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Baki Hanma (2021–2023)
they really think too much of theselves...
3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can only assume the writers are running out of ideas. The karate / kung-fu "factoids" get weirder and more far-fetched every episode. Like "just imagine you have extra joints and your punch will break the sound barrier - but the air will smash yer hand up" - yeesh..

The whole cave-man plot that comes and goes is just totally silly - with some grade-school fantasy archeology attempt smeared over it.

Also - the plot of U. S. President's (obviously Obama in a very racist portrayal) kowtowing to Baki's dad because he is some super-duper martial artist is not just absurd but also shows some kind of Japanese nationalist jealousy - just a cheap shot.

They need to get back to the basics. How about different cultures martial weapons pitted against each other?
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This is a story for teen-aged girls
18 December 2023
This is a story for teen-aged girls. I don't say that as a criticism, but to set expectations. I got half-way thru it and had to quit. The story is too simple, with no real backstory, and too saccharin for most adults. It could use a dose of darkness to up the age appeal - even Dr Who does that in it's modern incarnation.

I do think it is well produced and well acted by the young adults actors. It has generally good visuals and not cheap CGI. Parts of the dialog are in German without subtitles so I had to watch with closed caption.

Checkout The Magicians for an example of an adult-oriented fantasy magic story.
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Baki Hanma: The Second (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
America bashing over the top
29 August 2023
Someone writing this stuff really hates the USA and Pres GW Bush. So one muscle-bound martial artist basically defeats the entire US security and military and totally emasculates Pres Bush with smug threats? Perhaps that writer should try and wander into the oval office and threaten people - see how far he gets. It's just too silly. Plus as has been stated so much - where the hell is Baki and fighting in this crap? Too bad as the original series had some interesting cross-style analysis and fights that showed some originality.

What's with this review length requirement? I just want to whine a bit and get back to vid binging....
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Watch the series then read the books
23 February 2023
The series diverges in some significant ways from William Gibson's very good source books (Peripheral and Agency, 3rd book some day) but retains a lot of the great characters fairly intact. For example, Inspector Lowbeer is just as awesome a presence in the books as here and is perfectly captured by the actor, despite a few folks unreasonable dislike of the character. The series is then very entertaining as good scifi on its own - and can serve as a bit of a primer before reading the books, which explain the backstories even more subtly and def require full attention. The series dwells more on the action scenes - naturally, it's a visual medium - but they are very well done.

