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Excellent premise - Poorly Executed.
1 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
26 Directors. 26 ways to die. What comes next is 123 minutes of WTF which left me feeling like I had done a bucket load of drugs.

It started of promising with the intelligent "A is for Apocalypse" which starts out with a wife mercilessly trying to kill her bed-ridden husband. Has she snapped? Finally had enough? Not at all - it has a bittersweet ending that had me thinking this was going to be a worthy ride.

Then I got lost - B & C were either predictable (B) or just nonsensical (C). "D is for Dogfight" brought me back in - very well short with great lighting and no dialogue telling the story whatsoever. "E" features a spider on a revenge mission against the poor sap who tried to squish him. Then it gets to the first WTF moment - F. I don't really know what to say about F. But it featured nothing that I would have considered "horror" unless films about lesbians with fart fetishes terrify you. When we come to G - no clue as to what happened here, I guess it was a movie about someone drowning? I don't know.. Our second WTF moment comes in H - let's just say it features a man-dog being seduced by a Nazi woman cat and then a whole lot of electricity. The feature for the letter I was uninspired. By this point i'm starting to get a bit bored - but we're only a few shorts in - there still must be plenty more to come - it's got to get better... hasn't it?

Third WTF moment arrives in J (another Japanese segment) .. I don't even know where to begin. K see's the movie step into animated territory with the charming cartoon of a turd that just won't flush.. I won't spoil what happens but for the first time, I actually laughed. L is when things started to get serious. A twisted tale that repulsed me by the end. I'm reluctant to say it's one of the better shorts - but it did get a strong reaction from me - so I guess that's a good thing? M is probably the weakest short across the whole collection, which is disappointing as this is Ti West's feature - and whilst the subject matter is still somewhat taboo today - it was a cheap shot - and i'm curious as to know Ti spent the $5000 dollar budget on. N was another amusing entry - and had me laughing by the blood spattered end.

O was another one of those WTF moments... Then we got to P and I have to say this short upset me - as an animal lover, I found a particular scene of this short hard to watch. Not a fan. Q took us on a different direction - and was a short in the perspective of the directors of the short, p****ed they have the letter Q and decide to shoot a live duck as part of their segment.. another amusing effort but by this point in the movie... I have admitted defeat and realised that the opportunity to show case 26 of the best and well known horror/sci-fi directors has been completely wasted. I've seen nothing revolutionary or anything different to what we've seen in countless horror movies before.

Another WTF moment comes in "R" - i'm still not sure I really got what was going on, but it looked like there was a man who had "film cells" hidden beneath his hideously scarred flesh. I could be wrong, but by this point - I didn't really care. "S" features junkies and didn't come across as a segment that would really feature in a horror anthology. Nothing particularly horrific about it. "T" I had already seen before - Lee Hardcastle's excellent twisted claymation tale about a man-eating toilet. This is actually my favourite short across the whole segment just for it's creativity and fantastic claymation blood n guts - but it's the ending that really wins the points from me. "U" was another uninspired - been there/done that short filmed in a POV perspective. "V" was where it got interesting again. But this was again purely for the fact it took on a complete different style - more sci-fi than horror but very clever. W is another WTF moment which I suppose is appropriate considering the segment is actually called "W is WTF" - clearly the directors know what they were doing when it came to producing a segment that would incite the viewer to exclaim loudly "WTF?!" - but that's really all it was - poorly animated, poor special effects and just as much absurdity as you could possibly squeeze into 6/7 minutes. Not enjoyable at all. "X" was disturbing and probably features the most blood- shed out of all the shorts combined. A sad and graphic story about a fat girl who just wants to be thin and takes it to the extreme. "Y" was just... I don't even.. paedophiles, deer-hunting and licking up the sweat of young kids off of a gym bench... yeah, says it all really. Not one I enjoyed watching at all. And finally, another WTF moment courtesy of Japan when we come to "Z"... all you need to know - giant penis with a blade, girl shooting vegetables out of her vagina - close up of tits and a man ejaculating rice.

So when the credits rolled... I really didn't know what to say. My brain had been assaulted by 2 hours of perverse sexual violence, graphic gore and cliché story telling. If that's you're thing - well I guess there's a lot you can enjoy - lots of sex, drugs, violence and ridiculous bodily functions. If however, you like your horror with a little more intelligence - then I would steer clear of "The ABCs of Death".
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Hairspray (2007)
Exceptional feel good comedy.
7 September 2007
The original Hairspray is a cult classic. So when I heard a new version was to hit our screens this year, I was a little dubious. I was then informed the source material was not the original movie, but the Broadway show which draws it's inspiration from the movie.

So straight away, we can throw away our preconceptions of the movie, because we know we're going to be seeing something completely different to the original.

The movie opens with the fabulous "Good Morning Baltimore" performed wonderfully by the movies Tracy Turnblad, Nikky Blonsky. Ricki Lakes portrayal of Tracy is top class, so to try and top that is a challenge for sure, and Nikki accepts and succeeds brilliantly. There's a wonderfully endearing sense of naivety about Tracy, so you completely relate to her, as many of us, i'm sure, have experienced the sort of things she has.

