
3 Reviews
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Troy (2004)
Not excellent, but good enough
17 May 2004
The movie is helped by a beautiful story which mixes love, brotherhood, ambition, and a whole set of emotions which keep you hooked during most part of it. The casting in my opinion is good, there is no doubt of it, and the scenes were well developed, well choreographed specially fighting one on one scenes. I haven't read the Iliad, but it made me want to do it now, and people who have both watched the movie and read the book agree that is a o.k condensation, and as many people say, it would be almost impossible to make everything the story tells in such amount of time.

Definitely if you want to watch a good movie and keep entertained for 2 hours and a half, go for it.
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Terrible, what a shame.
12 May 2004
As other users commented, I knew it was bad before watching it but I entered hoping to find something all right and with the idea of supporting Mexica Cinema, but oh surprise, I was dissapointed because of the terrible story, the director, the characters, Too bad ´cause Arau has done some OK work, but this was terribly out of the line.

What the hell with the images of the magic indians?, the old lady who is her guide?, I know the director wanted to use "magic realism", used by novelists like Garcia Marquez, but it is not appropiate for this movie. Besides that, half of the movie is based on invention and away from real history, too bad because the real story of Zapata has great things to write about and to make a great film.

The character Victoriano Huerta (Jesus Ochoa), is kind of the only worth watching, he´s always been a great actor.

The script is terrible, the acting is bad, the images ..well, really you better read a biography of this great revolutionary and get some good history instead of paying $40 pesos to get nothing.
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Wow, powerful
19 August 2002
One thing I noticed and called my attention just after the movie ended, was that everybody was walking out of the teather with a "wow" face, most were quiet as if the movie had impacted them, probably because of the hard topic and ending the movie managed to bring to the audience, at least that happened to me, I am not the kind of ultra-conservative catholic so I enjoyed the movie but still it conducts to do some personal thinking.

I dont wanna talk about the catholic issue and if it was moral or not, come on it is just cinematography, for God´s sake! everybody knows that there are thousands of good catholic priest all over the world, very wise, who devote themselves to charity and celibacy and all the church demands. The movie does not deny that you have to be very stupid to assume so.

My comment on the movie is that the writing and screenplay was well-done, the story is simple but has many scenes filled with drama, with comedy, and about all it is a love story well developed, the photography is good also. I would recommend it and give it a 7.5/10
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