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Not Great but has moments
24 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This Title steels so much from other famous stories. In fact it rips not Only the Goodwill Feelings we all have from the Original Rudolph Special but it also rips off "The Wizard of Oz" and "Alice in Wonderland". Now with that being said this is still a fun title to watch if you have little children. In fact I highly recommend this title if you do because the film (as bad as it gets at times) still has a positive message about self acceptance. Now what is also a major distraction is also the fact the the Animation seems very cheap and it lacks the charm of the Classic Animated Original. What is also nice to hear is the fact that it seems like most of the original voice cast returns and that makes the who movie worth watching. I recommend this for parents who will watch this with their Santa Claus believing children. Kids 9 and above (As well as adults with no children) will be bored.
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Prom Night (1980)
Retro Horror movie is a lot of fun
17 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is not as good as "carrie" however it is a fun horror movie! Jamie Lee Curtis during her scream queen days stars in this movie! The story is 6 years ago a group of kids cause an accident that kills a little girl! The kids get away with it! A man was convicted of the crime! Now its Prom Night! The wrongfully accused man has escaped from the mental hospital! Is he out for revenge or not? This is not a hard movie to figure out however you will have fun watching it! The disco dance prom is a laugh riot now (and you know in 1980 disco was over so it was hokey then too). If your in the mood for a scare rent this its not a bad rental!
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What a surprise
27 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing I can say bad about this movie is that I am from California and I could tell the whole movie was shot there! Even the beginning I could tell it was Valencia Area! Now the last part of the movie made me homesick! They filmed it in my hometown of Ventura, CA. If you live in Ventura you know what they made look like the hotel parking lot when it wasn't the hotel at all was the state beach parking lot. But now the review.

The movie takes us for a ride! Just when you know where its headed they do something you would not ever dream of! Some ideas of this movie reminded me of other movies (Nine to Five,Vacation) but what they did give us was a great story with a cast of pros. I hope come award time this movie wins everything. Nobody came across as acting!

I wanted to see this movie but I had no idea I would love it so much! This is one of the best movies I have watched in years!
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A Girl Named Sooner (1975 TV Movie)
One of the Best Made for TV movies ever!
13 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie hasn't aged! This was made in the 1970's and it even shows that even TV movies can become classics! This movie is near perfect! The acting is great. The story is believable and the characters act like Real People! If this movie is ever remade they would be making a mistake. You can not improve this! This is one movie you will watch and never forget! THis is a story of a childless couple that take in a ward of the state. The couple have more problems than just being childless! The girl they take in is a borderline orphan that has been raised by a backwoods old woman! The girl only wants to be loved but is there anybody around that can give her that! Sooner attempts to make friends at school but making friends is hard for her! Then one day an event happens that only makes things worse for the little girl and her grief stricken foster mother. I am sot sure if this won any awards but it should of won! everything! Not to be missed.
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Making Love (1982)
Would Fox make this today?
26 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Gay movie history! This was a big year in gay cinema! Hollywood released 4 gay themed movies that year!

The biggest risk was "Making Love". That was the most controversial one released! The other three movies that were released that year were "Personel Best", & "Partners" & Victor/Victoria. However when all of them were box office disappointment's and the next year AIDS made the nightly news. So Hollywood studios turned its back on gay theme movies.

In this movie a happily married woman suspects her husband is having an affair! In fact he is but its not with a woman its with a man!

My only 2 problems with this movie however is that it played it a little too safe! Yes there is 'Love' scenes between the male actors but it doesn't explore the wife's anger enough!

It is a Historical movie on many levels! It is nice to see the gay bar scene before AIDS was on everybody's mind! In fact this movie was released in 1982. A year later AIDS became a household word!

Well worth watching!
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A Classic.
26 March 2005
Victor/Victoria was released in 1982. Believe it or not this was a watershed year in Hollywood History. This was 1982 before AIDS became an household word! Hollywood that year released many gay theme movies.

The biggest risk was "Making Love". That was the most controversial one released! Another three movies that were released that year were "Personel Best", & "Partners" & of course Victor/Victoria. However when all of them were box office disappointment's and the next year AIDS made the nightly news. So Hollywood studios turned its back on gay theme movies.