John Travolta had a lot to prove as Edna Turnbland (played originally by the late and great Divine). I thought he did an excellent job. Although it was like watching a fat Danny from grease prancing around in a dress.. but it made me smile.

Queen Latifah had me shaking my booty when she stormed up for a sexy "Big, Blonde & Beautiful" number. Michelle Pffiefer was perfect as the racist and down right nasty Velma Von Tussle, with the sweet Brittany Snow as her equally nasty daughter. Younger viewers familiar with the "High School Musical" craze will drool themselves into delight with Zac Efron as the teen heartthrob Link Larkin. I could go on all day about how great everyone was... Amanda Bynes.. Elijah Kelly.. Christopher Walken...

The sets were magnificently camp and nostalgic. Lots of bright colours and big hair. The dance routines were energetic, and the music.. i've never been so eager to get a movies soundtrack. All the songs are so cheerful and upbeat, you can't help but smile and tap you're feet. The ending number "You Can't Stop The Beat" gives me goosebumps every time I hear it, and it's just so...happy! It's a great laugh, the musical numbers are brilliantly choreographed and pulled off, and it's just a real feel good movie. I urge you go and see this, because I'm sure that you will become addicted like me too..
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Yawn of the dead..
2 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I purchased this movie because I love a good Zombie movie. After watching it, however, this certainly was NOT a good zombie movie. It wasn't a good movie full stop.

Firstly, the cover art for the DVD is terribly misleading. The use of the biological hazard symbol on the cover, the London skyline and the hordes of Zombies says to me "cheap 28 days later imitation with an all out Zombie orgy in London".

What we got was lots of countryside scenery, a few blokes in a field wearing ridiculous masks and a LOT of dodgy unbelievable acting.

The film is basically made up of three video diaries, which somehow all link together by the end. The first is a video diary from a documentary crew who are doing interviews about a mysterious virus that's swept Asia and is heading to the UK. Our intrepid crew have gone out to a farmers house in the middle of nowhere to interview him. He's mysteriously not answering his door. And then OH NO.. their car's broken down. AND OH NO.. the virus has hit London. AND OH NO.. they're f****d. Cue lots of pointless screaming & swearing. Lots of flailing arms and close ups of people looking "scared".

Then there were two other diaries.. I forget them... one was about a man and woman who picked up another bloke who films everything... and the third was about a group of people holding up on a farm... with some psychopathic welsh hillbilly who goes on a bender of violence at the end for reasons unknown...

The box describes it as "frighteningly real". It was Frightening alright. I was horrified to think someone actually put the time and effort into making this. The off putting cliché Zombie score really annoyed me as well. Had this been a straight-laced Zombie movie, than the score works fine. But because these are supposed to be recorded accounts, the music took away some of the shock value because you KNEW what was going to happen because the music built up to it. It would have been better without it.

It was a very amateur production, and had hardly any gore which is what Zombie movies are about! There is one tiny scene of someone having their insides eaten.. but it wasn't very gratuitous and was very very pointless.

It just seemed a total mess and left a lot to be desired.

I'm not going to tell you to not see it. Do watch it, make up your own mind. For me, it promised so much, and failed to deliver. It would have been nice to see society break down, the mass panic on the streets of London, or any major city. So many wasted opportunities.

Which is a pity, really.
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Flawed, but good.
20 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first Harry Potter movie to be directed by a British director. Mike Newell takes the helm , and produces a visual feast of wonderous special effects, and drama. The first three movies, have all been fantastic, and faithfully followed the story, almost to the word. Upon watching "Goblet of Fire", I actually found myself being disappointed. From the first scene, there are subtle changes made to the story, so they can keep the film at a reasonable run time. In fairness, the book is almost three times as long as previous ones, so the film could have made the 4 hour mark, however, for those of you that have read the book, will find these "changes" quite annoying. It ruined, unfortunately, my enjoyment of the film. But if we gloss over that, and focus on the good points.

This is the first Harry Potter to receive a 12A certificate. So parents, be warned. This is a much MUCH darker outing, in which we see our first student die. It also contains a fair bit of violence, which some younger viewers may find a little bit frightening, including a sacrificial scene which is a bit gruesome. Slightly more naughty language, and some innuendos , as our intrepid young wizards have now reached the age in which hormones start to cause havoc, and they all have one thing on their minds.

We get to see many new characters, including harry's "love", Cho Chang (played wonderfully by newcomer Katie Leung). Also, Brendan Gleeson plays the role of eccentric ex-Auror, Professor Alastor Moody, who has some wonderfully amusing, and occasionally dark scenes, which continues to set the scary over-tone of the whole movie.

As with the other Harry Potter movies, the special effects are second to none, including an exhilarating dragon chase around Hogwarts, a fantastically claustrophobic underwater sequence, and then the terrifying maze finalé, in which we get to see, for the first time, Harry's nemesis Lord Voldermort (played by the exceptional Ralph Fiennes) in physical form. Plenty of Brit-actors abound, including the new Doctor Who, David Tennant, appearing as Barty Crouch Jnr, son of Bartemius Crouch (played by Roger Lloyd Pack). Old favourites are back, including Ginny, Fred & George, Hagrid & Neville.

