
42 Reviews
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The Swarm (1978)
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Before the review, I just clarify that I watched an extended 2 1/2 hour version of the film instead of the original, so this review is critiquing that version only. Onto the review now.

The most important parts of a 70s disaster movie are 1: it's characters (how in depth they are, how much the audience cares about them), and 2: it's visuals (special effects, spectacle, etc.) "The Swarm" fails at 1 of these.

You don't care about the characters, even though the film tries it's damndest to make you care, and other than Michael Caine, the acting is pretty bad. The film has a multi-million dollar budget, so it looks pretty good, and the special effects were average.

Those aren't the biggest problems though. What's the biggest problem of The Swarm? How unrealistic it is and how dumb it's logic is. Just the idea of the USA being taken over by bees is far fetched. What else is dumb? Well, in one scene, a passenger train is knocked off of its tracks, and when hitting the ground, blows up as if it had a ton of dynamite on it. In another scene, bees invade a plant, and attack a man in a control-room, causing him to stumble on some buttons. Him accidentally pressing some buttons causes the ENTIRE plant to be completely obliterated. There are several other inept scenes that happen mostly for cheap action scenes.

Speaking of action scenes, there isn't much action in it. Other than scenes of the bees attacking people, it's mostly just talk, which surprising for an Irwin Allen disaster movie. Maybe the lack of action is why they inserted the scenes I mentioned above.

Overall, far fetched and dumb, but it looks good, and Michael Caine was good in it. 4.5/10.
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Entertaining thriller
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So basically, a quick note about "Two Minute Warning". It has two main versions. It theatrical release, and it's TV release. I watched the theatrical version, so this review is entirely based off of that version only. Now for the review.

It starts off with an introduction to our main villain: the sniper. He assembles a gun, finds a random person on the street, and shoots them dead. This introduction, or at least in my theory, says a lot about the sniper. He is insane and bloodthirsty for no reason at all. I saw some people talking about his lack of motive for his future actions, but scene this exposes his motive, that being wanting to kill. After this scene, we are introduced to other side characters who will play a role in the story. Most of them are meh, but some of them and their stories are quite interesting.

These first few scenes are over, and we quickly arrive at the Super Bowl. The gunman takes his place, and the suspense begins. As the game progresses, more and more suspense builds up around the impending danger of the gunman. Every minute brings you closer to the edge of your seat, as the police finds out about the sniper, and it becomes a secret battle between Heston and the gunman. What was going on inside the stadium with the spectators was nothing to write home about, but the main plot with Heston and the gunman were very thrilling.

Eventually, after a long wait and during the last 20 minutes or so, the gunman starts shooting. The shootings, though gruesome, also had a thrilling aspect. Unfortunately, this scene soon degrades into just crowd members screaming and running, and all of the other subplots between the fans in the stadium get forgotten and looked over. Mostly because the characters just get shot. In the end, the gunman is taken down, and the movie quickly finishes itself without expanding upon what happened to the other characters.

Overall, pretty thrilling and entertaining, but some parts I didn't really care for (of course, this is all just my own personal opinion). 7/10.
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Its a pretty bad movie
18 May 2024
When talking about movies, there are many movies that seem like b-movies, movies of much lower production values than most. What is an example of a b-movie? Well, "Flight of the Lost Balloon" might fit the description of a b movie better than any other movie that I've watched.

The best part about it is the story. A man goes on a journey across Africa, mostly in a balloon, in order to find an explorer who went missing during a voyage. However, one of the occupants of the balloon takes control of the balloon in order to find a treasure, the same treasure the explorer was looking for. This sound like the plot of an at least above average movie, but every other aspect of the movie brings it down by a lot.

The sets look cheap and confined, the costumes and props look like something from a town's local stage play, the script is cheesy, the acting is even cheesier, the music is meh, sound effects get reused over and over again, the characters make stupid decisions, and the worst part of the movie was the special effects, which may contain the worst blue screen I've seen in a film. The shots of the condors look straight out of birdemic, and you can see unedited parts of the blue screen.

Overall, it's not that good of a movie, but I guess it's not all terrible. 4/10.
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Death Note (2006–2007)
Highly enjoyable
13 May 2024
So basically, "Death Note" was my first anime, and I'm very glad it was. Even with its cons, It set the bar extremely high.

