
8 Reviews
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Entertaining if nothing else
12 February 2024
While I have to agree with a lot of the other reviews about this show, I also have to admit there were a number of things I did like about it. Yes, this show is not very realistic, it tends to repeat things sometimes and when one person or people are dealing with something in an episode almost everyone else seems to be dealing with something similar. I also want to say that your feelings about the characters are on kind of a roller coaster throughout the show. In some ways this can be annoying because as views we want one person to be a particular way and stay that way, but the truth is that's not realistic, which is how I got past that in my own mind. As another review says you'll hear about sex pretty much all the time, but then that's to be expected as it's the main topic of the show.

As far as acting, I don't know why everyone thinks it's so bad. I'm not a great critic, but I didn't think the acting was bad.

Anyway now that I've said all that I should probably tell a little about the show itself.

The show follows Amy (and later, also the group of people connected with her family and school) a fifteen year old girl who gets pregnant after an unplanned encounter at band camp. The first season mostly follows what happens as a result. All she and everyone around her goes through and how they deal with it. The rest of the seasons still follow her, but also the group of people around I mentioned before. I like how they all have their separate things and yet it's all connected. It makes for an entertaining show. I also like how it shows how different people develop through all the stuff that happens. Especially Ricky, Any, Ben and Adrian. I also must add that I like Ashley as a character, her personality is interesting (except for maybe the whole thing with her and Ricky, there not so much).

Overall I'd say the show is entertaining. I don't think I would recommend it for younger audiences though, even if it is a family labeled show.

And in case anyone is wondering, the show never shows any sex, except for kissing, there is plenty of that. Everything is talked about or implied.

UPDATE: Seasons 1 and 2 are good, 3 is alright, but after that it get less and less interesting. The storyline get more boring, not to mention unrealistic. And things start to seem very long and drawn out.
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Wolfblood (2012–2017)
Best show of is kind!
14 January 2024
I really liked this show. It's the only not scary werewolf styled show I've found and is by no means boring (Also there is no real violence). Season one and two are the best, my 100 star favorites. Season 3 is okay, it's like a wrap up for the first two. Then seasons 4 and 5 are a new storyline with some of the same characters. I liked them even though they were a different type of story from the first ones. So now that you know that, what are they about?

Season 1 and 2 follow Maddy, a high school student trying to live a normal life in a small country town while hiding the fact she and her family are wolfbloods. (Not the same as a werewolf. They can change between wolf and human form, but there is no eating people or anything at all like werewolves.) The story kicks off when a new student Rhydian, an orphan wolfblood with human foster parents moves there. From then on it follows Maddy, Rhydian and her two human friends (Tom and Shannon) who don't know about wolfbloods (yet) and all their struggles, troubles and adventures.

Season 3 is a wrap up 1 and 2 and a transition to the next two seasons. It's not as good as the rest, but still interesting enough (and you need it to understand the next two).

Season 4 and 5 are quite a bit different. The story switches (though it has been slowly through season 3) to following Jana, a character who came in, in the second season. Maddy and Rhydian are not in season 4 or 5,for reasons I won't say because it would spoil the story. In spite of that I still liked it, even though Maddy was my favorite character. There are several new characters introduced in season 4. Matei and his younger sister Emilia, both wolfbloods who's parents were killed in a fire. TJ a friend of Jana's and Selina a fellow student just to name a few.

I think the makers did this to keep the story to their audiences age, because all the previous characters had just graduated. 4 and 5 take on a larger scale (higher stakes) and is set mostly in the city.

Besides being a good story, I love how there are so many relatable things in the show. Even though about half the main characters are wolfbloods, their struggles are the same, only amplified because they are half wolf. Overall it's a show I'd recommend to most anyone. Its none scary nature means it okay for tweens and teens alike.