Another one of the reasons why I didn't like this movie so much, was the fact John Williams was not providing the music. I was devastated. John Williams made Harry Potter, with his fantastic haunting tracks, which really dragged you into the world of Muggles, Wizards and quidditch. Patrick Doyle provides the music for this one, and I am happy to say, he does it justice. We do get hints of the famous "Hedwigs Theme" throughout, as well as being treated to Jarvis Cocker singing some rock music for the Yule Ball, including "Can you dance like a hippogriff". Wonderful.

I was quite disappointed we didn't actually get to see any of the quidditch action from the World Cup, or the fact we only get to see Harry battle the dragon, or Harry performing the second task, etc. It would have been great to see a little bit of the other guys, but once again, I was left feeling unsatisfied.

Unfortunately, as most of the book is cut out, some people may be left feeling a little confused, or unfulfilled. The Duresleys are unfortunately missing from the movie, as well as Mrs Weasley, and the two new weasleys that we meet in the book, Bill & Charlie. But this aside, if I was to look at the film as a stand-alone action packed kids film, I would say I loved it. It kept me on the edge of my seat, and the special effects are breath-taking, and really helped you get into the whole swing of things.

But being a fan of the book, and as an adaptation of such a great book, I didn't like it so much. It could have been so much more. I was quite happy to sit through 3 and a half hours of Lord of the Rings, and I'd be just has happy to sit through the same with Harry Potter. Maybe at some point, their might be some kind of Extended Version, with never-before seen footage... who knows.

On the whole, its an enjoyable film, and as its near Christmas, will keep the little ones quiet. May I just offer one piece of advice to those who have read the book. Forget what happens in the book. Go see the film with a clear frame of mind, and you will enjoy it more.
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The worst movie, in an otherwise fantastic series...
6 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I recently purchased an 8 Disc box set of all the Halloween movies. The only one, I hadn't seen, was "Resurrection". I had to see it, to see how the writers would get round the "oops, we decapitated him at the end of the last one...".... and I couldn't stop laughing. Michael Myers switched places with a Paramedic... I'd love to know where he keeps his spare masks? You'd think, that when he woke up in the van, he would have ripped his mask off, so Laurie would know that she had the wrong guy? Oh no...

And thus, is the beginning of a truly terrible addition to an otherwise successful franchise. We finally get closure between Laurie and Michael right at the beginning... but after all Laurie has been through, I didn't think she would be stupid enough to double check she had the right guy, especially when he was stalking her with a knife anyway..

Weak direction. Weak script. Weak cast. Busta Rhymes is obnoxious as Freddie Price, an entrepreneur of an internet web cast called Dangertainment, who selects 6 high school clichés to spend a night in Myers childhood home. OF course, Myers trashes the party, and offs people in a way that doesn't go with the Halloween movies. In earlier movies, the violence and the gore was kept to our imagination. We would see the events leading to it, the flash of a knife, and then we would imagine the rest. "Resurrection" has blood and gore like there's no tomorrow, and it felt like I was watching some tacked on slasher movie, not one of the many sequels to Halloween.

The Halloween movies were a rare franchise, that was intelligent, and always had the ability to shock, and entertain. The first movie sets the standards for all of todays slasher flicks. Halloween II was slightly dodgy with its story, and the pace was slow, but it was entertaining. Things dipped a bit in the late 80's, early 90's, but by H20, new life has been breathed into the series, and I thought things could only get better. How wrong I was.

I almost feel ashamed for watching it all the way to the end. Saying that, I will watch it again. It's Halloween after all, and every movie franchise has a bad turkey (Phanton Menace, Freddy Vs Jason, Any hellraiser movie after the third...) All in all, as long as your pi$$ed as a fart, you wont care, and will gladly cheer on Micheal as he slashes his way through 90 minutes of total torture.
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Saw (2004)
Disturbing, Frightening and Extremely Clever.
18 October 2004
There hasn't been a decent psychological thriller since "Se7ven". Yet "Saw" has all the hallmarks of a grade A picture. With it's dim lighting, claustrophobic camera angles and a dark, grainy look.

The movie opens with our two lead characters awaking in a dark and dingy bathroom, chained at the ankles with a dead body lying between them. They have no recollection of how they ended up there. Then they discover tapes hidden in their pockets. Using a tape player situated in the dead bodies hand, they discover they are the pawns in a sick game concocted by the sinister "Jigsaw", who tortures his victims into killing themselves. Queue flashbacks of the killers previous victims, including a guy trapped in a maze of razor wire.

The movie is very fast paced, and uses extreme lighting for maximum effect. Take, for example, the young girl with the "reverse bear trap" on her head, which if she doesn't get it off, will rip her jaw off. As the sudden realisation dawns on her, the camera spins around, catching the immense tension and pure fear. The music score of the movie is bold and brash, very heavy metal, and adds another layer to this deeply complex movie.

The movie isn't just about the shock value. Sure, the movie does contain some graphically violent scenes, and contains several shocks and scares, but it's also a clever and deeply intricate look into the bowels of the inner psyche of an insane criminal, with a sick and twisted pleasure of watching fellow humans suffer.

Over here, the movie was passed with an 18 certificate, with a few cuts. If you are a hardcore horror movie fan, the dark and grimy sets, the intriguing plot with it's many twists and turns and deliciously macabre story telling will keep you on the edge of your seat and guessing right up to the very last frame. If, however, you are just your average movie goer, then I would recommend you steer clear of this movie.

