
122 Reviews
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The Rockford Files: Quickie Nirvana (1977)
Season 4, Episode 7
Might Just Be the Best RF Episode EVER!
3 June 2024
So many memorable quotes, so prescient! I adore this installment of one of my top three TV series ever. Even though it was made in 1978, it reflects true on today's 'inclusive' society. Really innovative writing, especially for television way back then; I imagine (=cannot remember if) it made a splash in the collective consciousness of the TV viewer... If anyone asked for a recommendation of an exemplary episode of Rockford Files, I'd tell them it's all downhill from here (with the possible exception of the two-parter with Tom Selleck).

I see I need 44 more characters. I guess being concise is no longer valued. Sad.
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The Rockford Files: Crack Back (1977)
Season 3, Episode 21
Really Good Beth-Centric Episode!
24 May 2024
I remember being fascinated by the character of "Beth Davenport" when I watched the series the first time, mainly because she was usually quite obviously braless. Sue me; I was a rapidly developing young man... Anyway, in this episode, I can appreciate her acting chops - because I'm a rapidly un-developing old man ;^p... Ms. Corbett gets to play 'terrified', and does so in spectacular fashion. Worth mentioning, as well, is Conchita Ferrell, the gruff but lovable housekeeper from "Two and a Half Men" in an early role playing in this installment. All in all a great ep of TRF, even if there were no J-Turns, and no "Angel"!
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Rockford Battles a 'Cuckoo's Nest' Situation...
18 May 2024
I suspect this episode was inspired by "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", one of the best films ever made. Evocative in that the empathetic viewer could be totally sane, yet evil powers-that-be could take away literally everything - terrifying! Strother Martin plays the part of the put-upon citizen admirably. The thugs sure appear to have the upper hand in this part one of two! Regarding the trivia items which mention the car horn: The car involved in the horn incident, a Ferrari Dino, had a two-tone air horn with mechanical compressor dedicated to horn air; true that the freon-powered horn that they pulled out after being planted by Rocky wouldn't sound as depicted, but it WOULD have sounded exactly like the Dino's horn with one trumpet not functioning. The freon-powered horn would NOT have lasted more than two or three minutes before freezing up and would have died at the most five minutes after being activated; that little can of propellant only holds so much. Great episode, nice to see "Braless Beth"in her nightie - so sexy!
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Worth watching just for Cleavon Little!
17 May 2024
Mr. Little shows his excellent "minstrel acting" chops that we will all adore in "Blazing Saddles" here, hilariously actin' the foo' in a little shoe-store back-room banter with "Beloved Character Actor" Simon Oakland (I had no memory of this guy's name, but if you're a fan of '70s TV, you'll certainly recognize him). Also of note is that Linda Dano was a complete smokeshow back then... I think that the producers had gotten wind of the audience's interest in the vehicular acrobatics of "The Rockford Files", because this episode is heavy on the stunt driving, very cool! Really great installment of "The Rockford Files"! I know this review is less than succinct, but IMDB has "Standards" (I.e., minimum character count)...
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Ned Beatty, Unkown Star(?)
12 May 2024
This was four years AFTER "Deliverance"! (1976 and 1972, respectively.) This is one of the very best RF episodes ever. Once again, we see Jimmy get close to the big payoff - no spoilers here!

I'm flabbergasted that Mr. Beatty was doing TV after the iconic "Deliverance", but I did read that that film was not recognized as the masterpiece that it was in its time of release. Sad. Also, if you are a fan of "Deliverance", please look at "Banjo Boy's" Go-Fund-Me, the poor b*st*rd has been working at Walmart since the greedy tribe members who produced the film did not feel it necessary to fairly compensate him for his work.
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The Rockford Files: Where's Houston? (1976)
Season 2, Episode 20
Blown Her Way to Stardom???
28 April 2024
This actress who played 'Houston' must have blown her way into the pictures... She has NO talent whatsoever, to the degree that her "Acting" in this episode completely ruins it. She must certainly have had 'known' someone (in the biblical sense) in order to "earn" her way onto the series. Makes me want to spit (although I bet Lane Bradbury had no such impediments to her "stardom")...

