
23 Reviews
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Battle of the Planets (1978–1980)
An all time classic.
15 September 2023
I remember watching this as a child in about 1980 or 1981 on television. And it has always stayed in the back of my mind since then, funnily enough I was fortunate enough to re-watch many episodes online and it is still as good as I remember it. The animation is properly hand drawn stuff none of the soul less CGI graphics that make us most kids tv shows now. The characters & voices of the actors are superb.

I've always been a fan of Japanese animation all my life, anime or manga. I guess it probably started with this show Battle of the Planets. Glorious memories that still is great to watch today.
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A good little sex/relationship farce.
1 September 2023
I really don't understand the negative reviews this film got on release, I really liked, it has a bit of everything, screwball comedy, French farce, great lines, good performances and a great location. Blame it on Rio has some genuine laugh out moments that made me snort coffee out of my nostrils while watching it.

Michael Caine & Joseph Bologna is superb together, great chemistry and hilarious farcical scenes. Michelle Johnson and Demi Moore are stunning and good in their roles.

Straight laced Michael Caine increasing desperate attempt to keep the affair a secret from Bologna is just superb. All in all a cracking little movie.
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A timeless classic.
26 November 2022
I've just watched "Dogtanian & the Three Muskehounds" one of my favourite childhood shows along with Around the World with Willy Fog. I was wondering was it as good as I remembered it when I watched it as a 10 year old in 1985 (what a great time of my life that was)? The answer is a big YES. The animation is charming, and the anthropomorphization idea of animals as people is just great & cute. Awesome voice acting by Cam Clarke as Dogtanian & rebecca forstadt as Juliette. I have not seen the new version of this show but this one is just fantastic. I wish I could go back to 1985, bring back so many happy memories of family life, boy do I miss my parents.
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Whose Baby? (2004 TV Movie)
Superb intelligent drama.
7 June 2022
A wonderful drama about parenthood starring Sophie Okonedo and Andrew Lincoln, pre-The Walking Dead superstardom. The writing is natural and intelligent, & performances are mesmerising esp Andrew Lincoln as he fights for access to see his baby daughter. The ending is a bit surreal, funny and poignant. If you can watch, it's probably on Youtube, watch it! Well worth your time.
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Sightless (2020)
Good acting but poor story
22 January 2021
I lasted an hour but has to switch off as it was boring to watch. The only reason it's 3 not a 1 star review is the performances were very good, especially Madelaine Petsch. But as for the story? It was hard to understand what was going on half the time. Bit of a mess and all filmed in near darkness. There's a superior 70's movie with Mia Farrow playing a blind woman being stalked by a serial killer called See No Evil (Blind Terror) watch that instead. Now that is how a horror movie should be done.
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Not a terrible movie, but nothing special either.
7 June 2020
Word of warning, if you suffer from travel sickness avoid this. I do and I had to look away several times, not from terror from the film but from nausea with the shaky awful camera work. Yes I know Blair Witch started it all, a great film by the way, but even that looked calm & tranquil compared to the ridiculous OTT camera work. Didn't the DP or a producer have a word in the ear of the director to cut it out? If not why not? The cast did well, but I wouldn't like to see this again.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Beware of horror comedies that are neither.
17 May 2020
The acting was good by the cast, but that's the only positive. This film looked good when I saw the ad and it could have been very good but in the end it failed to be either funny or scary in a silly infantile story. Rather than waste your time on this, watch American Werewolf in London, now that a proper horror film with great black humour.
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Pardon Us (1931)
Comedy heaven!
26 January 2019
There are no words to describe the genius of Laurel and Hardy. I've watched all kinds of comedy all my life, from all over the world, and to me Laurel and Hardy is still the best. I watched this morning and literally laughed all the way through. When Stan's "pfft" noise comes from his loose tooth when he talks makes you cry with laughter just on it's own. Amazing. Just amazing. Perfection!
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Bird Box (2018)
Interesting but underwhelming. Great first 30 minutes or so then went downhill.
28 December 2018
First 30mins were v.good, set the mood, used the flashback device to tell how it started, sort of. Reminded me of The Mist but not as good. So many unanswered questions. Who were the ghosts/spirits/creatures? It started in Romania and Russia? Was it a Putin biological attack that gone bad?

Were they aliens from planet Zlopadop? Who knows? Why could some survive without covering their eyes while others killed themselves instantly? If birds could live, does that mean this thing affected only humans? Why didn't we see a single animal then? No cats, no dogs, not even a cockroach.

