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a straight take on being gay
7 December 2020
What else would we expect from Hollywood's cultural appropriation? The gay seduces him; the straight family and Mary-thegood guys-are damaged by the egoism of being gay. How predictable. How insincere virtue signalling.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Pacino's Angels hunt a demonzed version of Republicans?!?
23 February 2020
Pfff even a good story can constitute vile propaganda and this isn't even a good story. Unbelievable, shallow characters and a cheap piggy back ride on an awful true history. Shame on you.
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I walked out at two thirds, because my bladder was full, and am glad I didn't walk back in again.
30 December 2019
I really wanted it to be nice, but it never failed to disappoint. Just empty, entirely unbelievable action. Disney is the true empire. No more, no more. I'll never know how the saga ends. But, you know what, I've got better things to do with my life than wrcek my childhood memories.
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Alpha (II) (2018)
... and they wore underwear... aka dancing with dogs
1 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As an archaeologist myself I wouldn't even have minded some creative fantasy, if the story had been good. It was, however, lousy, predictable and unbelievable. The only plot twist is when - after having spent long winter nights together with his newfound canine mate, the wolf he has slept with turns out to be a female and pregnant with puppies. O, wow, what a touching endshot. Not. Okay, now for a sampling of the archaeological flaws. 1) Race. Usually I don't care one iota about race in a film. I don't care if blacks play whites, vice versa, whatever. Here, however, it was a missed educational chance. Believe it or not (it's true) the Ice Age European inhabitants were black, not white. And certainly not some cheap imitation of Native American. 2) Tubercolosis. The hero develops TBC. Aaww, sad. But, wait, there was no TBC back then. TBC jumped from cows to humans in one of the first cow keeping cultures - many thousands of years later. Can you say anachronism? Or, research? 3) Ancestors. Ehrm, no. The importance of animal spirits is most likely to have been replaced by the importance of ancestors at the start of the Neolithic, when people lived in the same place their grandfathers had lived and monuments were visible to remember them by. 4) The taming of the wolf didn't happen in Europe, it happened in China. Ehrm, Hollywood, what about your opening up to the Chinese market as in The Meg? Missed opportunity? Besides, it happened several thousand years earlier than supposed in the film. Important. Different climate. Different environment. 5) The taming of the wolf most probably happened by women keeping on stray cubs after the adult wolves had been killed off, because the former were cute. No need for a totally unbelievable act of heroism. Just females nursing puppies. Black females in China nursing puppies. Don't tell me they couldn't have made an interesting story out of that. 6) Trousers were invented when horses were first ridden - many, many thousands of years later. It would more likely have been wide leathers and bear fat on skin. O, and don't forget that wonderfully knitted scarf - so necessary in a cold winter. Thanks mum.

Okay. sorry for the archeological bashing, but the film deserves it. It has no redeeming story qualities. Dancing with dogs.
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Repulsion (1965)
not liking s#x with men is the smell of rotten flesh ... really?!?
7 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well filmed, but extremely sexist. It's about a woman who loses it/doesn't like men. Simultaneously. I mean being frigid must turn a woman into a dangerous psycho. Right? Wrong. This film really could be the #metoo Hollywood poster child - just by its story. I don't care if it was 1965. It' s not the woman in this movie who is evil, but the director for portraying her in a sick, distorted way. A truly repulsion movie for what it reveals of ' behind the camera'
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Why the Trump bashing in a Marvel movie?!?
22 June 2018
The film itself wasn't bad, or particularly special. Just more silly b*tt and basic instinct jokes. Maybe funny for 12 year olds. What wasn't funny was saying a person is a Jared Kushner lookalike - just before blowing his head off. Unnecessary politics in a science fiction/fantasy movie. I also don't understand why picking on people with celiac disease is remotely funny. Last one I've seen.
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Game of Thrones: The Dragon and the Wolf (2017)
Season 7, Episode 7
A Hollywood tune. Suspension of disbelief fail.
29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Once upon a time, back in season 2, I predicted that the series would end with Danaerys and Jon marrying each other. Then I discarded that idea, because it was too obvious and Martin too intelligent. I termed it a red herring (false lead). I still hope it's a red herring, but nowadays I am starting to become afraid, that Hollywood has dumbed down a great world to its own inferior intelligence standards.