However Victor/Victoria made headlines for weeks for lots of reasons! However this was still a box office disappointment but still one the best reviewed movies of that year! ( It would be a shoo in for Best Picture if it were made today) Now get this Hollywood released 3 movies that year that have become "Classics". The 3 movies were "E.T.", "Tootsie" and "Victor/Victoria".

Sadly what won the Academy Award for Best Picture was "Ghandi". (I could of lived with "ET") However "Victor/Victoria" was nominated for Best Picture! However as the years have gone by I am sure that more people have gotten satisfaction out of this movie than Ghandi! This motion picture is just as funny today as it was in 1982.

In this movie a down on her luck singer ends up at the home of gay man because she is broke and homeless! One thing leads to another and he turns into a female impersonator! So she is a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman. The gay characters in this are fun and drive the story! This was Blake Edwards crowning achievement. In fact he later turned this movie into a Broadway play!

The movie was Nominated for Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor". 2 songs from this move are standouts. In fact "Le Jazz Hot" is now in most Vegas Lounge acts.

Rent the DVD!! See the widescreen edition! It is great entertainment.
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Great movie that Can Be Re-made (Without Jude Law Please)
10 March 2005
Back in the 1970's movies were better. Compared to the movies they are making today this seems great. Judging the movie 29 years after its release was FUN! This film is just funny! Something The "Cannonball Run" ( A Burt Reynolds Rip-off of this movie) never got right. The characters in this movie seem real! Not stereo types! The viewer is in on the fun! In this movie we get to see an illegal auto race from New York To Long Beach, California. As a viewer you never want the race to end! At the time this movie was made it was made with actors that you have seen before but can't remember where. Well that is a good thing! The reason why is that you will not figure out who will win! If you saw the movie "Rat Race" you will see the director ripped off this movie! Now is Hollywood wants to remake this I would want "Clive Owen" to have the lead. If they want to change the story around For a female co-star I would go with Reece Witherspoon! But please do cast Jude Law! Has he stared in in any movie that made $100,000,000?
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The movie that got almost cut away
28 February 2005
Judy Garland stars in this tour DE force. In this she meets a movie star when she is performing on stage and he joins her on stage ( well he is drunk). She saves him from embarrassment and thus they end up falling in love! In 1954 after this movie was released the powers that be at Warner Brothers ended up cutting 30 minutes out of this! This footage was almost forever lost but was almost restored to its original running time in 1983. When you watch the movie and there is sections of just still pictures this is the best the producers could do to restore the missing scenes! This devise worked for me! Running almost 3 hours it is long but with home video you can always split that over 2 nights! The classic song "The Man that got Away" is from this film! The highlight of the restored footage is the complete "Born in a Trunk" scene! Also watch Judy Garlands make up when she is shown making movies. Now just a little FYI watch "the birdcage" after your done watching "A Star is Born". You will then see that Albert ( Nathane LAne) does Judy Garland in his (drag)show ( because of his makeup and costumes he wares in one scene)
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How can you not love this!
28 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Generations have fallen in love with Judy Garland as soon as they have seen 1 second of this beloved immortal motion picture! We will age this movie will not! This is not just the best family movie ever made it is just one of the all time greats period. This is Judy Garland and MGM at the top of there game! This is one movie that looks even more impressive on the silver screen! If you ever have a chance to see this at the theater it is well worth the money! Now if anyone out there can locate or has the missing footage from this movie ( there is about 10-12 minutes that were cut) you will be one rich person! There were several scenes shorten or cut. The scarecrow song and dance number can bee seen on the DVD release however other footage that was cut was a song and dance number called "The Jitterbug". There was also footage of "Dorothy" singing a verse or two from "Over the Rainbow" when she is inside the witch's castle. There is also parade footage that was cut when our 4 heroes return from killing the witch. In the "Kansas" black and white footage there is cut footage as well. Now how about a special edition of this movie with (cgi help) re-created missing footage!
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The Legendary Movie that everyone must see
28 February 2005
Don't be fooled by the AFI ranking (#4 please ask everyone else this is #1) this is the best movie Hollywood has ever made period. Yes this is close to 4 hours long but't it is never boring! ( Something todays directors should note). Every frame of this movie is a work of art. This is grand entertainment and once you watch it you will never forget it! In case you don't know the story that is even better! However I recommend this on a rainy afternoon when you can sit by the fireplace and enjoy! Once you see this movie you will want to run out and visit the south! Yes the movie has its critics but every movie does. In my opinion this movie is perfect. If I had one complaint about is that Clark Gable didn't win the Academy Award for this movie. However that year was 1939 and almost all movies that year that were released were way above average. If you enjoy movies about old Hollywood you should see "The Making a Legend: The Making of Gone With The Wind".
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This won the Academy Award and I am glad
28 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If your not a fan of "Clint Eastwood" don't worry you will still like this movie! I am one of the few people who hated "The Unforgiven". I even hated "Mystic River" (To Me that was just an all star Law & Order Episode") However this movie is what movie making used to be in the 1970's! This movie is one that will stay with you. The movie doesn't answer questions but dares to ask them instead. This movie is not preachy and shows the struggles of "Free Will" and dares to ask what is living without even asking outright!