Notes: Two good things to know are, one there is a series called "wolfblood secrets" that goes between season 4 and 5. Also there is a 'secret episode' that fits between season 1 and 2. However the 'secret episode' is better watched after season two because otherwise it ruins some of the mystery in that season.
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Mech-X4 (2016–2018)
Shallow and rushed
1 January 2024
In short this show is shallow, unrealistic and feels rushed. If you like the very classic, there's a bad guy creating huge monsters that need to be stopped by a few kids in giant robot, you might find this Okay. I watched the first three episodes because I feel every show deserves at least that, but I could bear no more. If you like the Power Rangersa monster a day style you'll probably like this, but if your like me and actually want a show with some character development and real plot then it's not for you. (I have to add the 2017 Power Rangers movie was an exception to the rule and had actually plot and wonderful character development).
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Midnight Sun (2018)
A touching romance and coming of age story
27 December 2023
The story follows a girl with a rare condition (called XP for short) where she can't be exposed to sunlight at all. She lives with her father (her mother passed when she was young) and she has one friend (the only one brave enough to discover the truth about the strange girl who never went outside in the day time). Just after graduation, while playing guitar at the train station, she unexpectedly meets the boy she has a crush on and who she has been watching pass her house for years. From there a romance blossoms and a sweet, but sad story unfolds. I liked how even though it ended sadly it didn't focus on that like some movies I've seen. Overall a good movie, probably the best of it's kind I've seen.

Side note: Does contain a lot of adult content.
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A good magical fantasy
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was a good magical fantasy show. It has an interesting plot, a teen fairy princess who goes on her "other walk" (i.e she goes to live in the human world for 90 days), which is very different from her world, to see what it's like. At the end if 90 days she has to choose to stay in the "Other world" or return to hers. It might sound like just a redo of so many other movies and TV shows, but it's not. I've seen a lot of fantasy and I felt it was actually pretty originally.

I liked how it showed her work though everyday high school problems, as a fairy who is new to it all, with her friends. And I have to add it can be pretty funny when someone with an outside view inquiries about some of the stuff in high school or even just our life. It had a good mix of characters too. Hailey for one was an interesting one. While she was a over the top, scheming and not very nice most of the time, I liked how it showed she was more than that and I thought her and Brendoni (the almost complete opposite, litterly troll, (at least in the fairy kingdom) and character with kind of wild personality) balanced each other and kind of got together at the end. Even if she didn't always want to accept it because it didn't fit her plans.

I also liked the side story about the foreign exchange student who is brought into the fairy kingdom when Astral takes his place in the other world. Him and Peasblossom, a kind of outcast fairy girl with a strong personality have an interesting time. Especially when they try to help save the fairy kingdom. There is much more I could say about the show and the characters, especially Astral who while not perfect was a very likable character, but if I told you everything here you wouldn't have to watch the show. There was only one thing about the show that I wish was different though. Because the makers decided to cancel the second season (And I'll never understand why they did on such a great show) when it was written to go several it does end kind of abruptly. Still even with that it's worth watching.
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The Astronauts (2020–2021)
An absolutely wonderful show
23 October 2023
This is one of my new favorite tv series. I love how it shows the kids growing, building relationships with each other and maturing as they face and overcome obstacles. And the fun they have is great (there are some funny parts too) . I also like their interactions with Matilda, the computer on the ship. One thing that sets this apart in for me is how well it was made. There are shows you watch and then there are shows like this one you are there. Like your apart of what is happening. Very well made. There is one thing I would really like to say to the maker's of the show though... Please, please make season two! I read online they might not, but I really wish they'd decided to. I've seen other reviews of people who loved the show too. So if anyone with any say reads this, please make another season.
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The Goonies (1985)
Not At All A Family Movie
30 August 2023
How can they label this a family movie? This movie is terrible. Sure it doesn't have violence, at least not extreme violence, or swearing, but it has more than enough other stuff in. A teen boy looking down a girl's shirt? A young boy joking about sex torture! Really? And there are plenty of other things too. The humor in this movie is so bad it's not even funny. The only person who'd find this funny is someone with a very demented mind.

You can't even get ten minutes into this movie without coming across something not fitting for children of any age. So like I said this is not a family movie at all. And not a movie I'd recommend to someone of any age.
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Dwight in Shining Armor (2018–2021)
My favorite TV show ever!
15 August 2023
The only thing I would change about this show would be the number of seasons, they ended it at only 5. (Though a wonderful ending it was.) I wish there was more. Anyway, Dwight in Shining Armor is everything you could want in a show. At times it's funny and your laughing so hard you cry, others it's sweet and you can't help but smile. The character are very well developed (I have forever fallen in love with all of them) and some of the plot twists are totally unexpected. One of my favorite things about it though is the friendship and how they always get through everything together:) Words cannot express all I love about this show, so you'll just have to watch it for yourself. And if I could persuade the makers to make a follow up, I would. Six is an even number... Just saying, incase they ever read this. And thank you:)
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