The series as a whole is great. This episode too has many high points. It was time well spent watching. But, WHY?!? Why go and F up a beautiful series with such a dumb twist. What does it add to this story to let nephew and aunt have intercourse with one another? What? In this case, nothing, nothing at all.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
if a black Leni Riefenstahl had made a movie it could have been this one
12 June 2017
A reality check of mine is always: how does X or Y sound when a religion or race in the statement/book/movie is reversed. This film could NOT have been made, if the black hero had been white and the white villains had been black. It is so stereotyped. Don't get me wrong, it was an intelligent film and a deep, deserved critique of our modern society. It was well-filmed and a good watch throughout. It's just: Leni Riefenstahl also made a cinematically good documentary about some or the other Nazi Olympic games and that is rightly denounced as being racist. This film is a Leni Riefenstahl. Only it has the white guys in the stereotypical villain role. And suddenly its all okay. We're allowed to be racist about white people and call it art. Uhuh. A good film. I enjoyed it. But: No, deeply, disturbing and racist.
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Warcraft (2016)
Uncle Gol'Dan needs you. Join the horde.
2 June 2016
Fantasy can be so much better. It's original players have grown up and Warcraft could have chosen to grow up too. It didn't. It is as childish and cliché as one might expect. You won't be disappointed. I went in hoping for a good story. I came out with a shattered brain. The effects are good, but wasted on this movie. It's a dwarf standing on the shoulder of giants (Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Dungeons and Dragons in this case). It imitates all, but surpasses none and it is more like a family album full of rather lousy parties, than a gripping tale. Familiar faces and nothing more remains to be said. BTW: those orc teeth must hurt the lips.
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Scandal (2012–2018)
homophobic Peyton Place
6 October 2015
It's a tele-novella: the black lady heroine and the white president she protects (or vice versa, complicated mating ritual) never really get together. Except in season finales, of course, where they get to kiss their long sappy kisses - which nobody was waiting for, except the producer.

Why homophobic? Doesn't it at least have gay people as characters? Well, yes. But why is Cyrus, the evil gay, cast against Olivia Pope, the fixer heroine? Why were two out of three gays killed off in one single episode? Did the producer let Shonda know 'there's too many gays in your show. get rid of them?' The subliminal Disney message in this brainwash soap is, that if only, if only, there weren't an evil gay man advising the president, then everything would have been fine. Yukh. This show demotes gays to the side show they always were in Hollywood - not even that though, unfortunately. Coincidentally, Cyrus is portrayed as by far the most evil character in the series and he is doomed to eternal sorrow for his wicked ways. Yukh. But Olivia, the good heroine who is occasionally tempted but always chooses for good in the end, ends up bedding the evil gay killer who looks pretty and is actually the hero. Ohh, he's so attractive. Get this hate stuff off the TV.

Okay, done ranting, now the usual suspects can start down voting this review because, after all, they are the intended audience for this shame. O yeah, and the producer has parent issues. Darth Vader, B613, rasping voice ... Boring.
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American Psycho - Donnie Darko meets Pulp Fiction.
27 August 2015
It's not a comedy, but a satire of NSA-plagued America. The only thing that was comical was the disgruntled audience afterwards, because, based on the title, they had hoped for a really dumb-ass action movie. Which they didn't get.

Instead it was violent and clever. The mickey taking out of the action film genre was subtle and easy to miss - like when the protagonist kills his opponent with a spoon, but can't make the physics of it to add up. This should have been a film house movie for the alternative circuit, but the satire in the title seems to have fooled everybody. Even me, before I stumbled upon it. O well, it'll hit the film houses in 20 years time (like Bladerunner) and suddenly everybody will have realized it was a masterpiece all along. It is.

And of course you know he's going to propose, but when and how is still a brilliant satire of the Hollywood genre.