Right to lifers will hate this movie! But everyone has to ask "What is Life"?! Also why should you impose your wishes on someone who has a different view? What makes one right and not the other? Clint Eastwood has brought us some of the best action movies ever made. Now he has made a movie that will make even Mel Gibson mad. What a guy!
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Diary of a mad Customer
28 February 2005
Wow would of it been hard for all the makers of this movie to of come up with 1 original idea? Most movie goers under 35 will not know that this is a rip-off the cult classic "Diary of a Mad Housewife" plus a couple of other movies! The movie makers should pay the writers of "Waiting to Exhale", from stealing from that movie as well. However I would feel better if all involved in this movie would end up in "JAIL" for stealing! If anyone has wants to watch this movie you should rent the following "Faithful" "Diary of a Mad HouseWife" & " Waiting to Exhale" All of which are better! I can not believe this movie did not go straight to hell I mean "video"
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17 July 2004
This wasn't well recived when it was first released in 1982. In the Spring of the same year the Broadway play Come Back to the Five & Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean was the hot ticket in town. The Broadway Play Opening was like a Hollywood Premire. Robert Altmen directed the play and then this movie! This play however got mixed reviews and closed after a brief run! Robert Altman then made this movie right after the play closed from the same material and then again the movie got mixed reviews but Cher again won raves! Now over 20 years later the critics seem to love this movie! Kathy Bates is also in this! This was Cher's big acting break and the following year she landed in the movie "Silkwood"!
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Babycakes (1989 TV Movie)
Great and Touching. Better than you think!
2 July 2004
Rikki Lake proves to be a great and touching actress. She proved she was funny in "Hair Spray" but proves she could make us cry! In this movie she plays a young woman who works in the morge! Not a happy place. Her best friend is a "world in ending" type. In this Love seems to be in the air for everyone! Its the holidays and everyone seems to be in love. Now working in the morge doesn't make life any rosier! After her dad gets married she lies about having a boyfriend and she gets a little depressed. Later on before she knows it she is smitten with a man that drives a train! She then will do anything to get a date from him! The co-stars in this movie are all great in the roles they play! Betty Buckley is just perfect!