Do yourself a favor and go savor the books after watching the series (the opposite of the usual recommended order). This is one of William Gibson's best efforts since he invented cyberpunk in early 1980s.
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Sex Appeal (2022)
Bad ripoff of Polish series "Sexify"
25 January 2022
Here is a plot summary for Sexify "To build an innovative sex app and win a tech competition, a sexually inexperienced student and her friends must explore the daunting world of intimacy" - and even with the dubbed English version it beats this ripoff to pieces. And BTW it has plenty of good - some fairly explicit. Many very funny - sex experiences.
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Jupiter's Legacy: What's the Use? (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
therapy sessions = death of action
3 July 2021
Any show that has to resort to a "therapy session" to reveal some - who give's a cr@p anyways - inner revelations, might as well just throw in the towel and quit. There is nothing more boring to watch. As has been mentioned often, the falshbacks and backstory are the only interesting part of this now.
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16 November 2020
Never watched it and never will - but the poster pic is pathetic and I hate Scott Baio so giving worst review possible. If you watch this you will have permanent brain damage.
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All the music and crazy you want to heaar
19 March 2020
Sometimes these band documentaries are dry droning factoids - but not this one. This is wall to wall ZZ Top hits - live and background - with big hits and some jams enuf for any true ZZ fan. Also their story is presented just right, with many of the crazy stories from the road ("Keith Richards always wore the same white pants that were totally filthy...") that you'd hope for. The occasional little animated bits fit right in too. To me this was the prefect band history documentary. I got no complaints...
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Roswell, New Mexico (2019–2022)
Soap opera with vauge UFO afterscent
22 May 2019
This show is 90% soap opera even with the premise that three of the main characters are aliens or hybrids or - who cares. I got thru maybe (5) episodes hoping, hoping hoping for like an X-files UFO vibe - nope. You get maybe a lame special effect per episode so they can play the sci-fi card, then back to the 30-somethings small-town angst parade. If you are looking for SciFi - adjust those knobs and levers and point yer view screen elsewhere.
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Every episode a revelation and a treat
3 April 2019
With the many styles of animation as well as the huge variety of story this series is a constantly unveiling surprise. The topics range from video-game like slashers, but always with a clever twist, to very funny vignettes to significant social commentary. I have enjoyed every episode immensely and I am still only about half-way through the series. I also like that they are short and sweet, only about 20min an episode, but so far each is a perfectly well-rounded story. If you love sci-fi and animation this series is gold.
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OMG - I lasted 10 minutes of this train wreck
27 August 2018
Someone needs to hunt down the server drive this is on - burn it and scatter the ashes. This is the worst piece of crap I have every seen. I loved (some of) trailer Park Boys when they kept to their roots, but here they seemed to have slapped together an accidental, make it up as you go plotless mess - maybe because they stumbled into an unattended makeup trailer and went nuts with it. If the "plot" eventually makes some sense there is no way you would want to stay with the bad hammy acting and absurd makeup long enuf to figure it out. Sorry TPB fans - this is a fail.
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Singularity (I) (2017)
Epic bad acting over re-hashed scifi plot
24 July 2018
Every actor in this was the worst at their craft, including John Cusack who texted-in, didn't even bother to phone-in, his wooden silly performance. The two younger actors can maybe plead inexperience and bad direction. The plot is just a mish-mash ripoff of bits of Terminator and Matrix and every other "computers rule the world" scifi - all done better than this. It had a few decent effects so I gave it a 2, but really NOT worth a watch.
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9-1-1 (2018– )
OK Ran over the Shark with Firetruck and then failed CPR on it!!
1 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I was kinda enjoying this show - for the constant action - while sometimes hating it - until the Valentines Day episode. The "Jumped the Shark" term is not a sufficient description for how ridiculous this got. It seems like the writers are now trying to see how far they can push bad TV before getting a reaction (writer room "...No way they'll believe this crap!...Let's see?"). In this show Basset's cop character helps a despondent (but loony) woman who turns out to be psycho-the-valentine-killer and who wants to harvest Basset's "good heart", after dissecting and reassembling her last bad date. WHAT !?!? Aren't these actors completely embarrassed to be associated with this train wreck (did they do train wreck yet?)? This show is now beyond hope of defibrillation - just "call it" ....
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9-1-1 (2018– )
Calm down - it's just Hollywood Rescue hyper-drama
29 January 2018
Of course it is over the top drama - you try and invent a new "emergency" that is interesting enuf to hold your attention and that hasn't been done already in the last 50 years of TV. Also "I've been a doctor and a cop and a firefighter for 80 years and this is not so real" - is Who Gives A Crap. I am sure the real 911 calls are 99.9% uninteresting - thanks goodness. I am usually entertained for at least half the show and skip thru the rest. I am especially annoyed by AngelaB insanely over-the-top drama-vomit acting.
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Big Mouth (2017–2025)
OK comedy - but could have been better if...
30 September 2017
Early teens going thru the angst and madness of puberty is ripe for comedy, since it is full of the ridiculous and we all go thru it so can relate. The animation is pretty crude, but I thot the voice actors did a good job.

It would have been better if they stuck closer to reality and left out the "ghost" characters, and they should have used the "hormone monsters" more sparingly (as internal conversations only). Also - dump the crappy musical interludes - that stuff is always lame and unfunny (exception maybe Monty Python).

SO could have been better but I still enjoyed it.
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The F Word (I) (2017)
The Gordon blew this one - Shut It Down!
31 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Really had trouble getting through the first episode as it does not have a single cohesive idea thread running though it - it jumps all over the place. It is supposedly a (F)amily team cooking competition, but that was lost in the noise of: boring useless celebrity interviews, little side skits (i.e. punking his ex colleague), cooking tips from Gordon (the only part I liked) - plus the usual scolding of the team members cooking in the kitchen. There is no tension built out of the actual team competition like in GR's other shows. I can't believe this show will last long.
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Californication (2007–2014)
12 October 2014
I was also initially dazzled by the sexiness and glimpse into Hank's torrid and chaotic world, and suffered through season 1 and half of season 2. But as a native Californian I resent these silly caricatures that we are supposed to believe could be real people. Starting with Hank, the bad writer with no visible means of support, who women glance at then throw off their clothes and jump him - even though he is rude, unshaven, usually drunk and constantly snarky and obnoxious. Add the cartoon characters of Runkle, his wife, his boss, the Dean etc.

Have these Hollywood writers been so insulated from reality they have forgotten how actual people behave ? I also think the acting is terrible. Hank has one attitude - smart-ass. His daughter acts lobotomized. The wife either smiles or is wide-eyed at the crap she must endure. Kathleen Turner and "Runkle" are both cringe-worthy.