Here's the things about Death Note: the show as a whole is extremely well done. The animation, the music, and the voice acting (fyw I watched the dub) were very high quality. Even the jokes the show would crack every once in a while we're very funny.

Story wise, it started off as a 10/10, but as the show progressed, it ended up getting lesser to what it started off as in the, say, first half. Even as the show got worse, it still stood at a 9/10. I guess the reason for this was from the show adding so many other plots, subplots, motives, characters, and even death notes.

Speaking of characters, that was another intriguing aspect. Most of the characters were meh, but I loved Light Yagami in it. He is a cruel, evil and despicable villain, and yet you some how hope and root for him. I can't put my finger on why. Maybe it's just because of how well written he and his scenes are, or maybe the terrific voice acting from whoever the hell dubbed him. He wasn't the only one I liked, other characters like L I also enjoyed watching.

Overall, it was highly enjoyable, and I definitely recommend it. 9/10.
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Far from the best, but pretty good.
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"The Hindenburg", as the title obviously suggests, is a recounting of the last and tragic trip of the Hindenburg from 1937. The events are actually highly fictionalized, but I think this was a good call, since a story about sabotage is much more exciting than a story about sparks igniting leaking gas.

The film opens up with a great opening song, and a very quick introduction to its characters. Before long, the Hindenburg is off the ground and on its way. Combine this with some great sets (which received the movie a well deserved academy nomination), it looks like we're getting into a good movie. Unfortunately, right after leaving the airport, the film falls asleep, and takes an hour long nap of mostly just filler.

Sure, during the flight we get to see a tad bit more of a few characters, and there's a pretty intense sequence involving a rip in the wing, but this period of the movie was boring nonetheless. Quick side note: I forgot to mention that in the very beginning of the movie, we're told that there's a time bomb on the ship, so it's a lot less shocking when we discover that one of the characters is holding a time bomb. When the other characters find out about the bomb, it's too late, and the airship explodes.

This explosion results in, well in my opinion at least, a cool looking but underwhelming sequence. First of all, the entire sequence is spliced in with real footage of the Hindenburg disaster. Secondly, to match up with this footage, they made all filmed footage for the disaster black and white as well. This doesn't seem that bad, but thirdly, they cover the screen with fire and smoke, which combined with the lack of color, make it a bit difficult to see what's going on (I should clarify though, I liked some of the intensity in the scene). Then the disaster is over.

It may seem I'm being extremely negative about the movie, but it wasn't all bad. I thought Scott, though not his best performance, did pretty well, and like a commented above, it includes some very nice sets and decoration, a good (but rarely used) soundtrack, and it also has some pretty good costumes and cinematography. I feel as if "Stylish" is a very accurate word for it.

Overall, there's boring filler for a lot of it, but it's very good in other aspects. 6/10.
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Very entertaining disaster film
30 March 2024
Out of every disaster flick that I've seen, "The Poseidon Adventure" is easily the best. I never read the book, but I never judge a film based on how good of An adaptation it is, just on the film itself.

It's one of the most entertaining movies I've seen in a while. First off, the pacing is well done, and you're quickly thrown into the action with all the other characters. When that action hits, it's nothing short of thrilling. Good god, every single god damn scene with action is pulled off so god damn well. The visuals, the sound effects, everything. Specifically, the capsizing scene is one the best stunt sequences I've seen in film. Not only that, I also really liked the adventure aspect of it, and it was just as thrilling to watch the characters venture all through the ship. It also has a fine script as well.

The set decoration is extremely well done, and John Williams score was also very good. Easily the best part of the movie was it's characters. Never has a movie made me feel so much for it's fictional characters. You feel happy and sorry for them, and I just overall loved watching them, their actions, and the interactions. The actors and actresses playing them also do a fine job at the roles.

Overall, I definitely enjoyed it much more than others, but nevertheless it is a very fun time. 8.5/10.
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Earthquake (1974)
Entertaining disaster movie
20 March 2024
So Basically, Even with not the greatest reviews, I gave "Earthquake" the benefit of the doubt, and honestly, I found it surprisingly enjoyable.

