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The Platform (2019)
I recommend this
17 January 2024
Platform is a sf drama made in Spain in 2021. There is a main character, Ivan.

One day when Ivan wakes up, there is a big hole in front of him and one uncle is sleeping across from him. And a bowl of rice is coming down from above like an elevator. The system is that as time passed, more and more rice descends to the lower levels. The system changes the level of the hierarchy every cycle when he sleeps, and the lower the level, the less rice is given to them. What is the purpose of being kept alive by this system? Who is running this system?

I recommend this movie. This movie represents the food and class problems of our time. Food loss problems, for example, are problems that can occur because wealthy countries throw away food when they should be giving it to poor countries. By watching this film, you will realize how grateful you are for the environment you are in.
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The Mule (2018)
you should watch
17 January 2024
The mule is a thriller drama made in Canada in 2019. There is a main character, Earl.

Earl, who is now 90 years old and has a bad family history, runs a flower shop, but poor sales forces him to close it as well. He gets a tip that he can earn a lot of money just by driving a car, so he takes the job. The job is to transport drugs, and Earl, who is close to the end of life, wants to make some money and enjoy his life. Earl wants to make his family happy before he dies, but will he be able to do it while working as a drug courier?

I recommend this movie. The movie contains the message that to gain something you have to give up something and that once you lose trust it takes time to get it back. With director Clint Eastwood in the lead role, we who are given this message can also rethink the idea of living without regrets.
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Joker (I) (2019)
you should watch
17 January 2024
Joker is a dark commedy made in Canada in 2019. There is a main character Arther.

Arthur lives with his sickly mother. Shy and kind-hearted, he works as a clown and aspires to be a comedian. He has a psychosis that causes him to laugh uncontrollably, even when he does not feel funny, even when he is telling a serious story. While battling this psychosis, he turns into a joker as he faces the social problems of the time: the gap between the upper class and the lower class. What future awaits him?

You should see this film. The film is a social satire, with Arthur lamenting the difficulties of life for lower class people and the lack of opportunities to be the upper class. By watching it, you can also reconsider the need to care for minorities, such as those with mental illness.
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you should watch
16 January 2024
Catch me if you can is a docudrama made in America in 2002. There are two main characters, Frank Abagnale Jr. And Carl Hanratty(hereinafter"Jr."and "carl").

When his father and mother divorce, Jr. Runs away from home and decides to impersonate a famous airline pilot whose status is high in that era. Then Jr. Forges checks by various means, gets large sums of money, and impersonates a doctor and a lawyer as needed. Carl, the FBI agent who has been chasing the culprit in the check forgery case, tries to find Jr. By any means necessary. What is their fate? I recommend this film because I think that Jr.'s hungry spirit to overcome poverty by various means, even by committing crimes, is a vitality that modern people lack, and I think that this film will give you the ability to think flexibly.
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7 December 2023
The Lunch Date is a short comedy movie made in America in 1989. There are two main characters, a woman and a black man. The woman misses her train, orders food at a cafe to wait for the next train. She picks up a fork, and returns to her seat to find that the salad she ordered is being eaten by a black man. The woman gets angry, and what happens as a result? The movie is a slice of everyday life with very little dialogue. However, I think the movie may question society in some way, with a few shots of homeless people. It is a short film, and since it is an Academy Award-winning film, it should definitely be seen with the historical background in mind.
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watch this
2 December 2023
Three Days in Kamakura is a romance drama set in Japan. There are two main characters, a husband, and his wife. And another character is Jay. The husband and his wife have no children and are living a slightly depressing life. Jay is the student at the kindergarten where the father works. Jay's parents are neglectful and the father, a teacher, hass to take care of Jay until further notice from them. Is there a good future for the husband and his wife, and what will happen to Jay's future? This is a story that you should watch while thinking for yourself, alluding to the Kamakura train incident. I think you should see this film, because each scene has its own meaning, and by watching it with concentration and consideration, you can broaden your horizons.
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you should watch
14 November 2023
Otousan no tabako is a short drama made in 2007. This movie is made in Japan. There are three main characters: A father has some kind of lung disease and is dying, and a mother, and their daughter. And another character is a student who smokes cigarettes. One day, the mother finds out that her daughter has a cigarette. The mother gets angry and tells the daughter to quit smoking. But it is the father who is stuck and tells the daughter to go buy some. What is waiting for the father? And for the daughter who goes out to buy some smokes even after the mother gets angry? The final development is hard to understand because it seems to be left up to the viewer, so the ending is not clear. I think you should see this movie because it is a good opportunity to think about many things with the behavior of children having cigarettes, which is not so common today.
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I recommend this
29 October 2023
I'll Wait For The Next One is a short comedy drama made in 2002. This movie is made in France. There are three characters: a woman who is hungry for love and two men who have an exchange on the train. The woman is envious when she sees men and women being friendly with each other on the street. When she gets on the train, a man amusingly describes his preference for women. The man speaks of matters that one would normally wonder what he is talking about or think it is a joke. And the woman develops a bit of a liking for the man. What happens after that?

I have a bit of a problem with this movie. It's because I feel like the guy is toying with the woman who is really looking for love, and the woman doesn't get that it's a joke, but the guy is encouraging her to act on it.

I recommend this movie. It allows you to understand women and situations that are possible in today's society and enriches your thinking.
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Lifted (2006)
I recommend this
29 October 2023
Lifted is a short comedy made in 2006. These are three characters; the dull alien, the smart alien, and a man. The dull alien wants to abduct the sleeping man from his house, but the dull alien is not good at controlling the UFO, so they aren't able to abduct the man. The smart alien who is watching over the dull helps him. The scene is repeated. This film is interesting and easy to understand, so children can enjoy watching it. Furthermore, the images are easy to see because they are clean and painted with modern textures. This film should be seen. Since it is a short video, it is easy to recommend to others and it is a typical Pixar film.
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I recommend this movie
11 October 2023
Fish out of Water is a short comedy made in 2005. A man is driving to work, and to avoid the rush to work, he is using a boat as it is easier. But after he lets a woman on the boat, more and more people start to get on it, dumping trash and making the boat harder to row. He gets tired of it and thinks up a new way to regain his quiet commute. This movie is interesting and I was curious about the ending, wondering what difficulties awaited him each time the scene switched. I couldn't imagine development. This film should be seen. It will help you think outside the box and develop your imagination in unexpected ways.
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