I really don't get the good reviews. Are these paid reviewers or something ?
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Merlin (2008–2012)
A Merlin-in-training
14 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished all five seasons of (The Adventures Of) "Merlin" on NetFlix streaming (thank you NetFlix !) and I will miss it. It is a fun, action-filled fantasy of the Arthurian Legend re-imagined from the perspective of the young Merlin learning his abilities and of his destiny.

I would say it is not quite a 'G' rating, perhaps more a PG-13 with the occasional genuinely scary costume or effect, a rather large portion of violence and death (not shown graphically), and Gwen's ever further exposed cleavage (a good LOL scene in 5.9 as she bends over sitting at the table "Arthur - you seem distracted"). Generally the "good" characters exhibit all the Arthurian family values you would expect without being too preachy with morality tales - more pure adventure tales.

I liked the building up of the Morgana / Merlin conflict of legend from a newly imagined starting point over the course of the last 3 seasons. My one complaint is we never quite, with the possible exception of the final two episodes, really see any significant sorcery from Merlin other than a few sparks and repelling the occasional arrow or attacker. I would have liked to see Merlin's magic build up to a peak by the end of the series, but it never seemed to.

An enjoyable series with a great set of well-acted characters, that perhaps left an opening for a spin-off ?
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There are much worse that had bigger budgets
5 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is not at all bad for a low budget unadvertised Vamp flick. As others mentioned there was some effort put into the story to try and explain Vampire abilities - although it's pseudo-science, and the film throws in plenty of mysticism so defeats it's own explanations. At least they tried to be original and not just crank out the same old clichés.

The editing is not bad - not jumpy or with inexplicable transitions like some cheapies. The sets, effects, and acting are all better than many bigger budget flicks ("Queen of the Damned" - yikes !) that had no excuse. The photography and lighting are a bit poor, sometimes showing a grainy "video taped" look to it.

I watched in on Netflix streaming and didn't think it was a waste of time.
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The Lost Room (2006)
You are standing at the End of a Road.....
19 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
You may recognize (if you are an ancient computer nerd like me - or you like computer game trivia) the first line of one of the first computer text "adventure" games (technically called "Colossal Cave Adventure" http://jerz.setonhill.edu/if/canon/Adventure.htm ). I found this mini-series a bit like one of those games, where the protagonist Joe Miller discovers the "magical" properties of objects and novel ways to use them partly by trial and error (getting slammed from the sky in Gallup NM a bunch of times) or by his own cleverness. I appreciated the fact that this series was more cerebral than a lot of the shoot-em-up scifi genre ("space opera" based).

Unlike some other reviews I thought this series was perfectly written, executed, and wrapped-up - with Joe's story basically finished, but the "door left open" (literally) for future story-lines.

Another great thing about this series concept, like Stargate or others, is that the premise allows for the story to wander into many wild new environs and circumstances since the objects are so varied in type and usage. So writing opportunities for this series are endless - and I hope we have not seen the end.

I might have liked to see more of the various "Cabals" and their philosophies and rituals explored - as that seems to mostly have occurred in the blog-o-sphere.

SciFy - bring back "The Lost Room" !!
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The Amazing Screw-On Head (2005 TV Movie)
see this - get your head screwed on right !
31 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't recall how i stumbled across this as I am not a rabid comic geek - but I am glad I did. It may be I was searching for other examples of "steampunk" (as I am a China Mieville fan) - of which this is to me a perfect example.

If you ever complained about overly predictable movies - this animation is not one. It is a wild ride from start to end with bizarre characters and story that you won't enjoy if you try too hard to analyze. So don't try too hard - just open your mind and enjoy the ride.

I loved the poncy voicing style which fit the characters and the dry humor perfectly ("permit me to say poppycock" "you may" "poppycock.."). I also loved the silly but very original little touches like the "remote control flapping lips" on the Lincoln picture when he "telephoned" SOH - the first avatar.
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mixture of humor and cold blooded murders
1 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the pilot and thought C. Slater acted the hell out of it - with genuine startled appearance when for example SpyGuy shifted to HomeBody in the middle of a fierce fire-fight. I enjoyed the snippets of mixed in humor when cool-hand Edward effortlessly solves flustered Henry's domestic issues.

However - the last few times I tuned in I found the smirking cold blooded killing (regardless of motivation) by Edward to be too disturbing to redeem the plot. If that does not change soon and Edward display a bit of remorse and humanity - I would consider the shark jumped on this one.
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