
7 Reviews
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The Simpsons: Homer the Moe (2001)
Season 13, Episode 3
23 March 2024
There's nothing funny about this episode:

We see a man kill himself - well done Simpsons, well done.

We see a "Bartender College" - wow, you couldn't come up with something better?

We see a apathetic and selfish Homer. (I remember John Swartzwelder saying he imagines Homer as a big dog - whoever wrote this episode clearly did not align with that.)

He makes fun of his kids and forces them to work in his "bar". He has 0 character. Great - exactly what I want to see: A main character as unsympathetic side character

Also Moe is a side character and should stay one. I hate his episodes.

It is exactly this kind of episodes that gradually ruined the show.

I am sorry for REM that they did not a better guest appeareance.
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Bob's Burgers: Amelia (2023)
Season 13, Episode 22
A creators struggle
19 March 2024
This one feels like it's coming right from the producers experience.

Everyone who was in a similar situation can relate:

You are doing something extraordinary, something that isn't easy or off the shelf (Neil Armstrong)

Being doubtful about yourself, questioning your own decisions and your whole project. It drains your energy that others don't believe in your project.

On the other hand, you gather a lot of support from other people, but you are the one who is in charge - you make the decision. If you quit, it won't happen.

Also you affect your surroundings. Your family and friends might become victim of your bad mood and self-doubt.

To me this is a perfect depiction of the creators struggle.
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A Comprehensive Commentary on Current Movie Culture
9 March 2024
What an episode.

It feels like they accumulated a lot of anger about the current movie/tv culture and let it all out in this one episode.

I have to admit, that it mirrors my opinion on that topic - so this might bias the rating.

However, this shows again how CLEVER its always sunny can be.

The whole message of this episode is summarized in a short monolog by Dennis - i think the first intelligent thing i heard in a while. Not to say the show isnt socially critical and usually each episode has its message. But this one came right out of frustration and you got a glimps behind the action.

All in all a comprehensive commentary on current film culture.

Also the first episode of IASIP that I HAD TO review on IMDB.
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Chillerama (2011)
Just no.
9 March 2024
It had a few good ideas. And you can see it points towards movie enthusiasts.

But it mainly consisted of feces and dick humor. I mean it can be funny once in a while, but it just overdid the "jokes". I really dont get how someone else than the producers find it funny.

So you make a high school musical werewolf parady? Great! But please deliver. Its not an artistic choice to make it look as bad as you percieved it dear directors. It hurt watching it.

And absolute no-go: Dont make Hitler look harmless. Iron Sky does it right. But you guys did not.

Making fun of Anne Frank? Seriously? This is the most ignorant choice of the whole movie. It really feels like you guys have actually no historical background. Actually therefore you should not even consider taking on that topic.

This is not a humoristic choice.
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Hell Night (1981)
A hell of a movie. And a new classic to me.
2 March 2024
Some reviews here read like they didn't even watch the movie - at least not aware.

"High body count" - no not at all ?

"It doesn't make sense, the candles were lit" - You know they prepared everything in that castle for the night right?

I rarely watched such a coherent 80s movie! And at some points I was about to get disappointed "ahhh no, now you will ruin it if that happens" because most old movies always do that - but no! It never disappointed. Actually it was the opposite, I was surprised how things line up! You could actually make a PC game from this one.

Many classics have such a slow pace, forget their storyline after half of the movie or are badly produced (Xtro? Phantasm?)

The camera and light is fantastic!

To me it is a big movie, and a new classic.
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Bad Boys II (2003)
One Of The Most Entertaining Movies Ever Made
1 March 2024
Whoever gave this movie a bad rating missed the whole point of it.

It. Is. Gigantic.

There is big movies. And then there is this.

I had many conversations with people that were like: Wait but that scene was in the sequel right?

NO! All those iconic scenes were in this one.

It is a beast of a movie!

I watched it many times and it has so many fantastic and original quotes:
  • "In my country, I see such things all the time."
  • "I'm sorry for your country"

To whomever trying to compare it to the first movie: This is a whole new and different movie. Also it's a better one. The first was a topic-specific thriller with comedy elements.

This one is a blockbuster!

"TNT: Tactical Narcotics Team." - get it? The irony? Missed the scene? Ahhhh maybe rewatch it!
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Suspiria (I) (2018)
A true piece of art. Not for everyone.
19 November 2023
This movie is not for everyone.

Suspiria is a one-of-a-kind that breaks from the usual formula. To me, it stands alone. Separate from Dario Argento's work.

The intricate story and rich atmosphere demand active engagement.

Offering symbolism, emotion, and visual beauty for those willing to invest time and thought.

So how can people rate a movie they did not understand?

Challenging expectations, Suspiria is an unconventional journey, reaching a level of excellence beyond the usual scary movie experience.

To cite a critic: It's only hours afterward that Guadagnino's film will cohere for you and yield its buried treasures.
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