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Well, at least I've some enjoyment out of the franchise. Need I say more?
31 October 2023
When after Alien 3 is boring and generic, Alien Resurrection is the fourth and last film that Sigourney Weaver stars in. Ellen Ripley I hope I'm not given anything away when I say this dies in the end of Alien 3 and she was resurrected from the dead in the round glass and hostipalized cause she had an alien inside of her so the doctors had to get it out. The rest of the cast are here that are Winona Ryder, Ron Perlman, Brad Dourif and many more. My mum seen this movie. I can tell because I saw the VHS in the house year ago when I was a kid but she prefers the originals Alien and Aliens. She had seen them as she was a kid and scared the hell out of her. All the Alien films Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection are all scary and creepy. Now they're going to make a spin-off film. 2 spin-off film along with the Predator. Unlike Alien 3 however this movie I'm not gonna lie is a film that I prefer than the third. Does it make it my favorite? Well no, but it's not as good as the two films. Obviously it can't get any worse like the third. So that's it for the Alien Marathon and I hope you all going to be scared watching these films and have a Happy Halloween.
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Alien (1979)
I love Alien. It is one of the scariest films of all time.
31 October 2023
So it's October and I was trying to think about something to review for Halloween at the scariest time of the year so I guess I better go for the one's that I have watched and maybe I could get the creepiness and not. Alien is the answer. When I was a kid, I've heard about the Alien films. Okay, I haven't seen them cause my dad told me they're disgusting films. It's kind of scary that he told me that. Alien is a film that everybody loved and got terrified by it. It came to be one of the scariest films of the 70's and when I first watched them as an adult, it scared the freaking hell out of me, well, not much because I'm not a wuss. Alien is the first to scare me. The opening had a scary reputation to creep me more than that, I watched some movie scary opening credits with creepy music and now this. Sigourney Weaver many people say is a great actress. Come to think of it, my mum is a huge fan of her. She's great as Ellen Ripley and all the other cast are great. The story is so gripping sometimes the film may have boring parts as a horror film but that's just the pace. The crew have woken up from their beds and then waiting to get home but has to find something what was crash landed in the island and Kane got face hugged by the creepy crawly things. Now Dallas and Ash had to get back to take a look at Kane getting face hugged, what's giving him. The face hugger's have acid for blood. And you know all the rest. I won't have to go into too much detail cause the audience have seen it for many years and you know classics never die. The alien is a creepy looking creature with a second mouth inside his mouth. Kind of a tongue mouth, ain't it? But the face? Yeah, that is incredibly looking creepy. And the scene that Kane dies because the alien is inside him and you've all remember what happens to people if the alien is inside the body? Behold, I give you the most terrifying, the most incredible, the most scariest scene that could ever give you nightmares, THE CHESTBURSTER! For me, though, it doesn't give me nightmares. There are some scary moments in this that always got my attention. OK, now, the video game I've played and that's Alien Isolation. This is after the film Alien before Aliens. Now when I was playing on the game though, it scared the hell out of me. I mean, REALLY scared me to death. Because when I actually come across the aliens, one for one actual reason has climbed down the ceiling and I have to duck down so that it couldn't see me. If I throw something out there the alien comes and searches something. I can tell by the sounds they're making. And I died by the alien that really does scare me. Everytime the alien comes, I kind of swore under my breath because how scary it is. The way the game is, the way that creature looks and the way it snawls, it's just pure scary. All right, so that's it for the game and I guess it's time for me to get back on my review. Alien is one of the scariest films I've ever watched and I frigging love it. My mum loves it too. Don't get me wrong, the movie's there, they're get you on your hat. The ending where Ripley escapes is really gripping because it feels like you're in the hurry. The hurry that when you're on the ship and getting the hell out of here before the time runs out. If you don't, the ship will explode. That got me right in here! It's kind of feels like you're leaving someone behind because they're dead, and yeah, the crew is already dead cause the alien killed them. There are some scenes that wasn't in the film and I already know that already so I can't remember any scene that wasn't in the original version. I already knew the scene where Ripley and Parker heard Bret screaming after he got slaughtered which is why I think that it should have included on the original. In fact, why can't all the missing scenes be in the original, there's always a catch. I don't know. Because they're from the Director's Cut. I think the Special Edition versions did the same to all the Alien films. There's no doubt about it. This is one of the greatest fantastic disgusting scariest science fiction horror film that ever hit the big screen in the late 70's. That is, uh, the lights are off in here. I could watch it every night and not get scared by it! Get ready for the sequel which I'm going to do in the meantime. Now sit back and get ready for a SPOOOOOKY night!
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One of the more essential ones out of the ones from Studio Ghibli.