In the beginning of watching it, I didn't like it much. I though the acting seemed quite dull, and it was taking far too long to start. Then I remembered, these types of disaster movies need a bit of time to get going. This is used to build tension and build the characters. It doesn't really build up tension, but it does build up the characters. (Even with these aspects in mind, it still felt like a slow start.)

The big Earthquake scene in its 5+ minute entirety is Turkey a marvel to look at, and It definitely deserved its honory award for visual effects. The set designers also deserve a lot of credit. They make the destruction of all the buildings after the earthquake look so real. As the film progressed, it grew on me more. The acting was getting better (Heston and Kennedy gave a very good performance", the story was getting better, the characters were getting better, the drama was getting better, and we get to hear more of John William's score, which was not used very often in the film.

Overall, it starts off slow, but with the earthquake and what follows, it is an exciting ride. I'd recommend it. 7/10.
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Night Shift (1982)
Simple and funny
15 March 2024
Well, this film certainly beat my expectations going into it. "Night Shift" is the first professional feature film by the acclaimed director Ron Howard ("Apollo 13", "A Beautiful Mind"), and the breakout role for Michael Keaton ("Beetlejuice"), and in my opinion, it demonstrates their talents early on in their careers.

I was surprised to find how much I enjoyed it. "Night Shift" is a type of movie me and some others call no-brainers. It's not high comedy, and is pretty silly at times, but it's a kind of movie you can just watch without putting a lot of thought into it. Just turn on the movie, turn off your brain, and have a good time. The jokes are funny, the acting was good (specifically the two leads did the best job), it's well paced, and I even liked the romance aspect.

Overall, I liked it. It's a simple, funny flick. 7/10.
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Cabrini (2024)
A very nice movie
11 March 2024
"Cabrini" is, in my opinion, wonderfully made and wonderfully executed. I have a feeling that this movie, "Oppenheimer", "Napoleon", and "Bob Marley: One Love" will make biography epics the big thing in Hollywood this decade.

The story itself seems great on its own, and the execution betters it. It's hard to tell what the best part about the film is. The sets, cinematography, lighting, colors, and visual effects all made it look great and fitting to the time. I also really enjoyed the screenplay, the acting, and the direction. What we get from all of this is an emotional, moving, veery well made movie.

The only aspect that brings it down is the pacing of everything. The last 20 minutes or so moves along rather sluggishly, but other than that, I highly enjoyed it.

Overall, it does move slowly near the end (which I feel the rest of the film made up for), but it is also, to put it simply, a great picture. 8.5/10.
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The Apple (1980)
It's bad (but some may enjoy it)
9 March 2024
So basically, "The Apple", is, to simply put it, one of the worst musicals I've watched. There isn't much else I can add to this introduction, so I'll get straight to the point:

The songs happen to be some of the worst I've seen in a musical production (with one or two tracks being slightly good). The acting manages to be much worse. Vladek Sheybal, who I liked in "From Russia with Love" and "Casino Royale", though putting on the best performance of all the main actors, was still very disappointing. The worst part of the film though is the laughable special effects, which even won "least special special effects" at the stinkers bad movie awards.

The script isn't good at all, but it's not completely horrible. It's a kind of script that would've made a kinda bad movie, but unfortunately the other aspects of the film make it even worse.

All of these bad things somehow create a weird movie that I thought was awful, but might be so bad it's good to others, and I totally understand why someone would like this.

Overall, it's trashy, badly acted, and the soundtrack is displeasing to the ears. If you're into cinema schlock, consider giving this a watch. 3/10.
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Weak story, much better execution
2 March 2024
So basically, I'm not a very big horror guy. I don't like the genre. Not at all. Maybe I sometimes enjoy the thrill, but other than that, I don't enjoy horror movies much, except for a few good ones. Though, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is the actually best horror movie I've watched.

When looking at it, "Chainsaw Massacre" seems like an everyday teenage horror flick of the time. The plot is that a bunch of teenagers find an old creepy house, and one by one, they are all murdered very gruesomely. Not much to the plot nor script, but the execution is done surprisingly well.

The low budget is very apparent within the film, but even with said low budget, the crew did a wonderful job on the sets. Not only that, but also the lighting, cinematography, sound effects, and soundtrack are pulled off very well. The best parts of the film were the actors (who's acting was not only performed quite well, but also seemed very genuine), and tobe hooper's direction, which seems to have been handled very well. I can't tell if Hooper's goal was to scare the living piss out of the viewers, but if it was, he definitely succeeded.

