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Loved this touching film
1 March 2020
Let me start by saying I am not a huge Harrison Ford fan. I went into this movie not expecting too much but I loved the book and decided to put my distaste for Ford aside and give the film a try. I absolutely loved it. I've read a lot of the comments on here about the CGI effects diminishing the film; I disagree. The film is wholesome and harkens back to a film Hollywood long abandoned. It kind of reminded me of those Sun Schick adventure films of the 1970s. And a sidenote, I spent the entire film thinking about the relationship I had with my own dog before he passed away in 2018. I wonderful film for young and old alike.
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3 hours of nonsense
5 October 2019
This is one of those movies that's built up to be the greatest film to hit the theater in a generation. I remember when the trailer came out--people began to rave about how good this film would be. Well this film sucked. Monumental waste of three hours. It was painful to watch. For lots of reasons. Jessica Chastain mailed it in. Bill Hader echoing F-bombs every other word. Ransome is a guy you want to punch. The only scene I enjoyed in the film was the scene with the old woman-and even that was ruined because the entire scene played out in the trailer. Worst, the movie wasn't even scary. CGI trickery. It was more like a Tim Burton film. And one other thing-the silly, over-the-top attempts at humor greatly diminished the film. For a film positing itself as the scariest adaptation of a King novel, the audience spent far too much time snickering at lame jokes. I want my money-and my three hours--back.
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Get My Gun (2017)
Wow. What a movie.
14 August 2019
I really enjoyed this flick. Character development was awesome, the story was incredible and the revenge was just. My only complaint without giving anything away is that the storyline in the last 20 minutes of the movie Involving Amanda's friend strains credulity... But still a very enjoyable film that manages to not exploit the main character. Great Grindhouse revenge flick.
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Open minded liberals supporting abortion need not be afraid of the truth
19 February 2019
In an age when liberals demand that people who question the (junk) "science" of man-made global warming be bullied and beaten into submission, along comes a film that works in reverse; and asks viewers and true supporters of science to acknowledge the truth of an ultrasound. But "Gosnell" neither bullies nor beats the viewer to make its point. The film is harsh; the film is accurate; the film is real. Tells the story of the trial of a man who was lionized by the abortion lobby and ignored by the media until they had no choice but to cover the story of infanticide perpetrated at the hands of this monster.
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Hereditary (2018)
Wow. Way below expectations
11 June 2018
I don't know what to say about this film except I went into it expecting to blown away after reading the pre-release buzz. Instead of being blown away, I left the theater scratching my head, feeling I was ripped off. One quick impression is that the makers of this film are counting on repeated viewings in order for people to follow what the hell was happening. The film wasn't really scary. But very unsettling. Don't know about anyone else thinks, but the trailer was very deceptive. It gave the impression the homely character Charlie would play more of a role in the film; this was not the case. Best horror movie of the year? Hardly. Worthy of an "8" collective rating on IMdb so far? Hardly. I gave it a 3 instead of a '1" because Toni Collette plays pained and haggard better than anyone on screen today.
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I.T. (2016)
Pierce Brosnan- man. What a waste of 90 minutes
27 December 2016
I watched this on Netflix over Christmas break and the first thing that came to my mind after watching was just how far Pierce Brosnan has fallen. I mean this guy played James Bond. In this film, he's reduced to a guy with a scowl on his face that makes him come off looking like a guy who hasn't had a bowel movement in weeks. Add to this his dialogue in the film consists of Brosnan resorting to every "fuck" derivative known to man. Oh. And did I mention that the acting is deplorable? Anna Friel is wasted here. The story is lame. Editing is horrible. Nothing new here at all. Unless you get your jollies listening to Brosnan's Irish brogue mutter potty-mouth dialogue, pass on this and watch an old Bond entry of his or Remington Steele.
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District 9 (2009)
Beware High ratings on IMDb
17 August 2009
I went to see this late Friday night, largely in part due to the fact that the film's ratings on this site right before I went were almost unanimously positive. How disappointed I was to sit walk out of the theater hours later, thinking I had been ripped off, not by the filmmakers but by bogus postings on IMDb. I am now convinced that people stack ratings on films in current release to generate interest. This film was horrible. Horrible CGI; horrible acting and an extremely inane premise. Don't waste your money. Next weekend, The Time Traveler's Wife.... Things wrong with this film: 1) South African dialect is nearly impossible to understand. 2) The "documentary" format of the film detracts from the story. 3) While pretty to look at, the female lead is a horrible actress. 4) Like a lot of horror films today, this film can't decide on whether it wants to be a comedy or a dramatic film. HORRIBLE film.
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Michael Rennie and Patricia Neal they aren't...
23 December 2008
I took my 8 year old son to see this, figuring he'd be into it much more than the original, which I feel is the classic Cold War science fiction film. My son hated the remake. I was bored too. Keanu Reeves in the lead was a mistake. And the obvious allegory to our alleged rape of the planet being at the center of the alien's visit- it is sickening. This is less a remake of the 1951 classic than it is a remake of 04's The Day After Tomorrow. Jennifer Connelly is again wasted. The kid actor is cute but cannot act very well. Cleese is decent for the 3 minutes on-screen, but all in all, this film is forgotten by the time you get home from the theater. If you want halfway decent entertainment, go see it. But if you want to be moved by film on many different levels, stay home. Keanu Reeves is about as talented a leading man as Mason Reese.
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The Orphanage (2007)
Wonderful piece of film making
2 May 2008
I consider horror my favorite genre of film. This being said, there are far too many horrible scary movies compared to the numbers of worthy horror films. "The Orphanage" is the best horror film I have ever seen. Period. The mood; the feel; the atmosphere. It is all here in a film that will stay with you long after viewing it. The scenes with Geraldine Chaplin are frightening. The female lead is absolutely wonderful. The little boy is precious to behold on screen. Even if you aren't a horror buff, go see this film with an open mind. It will amaze you and have you leaving the theater saying "This is what going to the movie theater should be like." The frights are genuine thrills. The score subdued but effective. I have watched it three times already and cannot wait to view it again. One helluva good movie.
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Wow....does Lon Chaney Jr look horrible in this film
27 December 2004
My wife gave me this video for Christmas 2004 and I was stunned by how awful the production was. I noticed in the first story the man who later played Sheriff Bridges in the Waltons, John Crawford. Neat story. Beautiful woman in the photo by the way. But what makes this a good "awful" film is the macabre appearance of Chaney Jr. as the devil. His face is bloated like Ted Kennedy's. Shame he wasted away in his later years. Crappy quality on the same DVD as Vincent Price's "SHOCK", but worth a look if you like old films that have never played on late night TV. Cheesy special effects abound in this, as well as over-acting. But what the hell? Just because a flick doesn't win an Oscar doesn't mean it isn't watchable.
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Son of the Beach (2000–2002)
If "penetration island" is a good gauge, the third season will blow
19 June 2002
I watched the third season opener last night. What an incredible waste of time. Jason Alexander; what a sad demise. Jaime Bergman hiding her stomach the whole episode.

This show has (d)evolved into what the Stern radio program invariably becomes after 10 minutes of listening; fart jokes or sexual double entendres. First season was funny, so was second. But I've had enough.

I'm all done with this show. To think I spent an hour of my life last night wasting my time on Notch gobbling up boogers. Like boogers are yellow anyway....
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