1 September 2023
Along with Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke, Howls Moving Castle is one of the fewer movies I've seen by Studio Ghibli so far and so far just when I was doing this review, I'm in complete awe with what I am seeing so far. So with that being said, Studio Ghibli is got to be one of the greatest companies of all time. Sophie voiced by Emily Mortimer, encounters a wizard named Howl voiced by Christian Bale, on her way to visit her sister Lettie. Upon returning home, she meets the Witch of the Waste voiced by Lauren Becall, who transforms her into an old woman. While trying to find a way to break the curse, Sophie leaves home and sets off through the countryside where she meets a living scarecrow, whom she calls him "Turnip Head". She enters Howl's moving castle where she meets Howl's young apprentice Markl and a fire demon named Calcifer voiced by Billy Crystal, the source of the castle's magic and movement. When Howl appears, she announces that she has hired herself as a cleaning lady. After what I have witnessed as whole it is absolutely incredible along with the others. Yes, of course I go on and on about Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke but these are the movies I've seen and reviewed from Studio Ghibli so far. So much so that they both appear in the list of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die along with Grave of the Fireflies to be exact. But what I'm really gobsmacked about is why isn't Howl's Moving Castle on the list. I mean there's loads of movies that are on here that you and I have seen. I mean, come on, this film is unbelievably extraordinary. But what the hell, as it is a fantastic film it is an essential viewing for many people if they're fans of anime or anything themselves. I'm surprised to hear Christian Bale's voice in this which is surprising enough for me to find out that he starred in another animated film many, many years ago. Anyway, this is Howl's Moving Castle, a wonderful film with gorgeous animation, compelling story and great characters. This film has a lot going for even by it's time. I love Studio Ghibli. Did you know I'm utterly insane? (Chuckles) You get the picture.
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Much like Spirited Away however, Princess Mononoke is the most extraordinary one out of the ones I reviewed.
1 September 2023
Princess Mononoke is one of the reasons why Studio Ghibli hit the mark on it's predecessor much like Spirited Away later on, this one is an absolute masterpiece and just when I am doing this review, I'm just gonna say that the director who directed before he directed Spirited Away, it is Hayao Miyazaki. He works for Studio Ghibli along with two others like Toshio Suzuki and Isao Takahata. They're the ones who are responsible for making animated films beautiful and impeccable entertaining those who are fans of anime. Now that I got that out of the way, let's continue on. An Emishi village is attacked by a hideous demon and the last of the Emishi who is a prince called Ashitaka, kills it before it reaches the village, but it manages to grasp his arm and curses him. The curse grants him superhuman strength, but it also causes a scar-like mark that will surround him, cause him pain, and eventually kill him. The villagers discover that the demon was a boar god and the wise woman tells Ashitaka that he may find a cure in the western lands where the demon came from, so he goes out on the journey to find a cure to cure his arm before he dies. Along the way he comes across a young woman named San played by Claire Danes, who was raised by the wolves and feels hatred for humans. Yeah, a woman who is raised by wolves and has hatred for humans. You can see where this is going whilst you kept watching but all I can say is, she's a human too. The only way he can get the cure from his arm is from the Great Forest Spirit who is a deer-like animal god. After the day I watched Spirited Away, I was actually going to go for the ones that are highly rated which of course being Spirited Away itself which is why it's being one of the more impeccable ones that are on that category. That being said is like I said before if you have your own account from many movie websites you will see many lists of highly rated movies you've seen and haven't seen. You cannot go wrong. Despite being a PG film, some of the scenes that can be quite brutal. Well, not to worry, at least they have their uncle's with them. Hahaha. If you're looking at the environment of the message that it contains and you're thinking the same thing like "Did I ever hear this message before?" Yeah, like you're thinking about man and nature. And like you're thinking the same story like thinking about this as the Japanese Pocahontas, the Japanese FernGully: The Last Rainforest, the Japanese Dances with Wolves and the Japanese Avatar. Well, I think you guys are having with your head. Next! To be very frank here, this is not the case. There is no character that is considered an antagonist. The way it tells the story is astonishingly extraordinary. Princess Mononoke is absolutely one of the more impeccable animated films and much like the ones I've seen so far when I was a kid and adult which are nostalgic and much like Spirited Away however, this is one of the more powerful films I have ever seen period and that's saying something. This'll be like Star Wars of anime even when you're looking at engaging characters, impeccably beautiful animation and an epic story. For any anime fan, animation fan and film buffs, this is an absolute must-watch. It has every right to be an epic masterpiece and so many who are looking for something powerful and something more engaging, then seriously go see this movie right away. It is everything you want in anime. As much as I love Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke is the absolute spectacle of animation heaven.
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Spirited Away (2001)
The very best of anime from Studio Ghibli.
1 September 2023
Well, now that I have to review one of the films that are from Studio Ghibli and all I can really say is they can do no wrong. Those films from Studio Ghibli are being highly praised. I can only think that one of my friends haven't even seen one of them, well, apart from one who has seen one of them which I'm going to do now and that is Spirited Away. Yes, Spirited Away is one of those movies that's got gigantic praise from many people in the world. Massively high in fact that it has been on the list of best films and animated films like Spider-Man: Into and Across the Spider-Verse, Akira, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Lion King, the Toy Story franchise, Shrek, The Iron Giant and Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. And then we have many more films from Studio Ghibli like Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, Grave of the Fireflies, My Neighbor Totoro and many more just to name a few. Chihiro Ogino and her parents are off to move to a new neighborhood, along the way they enter the world of kami (spirits of Japanese Shinto folklore). Chihiro discovers that her parents have been turned into pigs and now it's up to her find a way turn them back into human. She then meets with a boy named Haku voiced by Jason Marsden, leading her towards the bathhouse where several animals and creatures visiting there along with a masked spirit called No-Face. He instructs Chihiro to ask for a job from Kamaji, She tries to help but inadvertently causes some disruption, Yubaba, the witch who runs the bathhouse, gives Chihiro a working contract and renames her Sen. What really made me curious is that it's that simple, It's highly rated even by it's standards. It ages really, really well. What can I say that hasn't been said about Spirited Away? Well, honestly, nothing. Apart from saying that this is Alice in Wonderland in Japan but instead of being in Wonderland, she's in the Spirit World with many animal characters. All I can say is that fans of animation and anime, this must be seen to be believe. It has great characters, beautiful animation and a powerful story where the imaginative world that you'd never expect. This movie is so special that it definitely earns a lot more recognition from newcomers who are curious, interested or intrigued to seeing this. I'm sure a lot of those people who are not fans of anime, all I can say is if you're interested in doing so by simply watching Spirited Away and many others from Studio Ghibli, they're absolutely a must-watch if you really have your own account from many movie websites even you seen many lists of highly rated movies you've seen and haven't seen, you'll be interested in so and you'll be this movie on the list and you cannot avoid it like the others. Like many animation I've seen many years ago, Spirited Away will never get out of many people's minds by how dark and beautiful it really is and like how I animation so much, this movie is truly one of the greatest animated films of all time and it definitely is one of everybody's best, Studio Ghibli's best and animation's best.
