
12 Reviews
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Very enjoyable watch, unexpectedly humorous.
23 May 2019
I came across this on youtube and thought I would give it a try, as I am going through an old horror film phase right now. Its not scary at all, not many old horror films are, but it was unexpectedly funny especially in the first and second act. The always dependable Peter Cushing is awesome as the medical examiner trying to solve the case, I really like him in this role. The werewolf in full make up, when we finally get to see him in the third act, is very good for this time period. The direction is solid and the shots of the bloody teeth were a nice touch as well as the werewolf vision. The production values are good and though it does not contain many sets, what it does have is well used. The story is decent although there are some questionable plot devices, like what exactly caused him to be/turn into a werewolf the first time?? And there was only one scene I absolutely hated and it seemed completely unnecessary involving real wolves. The first act is a little slow but it does build over time and by the end the werewolf has knocked off what seems like half of the town. I even thought that the music/score was pretty good as well. I found it to be on par with a Hammer film and would strongly recommend it to anyone who enjoys these old "horror" films. It was more entertaining than I expected. 7/10
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Arctic (2018)
25 April 2019
Its just a really bad story. It has all the basic requirements but nothing really comes together. Even though Madds is good he cant save it. What was the point of the girl? She gets a cut on her stomach and stays near death the whole time. The polar bear is a red herring nothing ever develops. Things happen that have no explanation and make no sense. It looks cheap, the effects are cheap, the make-up is subpar. Watch Alive or The Edge instead. Those are much better stories about survival in the wild.
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A creepy supernatural chiller that holds up
12 March 2019
I really expected this film to be horrible after not having seen it for many years. I was thinking about dumping if from my collection and decided to watch it again. Surprisingly its still as good as I remember it. I have to say its practical effects are impressive as well as the stunts. The story is very similar to that of Fallen with Denzel Washington but this precedes that (also a good film) by 8 years. I wouldnt say its scary but it is creepy and exciting and if you go along for the ride it will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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Lying liars! This movie is fine and enjoyable. Dont believe the haters. 7/10
9 March 2019
Do not let the negative reviews stop you from seeing Captain Marvel, they are bs. I do not know where the coordinated campaign of hate originated but its shameful.

Let me just dispel some of the bs flying around regarding Captain Marvel; 1)Brie Larson is absolutely fine in this role. She is not flat, wooden or robotic. 2)It is not a stupid story and its not slow. The two hours flew by for me. And It requires the same suspension of disbelief that any superhero movie does. No more no less. 3)It is not near the bottom of the list in terms of MCU films. There is no comparison between Captain Marvel and say Thor:The Dark World. Captain Marvel is very entertaining and it fits right about in the middle if not slightly above. 4)It is not full of SJW nonsense and does not subjugate or degenerate men or maleness. Its not even pro-female, its just about Carol Danvers own personal journey. 5)It is not merely a half-hearted money grab but a fine addition to the MCU and is definitely re-watchable. It was not a waste of time or money.