Remainder is a pasted review with which I agree, to satisfy IMDB's stupid character requirement_/

I absolutely LOVE The Rockford Files,the whole series. There are very few weak or bad episodes. This,unfortunately,is one of those episodes. Why? The woman that played the 'Houston' character,that is why. I guarantee that somebody lost a major bet,or owed somebody-big time. That is the only explanation for the casting of the 'Houston' character that I have managed to come up with. This woman looks and acts like she is about to undergo a root-canal,in Tijuana! I mean,this has to be one of the worst-cast characters of the whole series. Why? No spark. No enthusiasm,no warmth whatsoever from this unhappy lady. She seems miffed or put-off just by being on the show-like she was interrupted from doing something much more important. You would think that anybody that got to be on the show would have trouble hiding an ear-to-ear grin the whole time. I know I would,anyway. This unhappy woman drags down the whole episode.

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BASEketball (1998)
Skip it
5 March 2024
The beginning was a la "Idiocracy", but it soon devolved into senseless stupidity. Jenny Mcarthy was hot, as usual, but it could not begin to save this trash-fest. Skip it, unless there is absolutely nothing else available. I'll paste a review to meet the minimum characters...

Pasted review which I agree with: Imagine if someone lightly rubbed the top of your head against the bark of a tree trunk for 90 minutes. That was the feeling I got while watching this; constant irritation. At the 30 minute mark, I had to decide to turn it off or stick it out. I made the wrong decision and stuck it out. This is about two unsuccessful imbeciles who create a nifty driveway basketball game using baseball rules and it catches on and a pro league is hatched. Then a plot point about playing the game for fun vs money and fame. The rest of the slapstick movie is full of unfunny, vulgar, not clever, potty humor. Every character is irritating. The slapstick's of the 80s-90s (Airplane, UHF, Naked Gun, Top Secret) had more charm and 'smart' stupid humor; pleasantly silly. This was bottom barr.
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Money on the Side (1982 TV Movie)
Probably the Best Made-For-Tv Movie Ever
27 November 2023
I'm giving it an absurdly high nine out of ten because, for its genre, this flick is better than any I have seen. The acting is 10/10. The lighting is so good that it calls attention to it. Karen Valentine -- I forgot that she existed, let alone that I had a crush on her from the moment I saw her -- I think I was seven XD... I have never enjoyed a G-rated TV movie as much as this (unless you count the Rockford Files). Do watch it, if you're on the fence (I saw it November 2023 on Tubi)... ....Well I see that my concise review does not fulfill IMDB's strict character count, so I'll recap the first telephone conversation here: "Mary had a little..." Okay, now it's verbose enough. Peace out.
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JCVD (2008)
Horrible. Boring and Overdone. Shill Reviewers Overload.
5 October 2023
Haha, the Hollyweird shill review factory has gone overboard on this film! I'm almost all the way through it and I warn you, it does NOT get better! If you begin the film and think it's dumb and poorly done, click off it and come back here to warn others.

I see there are 327 characters needed so I'll paste a bit of a (valid) review: First of all, I think you are all possibly insane. I'm not sure we watched the same movie! This is absolutely, positively the worst Jean Claude Van-Damme movie I have ever seen! It was an endurance test just to sit through it! I understand that it's hard to be on top of the world and fall, but please don't subject me to a ninety-five minute whining session!

Usually I cut the guy some slack. He makes some generally entertaining no brainer action pics but this is the pits. The only thing this stinker is successful at is portraying Van-Damme as the biggest p***y in the world! All this woe is me crap grows very tiresome quick.

Did anybody notice that the bank robber with the bob haircut looked like a knock off version of John Cazale in Dog Day Afternoon?
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Despite BC and Vinny, the WORST movie I've ever seen!
30 July 2023
My God, if you enjoy this waste of film, you are stupid. Just a truly imbecilic two hours' worth of plotless dreck. I loved BC in Silver Linings Playbook, but I'm so sorry he had bills to pay and made this steaming pile of feces!

Falls under Horror nor Thriller genre... I would rather say it falls under Comedy genre. The movie has got more blood and gore than required agreed, but it doesn't mean it can satisfy all thriller movie lovers. For any thriller movie there's got to be a concrete story built up on solid logic. This movie is in fact quite boring and lacks logic through out the movie. I could pick some more than 20+ scenes in this movie if am asked to pick scenes where there is absolutely no logic. A complete disappointment for Thriller movie loving fans like me. All you people out there. Don't waste your 100 minutes of time watching this complete crap. I am so good enough to warn you people not to waste time watching this movie as i did. Do nothing but repent had u seen this movie already and reading this comment. And be smart and stay away from this movie if you haven't watched this movie. This movie is for those who love to see a movie, with gore scenes and blood sans story and sans logic.
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Gunsmoke: Albert (1970)
Season 15, Episode 20
Please Remember, It's a DRAMA TV show, ya dummies!
20 June 2023
Gunsmoke is a didactic Western. This fact seems to fly easily over the other reviewers' heads. Not that the flight path must be very high, but still... This might be one of the very best eps of the series if nly it had included Festus and Miss Kitty. But even without them, hhis is a classic.