The twist at the end of the movie does leave the door open for a sequel, but don't count on it. A movie this good really only will work once. A sequel would ruin the amazing originality behind it.
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Little Britain (2003–2006)
Yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah it's great!
13 October 2004
"Little Britain" is a wonderful comedy series starring the fantastic Mark Lucas and David Walliams. Taking an irreverent look at life in Britain, they tease and giggle their way through 30 min episodes poking fun at every one possible. The truly genius thing about the series is, we all know at least one of the characters.

The unruly chavette girl who thinks everyone is a slag (Vicky Pollard), The mean (and fat) leader of the "Fat Fighters" (Marjorie Dawes), "the only gay in the village" (Daffyd) and many others...

Meet the very bad transvestite Emily Howard, who swears she is a lady (but have you seen the hair on her legs?!) Sebastian, the Prime Ministers assistant, with an unhealthy lust...

The script writing is fantastic, the comedy timing is amazing, and it works so well. There is not one thing that I could say was wrong with this, except that maybe its too short? And we need some more Vicky Pollard! The new series is set to be even better than the first with many new and amusing characters. The long and the short of it? Its the dogs *ahem*...

Don't give me no evils!
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Not brilliant, bit effective and chilling.
10 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The Japanese have a reputation for producing some of the scariest horror movies this generation has seen. From the absolutely terrifying "Ringu" to "The Eye" & "Dark Water", so naturally, after reading "Ju-On: The Grudge" was co-written by a writer of the original "Ringu", I was intrigued.

I purchased this movie after seeing the trailer for the upcoming US remake with Sarah Michelle Gellar, and that looked interesting, considering the Americans usually tend to trash originals (the US remake of "The Ring" was a little disappointing), so I assumed the original would be far superior.

The film opens with a slightly disturbing flash of images, including a blood stained man, an apparent murder of a cat(?) and a mysterious little boy. We later discover that a husband killed his wife and his son, and was found dead himself. The house is now inhabited by a new family, and Rika (our "heroine") is asked to go visit the elderly inhabitant. When she arrives, she discovers something hidden in a cupboard which is sealed by duct tape. When she opens it, she discovers a little boy. What she doesn't know, is she has unleashed a powerful curse.. the Ju-On. When ever someone dies in a state of rage, a curse is created, which then passes on to whoever comes into contact with it (according to famous Japanese legend). The movie follows the bizaare events that happen after, flashing between past and present, examining various inter-connected events to do with the house and the curse.

The movie, at first, doesn't look terribly exciting. It does have a very cheap look, and it is a little slow to begin with, but once it picks up, it manages to pull in several disturbing scenes with demented imagery and jump moments. I admit to being quite scared through out this movie, but I always find myself scared watching any horror movie. The SPFX are low, but I give top marks "Kayoko", the victim who spreads the terrible curse, for her "spider-walk" and general menacing on screen presence (especially with the "bones clicking" and the strange chattering noise she seems to emit). The little boy isn't as menacing as other people will try and make you believe, simply because all he does is "appear" now and then, and "meow", which lets face it, isn't really frightening. But when combined with all the other elements, it works, and will leave you with an unsettled feeling. I was particularly disturbed during a scene involving CCTV footage, which shows a black shape walking down a corridoor, before looming up onto the camera, and out of the fuzziness, we see two pale eyes, which almost leaves you with a feeling that they are actually looking directly at you.

Overall, it's not excellent, it's not going to win any awards, but, following the tradition of "ringu", the sinister atmosphere and camera angles pave the way for a memorable experience that will jangle your nerves. The American remake looks promising, let's just hope they keep to the original plot.

*** out of 5
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Wrong Turn (I) (2003)
If you go down to the woods today....
21 September 2004 won't make it out alive. In the same mould as 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre', a group of terrified teens are stalked and murdered in the woods by mutated and deformed woodsmen.

The movie opens with two climbers being killed by an unseen being. Afterwards, we meet Chris (Harrington) , who is trying to get to an appointment. After running into a huge traffic jam, he takes a U-turn, and finds a shortcut to bypass the traffic. However, this wrong turn could be the last turn he will ever make. He crashes his car into the car of 5 friends who are heading off on a camping trip, led by Jess (Dushku). Leaving two of the teens behind, Jess, Chris and two others head off to get help. But they soon find themselves being hunted down by the woodsmen, each succumbing to a nasty and painful death…

What struck me most about this movie, was how short it was. Without including the credits, it probably amounted up to just over an hour. Which I suppose, in fairness, isn't too bad, considering there are only a few victims to get rid of.

Like most of the horror movies we've seen, we're not seeing anything new here. Teenagers lost in the woods, hunted down one by one by misfits and mutants. Nothing particularly surprising. Although, the movie redeems itself, with some wonderfully charming special effects, some quite gruesome to watch.

For a short movie, it does move quite fast, and will always keep you on your toes, with a few shocks and scares to keep you happy. Some of the acting is a little floppy, so it does sometimes feel you are watching some made for TV horror movie. The ending is a little flat, and it kind of left me feeling a little unsatisfied. But, on the whole, it's gruesome, it's fun, it's worth the watch.