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A really good film back in the day and how this whole park is.
1 September 2023
Well, since I reviewed all of the Jurassic Park movies, I thought I would just say that Jurassic World is actually a fourth film and people thought it was the last film of the franchise to end but no, there are still more sequels to milk. Fallen Kingdom which I've seen in cinema and thought it was good and thinking that it is the same thing The Lost World and then they're making a sixth and last film and the Jurassic Park and World franchise is finally wrapped up. The story, I don't know how to say it, is the same thing as the original but doing it in a different way but you know what? It really works. Chris Pratt is really good in this since he starred and gained his fame in Guardians of the Galaxy. The park called Jurassic Park is created by John Hammond and then it's recreated into a new park called Jurassic World. Like I before, the dinosaurs are the best thing about it and one of them which is an Indominus Rex escapes and goes on a rampage. BD Wong returns as Dr. Henry Wu, Lex and Tim are two grandchildren from the original and now it's the two boys called Zach and Gray. They're not annoying like I said in the original Jurassic Park. And there's is one thing that is important for the fans and that is the Tyrannosaurus Rex appearing and fighting the Indominus. The best part about it is the end and it is all in sequence. Jurassic World is a fantastic popcorn thrilling blockbuster with good visuals which are not as good as the original but still good but the film has it's flaws because the story has the same elements from the original. Jurassic World is not as good as the Jurassic Park but everything about it is just impossible to hate and it made billions of dollars. The Jurassic Park films are fantastic. But the third film is not as good and it's hit and miss for people but I don't mind it. Jurassic World is the best film of 2015 and it feels like Lightwater Valley.
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Not as good as the first one but it is a good film.
1 September 2023
I know the entirety of The Lost World: Jurassic Park when I watched it that is to say it's scary when I was a kid even if I haven't seen the first Jurassic Park film and then came the third film. Overall I decide to give this review a bit of a mind of what I think of it right now. The Lost World: Jurassic Park doesn't follow on Alan Grant played by Sam Neill this time but focuses mostly on Ian Malcolm played by Jeff Goldblum. Ian Malcolm is off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica along with Nick Van Owen played by Vince Vaughn and Eddie to find his girlfriend, Sarah Harding played by Julianne Moore after learning that John Hammond's nephew, Peter Ludlow took control of InGen, is planning to capture the Isla Sorna dinosaurs and bring them to the mainland. So they found Sarah, founding out that Ian's daughter, Kelly is in the trailer and the InGen's squad has arrived to capture the dinosaurs. Okay, I know Fallen Kingdom did the same thing but I couldn't argue with the fact that the film is a mix bag. I don't mind, don't get me wrong but I found everything about it to be modern. Let me get to the negatives. The acting. Well, I find the acting to be good but it's only a mix bag for the characters but you can warm up with mixes. Now I can get to the positives cause there are a few. John Williams is back to compose the theme of Jurassic Park and this time, he's doing a different theme and you know what? I really like this theme. I really like listening to it at the ending credits. Pete Postlethwaite is actually really good in it. You can't really go wrong with him. The scenes are thrilling with the dinosaurs but the bits of others are just kind of modern and cheesy. I'm just saying the dinosaurs are the best part about it when they're on screen and I love every minute of them. The third half act is what I like where the T-Rex is attacking San Diego. So that's it with mixes with good and a bit of bad. I really do like this movie for everything that thrills despite it's flaws in this even if you warm up with everything about it. It's not as good as the first film and that's saying something. It has it's dumb moments and good moments but I can't really complain about it. Richard Attenborough appears briefly in the film. He only appears with Jeff Goldblum and the end. So overall, The Lost World: Jurassic Park is an overall modern adventure flick for it's good special effects and the overall well known, Steven Spielberg, even though it's not one of his best films and not one of everybody's best sequels but I enjoyed it for what it is. Not to mention that the people had mix feelings about Basic Instinct thinking how convoluted it is about who killed Johnny Boz. So overall, this is not a bad film. It's an enjoyable sequel to Jurassic Park. Jurassic Park will return, but it won't be with Steven Spielberg. It'll be Joe Johnston next time.
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The final film of the Back to the Future trilogy.