A must see!
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Smart! Funny! A Gem!
2 July 2004
Funnier than all the movies from Adam Sandler Freddie Prince or David Spade! This movie has lots of laugh out loud moments that are sadly missing from todays movies! The story is simple 3 women are broke. One her husband has left her and has taken everything! Another is she is a single mother of 2! The last her husband is suing her. All friends and they are all broke. Now there going to rob the mall! This is great caper comedy! What happens is a mad cap comedy! Critics didn't like this movie! A Filmways release! Not available on Home Video for years however it returned on DVD! The movie developed a loyal following when it started running on cable! Its time for the critics to review this movie again! Jane Curtin later co-stared with Susan St James in the TV Show Kate & Allie. She also co-stared with Dabney Colemen in "Maybe Baby".
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The Reagans (2003 TV Movie)
28 June 2004
No matter how you feel about this production you should see it before you "trash it". Nancy in this movie comes across fine! She does love her husband! To me everybody should be loved like this! She was his protector! She was always looking out what was best for him. In the long run this caused emotional distance between all of "Reagan's" children. Now this is not a perfect movie not by a long shot however you come away from it seeing that Nancy did what Nancy wanted but did it for love. Judy Davis does a great job as Nancy. James Brolin WOW great job. As far as the children they are shown like this: "Maureen" bland and no life. "Michael Reagan" as stupid brat and always in some sort of trouble. "Patty Davis" yes a rebel but please remember she was child of the 1960's. Who wasn't a rebel in the 1960's! "Ron Reagan Jr" well they seem to hint at certain things. Its ashamed that CBS did not show this. After I finished it I respected Ronald & Nancy Reagan more than ever.
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28 June 2004
This movie is based on Lorna Luft's book. What you don't know its only the first 1/2 of the book! This movie is standard movie bio but this is Judy Garland so the story is far from dull. The movie starts off when Judy takes the stage for the first time! (THE TV MOVIE RAINBOW STARTED THE SAME WAY) We see her start off as part of her sister's act! Her mother (played by Marsha Mason) seems to only be after the $$$ and not care at all of the toll the "Hollywood Life" was taking on her daughter. Tammy Blanchard is terrific as the young "Judy Garland" and was a winner of an Emmy for her work. (Tammy Blanchard went on to be Gypsy Rose Lee in a revival of the classic Gypsy) Sid Luft however wasn't happy about this movie or his daughter's book!

HE was quoted in the Los Angeles Times about Judy Davis being a "50 Year Old in a fright Wig" Sid Luft Was angry on how Judy Davis looked in the "Easter Parade" segments of this motion picture!
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26 June 2004
Before you vote see this movie. Before you condem this movie or Michael Moore you should see this movie. An eye opener! Questions about 9/11 the "Bush Family" and more are brought front & center in this documentary! Could the events of that day been prevented? Why was the family of Bin-Ladden allow to leave the United States shortly after 9/11, and what is there ties to a former United States President? If you don't read a news paper or watch the news PLEASE SEE this movie. I always belive before I trash a movie I will watch it. I saw "The Passion of The Christ", "The Last Temptation of Christ" and they were both well worth watching. You will get out of this documentary what you bring to it! So your better off seeing it with an open mind!
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On Golden Pond (2001 TV Movie)
26 June 2004
I love the original. I do not like this adaption! I do however have a soft spot for the cast and so I will not dare judge this to harshly! Julee Andrews and Christofer Plummer star in this TV adaption of the play "On Golden Pond". Now If TV wants to adapt plays I would recomend they stay away from re-making movies that were done right to begin with! TV should make "Sunset Boulevard" "Miss Saigon" "les miserables" and "chess". If they want to remake "Deathtrap" please do so! IF TV doesn't want to do musicals they should it least film a broadway performance of these plays! Now if you go on to rent this edition of "On Golden Pond" please do yourself a favor and don't rent it! Rent Bette Midler's edition of Gypsy
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26 June 2004
I was a young man when I saw this movie. I loved it from the first frame to the closing frames. In this an elderly man is about to turn 80. HE and his wife are in there summer home "Golden Pond". Now his daughter comes to visit him on his birthday and brings along her boyfriend and his son.