How could you sail a river and drive a car around streets strewn with bodies, debris, vehicles blindfolded? A sat nav? Oh please. Where were the Army? Why couldn't the creatures just break a window to get the survivours?

You didn't really care about the characters, and the pacing was slow, could have cut lot of dialogue and got on with the story. John Malkovich and Sandra Bullock stood out for me. Better than average sci-fi end of the world movie but nothing special.
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Amazing, just amazing film.
22 December 2018
Here is a movie I saw as a child that has stayed with me all my life and even gave me some direction in life (I'm a huge animal rights welfare supporter). The voice acting is superb, the animation is first class and the story is mesmerising.

The scene when the rabbit Hazel, the lead character in the film, almost dies after being wounded by a farmer's gun and the song "Bright Eyes" comes on is arguably the most emotional thing I've seen in a film.

If you don't cry watching this film then you are a robot. Simple as that. A gem.
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The Domestics (2018)
Hooray!! A good horror film at last!
20 December 2018
Having watched and been disappointed by so many horrors over the past few years I was becoming increasingly desperate to find a good one. Glad to say this it.

It has a mix of The Walking Dead-Mad Max-road trip vibe to it that really drew me in. I wasn't bored watching this (always a good sign) and the performances were superb. Ok some silly plot holes here and there but overall a good film that's def worth seeing.
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Was expecting great horror but what a let down.
16 December 2018
I was looking forward to this. At long last a great horror that will keep you on the edge pf your seat...or so I thought. Wrong.

The good points: the first 30 minutes was good, the natural lighting was great, the look of the film was authentic and acting excellent. That said the main problem with this is the pace, slow and dull, and I mean SLLLLOOOWWW.

Luckily I could fast forward the long boring dull bits otherwise in a cinema I'd have walked out. It's more a pretentious religious docu-drama with a touch of supernatural thrown in rather than a "horror". A classic? 10 out of 10? No way!! Would I watch it again? Nope.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
One of the worst films I've seen in my life. I can only assume those who gave it more than 3 stars are employees of the studio's PR dept.
14 December 2018
Where to begin? Boring, slow, senseless, unfunny, boring, shallow characters, rubbish revenge plot, boring, overacting, utterly ridiculous, poor lighting most of the film in red colour wow that's original, did I mention boring? Fell asleep towards the end, yep that bad. Just horrible & charmless. Watch a proper horror movie like Omen, American Werewolf in London or a Hammer horror from the 60's, much better than this tripe. Avoid.
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The Nun (2018)
Piece of garbage
13 December 2018
I gave this 2 stars for the performances of 3 main actors and the scenery. But apart from that there's little in this to praise.

The longer it went on the more boring and stupid it became. Villagers in rural Romania 1950's all speaking perfect English? Yeah right. Lost all reality straight away. Why not set it in rural England? It just got dumber from then on. Just a silly narrative story, over reliance on jump shocks which quickly became predictable. You know the writers have run out of ideas when they rely on "BOO" device.

Some people walked out of the cinema with 30 mins to go, others were checking their facebook on their phones. I was pretty bored myself. How did it do so well at the box office being the weakest in the series?? Now that's biggest mystery of all.
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Excellent series.
16 October 2017
What's it about? A group of family and friends gather on a secluded island for a wedding celebration, but the island's murderous past catches up with them. A cross between a soap opera, a slasher movie, I know what you did last summer and an Agatha Christie whodunnit.

The tight plotting is full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing right until the end. The performances from the leads to minor roles were superb, couldn't be faulted, especially Elaine Cassidy as Abby Mills.

There were just too many characters, it was a tad confusing. I must admit there was fun in the grisly anticipation that someone was going to be killed in a gruesome way rather like The Walking Dead. Just part of the appeal of horror shows/movies.

All in all, it's a very compelling, enjoyable romp.
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The Mist (2017)
Simply awful. As much fun as a kidney infection.
11 October 2017
Where do I start? I had just finished watching the excellent The Strain so I wanted to watch another horror/sci-fi type show. As a fan of the movie (except it's really grim ending) I was looking forward to this. But it was such a let down. The plotting was laughable and the dialogue nonsense. The characters were so annoying that you end up rooting for the psycho bugs (I kid you not) to kill them all after the episode 3. That's 3 hours of my life I'll never get back.
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The Strain (2014–2017)
One of the best horror series I've ever seen.
4 September 2017
I love American TV. From the 1950's Sgt Bilko to Breaking Bad. American comedies and dramas are arguably the best in the world. Recently that reputation has been cemented by the likes of 24, Breaking Bad, The Wire, West Wing, The Walking Dead, Fear the Walking Dead, Stranger Things and The Strain.