Theme: a dis-personal and disconnected world for which caring against all odds and orders is the remedy. Judgement: I won't disclose. (i.e. spoiler)

Main: Protagonist, the Stoner Impact: Emotion, 'Laugher'. Main changes Impact. Reason: the Stoner's girlfriend Guardian: Lasseter, the older female CIA operative Contagonist: the male CIA real boss Antagonist: the young male CIA bureau leader of operation Sidekick: Rose, the dope dealer Sceptic: the CIA assistant of Lasseter
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Mission Forgettable
30 July 2015
I suppose car-p*rn is not my kind of film; and neither are James Bond imitations. Nonetheless, the audience seemed to enjoy it. There were intellectually challenged men in the audience (really) and they seemed to enjoy it. So, I'm not going to trash the film, because I - intelligent action fan - just wasn't the intended audience. It had nice action scenes, but was clearly aimed towards an ideal viewers IQ of 90. The babe was cute, but Tom Cruise looks old. Sorry, Tom. Life's hard. The story was messy and is best described as a long boy meets girl foreplay, consisting of car wrecks and meant to be stimulating camera flashes of women's legs. Aww, it wasn't bad for an action film. Some people will like it.
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Is Spielberg the real dinosaur?
11 June 2015
The dinosaurs are impressive, especially so in IMAX 3d. Nonetheless, the 'holodeck meadow' fails to truly impress. One moment it's empty; the next it's full with Jurassic herbivores. As if they decided per scene whether or not to turn the simulations on. It's a lot of dinosaur fights and as the film goes on the dinosaurs that fight each other get bigger and bigger. For boys who love dinosaurs it's probably a great film. Perhaps I should have realized, that I'm not the film's target audience. And what's all this about coca cola in the big studio films nowadays. Why does the hero/ine always pause for a nice long drink of coke?!? Does Coca Cola pay the film studio for these shots? It sure seems so. And why are disaster films always themed around broken relationships getting back together again? Boring. But, then, this film is not about story. It's about dinosaurs and they're impressive. So, if you're a dinosaur fan: go enjoy it. Otherwise? Skip it. Even IMAX 3d doesn't make a bad movie good.
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Ex Machina (2014)
brilliant post-modern retelling of Genesis
26 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A brilliant post-modern retelling of Genesis 2.0 with an unsettling twist. Ava is Eve. The invited guest is Adam and the unpredictable, dangerous boss of Bluebook is God. The new world is created in 7 sessions between Adam and Eve. But who is tricking who? Who is evil and who is good? The Bluebook boss is clearly deranged - as is visualized by his hair inversion (too full beard and bald head, as opposed to the shaved face and full head hair of his guest). But perhaps the Bluebook boss is right after all. Nasty, perhaps, but right nonetheless. Ava and her cohort are clearly abused by their Bluebook maker, but perhaps they are less innocent than they look. The boss treats his female employee like a robot, which contrasts with how the invited office worker humanely treats Ava - who must pass the Turing test herself. How well will Ava pass the Turing test? Or should she perhaps be called Lilith?
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Tomorrowland (2015)
Think positive. Drink Coke.
21 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit it. I watch a lot of movies and I sometimes fall asleep during movies. Usually during the "O No, we're never going to succeed" part - followed by the crunch time predictable action scenes. This was one of those movies. Briefly. But, seriously, this is just another 'drown the cat' movie (pun on the standard 'save the cat' movie writing software used by Hollywood - no animal harm intended). It had all the right action scenes in all the right places with the standard Disney message free of charge: Smile. Be positive. Dare to dream. The main character is Emotion, her robot girlfriend is Reason and Emotion is there to save all the men in her life from her father to her little brother to the disgruntled man 'down the street'. The theme is clearly 'never lose hope'. Thing is: It's full of not so subliminal messages on how to behave in a model Disney citizen way. Like the scene in which the heroine has low blood sugar and pulls out two coca cola's from grumpy man's fridge and drinks them both. Whew, that was hard work. Love, peace and happiness. Drink a Coke. Or two. And then there's the scene where the little robots of the future are all dressed up nicely in Mexx world citizen clothing and set out - boys first of course - to save our future world. No, please, not mine. You will be assimilated. I made the mistake with this movie that Disney was trying to be intelligent. They weren't. At least, I hope they weren't.
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