The DVD comes with trailers, featurettes and a few extended and deleted scenes, but nothing to make a big 'hoo-haa' over.

3 Stars
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The Hole (2001)
21 September 2004
Desperate to get in, Dying to get out. What starts out as a non-stop wild party, soon spirals into a living nightmare for a group of students from a posh school. Trying to avoid a school field trip to Wales, Frankie, Geoff and Mike seek the help of Martin, the school nerd, to help them. He helps them hide away in an old underground bunker, under one condition. His best friend, Liz, joins them. Martin is in love with Liz, but she wants Mike, the coolest guy in school. Once they are down in the bunker, the party begins. But when Martin doesn't come back and let them out, the new found sanctuary soon becomes their worst nightmare.

The movie opens with Liz (Birch) walking back into her school, dressed in a coat, covered in bruises and cuts. After calling for help, she passes out. A few days later, with the help of a psychiatrist, she begins to relive her three days down the hole. But as she begins to relive her experiences, shocking revelations come to light…

This has to be one of the most interesting movies I have seen for a while. Everything about it says 'class' and 'scary'. And I wasn't disappointed. As the movie progresses, it becomes apparent this isn't your run of the mill thriller. It takes you deep into the psyche of the human mind, and uncovers the lengths people will go to, to satisfy an obsession…

Kiera Knightly makes one of her major movie debuts, and plays the annoyingly slutty and blonde Frankie rather well, if she can be at times a little 'too' annoying, you just want to smack her. For the lads who are reading this, she gets her boobs out. And for the ladies, there is some full frontal male nudity to keep you happy as well.

This movie has its tense moments, and is full of strong language! The movie does tend to move quite fast, and has lots of twists and turns, so you need to make sure you pay attention, otherwise the twist can leave you reeling! Brilliantly acted, wonderfully directed, 'The Hole' is top notch British horror, not quite on the same par as the smashing '28 Days Later', but still worth the watch, and would make a good addition to your DVD collection.

On the DVD, there are some deleted scenes, a couple of trailers and a commentary.

4 Stars.
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Joy Ride (2001)
Interesting, even if it is using an old formula.
21 September 2004
There is something about crazed American truckers and terrified teenagers that always prove to be hilarious, if not a successful combination. 'Jeepers Creepers' exploited this, by bringing you a terrifying road movie with a twist. Roadkill (or Joy Ride – US Title) takes the road movie down a slightly different route.

Lewis (Walker) and Fuller (Zahn) are two brothers heading to pick up Venna (Sobieski), a friend of Lewis'. On the way, they decide to have a bit of fun with the CB Radio, and wind up the lonely truckers. Using the alias 'candycane', they get in contact with 'Rusty Nail'. They decide to take the joke a little further. After fuller has a particularly nasty encounter with a guy at a motel, they invite rusty to the guys room. Lewis and Fuller are in the room next door, waiting. When muffled noises and thuds can be heard, they soon realize that the joke will soon be on them. The next morning, the police are surrounding the place, as the guy in the next room is viciously attacked. It soon becomes apparent 'Rusty' doesn't like jokes, and a game of cat and mouse ensues, as the vengeful trucker chases them down.

The movie has an interesting premise, and has all the ingredients to be successful, but somehow falls flat. The script doesn't always hit the right notes, and can leave you feeling a little bit flat. However, there are some genuinely tense moments, and the ending had me biting my nails until the conclusion.

Marco Beltrami provides you with a wonderfully tense musical score, similar the ones we are familiar with from the 'Scream trilogy'. This does tend to liven up the proceedings, even if the on-screen action is a little dull.

I can't say I remember this movie being in the cinema, and it's not really hard to see why. But, once you get past the movies smaller flaws, you do have an original thriller with some tense and exciting moments. The DVD of the movie is pretty good value as well, containing now fewer than 4 alternate endings, 3 commentaries, and your usual trailers and featurettes. It isn't the best movie, but one worth at least watching, perhaps with a few friends, and just having a good time.

3 Stars
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Genuinely shocking and deeply disturbing.
1 August 2004
I heard about this movie from various sources, all of them telling me the movie was banned for its explicit content. So, when it was finally released on DVD, I took the oppurtunity to rent it, and watch it. As the end credits rolled, I was left feeling abused, unsettled and very upset. The movie assualts the viewer with highly disturbing images.

The story involves our two teenage girls heading off to a rock concert. Deciding they need a little pot to get the evening going with a swing. However, they go to the wrong place, and end up finding the hide out belonging to 4 insane criminals, who decide to capture the girls, and subject them to some of the most heinous things imaginable. Both the girls are raped, tortured, and then brutally murdered.

The film has that grainy hand held camera effect, which made "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1977) so scary and unsettling. As you witness the rape and killing, there is a sense of realism, which makes it all the more unbearable to watch. After the senseless violence and gratuitious nudity, the 4 psychopaths seek refuge in a nearby house, which unbeknownst to them, belongs to one of the murdered girls parents. Naturally, the parents find out what happened, and meticulously calculate their revenge, and dispatch the crooks in some gruesome ways. The one that sticks out clearly in my mind is the mother and the lead criminal (Hess) who disappear out in the garden for some "extra-curricular" activity, and she bites "something".