Too short? I'll cut & paste another review, which was actually a synopsis. (no spoilers)

(Don't wast time reading the following): In a rather nice story this episode never got the viewer appeal that it was seeking. The main reason for the disappointment was that the cast seemed improperly selected for the show. The bank teller, Albert, was played by Milton Selzer- was suppose to be married to a beautiful Patricia Berry. This really did not fit. Also William Schallert, who is great in 'Patty Duke Show' and 'Dobie Gillis', is unbelievable as a bank robber. Even though this may seem small- it made the entire storyline seem incorrect.

Albert, the bank teller in Dodge, is being replaced by the owners because they are trying to bring younger people into bank jobs. Albert only has a few more days to work when three outlaws come in to rob the bank. Albert is able to stop the robbery as the townsfolk come to his aid. But with the safe open and the robbers unable to take anything, Albert decides to help himself to $5000.
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Brilliant! Almost Too Real...
22 April 2023
Wow, only TWO reviews?! How?! This film will appeal to jazz fans, old folks, junkies, and anyone who has had the misfortune to have worked in a "senior living facility"! I am three out of four of those, and becoming more close to the old folks demographic. I should say that I _was_ the junkie health care worker; I'm neither of those now. We love our geriatric charges, but the work is so absolutely abysmal and poorly compensated... This film is the only accurate depiction of that life I have seen. Worth noting is how different the movie seems to me now, having watched it for the first time back when I WAS sort of focused on obtaining druugs (and Dilaudid _was_ the top-tier chemical of choice), compared to now - now that I see it more from a potential resident's point of view.

Absolutely brilliant piece of filmmaking. Do not miss it.
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Gunsmoke: Robber Bridegroom (1958)
Season 4, Episode 14
Great Episode that Left Me Smiling!
21 April 2023
NO SPOILERS If you avoid the spoilers from the imbeciles who do not know a review from a synopsis, this story will surprise you with its twists. Jan Harrison is startlingly beautiful as she does her best Marilyn Monroe impression; it's not annoying - maybe she naturally spoke like that - but it's the first thing I noticed (well, maybe the SECOND thing, after her stunning attractiveness).

The ending deserves a 10/10 rating by itself! I LoL'd!!

Now to satisfy the minimum characters necessary, here is a good excerpt from another review: I love how Dillon treated Reeves (Donald Randolph in his only Gunsmoke appearance). He knew what kind of snake he was and took no bull from him. He pushed him out of his hotel room so he could talk to Laura (the very attractive Jan Harrison). It was so comical. He got him out of that room like nothing. All that money Reeves has didn't mean a thing to Dillon. Dillon respects character, not money. I guess that's why we love Marshal Dillon. And the ending was classic, he just knocks out Reeves cold. You could tell he was out before he hit the floor. I think Reeves had to see Doc later so Doc could put his face back together.
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The Gunman (2015)
Stupendeously Bad!
11 April 2023
Horribly French flim. I had high hopes, but I'll let my friend's great review speak. Sean Penn becomes the latest addition to the AARP action hero club a very crowded club these days. Unfortunately for Mr. Penn, he lacks the smirky charm of Bruce Wills, the uber-cool of Denzel Washington, and he fails to generate the empathy of Liam Neeson. He simply doesn't come across as a very likable guy, and certainly not someone we can root for.

Based on the novel of Jean-Patrick Manchette, the movie starts out in the Democratic Republic of Congo where Penn is a mercenary disguised as part of a mining security detail. The first 20 minutes are convoluted and introduce numerous characters and sub-plots that leave us wondering if there are any good guys here other than Penn's idealistic doctor girlfriend played by Jasmine Trinca. A sure sign of a weak script is a film that is bookended by "newscasts" to explain both.
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Gunsmoke: Nowhere to Run (1968)
Season 13, Episode 18
Bizzare, Didactic, Yet Very Entertaining
6 April 2023
***No Spoilers Here (kfo... has no idea how to write a review) I love the episodes that are like a "Twilight Zone" episode. This is that. When the father grabs the rope until it burns his hands... Emblematic!!! Anyone who is a parent will WINCE and that is why this series is so great. DRAMA!! If it makes you feel, then it has done its job, well.