Overall, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" has not much story, but a really good execution, and if you're a horror fan you'd most likely enjoy this a lot. 7.5/10.
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Avalanche (1978)
Flawed in some places, but mostly average.
29 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
With 1970's "Airport" being a major box office success, winning an Oscar, and being nominated for many, disaster movies became the big thing for movies. After several big hits for the sub genre, it started to die down, and by the late 70s, they had gone from big-budget thrills to more cash-grabby flicks. Avalanche is one of those flicks.

The film takes place at a winter resort, where for nearly the entire first hour, it just follows the drama amongst the vacationers who are staying there. The owner does at some point call for a plane to go over the resort, and said plane ends up crashing into a mountain. The final 30 minutes are spent on the actual disaster that was pretty much neglected for the most of the film by now, aside from some foreshadowing.

Throughout the movie, it set up a few subplots, and most of these subplots don't play that much importance in the story until the final scenes of rescuing everyone trapped from the avalanche, and credit where credit is due, these scenes were pretty intense, and the cinematography was also really good. Speaking of the avalanche, the special effects used to simulate it were really bad, and everything looked really fake. Other than those, everything else about the movie was quite average. The acting was average, the sets were average, and the Music was average.

Overall, it's a disaster movie, it's a drama movie, it's flawed in some places, better in others, and mostly average. 5/10.
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An enjoyable film
19 February 2024
Before I write this review, I feel as if I must clarify that I don't know much about Marley, hadn't known much about him before watching, and had only listened to one of his songs, so I'm probably not the person to ask for a review of this movie. Although, I'd imagine that if you were a Bob Marley fan, you would enjoy this much more than I did.

I liked the movie, Although, I'd imagine that if you were a Bob Marley fan, you would enjoy this much more than I did. None the less, It was a nice look into the life of an influential man. It is a good representation Of not only one man, but also an entire culture as a whole. The cast does a good job at playing their roles, The script is well written, and the direction is good as well.

Overall, The end result is a nice picture, that, like I said earlier in this review, a Bob Marley fan would likely enjoy the most. 7/10.
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Turn-on (1969– )
Unique doesn't always mean good
17 February 2024
I can understand why this was yanked off the air before the first episode even finished. First off, sure it was unique for the time, and used many different techniques in its filming, animation, and comedy. The problem though is that just because it's unique, that doesn't mean it's good.

It's not funny. Like, not at all. I seriously couldn't even find a punchline in some of the skits. I don't know if the creators were trying to be funny, or trying to make the viewer uncomfortable, and it seems to be doing both, but much more successfully in the latter.

Other than that, the acting and soundtrack don't help the show at all. Maybe if you are stoned out of your mind this would be a cool experience. 1.5/10.
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Americathon (1979)
Good idea, not that good of an execution.
10 February 2024
"Americathon" is about the future (1998) where the state of the USA is so bad that it's incompetent president holds a telethon to raise 400 billion dollars. The movie has surprisingly high production values, and the idea sounds good on paper. It's the script and acting that mess things up a bit.

The movie takes a while to start, mostly to squeeze in some future predictions and hit or miss jokes, but once the telethon does start, it is, yet again, mainly hit or miss jokes (mostly miss, but it did get some laughter out of me). The soundtrack was pretty good though.

Now for the acting: In my opinion, it was one of Harvey Norman's weaker performances, and Zane buzby had a really annoying fake accent (that won her "worst fake female accent" in the Stinkers Awards), but other than those and a few other smaller parts, the acting was pretty average.

Overall, it had average to weak acting, and not that good of a script. Although a neat thing about it is that some of the movie's predictions did come true later on (the collapse of the USSR and cellphones for example). 4/10.
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Starcrash (1978)
Bad writing, but visually appealing.
3 February 2024
So basically, "Starcrash" is obviously a ripoff of the movie "Star Wars", made only a year earlier. Is it really as bad as people say? Well here's what I thought:

First off, I should clarify that I watched the dubbed version for the United States instead of the original version. Now that I said that, here are the pros: it clearly had a lot of effort put into the set design, costume design, and the models they used for the ships and robots. Also, the music is pretty good.