1 September 2023
Previously on Back to the Future. This is it! Finally it's the final chapter of the trilogy you all been waiting for. Whilst Part 2 was not as good as the first, the characters are the same and it still has the charm to it. Now I will know what I could think of the third one and I've watched this twice now. I watched it after I finish watching Part I and II and now III. With it I finally watched the entire trilogy in one day. Just like I did with the others of course. After the events of Part II while being stranded in 1885 during his time travel adventures, Marty discovers that his friend Dr. Emmett Brown is trapped in the year 1885. He was killed by Buford Tannen, played by Thomas F. Wilson, who is Biff's great-grandfather. Marty then travels to 1885 to rescue Doc and return once again to 1985, but matters are complicated when Doc falls in love with Clara Clayton, played by Mary Steenburgen. You can tell from the cover that it's taken place in the western world where there's cowboys and indians. Due to the fact that this is the final part of the trilogy I don't feel any perfections in this not to say that it's the weakest but to clear up the fact that this is a western but some sci-fi moments in it. It contains some same scenes that you've seen before, Marty McFly wakes up in Lorraine's bedroom thinking that this is a dream but he realise that he's in a different year it's not. In Part II he walks away from Griff and then he calls him chicken and he hates being called chicken. In this one he just he calls him yellow and he hates being called that too. You get all the rest. Now with new scenes which are ripping off pop culture references when Marty wakes up again thinking about dueling with Buford Tannen making references to Robert De Niro from Taxi Driver and Clint Eastwood (which he calls himself) from Sudden Impact. I like the train scene after Marty fights with Buford in the third act and I also like the ending of this film after when the DeLorean is destroyed just like Doc wanted. An ending to the trilogy is what I love about when it gets wrapped up even when it says "THE END". So that's it for the Back to the Future trilogy. I hope you stick with me throughout all this. I know it's been a long journey but it's worth it. I still the first one because it executes perfection, the second is similar in terms of scenes and time travel but does it differently and now the third one is the last of the franchise. Thomas F. Wilson stole the show from three films, he's funny, he's psychotic and his performance is charming and intelligent. There's a cartoon series after this which I haven't seen but you can watch in the bonus disc when you own the entire trilogy. And I guess that's a wrap at this rate. Back to the Future is over and done with.
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2015 is 8 years ago now. Ooh La La! Ooh La La!
1 September 2023
Previously on Back to the Future. I just want to point out something about it. I don't understand anything about time travel when I watched the first film. I just found time traveling confusing. But watching it again I understand what it is, when you travel back in time in the old years and of course, recent years. Robert Zemeckis is back to direct the second movie, Back to the Future Part II along with Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd returning to their roles. Marty McFly and Doc Brown travel from 1985 to 2015 to prevent Marty's son from sabotaging the McFly family's future; when their arch-nemesis Biff Tannen, played by Thomas F. Wilson again, steals Doc's DeLorean time machine and uses it to alter history for his benefit, the duo must return to 1955 to restore the timeline. OK, so after the first film got it's massive praises back in 1985 the movie itself takes place in the year 1985 and now in 1955 where Marty had accidentally traveled in the year 1955. This one does the same thing and this time something is seriously wrong. Okay, now let me get to something that what changed about the movie. You know Claudia Wells, right? Where she played Jennifer Parker from the first film, she was replaced by Elisabeth Shue because she retired from acting due to her mother had been diagnosed with cancer, so now they reshot that scene in the opening where the first one ended. And of course, Crispin Glover didn't get to return which he want to due to he got paid less money. He sued the producers for using his likeness without his permission. Now there's something I didn't know about one thing that I completely missed out is the fact that I see Michael J. Fox in drag. It always baffles me that I didn't know who dresses up like a woman. I do know however that Tim Curry is always like that from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. I gotta say I really love the sequel much like the first one. I know it's not as good as the first but once you've seen it you grown to appreciate it. It had a funny story that correct the mistakes what Biff has done and it reenacts the same scenes from the first movie without bumping into the other selves. I also liked the funny part where Marty sneaks into Mr Strickland's office to get the almanac but finds the cover of it with the "Ooh La La" catalog. Now that I'm going to do the third and final film of the Back to the Future trilogy, Back to the Future Part III. Stay Tuned.
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Great Scott! I love Back to the Future.