The movies brutality is somewhat lessened however, by the introduction of the cops. Both are bumbling, and mostly appear to give a comedic performance.

For Wes Craven's first major feature, he hasn't done a too bad job. This movie paved the way for Craven's other horror flicks, however this movie is original, ingenious and worth watching at least once. However, the movie did upset me, and I couldn't watch it again. But if you can handle mindless brutality and sexual violence, this movie is for you.

2 out of 5 stars
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Darker And More Grown Up
3 June 2004
Harry potter returns to our screens in the magnificent "Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban". Sirius Black (Gary Oldman) has escaped from Azkaban prison, and is heading towards Hogwarts... Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint reprise their roles of Harry, Hermione and Ron. Alan Rickman, Robbie Coltrane and Maggie Smith continue as Severus Snape, Rubius Hagrid and Professor McGonnagall. Sadly, Micheal Gambon replaces the late Richard Harris in the role of the wise old headmaster Albus Dumbledore. Newcomers to the movie include Emma Thompson as Divinations teacher Professor Trelawney, and David Thewlis as Proffessor Remus Lupin.

With new director Alfonsó Caurón behind the helm, what we have here, is a faster and much darker movie, light years ahead of the child like magic weaved into the first two movies by Chris Columbus. The third movie is all about trust, friendship and love, with harry learning the truth about his parents, and discovering you cannot always trust the people you think you know.

The special effects, were as usual, top notch, with extra marks being given for the delightful "Hippogriff" (as a fan of the books, it was just as i imagined it). There are some genuine tense moments, which some younger viewers of the series, may find a little frightening (The Dementors and the prescence of a werewolf).

The young actors and actresses of this movie have put on a magnificent performance. Emma Watson is blossoming as an actress, and her portrayal of Hermione is a lot more sincere and believable. Rupert Grint continues to play Ron, and very well, catching Weasly's clumsiness and slight stupidity rather well. Daniel Radcliffe got the chance to show how emotional these characters can get, and gives a truly emotional performance (ok, thats a little much, but it was still v.good).

There are some amusing moments, in particular the scene with the students tackling a boggart in a defence against the dark arts lesson (readers of the book will know what I'm talking about - newcomers can wait and be surprised), and the scene with the Knight Bus. Dawn French makes a wonderful Cameo as The portrait of the fat lady.

The only snag i have about the movie, is the ending, which is completely different to the novel. I know movie makers cannot stick to the book page by page, but these little plot difference will play on the minds of the readers. IF you are seeing it fresh without reading the book, "Prisoner of Azkaban" is a truly magical movie, and a fine addition to this movie series.

**** out of 5 stars.
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29 May 2004
Terrible acting. Mindless gore. Terrible special effects. I really had high hopes for this movie, being a NOES fan, but was totally disappointed. The casting was awful (Kelly Rowland? COME ON!). The plot was just.. wrong. All wrong. Please don't waste your time with this pile of rubbish. It is really not worth it. I bought this DVD as a impulse buy. I took it back the next day and returned it as faulty. The fault being IT's CRAP! I can't believe i have to fill out 10 lines to describe a film i could summarise in one word. But even then that word would get censored...minus ** out of 5 stars. It's difficult babbling on about a pointless film for more than 10 lines. It's a real let down to the series.. awful, full of clichés, crappy dialogue.. OK I'm done now.
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After much excitement.....a huge disappointment.
28 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to slate the movie for its scientific merit, or anything like that. Im simply going to state the fact, that i found the last hour of this movie to be rather dull. The first hour and 15 mins (where all the decent special effects were) was the best. The scene where tornadoes rip LA to pieces was both frightening and convincing. The tsunami decimating Manhatten was pretty cool too. However, after all this, the movie lacked any real substance. I fear TDAT tried to be too many different kinds of movie at once. It's trying to be scientific, and make you think, an action movie, and an emotional heart rending movie. Sadly, it did not make me think, and it did not stir any emotions inside me. The casting was superb (Jake Gyllenhaal was seriously underused, but totally hot..). All in all, this movie is worth seeing for the top notch special effects (**SPOILER** - this lacked however during the chase onboard the boat with the timber wolves.. this really wasnt necessary, and you could so badly tell they werent real). Moral of the story is: Be careful with your greenhouse gases. Mother earth has teeth, and she ain't afraid to use them. *** out of 5 stars (only cos of Jake.. <3)
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This is NOT a remake!
17 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*WARNING: SOME SPOILERS CONTAINED IN HERE* Just for the record, this is NOT a remake of the 1973 Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The 2003 movie takes the events from the original movie, and expands on them.

My Review: I have seen the 1973 TCM, and i just saw the 2003 TCM. Both disturbing and scary. The 2003 movie begins with our characters (Erin, Andy, Morgan, Pepper and Kemper) travelling across texas to a rock concert. After nearly running a young girl down on a quiet country road, they decide to stop and offer some assistance. The girl, clearly confused and terrified, mutters something about "They're all dead..". The group, curious as to whats going on, offer to take her to a hospital, but the young girl begs not to go back (we find out where later) and she trys to grab the steering wheel. after a struggle, the young girl promptly removes a pistol hidden in her clothing, and shoots herself. The Group, shaken up, try and call for help, where they are told to go to an abandoned mill. There, Erin and Kemper go off looking for some help, and they come across the Hewitt house.