My 7 yo nephew loved it and I really enjoyed it. While its not perfect it is so much better than what the haters are saying. See it for yourself and decide.
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King Kong (1976)
The next Kong movie should be a remake of this Kong movie
24 February 2019
This version of King Kong had a lot going for it until the dreadful third act, it is a drastic departure from the rest of the film and If it had just maintained that momentum it would likely have been a classic. Something is very off with the film once it reaches New York and I am not sure if they replaced the director or the studio took over or they ran out of money or time. This whole portion of the film feels expedited and its like it was written by a completely different writer. Even the special effects, which were pretty good for 1976, took on a very cheesy b-movie look. The proportions of some things in the city like the train and the helicopters were way out of whack and its like they weren't even trying anymore. Also the marketing poster makes me think I am correct about this as you will never see that scene. Instead of planes by day you get helicopters by night and never have I seen such false advertising on a movie poster, not then and not now. Its a shame too because it had a lot going for it as the majority of the script was well written, the cast was really good, the spx were good and the cinematography was excellent but it just all collapsed in the final act. The other issue I have with it was Dwan's characterization, in todays world of empowered females this does not fly. She was overly sexualized in both dress and manner and the scene where Kong attempted to remove her top was unnecessary and cringe inducing. I think it would be cool to see a remake of this very movie where they could modernize that characterization, remove that scene, update the sfx, rectify the issues with the final act and finally give us that poster scene of planes by day.
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Franka why?
15 February 2019
I can understand Nic Cage doing this film, but Franka? If I told you this film was written and directed by a woman you probably wouldn't believe it. It plays like a 15 yo boys dream of what a horror fantasy film should be and as such the writing and the story feel very immature and juvenile. Theres almost nothing good here except the occasional Nic Cage ham-up and its always nice to see Franka, though her performance is the worst I have ever seen from her, and Penelope Mitchell gives the best performance among the cast. The first act is just horrible in every aspect of execution as if everything was done on the first take. It picks up a little bit as there is a kernel of an interesting story but the director spins it out through sex scenes which again feels like the path chosen by a juvenile boy. I really couldnt tell if the film was meant to be taken seriously or if it was going for a B-movie grindhouse sexplotation homage. If it was the latter then it nailed it and if you watch it expecting that you will likely enjoy it for that.
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This is not a Lisbeth Salander story
12 February 2019
This is a generic action-thriller with a weak, lazy script and much of it is eye-rolling and cringe inducing. Claire Foy does a good job taking up the mantle from Noomi Rapace and Rooney Mara but other than that the entire feel of the original series is lost. The very best thing about the original series and including the DF American remake is that is was always very well written and what was clever was actually clever. But here is a hack script that uses almost every tired old plot device that is available and makes you really appreciate Stieg Larsson's original polished writing. This film is clearly a money-grab by Sony and I am glad it tanked at the b.o. If you are a fan of the original material do yourself a favor and skip it as it only sullies the character of Libeth Salander. You will not find the girl with the dragon tattoo, the righter of wrongs and the punisher of evil, wicked men here. Instead she is relegated to a less-strong, less-smart generic action hero.
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Glass (2019)
Saw it opening weekend, waited a month to review
10 February 2019
I was a huge Unbreakable fan 10/10 and and I really liked Split 7/10 but the culmination of the trilogy Glass 4/10 is a real disappointment. After a month since seeing it I have all but forgotten about it except for that horrible, awful ending. I can confidently say if you are seeing this in anticipation of David Dunns return, dont. You will hate it and it will likely destroy the fond appreciation you had for Unbreakable. I used to watch Unbreakable about once a year but thats over. How can you ever enjoy that film again when you know the ultimate and stupid fate of David Dunn. What MKS has accomplished is amazing in that not only did he ruin the entire trilogy but he did it in a way that also ruins the greatness of Unbreakable. I really wish that Glass did not exist because at least then I could still love Unbreakable and imagine for myself what David Dunns story might have been.
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Beautiful Boy (I) (2018)
Annoying music, confusing flashbacks, too long
10 February 2019
The acting is very good and so is Steve. Its a familiar story that has been done before and done much better. Its too bad because I wanted to like this film but it all just didnt come together for me. The music use is odd and loud, they poorly execute going in and out of flashbacks leaving me confused at times and it feels sooo long. I feel sorry for Steve, he really is a good dramatic actor, see Foxcatcher, and I know he was hoping for a nom but the films failings are not his but the directors.
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The Vanishing (II) (2018)
Gerald Butler can act
8 February 2019
And acting is the best part of this film along with the scenery. Its well made but the plot is rather weak. Just one bad plot device and the whole momentum of the story shifts into ultra dark mode. Why would Thomas admit to having found the the man or the trunk? It made no sense. Since this was a fictional take on the mystery behind the story it could have gone in any direction but they went with extremely dark. As a result you lose empathy for the 3 main characters and feel like you need a shower at the end. It also dishonors the actual men that did go missing and I am wondering if the families were consulted. If you want to see a similar film that is much better check out Sam Raimi's A Simple Plan instead.
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Siddhartha (1972)
Captures the essence of the novel
1 October 2008
Its been years and years since I read the book in school. Which for me was a big deal cause I never read any of the books they assigned. But for some reason I read this and it was probably the first book I ever read cover to cover that wasn't a comic. I can remember always liking the story and it has stayed with me all these years. I rented this as a DVD recently never knowing that there was even a film adaptation. Im glad I did. For me it was everything I remembered feeling when I read the book. I cant really speak to whether it is a faithful representation of the book at this point but I can tell you that it is absolutely faithful to the spirit of the it.

The film is very elegant and the story remains relevant and inspiring. It is beautifully shot and scored. The one problem with the film was the editing. It tends to be choppy and disruptive to the continuity of the story. It also jumps drastically forward in time at several points. If you have read the book than its not really a problem but for someone who has not it may be.

Even at 1 hour and 20 minutes the film still feels epic in scope as it explores Siddharthas lifelong journey to find life's meaning and ultimately delivers a timeless message about the nature of the human condition.

There is No Gene for the Human Spirit.

I Can Think, I Can Wait and I Can Pray.
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Rocky (1976)
Inspired me with Confidence
9 June 2005
I saw Rocky when I was a nine year old kid and I didn't know from good movies, bad movies etc. All I knew, even at that young age, was I had something in common with the title character. We were both underdogs. Great movie aside, Rocky is one of the all-time best characters ever to be imagined and Stallone brought him to life perfectly. I have always wanted to meet Sly just to thank him for inspiring me with the confidence to do things I never thought I could do. See there was this neighborhood bully who used the beat the crap out of me just about every day and I never even fought back, it just wasn't my style. So one day my Grampa takes me to see Rocky and I was like "Hey, I could fight back too, I could be like Rocky." Even though that kid was bigger and older the next time he came at me I just pretended I was Rocky. And guess what? I beat the crap out of him that day and he never touched me again. I was one of the most liberating things that I have ever done in my life. I sometimes wonder how different of a person I may have been had I not seen Rocky and been inspired to stand up for myself. Would I have been a wimp all my life? I don't know. But what I do know is that seeing Rocky at that age and during that time was very formative and inspiring for me and my character. So thank you Gramps, even though I never got to tell ya, and thank you too Sly, you were both my heroes.
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