1 September 2023
As I am familiar with Back to the Future I thought about wanting to look at it. As the film became the 30th Anniversary in 2015, the three films became a 30th Anniversary Trilogy celebrating the release of the first film which gained massive praise from critics and audience. Yes, I watched the whole trilogy in one day, believe or not, but I'm going to get these two later until I'm finished with the first film. Marty McFly, played by Michael J. Fox, who accidentally travels back in time from 1985 to 1955, where he meets his future parents and becomes his mother's romantic interest. Dr. Emmett Brown aka. Doc, played by Christopher Lloyd, his friend and the inventor of the time-traveling DeLorean automobile, who helps Marty repair history and return to 1985. OK, so what people love about this film that has sense nowadays that I know this is a popular film and definitely the most popular Back to the Future film out of the trilogy. I love the story for what they've achieved with the first act where the story of the characters saying about what happened back in 1955 and when Marty is traveled in that year it goes what they usually do but not for Marty McFly 'cause he got hit by a car instead of George and now Lorraine, played by Lea Thompson, who now has the hots for him. Yeah, kinda weird while you think about it. For what I didn't know is that this film is used in pop culture such as what is "Rick and Morty" and that's all I know about that. I love the characters in which Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd plays along with the other actors. They both play fan favourite characters like Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly is a typical teenager who accidentally went back in time in 1955 and he wants to get back in the year 1985. From what I heard that Michael J. Fox has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease which kinda sucks but he did continued work. Christopher Lloyd for many people know as an eccentric scientist, Dr. Emmett Brown aka. "Doc" who built the time machine made from the DeLorean and is my favourite character of the film. I bet many of you know his quotable line is "Great Scott!" Lea Thompson plays an innocent Lorraine McFly who falls for Marty and his mother in 1985. Crispin Glover is George McFly who is a teenager in 1955 and Marty's father in 1985. And then Thomas F. Wilson as Biff Tannen, many people known him as the best character in franchise. His bully type really does suit the character really well and he throws in one of his catchphrases like "What are you looking at, butthead?", "So, why don't you make like a tree and get outta here?" and he hates being covered in manure. Also, I've heard the song "The Power Of Love" by Huey Lewis & The News and this is a good song. Christopher Lloyd appears in the music video as Doc Brown from the movie but what really caught me is Huey Lewis made a cameo appearance as one of the teachers. There's also a scene where Marty sings "Johnny B. Goode" by Chuck Berry. Yes, this song is in the 50's. In fact, Chuck was thinking about doing this song back in the mid 50's, believe it or not. You know, as much of these sci-fi movies that are popular at the time. Back to the Future is one of those movies you will have to see in the lifetime. It has great directing, fantastic writing, memorable characters, great performances and good effects. It boosted Robert Zemeckis' career up like he directed Romancing the Stone. This is one of my favourite films and my favourite sci-fi film of all time much like what others think of it when they put it in their Top 10 or many number movies. Do not miss this movie. Stay tuned for Back to the Future Part II. "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."
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Pharrell Williams: Happy (2013 Music Video)
This is one of the worst songs I have ever listened to period!
26 August 2023
I don't even know where to begin with this. Since that it's been years when I hear this song, "Happy" by Pharrell Williams being played on the radio I was actually annoyed and p***ed off. I really hate new songs that are coming out and whilst I was doing this I'm going to start off by saying I massively hate this song in general! And much like the other songs back in the decade I really hate a lot of them, they're not a biggest part of me even though those songs are not new songs anymore because this is the 2020's now and years back some of my friends told me that "Because I'm Happy" is one of those that makes you feel happy. I personally don't in my professional opinion! Every time I hear that c**ksucking goddamn song and some of the students on my bus are clapping along with it. On the way to school this song always plays on the radio and I couldn't stand it! I can't stand this song in the fullest! Now a few years later since that I'm not in school and college anymore I finally got that song out of my system. It is one of the worst songs I have ever listened period! This is nothing more than music junk much like the others I've forced to listened to! The reason the new songs back in the decade are being played is because they're from Capital FM radio where every song that are so new and recent at the time can entertain people who really enjoyed music. Those who love the new songs back in the 2010's, you can suck my fat chap! Those who love the old songs back in the day who enjoyed songs from the 80's, 90's and the 2000's, yeah, I'm glad you enjoyed your taste of old fashioned music. I will admit when I say that I hate new songs, there are some that I enjoyed like "Gangnam Style" and "Sexy and I Know it". So now that it's done and over with, it's a good thing I listened to all of the songs from the 80's and now I will listen to them until I die, so yeah, I'm good.
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No sex and violence but what the hell, it's a good film with an Oscar winning performance from Jeremy Irons.
25 August 2023
This is the kind of movie Reversal of Fortune is all I can say is ''Okay, this will do my pleasing.'' Reversal of Fortune is a good drama film about Claus von Bulow been accused of murdering his wife Sunny von Bulow with an overdose of insulin and Sunny thinks she's slipped into a coma. The story is well good and well structured. Glenn Close, Jeremy Irons and Ron Silver are both good in this like Jeremy Irons as Claus von Bulow and that's his Academy Award winning role and Ron Silver as the professor. Jeremy Irons and Ron Silver both had screen time than Glenn Close. Well, there is one scene where the maid has found a puddle of urine where Sunny p!$$ed in the bed and the maid says ''If madam had been to the bathroom, she would not have peed in her bed.'' Now the line that Jeremy Irons says after Ron Silver says ''You are a very strange man.'', he says ''You have no idea.'' Now let me clarify that in mind. In The Lion King where Jeremy Irons played Scar, he said the exact same thing after Simba says a line like this ''You're so weird.'' ''You have no idea.'' Couldn't you believe it? Jeremy says that line in two films he stared in, Reversal of Fortune and The Lion King! That's a coincidence!
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A chilling psychological thriller
25 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle is an psychological thriller about a psychopathic nanny named Peyton who wants to kill Claire and mainly steal her family. In the beginning Claire has been sexually molested by the doctor named Dr. Mott and when the news is on about what happened, Dr. Mott commit suicide. Now Peyton swears vengeance after losing her baby and the chill is on. Ernie Hudson is in this as Soloman, many of people knew in Ghostbusters, even Julianne Moore. The film is directed by Curtis Hanson who sadly passed away. This film gave me chills when something is about to happen and you can feel it when you're about to watch it. You can certainly feel the creepiness through the whole film when the villain is plotting something devious. Yeah, it's an enjoyable film just for the creepiness and the chills.