Now, the cons: The Special effects are just plain bad, but there are a few moments where they do look decent. The writing is the worst part of the movie; The dialogue on its own is bad, but the acting makes it even worse. Finally, The plot is completely all over the place and even dumb at times.

Thirdly, I could completely understand why people like this, and this is just my opinion. Overall, visually it's nice, writing-wise it's bad. 4/10.
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Tunnel Vision (1976)
Quick and quite funny
3 February 2024
"Tunnel Vision" is a 1976 film, and one of many tv parody movies, some of which I have watched. One of the 2 movies Bradley R. Swirnof made with the type of premise, with his second being "Prime Time". While a do think Prime Time is a tad bit funnier, Tunnel Vision definitely had better production values.

It has an impressive cast, containing John Candy, Chevy Chase, Joe Flaherty, and a few others. Around a bit over 50% of the jokes hit, and when said jokes hit, they'll really get you laughing. Nearly all the comedy consists of Raunchy, offensive, explicit, random, out-of-nowhere, and everything in-between humor. Other than the comedy aspect, it has good acting and, like I said earlier, seems to have good production values.

Overall, it is one of the better TV parodies. It's short at a brisk 70 minutes, combined with a few laughs here and there, I'd recommend it. 5.5/10.
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Really bad but sometimes fun
2 February 2024
So basically, the plot is that some toxic waste was dumped into the ocean, and created a bunch of mutated blood-thirsty fish monsters, and they go around terrorizing a town while some scientists try to stop them. This film is an example of a movie so bad it's good. The idea for the movie, a teen musical mixed with monster horror, isn't a great idea, but it's also not a bad one, just an average one. It's the execution that brings it down.

The costumes for the monsters look bad, and the monsters clumsily stumbling around while the same growling sound effect repeats over and over is not helping them. Not only that, but the film also has horror cliches, a bad script, bad acting, bad special effects, and the beach in the title only appears for the first 20 minutes and never shows up again.

All of this combined makes a real' bad movie, but said bad movie is so bad it's both sometimes fun and funny. I genuinely laughed several times while watching this. Pretty similar to films like "Plan 9 from Outer Space".