From there, it all goes wrong, and the group fall victim to a sadistic killer. Leatherface. Prepare for some shocks and scares.

Admittedly, the film isnt amazing as compared to the 1973 film. Its shot slickly and smoothly.. and doesnt have that raw effect that made Tobe Hoopers film so disturbing and shocking. But all is not at loss. the 2003 TCM packs some scares and leaves you with a disturbed feeling afterwards. There are loads of dark claustrophobic moments, surprises and twists. But saying that, it is one of the more scarier horror films of recent years. The cast were young and beautiful (cliché of horror movies), but there was very little done on developing the characters.

But all in all, worth watching and a true gem for fans of the horror genre. Forget the original when you see it.

**** out of 5 *'s
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You Cant Cheat Death....
19 February 2003
I have literally Just seen this! That was one hell of a ride! Kimberly Corman, your average college girl off to visit friends in Daytona happens to see a major traffic pile up. In turn, she stops people from going onto the freeway to save them. Inevitably, there is a huge pile up and she saves these peoples lives. But of course...nothing is that simple......

Death comes back..and dispatches the survivors in some of the most inventive and grisliest deaths i have seen for a long time.

Not for the feint-hearted. This is a very violent film with lots of gores. I was cringing and screaming with everyone else!

It is tonnes better than the first! go see it now!
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Do you hate spiders? Do you really hate spiders? Well they dont like you either!
17 February 2003
Prosperity, Arizona. A nice quiet and peaceful little town in the middle of nowhere. That is until spiders from an exotic spider farm escape and feast on some toxic goo....they grow to dramatic proportions..and guess what...they're hungry!

Now, this film doesnt try to be anything else. Its quite simply a tongue-firmly-in-cheek slice of comedy/horror. Altho horror is kept to a minimum. It simply pays homage to the classic B-Movies of the 50s and early 60s.

David Arquette plays Chris McCormack, i wud-be hero who makes his mixed-welcome appearence back in the town. Then there is sam. The towns female Sheriff. Together, they are going to face the BIGGEST challenge of their lives.....

As the town is descended upon by mutant spiders the size of cars, people flee for their lives. The spiders were incredible. I havent seen spiders this realistic since i saw Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets (2002).

The film is intense in some parts, with just the right amount of humour, to keep the merciless deaths just a little bit on the warm side. Dont expect a gore-fest. and dont expect this film to win any awards. But its great entertainment for everyone. Me, being a chronic arachnophobic, was cringing through the entire film, but even so, i thoroughally enjoyed it. The script worked well, and it wasnt on too long either.

Whether you love it, or hate it, Eight legged Freaks is the best monster movie we have seen for years....
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Surprisingly Good!
17 February 2003
I saw this on the UK edition of Eight Legged Freaks. This is the directors short film that gave the inspiration for the latter mentioned film.

Premise: Young woman moves into old house in the middle of the outback. As she goes round her normal jobs, she is set upon by some larger than life (hence the title) arachnids!

This film lasts about 13minutes, and included horror, suspense, comedy and much more! For a low budget film, the effects were brilliant. Its worth buying Eight Legged freaks just to see this!
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Resident Evil (2002)
19 December 2002
One Deadly Virus. One Deadly Mistake. Umbrella corporations have accidentally released the deadly T Virus in their technological research center, The Hive. As it spreads through the many floors underground, people turn into savage flesh eating demons. Then we meet Alice. After being dragged down into the Hive, she faces horrible flashbacks of what has happened. With a special team,they must destroy the red queen- the super computer thats gone homicidal. An adrenaline pumping gore filled horror Shocker. ************************************************************************ So...Heres my comments. I have never played a Resident Evil game in my life, so i cannot tell you if it is anything like the Game. all i can say is, this is one pulse pounding horror movie with plenty of shocks and gore thrown in. I was on the edge of my seat. I cringed, I gasped, and when the film had finished...i was left feeling rather queasy. Milla Jovich was brilliant as Alice. the poor young woman dragged down into the hive and has to face flesh eating Zombies, Demon Dobermans and strange newt like creatures that reminded me of Abe from the Abe's Odyssey games. Soon, all the cast are being killed off. (3 are killed in a space of 2 minutes- really cool scene with lasers). Dont expect to much from this film. It was based on a game. Some of the acting was quite woody, But Milla Jovich and Michelle Rodriguez shone in the fast paced horror. Perfect entertainemnt for a saturday night. Definately not to be watched alone.....Keep the lights on and a cushion handy...and perhaps a sick bucket.
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Dobby has come to tell you...this movie rocks!
22 November 2002
Its Harry's Second year at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, and things are going to get scary. It begins with the mysterious arrival of Dobby, a house elf, in harrys room. He begs harry not to go back to Hogwarts. But, Harry insists he must, and Dobby, gets harry into trouble. Harry is locked in his room by his vicious Aunt petunia, Uncle Vernon and Dudley. Ron, Fred and George weasly take their dads car and break Harry Free..... then, Harry and Ron are unable to get to the Hogwarts express, so they have to fly...crash into a whomping willow........the students are being petrified, and something about the Chamber of secrets being opened........

