A Bronx Tale (1993)
How could i have possibly missed this one
11 August 2023
Being a movie buff of sorts, and an old one at that, i really cannot understand how its possible this movie evaded me until this evening!!! Absolutely brilliant acting, directing and execution (no pun intended) i would hazard a guess this movie depicts the mafias "golden era" more accuratley than any other mafia movie made. It shows the UNDER SKIN of a mafia boss, a father desperate to keep his son on the straight and narrow hating to see what he was becoming yet not fearing to stand up to the gangster, who in fact was, in his own way protecting the kid and urging him to take another path. Both men grudgingly respecting each other! The very young 9 year old "C" steals the show with some hilarious lines, particularly in the confessional and then in the crapshoot.

A really solid 10 movie and a must see!!
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Local Hero (1983)
40 yearsto review again
4 August 2023
First saw this movie when it came out in the early 80's, at the drive in with about 8 mates in a volvo wagon of all things, couldnt see a thing for the smoke cloud in the car, when we opened the windows even the neighbours got smashed. At that time all i understood was the incredible haunting soundtrack, no idea what the movie was about, bought the soundtrack and played it for 3 months non stop, long before it became famous!

Fast forward 20 years got the chance to see the movie all over again, got wacked all over again and still no idea what the movie was about, but still fantastic sound track. 20 odd years later got the chance to see it in my wisdom years, this time STRAIGHT, enjoyed the movie immensley, sadly still no idea what its about!!, so in the next week with all my wisdom years, i plan to atch it again and again, wacked, will advise how it turns out!
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Dean Spanley (2008)
brilliantly executed by all concerned...BUT???
1 October 2022
The acting is first rate, all actors exhibit an absolute mastery of their craft, however I think its the screenwriters who have made this movie the brilliant little gem that it is!!

I found the discourse amongst the players interesting, funny and at times soulful, AND THEN SUDDENLY SAM NEIL LETS LOOSE WITH HIS ORATION OF WHO/WHAT HE WAS. His description and eloquence in describing his adventure was absolutely breathtaking, and i think made all the easier buy the brilliant screenwriting. His description of events , and i dont want to reveal anymore for fear of spoilers, was up there with some of the greatest speeches in movies, such as in THE CONTENDER with jeff bridges oration towards the end of the movie, or, LAWRENCE OF ARABIA where Anthony Quinns hair raising speech just after meeting with peter o tooles group and inviting them to dinner makes the hairs on the nape stand up. All three truly inspiring.
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Whst an absolute crock
22 August 2022
Total waste of a good story by ridiculous acting and presumption. After supposed 8 months of training,lively's character is able to take down trained terrorist in unarmed combat by initially beating the daylights out of them, and if memory serves every time she points a pistol at someone she is disarmed!!! On top of that she out thinks, out guns and gets them all. Totall and utter rubbish.
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Sputnik (2020)
A very enjoyable and watchable effort
16 August 2022
Say what you like about russians but they make great (sometimes a little off beat) war and science fiction movies. Sputnik is deliberatley made to give one an understanding of life within russia. It is incredibly well and intelligently presented, looking at scores here i cant help thinking the scores may reflect the political bias of russia rather than any artistical merit. It is well acted, the story line is quite believeable, particular the medical and testing conducted on the astronaut. Some plot holes towards the end but overall it deserves a very solid 8. You really should watch it, you will enjoy it.
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Watchable but not comparable the original
14 August 2022
Trust americans to introduce high tech unbelievable action scenes and turning it into a romantic drama. The magic of the original was the fact that it new it was over the top. Probably what makes the original so superior was benny hills small but incredible scene stealing performances and the interview by caine of hills characters sister. Hills reaction to the 2 burly women in the sports car has to be in the top 20 movie quotes.... I LIKE EM BIG!!!!
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John Carter (2012)
The title of the movie caused $100 million loss
7 August 2022
A brilliant entertaining movie from start to finish destroyed by marketing stupidity, just 2 words, 6 syllables (OF MARS) in the title would have had incredibly different results. A sci fi movie with a mans name!!! What on earth were they thinking!! They underestimated the viewing public and paid the price, which was a great pity, the script was easy to follow, very well executed, actors were very good, moments of humour, a little over the top as all sci-fi movies are but most importantly immensley entertaining. Would have lived to see a sequel.
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Tenet (2020)
Another overblown nolan disaster
6 August 2022
After 10 minutes i was lost, after 60 minutes i was completely lost. After 100 minutes i was in the land of the bewildered, totally! Nolan has a very fertile imaginative mind but he doesnt seem to understand that movies are made for entertainment not for angst and frustration. Like INCEPTION this needs to be

watched several times to be understood and even then too many questions remain unanswered. INTERSTELLAR should have/could have been a great movie but like tenet, was totally ruined by incessant loud noise passed off as music score, so bad, loud and annoying that dialogue could not be understood. Such a great pity, visuals were great, but thats all!

