
2 Reviews
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Psycho (1998)
Not Shocked, but surprised
5 February 2012
Alright I was like a majority of people when it comes to remakes, they normally stink, so i was very hesitant about watching this. Alfred Hitchcock is my favorite director of all time and I thought anyone else trying to ride his coat tails is just a no talent director looking for a way to make a buck. But honestly I didn't have a problem with this. It was a shot for shot remake very few differences in script scenery and emotion. I was too fond of the adding of color the movie still hits harder in black and white then it does with color, but what movie doesn't... Exception Wizard of Oz. The acting is actually pretty good better then anticipated Vince Vaughn and Anne Heche do a great job doing their reprisal of my favorite scene in the movie when both are in the parlor. Really the only downfall was Julianne Moore acting like a punk and acting more aggressive, Vera Miles had an Oscar worthy performance in the original should have just stuck with it. But my favorite addition was Vigo Mortinson, I admit never been a huge fan of his but he was very good as Sam Loomis, and honestly he was in my opinion better then John Gavin, who even Alfred Hitchcock wasn't pleased with. All in all it's a remake so don't get your hopes up for something that will surpass the original which was as close to a perfect horror film as you can get, but do expect to be entertained after all that's why movies are made and this one certainly entertained me, It just didn't blow me away like the original.
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Beer League (2006)
Good movie exactly what you expect to watch
25 May 2008
I watched this movie and I have to say it was exactly what you expect. It doesn't try and make you think you are going to watch an academy award winning film, it makes you think that I'm bored i feel like laughing a lot so I'll check it out. Although the comedy in it is a bit raunchy it is hilarious. I don't kow how anyone dislikes this comedy it's not like you walked into this movie anticipating an American film institute classic. Great movie the story line leaves a bit to be expected but still a very funny movie.It's exactly what your expecting if you like movies that you can relate to you have to check it out. If you get the chance to rent do it and if you can pick it up for five dollars or so it's a great buy.
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