The second installment in the Harry Potter series is one of the best. The book was fascinating, and the transgression to celluloid has been phenomenal. I watched the film and was totally amazed. The Special effects were so much better. The Basilisk and the Spiders were so believable. I was cringing in my seat. This is much darker than the first film/novel. Some younger children may find some of the film quite scary. This is what makes this film stand out. Its more grown up, so adults will find much to enjoy out of this. Daniel Radcliffe has progressed so well, and has settled into his role, and is totally believeable as Harry, you begin to imagine him as a real character. Emma watson has blossomed wonderfully into a promosing young actress. Her performance as muggle born Hermione Granger was ten times better than is the Philosophers Stone. Rupert Grint is much funnier in The Chamber than the Stone as Ronald 'Ron' Weasly.

The third movie, Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, is promising. With filming beginning soon, and a release planned for 2004, Time is of the essence to keep harry and his friends looking young!

All in all, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets is a roller coaster ride, and is worth Seeing. Me being a huge fan, is, obviously going to give this movie: A* Rating = 10/10
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Surprisingly Fresh
13 June 2002
When i first saw Final Destination, i jumped out of my skin. I was expecting it to be one of those dumb cheesy stalk and slash films that were spewing out of the US at an unimaginable rate.

It begins with Alex, a teen heading off to Paris for a school trip. On the Plane, he has a dream the plane is going to explode (very realistic and very heart-stopping). He makes a fuss and he and seven others are forced off the plane. In the Departure lounge,an arguement begins between Alex and Carter. Then, the plane explodes. Coincidence???

Soon, the survivors find themselves being hunted down- they are all dying in accidents...or are they?

This is an ingenious film. The idea of being stalked by death is one that i dont think i have come across before. The hip young cast added style to it.

The special effects are very good. The plane crash is very believable, and there are some very gory moments (i.e. Mrs. Luton , a pc and a kitchen knife).

There are genuine tense moments. And there are shocks galore.

With the promise of Final Destination 2, i feel that this wont be as good. Final destination is really a one off film- the sequal will have a very similar plot- and is really cashing in on the success of the Final Destination.

So, Final Destination is a very good horror movie that doesnt contain all the cliches of many other horror movies.

Ideal for a saturday night with popcorn, a good drink and the curtains closed. I rate this movie 8.5 out of 10.
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The Craft (1996)
Welcome to the BITCHing hour
13 June 2002
I saw this movie on TV a couple of weeks ago and i loved it.

Sarah is forced to move to LA. There she starts a new school with no friends. There she meets Rochelle, Nancy and Bonnie- three girls with a very unhealthy interest in the occult. Sarah joins them, and all four girls experiment with witchcraft. It starts off as harmless fun, bet ends with a terrifying fight for survival for one of the girls (if u havent seen it- i wont tell you who, but you can probably guess).

Robin Tunney is the quite and troubled sarah. Rachel True is the funny and sometimes bitchy Rochelle Neve Campbell is the sexy and extremely snobby Bonnie Fairuza Baulk is brilliant as the very scary and very on edge Nancy

The Craft is an interesting thriller which relies on visuals to shock. The soundtrack is very catchy and some of the lines in the the film are very funny i.e Bus Driver: You girls watch out for those weirdos! Nancy: Mister, we ARE those Weirdos!

Good fun. 7 out of 10
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Evil is right behind you
5 April 2002
i was very unsure about this film. I was expecting it to be another run-of the-mill horror. How surprised i was. From the opening scene with "The Truck" i was gripped. Usually, horrors do not have any effect on me, but i loved it. I was genuinely sitting there clenching my fists screaming at my T.V. The Creeper is a monster that will become just as popular as Ghostface(Scream) Freddie Krueger and Pinhead. it doesnt rely on over-the-top gore for its scares. It builds up its tension slowly, before releasing it with sudden loud music and an appearence by The creeper. I feel the ending was not as good as it could of been, but it did leave me wanting to watch more. I look forward to the, hopefully, upcoming Jeepers Creepers 2, which hopefully should be just as entertaining.

It doesnt try to be anything else. Its an edge-of-your-seat, pulse-pounding horror thriller that is perfect for a saturday night.

Close the curtains, grab your popcorn and be ready to be scared.....The Creeper is coming to get you.........
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Tidal Wave: No Escape (1997 TV Movie)
5 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
What a load of rubbish! Oh no..someones causing huge tidal waves...oh the horror.

I saw a trailer for this on TV and i thought "ok this looks interesting". How wrong i was. After the first half hour i was screaming til blue in the face "WHY WONT YOU DIE!!!!" For a TV movie, the special effects were ok, but could have been better- i just didnt believe the Waves crashing ashore. The acting was very wooden. But then Corbin Bernsen was the lead- i saw him in "The Dentist"- that was also rubbish. Warning: SPOILER- i thought the idea of the Old man Scientist causing the waves highly unbelievable.

I warn you....dont expect to like this. Its the sort of movie you waould watch if you cant get to sleep. If you crave disaster and death then you would probably enjoy this....i, however, Certainly did not.

Dont waste your time or your money.
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