Sadly its the last nolan movie i will over watch!!! Its pointless going to the cinema for 2 1/2 hours of loud noise!!! Inception, interstellar and now this, what is really annoying is that nolan deliberatley makes the music to almost completely drown out any dialogue!!

Some distributors need to make him an offer he cant refuse, that being, GO SEE AN EAR SPECIALIST OR NEVER WOTK IN THE MOVIE BUSINESS AGAIN!!
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Crazy movie but what an incredible soundtrack
29 July 2022
Yes the movie manages to encompass every genre imaginable, but it certainly keeps you in your seat with nary a dull moment. Even though its cheesy several actors do stand out. By far the most impressive thing is the brilliant sountrack, judt thst alone makes it a rollicking ride.
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What a remarkable experience
20 July 2022
Brilliantly conceived and executed. I love the 3 piece band and the ukraine singers which take the place of any soundtrack, they are in the viewers sight but the actors are always oblivious to them, marvellous concept about one womans fierce concern about her country and the environment. You really must watch it, but like many podts here, try to remember, its a movie.
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Still trying to figure it out
13 June 2022
Have watched this weird movie four (4) times now, and still absolutely no idea what its about or even why they bothered making it !!!!. Maybe i didnt smoke enough???? The original blade runner was brilliant, with vibrant believeable acting. This 2+ hour sleepfest can only be described as a lame attempt at expanding on the original. I think the worst thing about this is the fact there is totally now emotion in the acting. I am aware that was a deliberate thing, but oh what a mess.
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1917 (2019)
If this is fact then i can understand why this war took 4 years
6 June 2022
Either english soldiers were chosen from the worst of village idiots. Or, the writers and director were smoking some magic grass.i find it inconceivable 2 soldiers on such an important mission would behave and travel across enemy land, vast open spaces, chatting without a care or worry in the world!! Pure lunacy!!!!

But then again,there were 58,000 americans died in vietnam war, many of whom went on patrol high as kites, or with transistor radios strapped to helmets listening to "the game" while wandering through jungle on patrol??? For some war is not hell but a game, until their arms and legs are blown off.
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Rollerball (1975)
Life imitating art
25 December 2021
An amazing movie that had no idea of the impact it would have on future generations. Roller ball encompassed so many of todays "values" such as CAGE FIGHTING, a true blood sport. Politics, media and money corrupting sports to name a few. A brilliant movie so far ahead of its time.

A must see for the thinkers!
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Nice try BUT!
4 November 2021
It started of interestingly and showed promise until they landed on the planet. No expense was spared in arranging the entire expedition and when they start exploring, one idiot takes his helmet off, another idiot decides to leave the grouo, then everybody seems to go their own way. 2 other morons get lost in the labarynths. Remember they are experts in their fields so one presumes very intelligent and experienced! Yet when they come across the snake creature, what do they do??? HERE BOY...COME ON BOY... ARENT YOU A CUTIE????...... OH PLEASE!!!!!.. SWITCH OFF AND GO WATCH THE GRASS GROW!
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Interstellar (2014)
22 October 2021
Should have been enjoyable but someone made some rather terrible sound mixing errors. I saw the movie in 2 theatres in 2 separate countries and then on dvd and on television the music completely stifled verbal conversation by actors. Also, whilst Mathew Mcconnaughy is a great actor, his unintelligible southern drawl completely ruined the movie.

Some of the "incidents" in the movie goes completely against the character. For example, when matt damons character tries to kill cooper on the ice, when cooper has the advantage on top of damon , damon is bashing helmets with him, cooper is asking not to do that its dangerous to both of them, seriously?????
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Inception (2010)
4 times and none the wiser
19 August 2021
Watched this for the 4th time tonight and still cant make head nor tail of it. My concern is that, unashamedly, i am very intelligent but after the "whatever" level . I completely lose the plot! In fact the whole purpose and objective of the movie is completely lost on me.
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a real must see, particularly now
14 August 2021
I am amazed there has never been a revue previously here for this incredible documentary. Vangelise's incredible soulful music (le songe bleu) really highlights the plight of animals (and now humankind).

I watched this.well over 40 years ago, and recently playing the music brought me here. It is a must watch If not for anything then Vangeles' masterpiece.
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