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Cadillac Man (1990)
RIP Robin Williams
25 August 2023
Cadillac Man is an obvious choice to review because Robin Williams is dead, the film is not a box office success and it's a rip-off of Dog Day Afternoon which is unexpected. Robin Williams is Joey O'Brian the car salesman who loves women and loves his job. Tim Robbins is Larry has taken people hostage to find out that his wife Donna is having an affair with someone. So the police surrounds the car dealership. To be honest I don't get the hate but I do get why people hate it cause it's a comedic version of Dog Day Afternoon starring Al Pacino. Robin Williams is funny as always and too bad that he's dead. For all I know, Cadillac Man is good movie to check out if you are a huge fan Robin Williams and don't mind that's it's a comedic version of Dog Day Afternoon. Good film but it was a box office failure.
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I love Hannah and Her Sisters directed by Woody Allen.
25 August 2023
As I said that I haven't seen any of Woody Allen films apart from Hannah and Her Sisters which is what I'm doing right now. In this one, it has some good cast, like Woody Allen himself, Michael Caine, Mia Farrow, Carrie Fisher, Barbara Hershey and Dianne Wiest. I actually thought this is going to be funny and, yeah, I'm right and I think it's more drama than comedy. It's a love story or love stories to be exact. It's just so brilliant that I have no idea what I love about it. Yeah, sure, with Dianne Wiest won an Oscar for her role and Michael Caine won an Oscar but couldn't accept it because he was working on filming that piece of s!£t movie, Jaws: The Revenge. Oh, my God! Oh, my f£$king God! Brilliant performance's by Dianne Wiest and Michael Caine. Yeah, surely everybody loves Dianne Wiest as an actress and she stars in The Lost Boys. Woody Allen plays Mickey who is depressed and has suffered from an hearing loss and has a brain tumor. So Mickey is narrating himself complaining about a spot in his back which includes brain tumor and his hearing loss thinking that he was going to kill himself. Michael Caine plays Elliot who madly in love with Hannah's sister and while he is still married to Hannah. No matter what I think, it's an treat for all of people in the world. Of course, the story is well written so is the directing by Woody Allen. I'm sure that you can't get over that Michael Caine didn't accept an award to star in Jaws: The Revenge.
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A crime comedy gig
25 August 2023
I couldn't understand what The Pope of Greenwich Village is about when I first watched it and caught to my attention it has some occasional comedy with some mild humour to it. The story is complicated as it seems where two buddies don't know what to do when things get sour and worse. I wasn't a fan of this film even though it has it's moments like when Paulie has his thumb cut off and the locksmith robbery. Or the fact that people are going to be s£!ting themselves laughing when a cop s£!t his pants after Paulie puts some kind of laxatives in his drink. It's just your average 80's crime comedy gig.
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Good film with Sean Connery and Donald Sutherland.
25 August 2023
The First Great Train Robbery or you can call it The Great Train Robbery whatever you wanna call it. This is actually an extraordinary film with extraordinary cast like Sean Connery and Donald Sutherland. It all sets in the year 1855 where these two gentlemen are on a mission at the train to rob a pile of gold along with the help of Lesley-Anne Down but they need to find four shiny keys to open the safe. Now this is a toughest challenge for those two gentlemen. It is actually based on the novel by Michael Crichton and he even directed the film which is really obscure. I really do like the thrills and I really do like the train sequence at the end. The entire movie is even thrilling and funny at the same time that add some scenes for the people to laugh at, like Donald Sutherland has to stay in the coffin pretending to be dead with stinky dead cat while covered in green paint. I really like this film for it's extraordinary production design, the thrills and it does gets some laughs. I actually do love every second of this and I think it's magnificent.
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Another thrilling movie in the 80's.
25 August 2023
I haven't watched Eye of the Needle in ages. Just by saying that is that I find it to be quite thrilling and I did. But watching it right now sure made me go back to the wonderous thrills of my time. This is actually set in the WWII back in the 40's. Donald Sutherland plays a German spy who is an Nazi in England who is known as "The Needle". He who discovers information about the upcoming D-Day invasion. Eye of the Needle is an entertaining British spy thriller with good climax that put the thrills to it's own. Sure it sometimes has some romance in this. Again, just like I witnessed I enjoyed it back in the day.
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No Way Out (1987)
I loved No Way Out ever since I saw it the first time.
25 August 2023
No Way Out is one of those movies that'll get you in suspense. The theme song from No Way Out is pretty good also, and yeah, years ago I love this film since I watched it and the chase scenes are a lot of fun and the twist in the end really messes the audiences up. Other than that this is one of the favorite films of all time and Kevin Costner and Gene Hackman are good in it. I really love No Way Out when I first saw it back in the day and I haven't seen it in ages right now and I still enjoy it. I've been a fan of Kevin Costner ever since I've seen one of his films and this one will get me on the thrilling mood.
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The January Man is gonna get his January girl.
25 August 2023
One of the best and funniest comedy thrillers I have ever seen. Okay, it's not the best I've seen but that was years ago when I was a teenager but it was funny when I saw it. The only reason I'm interested is because I'm into the 80's filmography even when I remember back when I was at high school. Nick Starkey play by Kevin Kline, is looking for a killer who kills women in the month of January after one woman is killed on New Years Eve, one which is Bernadette's friend. Nick found out that his wife, Christine is cheating on him for his brother, Frank. The January Man is an enjoyable flick which I enjoy for what it was.