Overall, It's bad, but also a bit enjoyable at times. If you're into horror movie schlock, then this might be you're thing. 3/10.
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The Mummy's Dungeon (1993 Video)
Boring and bad
25 January 2024
So basically, The "plot" is that a guy just has a mummy lying around, and wants to revive him for unspecified reasons. To do so, he needs to sacrifice women, which he does via posing as a photographer and luring women into his house. This gets stretched out for nearly 90 minutes. Nearly 90 minutes of a guy inviting women into his house, taking a few photos, and killing them. Like 10 minutes of the movie actually has some story going, but the fact still stands. It is VERY boring. Pretty much nothing happens for the entire movie up until the last 7 minutes. Not only that, the entire movie looks like as if a guy got together some friends, hookers, and $10 to make it. The acting is bad, the props are bad, the effects are bad, and the mummy looks like a guy wrapped in toilet paper wearing a cheap Halloween mask. 1/10.
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An early mondo-like film.
19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Africa Addio is a documentary horror film, maybe even an exploitation film or a mondo film. It's not the scariest film I've seen, but it's definitely the most disturbing, Even with the fact I saw a cut version (128 minutes). If you dislike racism or animal cruelty/massacre/murder/poaching, then don't watch this movie. The movie itself is about Africa after decolonization, and what happened to the people and their nations. The thing about this movie is that it's hard to judge. Some scenes are real, some are staged, and a lot of the audio is re-recorded. These fake scenes and re-recordings were probably done for dramatic effect, which is obviously wrong for the filmmakers to try and make the scenes more dramatic for the entertainment of the viewer. I also don't know if it's historically accurate or not. Multiple sources have claimed the footage is real, and just as many have claimed it's faked. Whatever the movie is, it certainly gets the job done at showing the cruelty and evils on earth, while also sometimes showing the happy moments (I mean the scenes that weren't faked). Some scenes were just heartbreaking and really evoked emotion out of me (but the realness of a few of the said scenes are questionable). In the end, Most of the movie was somewhat good. Another thing: at over 2 hours, the runtime stretched past it's welcome (by 20 minutes or so in my opinion). The soundtrack and cinematography were powerful at least. Overall, it's a sometimes real, sometimes staged, sometimes disturbing, sometimes powerful documentary. 6/10.
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Mostly bad script, but good acting and some laughs
7 January 2024
For some reason, I'm the 1970s, a bunch of sketch/tv parody movies were made. There were some good ones, such as "Prime Time", and there were some stinkers, like "American Tickler". Groove Tube is one of those movies, and in my opinion, it's not really a good one. The script isn't that good, with most of the jokes consisting of drugs, gross out humor, sex jokes (these specifically probably make up over half the movie), and other miscellaneous stuff. I will admit though, it was very daring for the time, and included a lot of stuff that'd get the producers in trouble. There are also some funny bits which made me laugh, but said bits are far and few. Sometimes the bits are drawn out, and sometimes they end too quickly (specifically, a lot of good ones end too quickly). The acting is good, and it seems as if the cast and crew were really committed to the project, with how some of the bits look and work. Overall, bad script, good acting, and commitment. 4/10.
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Kill or Cure (1962)
A nice British comedy
7 January 2024
"Kill or Cure" is a nice little British comedy from the 60s. Terry Thomas stars as a (sort of bumbling) private detective, and tries to solve a mysterious murder at a health clinic for a £2000 reward. It gets the job done as a comedy, as most of the jokes hit. The idea for it is good, and though The screenplay isn't amazing, it's still good nonetheless. It has a few other British stars, and each of the cast members act their roles well. It also works well as a mystery, and plays out as a good murder mystery film. Overall, it's a nice, lighthearted comedy. Personally, I liked it and recommend it. 6/10.
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A stunt-filled 70s car movie
25 December 2023
"Grand Theft Auto" is Ron Howard's second attempt at a car chase n' crash movie. It is a lot better than his first, "Eat my Dust", but it still isn't the best. The plot is that a girl runs away to Las Vegas with a guy she likes, and is being Chased down by her parents, a jealous lover, cops, and many other randos trying to collect a bounty on them. The script writing wasn't the best. It starts off good enough, then downgraded to just being jam packed with stuff, and by stuff I mean excuses to put car crashes and stunts. The car action was really nice, but it gets old after a while. Near the end, a lot of sense in writing and direction is lost, rather just being cars mindlessly crashing into each other. There are some pros to the script, as every once in a while you'll get a funny joke. The the cast of characters participating in the chase Aren't the best people. They aren't really fleshed out, and there's way too many of them. By the end, over 20 people are chasing and racing against each other, and after a while I just stopped keeping track of them. The acting saved this film a bit. Overall, a wild car action comedy, jam packed with cars, crashes, and explosions.
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Mel's hidden gem
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"The twelve chairs" is a Mel brooks movie that not enough people talk about. It was the second film he directed, was the first of his films that he starred in, and was the first of several films of his that starred Dom DeLuise. It's about 3 men of different backgrounds going on a hunt all across Russia trying to find 1 of 12 chairs that contains a massive fortune. It is very funny, with the great acting making it even better. Ron Moody was great and funny in it, Dom DeLuise was great and funny in it, Mel Brooks was great and funny in it, and it was one of the first feature roles of Frank Langella, who was also great and funny in it. The film is also accompanied by a great score. Its pretty different from some other Mel Brooks movies, and has some heavy themes to it, such as depression, loss, and even suicide. I'd even say some parts were heart-touching. The most prominent theme being greed, as most of the main characters are driven literally insane over the fortune. The biggest problem in it is it's pacing, which makes the whole hunt seem a bit drawn out, but the slow movement is made up for by the things listed above. Overall, it is an underrated, funny, and deeper Mel Brooks film.
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Biatches (2014)
Who greenlit this?
17 December 2023
I decided to watch this show simply because of how bad people said it was, and watching it was really easy, since all 6 episodes are only 3-4 minutes long (thank god). My first question is: What did I just watch? My second question is: who on earth decided to green light this? The entire thing was nothing but dumb jokes about sex, genitalia, and bathroom humor. I didn't smile once. The voice acting ranges from pretty average to terrible. It has a unique animation style, but said style is simply ugly. It only lasted 6 episodes, which I'm sure you can guess why. Overall: it is a terrible, terrible show, but very easy to binge watch. 1/10.
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