Rewrite, to satisfy IMDB rules: ***No Spoilers Here (kfo... has no idea how to write a review) I love the episodes that are like a "Twilight Zone" episode. This is that. When the father grabs the rope until it burns his hands... Emblematic!!! Anyone who is a parent will WINCE and that is why this series is so great. DRAMA!! If it makes you feel, then it has done its job, well.
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Gunsmoke: Twisted Heritage (1969)
Season 14, Episode 15
Got Halfway Through...
29 January 2023
Edit (after seeing the last half) I (and any other observant men) would be remiss if I didn't remark on Miss Kitty's dress she donned around the halfway point. Didn't the wardrobe dep't know that the placement of the stunning beadwork was, umm, sugggestive?! Too funny!

Watching it on XfIniTy DVR ($260/month) and the next day it was somehow no longer available. Looked like a good show, though... But any Gunsmoke with Miss Kitty (giggle) on a stagecoach is going to be fraught with misadventure. Another reviewer said (regarding another episode) that Miss Kitty should avoid stage coaches because it never ends well for her... Well derp, it's a work of FICTION - an actual DRAMA! The conflict we all tune in fer!!

XfIniTy DVR ($260/month) is a complete total waste of money. Just gotta say it here. . ...Oh I see the new IMDB rules need SIXTY-NiNE more characters. Here ya go, ya wankers!
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Gunsmoke: Johnny Cross (1968)
Season 14, Episode 13
"Oh, Newley; I wish there was a way I could thank ya, 'sides words"!
26 January 2023
Even if Harry Dean Stanton was not in this episode, I'd give it the full ten outta ten. Really riveting installment of the best western series ever! Flawless acting from the little Ginger gal and her big (large) ginger brother... No spoilers here (unlike "kFooKer9494wuZtheLastTimeiMaTtrd" who doesn't know the difference between a review and a synopsis)... just happy that my $250/month xfartnitty subscription gave me another good watch. God bless.

REALLY!?! I Need another 127 characters?! Okay... gunsmoke good. Festus great... Newley - nice feller... Forty-nine more characters and my review is...
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Gunsmoke: Speak Me Fair (1960)
Season 5, Episode 34
10/10 for Ken Curtis' Acting
23 January 2023
LOVED seeing Ken Curtis (who went on to portray 'Festus" on Gunsmoke) acting as the scout in a small role here. It was a good episode ("insensitive" portrayals notwithstanding) in any case... I enjoy seeing how HollyWeird's 'sensitivity' in its nascent form is happening) and the thirty minute show flew by.

Oh my, my review is too short. It needs to contain at least 600 characters. How's this?

And how did the three sentence reviews get by? Grandfathered in?

I say again: LOVED seeing Ken Curtis (who went on to portray 'Festus" on Gunsmoke) acting as the scout in a small role here. It was a good episode ("insensitive" portrayals notwithstanding) in any case... I enjoy seeing how HollyWeird's 'sensitivity' in its nascent form is happening) and the thirty minute show flew by.
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Gunsmoke: Chief Joseph (1965)
Season 10, Episode 19
Surely One of the Best Episodes of Gunsmoke - and of TV, Ever.
17 January 2023
Wow, just a really great program; and this, one of its very best installments! I had cold chills / goose bumps at least three times and I do not get emotionally involved in teleplays much, as a rule. I don't think there was a shot fired in this ep, nor is there much Festus content to speak of (which gets an extra point / star from me, normally) but wow, the non-fiction aspect of this show is really cool. Glad the benevolent gods at cumcast allow me to watch this series for only $250 a month! Oh I see that I must now write six hundred characters to be a valid review these days. Stupid rule for ay-em-dee-bee, but I will try to bend over for your dominance. Good here? (Please spit on it first)
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Gunsmoke: Matt for Murder (1958)
Season 4, Episode 1
In Vino Veritas
12 January 2023
Loved this one! Despite paying the exorbitant $250/month 'xfIniTy' rates, this is one of the few episodes I had not seen. Did not disappoint! Despite, As usual, "kfo's" "review" (a spoiler-filled synopsis... won't IMDB please just shut her/him down?) the drama here was a 9.5/10!

