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7 August 2002
I thought this movie was hilarious. I kept cracking up throughout the whole thing mainly because

1.) During the beginning when everything's 'normal', it's SO OBVIOUSLY staged. It's just funny.

2.) Brian Kirkwood, playing the bad guy. He was pretty good I have to say, put on a convincing act. And it was funny watching him running around naked.

Maybe it was rated so high, but I thought it was funny and perfect for the teen/young adult audience. And it kept me on the edge of my seat.
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The Mummy (2001–2003)
26 June 2002
I was SO ashamed when I first watched the first episode. When I saw the previews for it I was shocked to know they could do such a thing, but I wanted to watch it to see what they did. I only saw the first episode, and I can't watch anymore.

First of all...the image is so totally wrong. The cartoon didn't even stick with the movie descriptions. Evie is not a redhead, Rick's not blond, etc. And the mummy...he is NOT supposed to have hair. It is a FACT that egyptian priests shave off their hair for religious purposes. And that is obviously why Arnold Vosloo had no hair in the movie. But then this cartoon comes along and he has hair! It goes against the movie, the storyline, AND the historic evidence of priests.

The storyline was also just...terrible. Alex is not totally stupid, even I can see that. But you'd think that after the second movie, he'd think twice before sticking strange bracelets on. Well...no. In the VERY FIRST EPISODE he sticks that sucker on his wrist and what happens? Yes, it gets stuck on him and brings Imhotep back somehow. The viewers aren't stupid, they're going to see that and notice the lack of creativity there is among the writers.

Another peeve would be the lack of sticking-to-character. They travel by some new high tech hot hair baloon, and Rick even made some comments saying how nice it was and how nice it would be to fly it. Now if we were to look back in Mummy II we'd know that Rick DOES NOT like balloons and probably would never want to ride one again. And Jonathan...his only purpose in the cartoon is to trip and fall on his face and possibly get everyone in danger. 'Hey, we don't know how they're going to fall in this trap, so let's put JONATHAN there first...'

First episode was enough for me. All I saw was a bunch of repeats from the movies and even the repeats weren't efficent enough to carry the story.

Please. If there's a good movie out, DON'T ruin it by making a cartoon. They did it to Men in Black, and that was a disaster.
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