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Labyrinth (1986)
For fans of the Muppets.
25 August 2023
After David Bowie died, some of the people recommending me to go and watch a film called Labyrinth by Jim Henson. Now let me get to the technicals here. I've just recently found out that the film is a box office disappointment which is crazy. I am so surprised about this after I've watched it. Aside from that, it gained a large cult following for fans of Jim Henson and The Muppets, I mean, who doesn't love The Muppets? It follows around a 15-year-old Sarah played by a really young Jennifer Connelly is on the quest to reach the center of an enormous otherworldly maze to rescue her baby brother, Toby after accidentally wished him away to the evil Goblin King, Jareth played by singer David Bowie in the world of Labyrinth. Yes, like I said, everybody recommending me to watch Labyrinth. Pam told me to watch it, Tina told me to watch it and I did. And get this, I heard Tina and my friend Sam Guy singing the Scooby Doo lyrics but after I've heart it I decided to look upon it and there I've had it. David Bowie singing "Magic Dance" and I was amazed. While I'm watching it when Sarah went into the maze I finally went through the "Magic Dance" song and I said "Uh oh, we're heading for the Goblin song." I cannot believe what I've just heard from my friends singing that tune. Seriously? Listen. "You remind me of the babe." "What babe?" "The babe with the power." "What power?" "The power of voodoo." "Who do?" "You do." "Do what?" "Remind me of the babe." Oh boy, it kinda reminds me of Teletubbies when they're singing and dancing and I think they can dance along to this song. So whenever I think of this song, the more I sing the other goblin song from Blackadder. "See the little goblin, see his little feet, and his little nosy-wose, isn't the goblin sweet?" "YES!" "See the lit-" "Wait a minute!" As the children who thought about this, they would think like it's the same thing as Alice in Wonderland and you know, they're right. The parents loved it too and I would say that if they're fans of David Bowie, then this IS a recommendation for everyone. The songs are unbelievably catchy however I would say that "Magic Dance" is the best song out of all of them. I know there are some that I really do like and I will humming along to them. The side characters are a lot of fun. It's kinda like The Muppets because it's Jim Henson. Hoggle, Ludo and Sir Didymus are funny. I'm actually surprised that I'm really getting into Sir Didymus, an anthropomorphic fox. His personality is hilarious just like any other personality. I hope many of you remembers the Bog of Eternal Stench? A swamp where it smells horrible and makes farting noises. As a musical or I don't know if it's a musical, David Bowie is the best thing about Labyrinth. He plays a brilliant part as Jareth, the Goblin King. I would recommend this film to anyone who hasn't seen it just like Pam and Tina did to me. As a fan of David Bowie, he will always be the role of Jareth, the Goblin King and this movie will always be a cult classic for many generations.
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It'll be on anybody's soft spot for Don Bluth fans.
25 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let me get to the basics here, whenever people have heard the title All Dogs Go To Heaven, they think that it's sad because of dogs going to heaven. I mean, come on, it's not that sad. Now that that's been taken care of, let's get this going. Charlie B. Barkin voiced by Burt Reynolds is being murdered by his friend, Carface voiced by Vic Tayback and then returns to Earth to reunite with his best friend, Itchy, who is by far my favourite character in the film voiced by Dom DeLuise and then they found a orphan girl who talks to animals. Now I am not be alone with this but I'm not the only one who sings the songs in this. My friend, Sam Guy is a fan of this film, like myself. We sang the first song in Drama Club and we know exactly where it starts. "Charlie, ain't you supposed to be on death row?" "No! I ain't supposed to be on death row." "Hey, I got him out." "Things have changed, Charlie, since you've been gone... Life hasn't been no piece of cake." "Carface ain't been treating us too good." "Things are tough, but we carry on..." "Could you spare a couple of bones, for old time's sake?" "Why settle for a couple of bones when you could have the whole bank?" "Charlie! Charlie, look! Here's the jackpot! Attaboy, Charlie! I'm proud of ya! Charlie, tell them!" That's right, His favourite character is Charlie Barkin and me as Itchy singing along with him. And uh, there is another song which after Charlie goes to heaven and uh it's not even a musical number. It's more than a musical dialogue. And who'd ever thought that Burt Reynolds can sing? I have. And that's all I can say about the songs. The film doesn't even count as a musical. They only have three songs in it and two musical dialogues and that's it. But there is one song which I've heard many years and it's called "Love Survives" and whilst I've listen to it, it was beautiful, no matter what. Much like one of the films made by Don Bluth in the 80's, All Dogs Go To Heaven had a bad rap and pretty much the only animated film that got mixed back comparing it to The Little Mermaid. Gee, I wonder what it is like in the 80's? Anyways, me and my friend Sam Guy are the fans of this movie along with the sequel which I'll get to in the meantime. And it spawned a TV series which I've never watched and a Christmas special. It has memorable characters, good songs and wonderful animation. Really great stuff! So as you can see it's not even a sad movie. I mean, I know that all animals go to heaven cause who knows. So if you love your dog especially cats and pets, just wanted you to know, you can't keep a good dog down.
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I remember seeing this on Cartoon Network along with The Secret of NIMH.