I watched Series 1 & 2 DVD Boxset of the Strain and was blown away. The acting, the production values are first class. It combines good story telling with on-the-edge-of-the-seat action.

These are not cardboard stock characters but well developed characters that you root for in each episode. OK there are some plot holes that could have done better but this fantastic and looking forward to watch the rest of the series.
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In my Top 10 favourite movies of all time.
22 July 2017
Loved this film when I first saw it and recently re-watched and still blown away. Clint Eastwood is a genius, and Evelyn Draper (Jessica Walter) is the original Fatal Attraction. What an amazing performance by Walter. Tense, psychological thriller. No filthy swearing or flashy CGI computer graphics just great acting and great writing. One of the best. They don't make them like this anymore.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
The best war movie I've seen since Saving Private Ryan.
3 February 2017
Wow, simply wow. Where to start with the best world war 2 movie since Saving Private Ryan? Andrew Garfield plays conscientious objector Desmond Doss in a true story, his performance is wonderful. The beautiful Teresa Palmer plays his girl and later wife so well. The rest of the cast is perfect in their roles.

The war scenes of the Battle of Okinawa are brutal yes like the great Saving Private Ryan but that's war. The theme of pacifism v war is superbly played out. The Japanese came across as suicidal maniacs yet brave soldiers.

I was never bored for one minute. It's just a classic film, I guarantee it will leave you stunned at the end. If this doesn't win an Academy Award then they should just cancel it forever.
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Fury (2014)
OK, good in places, but not as good as S.P.Ryan
26 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Started well, good actions scenes (apart from stupid shooting the POW in the back scene), Shia LeBeouf was excellent, but sadly I wanted to scream by the end.

The last action sequences of Brad Pitt being Brad Pitt the Hollywood ALl American superhero fending off a division of SS combat troops was Hollywood nonsense at it's worse.

One panzerfaust would have destroyed the tank but oh no, this is Hollywood.

And Brad Pitt the superhero was shot by a sniper point blank 4 times and yet he managed to crawl back into the tank to sound off the usual war hero clichés at the end. Could have been a great war movie, but never got there in the end.

I was laughing at the end.
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Some good moments, but rather poor and confusing.
16 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
After being a fan of the first movie, I was looking forward to the sequel. But alas, I left feeling let down.

Sure, it had some good scary moments, but the story was poor, rather confusing. Too many shock tricks than real psychological scary moments, which is lazy on the part of the writer and director.

And the very ending which signalled a 3 movie (god forbid) was just silly. The dead medium had killed the "demon" outright, but it seems the demon might be back AGAIN. Come off it! And the scenes seems a bit muddled when the lead was being "taken over" by the old man.

I have seen worse, but I have certainly seen better horror movies.
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Started well but ended up awful. A very poor horror film.
12 March 2013
I usually enjoy these horror films with a twist at the end like the Whicker Man & Rosemary's baby. But found this film really poor in comparison to those classics, the acting was quite good but the writing terrible.

And one more thing, I truly hated the scene when Nell stabbed the cat to a bloody mess.

There was no need for that - two things that would make me walk out of a cinema is scenes of gratuitous cruelty to children and to animals - and if had watched it in the cinema I would have walked.

Disgusting and pathetic on the part of the writer, director and producer of the film to have included that 'storyline'.
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Woe me! What have I done to deserve this.
19 March 2010
Having looking forward to seeing this film, I can't describe how gutted I was that I left the cinema thinking I've wasted 2 hours of my life watching the worst piece of rubbish I've ever seen. Nothing made any sense, there wasn't even a decent storyline. The plus point was the special effects were rather good, but apart from that awful.

First movie I've been to at the cinema, when not one or two but about a about 10 people walked out. Before the end, I couldn't bare anymore of it. Its such a shame because I'm sure it could have been made into a good film if they had only done a better job of it. I don't blame the actors, who did a pretty decent job, I blame the director, producers and writers who really should hang their heads in shame.
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