Old wounds come up when the daughter see's her father getting close to the young boy! (its not what you think) I highly recomend this movie for everyone! If you can not relate to this movie then your not human. Sadly this was Henry Fonda's last movie! He did win that Academy Award for this, as well as Ms. Hepburn. The screenplay won for best adaption. Now this was nominated for Best Picture! It lost to "Charioits of Fire". Also nominated that year for best picture "Ragtime" "Reds" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Now over 20 years later "Chariots of Fire" is a movie nobody will rent. "Ragtime" was turned into a Broadway Musical, and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is one of the top 100 movies of all time. On Golden Pond is

now a classic! Dabney Coleman co-stars
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The Fog (1980)
What you can't see will kill you
26 June 2004
John Carpenter's and Debra Hill's follow up to "Halloween". In this movie

a town is celebrating its 100th Birthday. What they don't know is that the town is doomed. It was formed with blood money! Now the ghost live in "The Fog" and the ghost are seeking revenge! Jamie Lee Curtis and her mom Janet Leigh star! ( They have little screen time together). This is more graphic than "Halloween" but it still a creepy delight. Now if your a fan of "The Birds" listen to the audio comentary of the DVD. John Carpenter will tell you what locations that Hitch used for "The Birds" and that John Capenter also used in "The Fog". If you love this movie I urge you to see "When A Stranger Calls"
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No Story Great Music
26 June 2004
This is a movie just for fans. The heart of this movie is that its "ABBA" in concert. Between songs we see the super group in interviews. A subplot has a D.J. trying to land an interview with them. If Mr. D.J. doesn't land the interview he will be out of a job. Hit songs performed include the classics "Dancing Queen", "Fernando", "Ring Ring" and "Thank You for the Music. Not out on Dvd. The director of this movie went on to become a big time Hollywood Director. If you thought this might be a movie "Based on the hit play Mama Mia" so sorry this is not that movie. A highlight of this is when the group invites a group of children to sing back up to "I have a Dream". The movie was shoot in and around 1976 or 1977 when the group was touring Australia. In all this movie is for fans of the group. If your not a fan you will be bored!
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25 June 2004
Fox went ahead and did this Alien sequel even after the last movie not much better than "Plan 9 From Outer Space". Don't get me wrong bringing back "Ripley" from the dead via D.N.A. was a smart idea however they should of had her wake up from a nightmare and then we see that "alien 3" was her nightmare (as well as the studios nightmare). If they went ahead with that they could of brought back "Hicks" "Newt" and the robot from "Aliens". This movie is a little better than "Alien 3" but so is going to the dentist. As far as future goes for more sequels lets hope they bring in someone that can fix this mess! At one time Danny Boyle was to direct Alien Resurrection I hope if there is another "Alien" movie they get him ( he did 28 Days Later) or John Carpenter of "Halloween" and "The Thing".
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Alien 3 (1992)
25 June 2004
Stupid! Not fun! Not worthy! This movie is famous for all the wrong reasons! The studio stared production before the screenplay was completed! ( NEVER A GOOD IDEA) The movie suffer because story is very weak! In this Ripley crashes on a planet to a prison colony! Now Ripley is the "Alien". Aliens was released in 1986 then Alien 3 was released in 1992. In six years don't you think the studio could of came up with a better movie? Yes I know this movie has its fans but I for one am not a fan of long boring movies. There is so maney things wrong with this movie I could go on and on! To save time I will just tell you one of them! We see a fan blade in the background and so the audience knows someone is going to die in that blade! In 2003 FOX released the original cut on DVD of this movie and its just boring as the movie they released in 1992! Also FOX could of saved itself when ALien 4 came out! They could of have Ripley waking up from the nightmare and thus Alien 3 was just her dream! That way we could of had all the survivors form "ALiens" in "Alien 4". Yes I know that is too "Dallas" but Alien 4 wasn't much better than this! Yes David Fincher has gone on to make "Fight Club" "Seven" and "PANIC ROOM" but I think this was his "student movie" and therefore plays like it!
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24 June 2004
Listen this movie will make you laugh. Its not great but its entertaining. In this movie a man must save his gym. He owes $50,0000 or he will lose everything. Well he and his staff form a "DODGEBALL" team so they can win $50,000 in a Dodgeball contest. When the only two "funny movies: out there is this movie and "Soul Plane" what a sad comment that is on AMerican Movies. However this is a fun movie. Anybody over the age of 12 will know how this will end but thats fine. Anybody under the age of 12 should see "Thunderbirds". Please note there is mild violence in this but its for comic effect. Put this way the violence is on par with "America's Funniest Home Videos"
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