Oh it's too short. Sorry. How 'bout now? No?! Well, here... Loved this one! Despite paying the exorbitant $250/month 'xfIniTy' rates, this is one of the few episodes I had not seen. Did not disappoint! Despite, As usual, "kfo's" "review" (a spoiler-filled synopsis... won't IMDB please just shut her/him down?) the drama here was a 9.5/10!
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Gunsmoke: Prairie Wolfer (1964)
Season 9, Episode 16
Holly Mcintire; What a Hottie!
10 December 2022
Holly McIntire portrays Sarah Guthrie. McIntire had a relatively short acting career, but she comes from a family of actors, as her father was John McIntire (a veteran of numerous westerns who played Christopher Hale in the series Wagon Train after the sudden death of Ward Bond), her mother was Jeanette Nolan (another film and television veteran who appeared in several Gunsmoke episodes and played the character Dirty Sally years later), and her brother is Tim McIntire, who also appeared in Gunsmoke episodes. She is also married to poet Charles Wright.

This is an exceptionally great episode. I hope Ms. McIntire reads this, because not only is she 10/10 beautiful, but what an actress! I was actually tearing up at the end - something I've never done (maybe I'm getting old!)! Thanks, Holly!
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Gunsmoke: Gilt Guilt (1965)
Season 10, Episode 31
Doc Waterboarding Poor Ol' Louie Pheeters?!?!
21 November 2022
Some other reviewers take issue with the lady's EARRINGS!? Really?! They're just some simple studs which could be her most prized possession, worth twenty-five cents in 1890 money. BTW there other reviewer, hard cider does have the same significant vitamin C content as cider. And Festus' inability to read?! C'mon, man! (To quote Seepie Joe) -- there are only two matching bottles on the shelf Doc indicated - just because Festus isn't "a reader"*, he's not stupid.... This is an outstanding episode. Rancher: Why do you think you can take my excess food?!" Matt: Because I'm big enough!" I loves the Festus character and this is a great showcase for Ken Curtis' acting, BTW. Great ep of a great show.

*In my home healthcare job in Tennessee, I met several people in the sticks who could not read a bit, and they told me "I'm not 'a reader'". LoL.
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The Rockford Files: Guilt (1979)
Season 5, Episode 14
For Me The Star of This Ep is Elisabeth Brooks!
18 October 2022 I looked a her IMDB profile and saw that she sadly died of "brain cancer" at 46. And that she and Kristy McNichol "separated" but that Kristy came to Ms. Brooks "at the end". So there's a nice mental picture for me at least, as Kristy was my first crush when I was not even sure what attraction was! And Ms. Brooks is the very definition of hotness. When she's on the pay phone... Wow. AND she is an excellent actress unlike a lot of these TV actors. Last tidbit about her, she was the very naked star of "The Howling"; turn your 'safe search' off and you can see a lot more of her than in the Rockford Files!

Back to the show, there was a pretty good "practical effect" helicopter chase, and boy did they get the passive aggressive / "damsel in distress" ex-girlfriend right! Really "real" writing here. Nothing that would have been acceptable to the modern namby pambies.
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I Felt Kinda Bad for Abe Vigoda's Character Here...
7 October 2022
Great episode of a great series! I mean, if someone botched MY hip operation (and covered it up), I would want them "whacked" -- wouldn't you?! After the "shark-jumping" finale of season five, this is a breath of fresh air! Twists & turns at... um.. every turn! And soaked in seventies goodness! Rita Moreno is less than believable as a California "escort" (because she is FUGLY) but other than that, this installation is solid.

Well I need 158 more characters to count as a valid review (in IMDB's eyes)... Good car chase or two (including one signature "Rockford J-turn") and now only 25 more letters.... We're there!!!!!!!
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Rockford Files "Jumps the Shark"!
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The most annoying w an ker ever created is sharing Jim's screen time by at least 50%. I remember being bewildered when I was a kid, wondering WTF this buck-toothed interloper had that the jarringly absent Beth didn't!?! Really bad episode of a really great series.

Oh, I see that a concise review does not meet the minimum required digits here (roll eyes)... The w an ker is also director, Dennis Dugan. Beth is best bra-less, but sadly she won't be back. Okay, more characters. In the trivia section, there is some imbecile saying that Rocky's truck (the GMC pickup) wouldn't be able to tow Jim's trailer. Well, the cops say it was pulled "by a Semi", which "Rocky" did drive in many other ... oh wait, enough letters for IMDB.
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