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its pathetic.....not the film
22 January 2003
it's so sad. I saw a post where someone said that his parents never took him to see this when he was young. later, he finds out why....the film stunk. that IS sad. this and many other films were required to be watched in the time period of which they were released. if you were not born until after 1980, you wont get it. if you are 50 and never saw it, you cant get it. this is a fine example. parents just are not guiding the teens through the world of film in the proper way. so very sad. I weep for thee.
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its decent
7 October 2002
a good love scene does not make a good film great. i did love the film, although its only number 35 on my list. great atmosphere....superb acting....outstanding location and a decent amount of suspense, make this "dated" film seem alive and gripping. one of the best ever? lets not go too far. is it worthy of the praise? yes. but before we go saying how its in the top 3...lets all sit and watch some very under-rated films such as "the other", from 1972, a film with no blood, no sex and is just if not more suspensful.
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is he wasted?
2 August 2002
i love abels style of directing in all the films hes done. its low on budget and low on gore, yes. but, its still Abel and his commentary on the dvd is very interesting and funny, if you can make out his words. how many times is it that he says, "here we go", then sorta get lost as he mumbles thru the scenes. still, hes right there, watching it with you and offering some funny moments. maybe a little dazed and confused, but that was me while watching the movie. good ole abel ferrara. very happy to have it in my collection.
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i dont think the most violent....some spoilers
7 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
let me put it this way. i rate violence in film not on how it looks but how it "makes me feel". "the wild bunch" made me feel much more. BUT, this still kicks ass and is essential for my "sketti section" of my collection. no, i will not file it under horror or gore. i looked forward to the "disturbing" rape scene only to find it very tame. someone mentioned the other rape scene...but i didnt see one. i have the eurovista limited edition dvd and all the gore and stuff is intact...but no 2nd rape. and except for the brief glimpse of titage and some sloppy forced kissing, that scene was weak for the most part. the cooked bodies were cool and the 2 good dis-embowlments were horror certified. the looping inner theme music sounded like something from "plan 9 from outerspace" but the main menu music was the best. yes...and the gutting and hooking of the farmhouse victem was almost argentonesque. good stuff maynard. 7/10
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Detour (1945)
o.k.......i'll call it a masterpiece
25 June 2002
some of the best film-noirs have a polished look to them. "detour" is rough around the all the right places. ann savages raw preformance had me watching some of her scenes over and over again. "....kiss him with a wrench?" yep. to me, this film is a film-noir masterpiece. on dvd...horrible print. some words are totally unheard and there are too many hiccups during key conversations..but..until someone loves it enough to give it a facelift...this will do. classic.
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Texas, Adios (1966)
funny....i wasnt expecting a john wayne film..
15 June 2002
im glad i just saw the movie for the first time. why? i didnt have to be so damned concerned about the "poor dubbing" some are whining about. the dvd comes with the italian track!! anyway, i never have complained about a films poor dubbing job. im much more into any film to sometimes notice. i may giggle a little....but its not that distracting. i also get a kick out of how many people cant handle "keoma" because of the music. whatever. i thought it kinda im weird. TEXAS ADDIO is a great story with solid action again featuring the italian gun-slingin master, franco nero. i really enjoy that guy and im looking forward to him with the dvd release of "django". i have over 1000 dvds in my collection but my euro-western section is only 21 titles long with more on the way. "texas.." is most welcome in my collection and worth repeated veiwings. many j. wayne films sit close to the sketti titles but they have nothing to do with each other except for that they are all great westerns. also close by is "dead man" with j. depp....a great film but comparing and sizing up actors and titles is a waste of time for me. also see "the great silence" and "bullet for the general" if you have not checked them out yet. youll find nice dvds of each on shelves now.
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a childhood classic
27 May 2002
just a short plug for a very under-rated film from a very under-rated director. as a collector of films, i must say its been worth the wait for this special edition dvd of "silent running". i first saw this movie when i was 10, back in 1972. id seen a few sci-fi films before it, but it was "running" that turned me on to deep space science fiction. this, 2001 and planet of the apes included. this dvd is a must for "silent" fans and ESSENTIAL for anyone, young people too, for someone just discovering the wonderful world of early sci-fi film. "the making of..." is included on this disk as are other tasty treats. ONLY stereo or 5.1 re-mix. its the same old mono. still...a great addition to your collection.
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Puppet Master (1989 Video)
oh shut up
15 May 2002
those who dont like puppetmaster should shut thier pie-hole. actually.....i dont like the series much either but i do support what the movie and the films it spawned tried to do. anyway, the only reason ive decided to respond is just to say...thank god i bought the dvd box set for $100! its now out of print!
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what gore? iddy biddy spoiler info
30 April 2002
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this is short but sweet. do i have a cut version on dvd? it says un cut and its the newest edition. half the time the bodys were torched by the lead dweeb before i could enjoy the death stiffs mutilated body. yes its funny. still needed in my collection but.....i counted on a little more gore and mutilation.
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this is a must have...POSSIBLE SPOILER INFO
30 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
as a collector of over 800 dvds and 500 tapes and lds....i dont add films to my collection just to have them. they must be essential in my mind to join my very diverse selection. "jungle holocaust" is a must have if you are a cannibal fan or horror fan for that matter. essential for those who know a movie is just a movie. other reveiws ive read say that some of the gore is hard to take. this makes me feel old at 38. ive seen much more disturbing scenes in a fulci or argento film than in this. how can they call animal mutilation too much? guttings of still living crocs and other animals have been part of many cultures for thousands of years. they just cant handle reality. sure, its disgusting......hello...its a horror film. it only adds to the tense moment....because you know the human mutilations are all staged, of course. the only thing i kept staring at was the mute native girls fake breasts. she is a her demise should and could have been longer and more shown. didnt even recieve a shudder.....but how they could rid themselves of her breasts are beyond me. they should have been stuffed and mounted. now that....would have been terrifying. all laffs used to this kind of stuff. i loved it for what it was....a great cannibal movie and perfect for those newbees at the genre. they will be affected. ruggero deodato is yet another under-rated and mis-understood director who deserves a fair shake.....after all these years. see it....and add this wonderfully packedged dvd (with lobby cards and some nice extras) to your collection. keep on eatin.....flesh.
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