25 August 2023
Just like The Secret of NIMH and An American Tail and just like The Secret of NIMH, The Land Before Time is another one of those movies I've watched on Cartoon Network the first time. I only seen this twice as a kid and by that time, I still remembered it to this day. The story I suppose is similar to Bambi, is about a young longneck named Littlefoot who befriends with Cera and the Tyrannosaurus rex known as Sharptooth and the earthquake seperated the families of Littlefoot and Cera. So now it's up to Littlefoot to go find the Great Valley along with his friends, Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike. OK, so this movie is really short for about one hour even similar. Actually that how Don Bluth wanted it to be. He wanted to make it similar to Bambi but only with dinosaurs. That explains it the running time! What's even more is that it released in the exact same weekend as Oliver and Company which is my favourite Disney film. They actually prefer to go see The Land Before Time over Oliver and Company. Cause the message in this says it teaches dinosaurs about prejudice between the different species and the hardships they endure in their journey. Steven Spielberg uses the inspiration to Jurassic Park which is always amazing. Okay, while I was thinking about this, it never had any songs apart from the one in the end credits by Diana Ross. It never became a musical and for a fact this is not the only one. In most animated movies, they're never claim as musicals, Disney is and sometimes Dreamworks. It spawned many sequels which I've never watched before and the TV show. However I remember it being on Boomerang. So once again as a Don Bluth fan, I love this movie even when I remember watching it as a kid. Such a phenomenon!
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I will always have a soft spot for An American Tail.
25 August 2023
When I was a kid, An American Tail was my favourite Don Bluth film. Since I've got the VHS of it years ago and now I gone of it and 11 years ago I've come across a website called YouTube where you can videos from it and no I didn't watch it on it. I've watched it a few years later. I was watching one of the Donald Duck cartoons. But now I watched it and remember everything about it, it still grown on me. It tells the story of Fievel Mousekewitz and his family as they emigrate from the Imperial Russian territory of Ukraine to the United States for freedom. However, he gets lost and must find a way to reunite with them. Yeah, I remember it being cute at the time and I find all the characters cute like Fievel. He's the only one who has to find his family and not get eaten by cats. I remember all the characters. In fact I do remember that Tiger played by Dom DeLuise who didn't get enough screen time. He was there being friends with Fievel and then Fievel escapes from the cats. Tiger hates killing mice, he likes them. The animation is the same and you can tell it's Don Bluth. The music is great and it's composed by James Horner who composes many films in the generation such as 48 Hrs., Commando, Aliens, The Land Before Time which is a Don Bluth film, Braveheart and Titanic. I listen to the soundtrack every time I'm in a mood. The songs are catchy and everytime a song comes on they'll always come in your head like "There Are No Cats in America", "Never Say Never", "Somewhere Out There" and "A Duo". To me I love the song "Somewhere Out There" that Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram sings. The song is so beautiful I can't believe what I just witnessed. I love the music, I love the tune from it and I prefer this song than the one Fievel and Tanya sings. Hell, I even remember that song which somebody or two sung in Britain's Got Talent and that's really something. The ending is so beautiful you knew that Fievel has found his family and being reunited and it always gets you in the way that will make you cry and happy at the same time. Okay so that's took care of An American Tail and it's been awhile since years back. I know that a lot of people that don't really like this movie but when it comes The Secret of NIMH, An American Tail will always get you in the token of appreciation.
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The first film I ever reviewed by Don Bluth.
25 August 2023
I remember back years since I've watched The Secret of NIMH on Cartoon Network and remembered how evocative it is for a kids film. I think this is not one of Don Bluth's first animated films he ever made. The first one is got to be Banjo the Woodpile Cat which is kinda short considering it's approximately 26 minutes. I love watching all of Don Bluth's films when I was a kid but this one is one of the darkest and surprisingly not a comedy. The tale of Mrs. Brisby is based on the children's novel called Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. Well, wait, what? Frisby? Frisby?! Is that something that a dog would play with? Considering that a Frisbee is a disc that you throw with and the dog catches it? Oh, I get it now! The reason that the name Mrs. Frisby changed into Brisby because of the fact that the trademark concerns with Frisbee discs which is a dog's toy. Why didn't I think of this before? The characters are great. Mrs. Brisby is a timid widowed field mouse who wants to move her family out of the field but her son Timothy is feeling ill. Nicodemus is a great character. He's wise and mystical and knows her husband and knows the secret of the rats of NIMH. Jeremy who is here to help Brisby out. I think he's just here to make the kids laugh which is surprising considering he's comedic and voiced by Dom DeLuise. He's been in most in the animated stuff. The music by Jerry Goldsmith is phenomenal. Many of the people known him for composing other films such as Alien, Total Recall and Basic Instinct. The animation is phenomenal too. Not to mention they're not trying to copy animation from Disney but tried to make it look like Disney. The animators really wanted to create the animation look scary and dark for the kids to understand the content of the violence and creepy imagery. It took most risks that the animators really achieve. The Hunchback of Notre Dame did that too and mentioning the fact the kids enjoyed as a whole and remembering enjoying the gargoyles. In this one though like I said, Jeremy is here to make the kids laugh. There are no songs in this to say that it's not a musical or comedy. The Black Cauldron didn't have any and The Rescuers Down Under. The Secret of NIMH is not only one of Don Bluth's darkest animated films but some of his most underrated. Many fans of Bluth really enjoyed this, praising the beautiful animation, well written story and memorable characters. I really enjoyed every second and I could not flaw one single thing about it. It's just flawless.
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