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Columbo: Double Shock (1973)
Season 2, Episode 8
Double Shock was both good and bad
31 December 2006
This was one of the worst Columbo episodes that I have seen, However, I am only in the second season.

The typical Columbo activities are both amusing and irritating. His cigar ashes causing him trouble have been seen before, And the bit where he always identifies in some way with the murderer--in this case cooking ,Tho the scene on the TV cooking show distracted from the main theme.

Also not explained was why the brother at the beginning of the show was cutting part of the wires of the mixer. The reason was never explained ,nor did it serve any purpose. But the part I disliked the most was the death of the bride to be . This was never explained and it is the main reason why I give this episode such a low grade.
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Disappointing even with Jack Nicholson and Angela Huston
8 July 2005
I was looking forward to seeing a movie with Jack Nicholson that I had never seen.

So I rented it this week. I was disappointed in the overall production. It was way too long and while there were some scenes with some good acting , Nicholson was not very good--due more to the poor direction and the script than to him.

The plot was certainly different and very dramatic , the reaction of parents to the death of their young daughter by a man driving his car in a school crossing. It is never made clear if the crossing guard shown in one brief seen half asleep was asleep at the time of the accident.

Not only was the ending far too long , it was completely improbable , Neither actor was a Marathon runner.

You might want to see it for the same reason I did , viz. to see Jack Nicholson and Angelica Huston ,,but if you are looking for a great movie , look somewhere else.
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How can a movie that cost so much be so bad
23 May 2005
I watched the first half of this movie before dinner and the last half after dinner. It kept getting worse and worse. And I am a fan of Billy Cystal.

It must have cost a lot of money to make this flick. and there were a some funny scenes . The cops chasing the bad guy in a car on the train tracks. Asking a woman who is watching a sunset in Florida what happened. But for a comedy I found very few things that even caused a smile... What it did cause was boredom .

I am a fan of Billy Chystal and was surprised at how unfunny this so called comedy was. It must have cost a lot of money to make this movie, They should have made a shorter movie and spent the money on the dialog.

I give it two stars rather than one because of the photography.
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High Fidelity (2000)
Pretty grim stuff for a comedy
18 March 2005
I rented this because of the several good reviews it has. I also wanted to see a comedy.

The first half of the movie was rather funny but was due to the role that Jack Black has and his acting.

Somewhere around the middle of this overrated film whatever comedy there was was overshadowing by a series of the rejections that the Cusack character was getting. If you find rejection funny then rent the movie. But I found it quite un-funny.

The idea of the movie was unique and maybe the book was better than the movie.

And casting was good but over all I fail to see why this movie was given more than 5 stars.

The best thing about the movie was the actor Jack Black
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Gladiator (2000)
Lethal Weapon without car chase
19 February 2005
A mediocre flick with excessive cast,excessive crowd scenes, excessive violence, excessive everything except what makes a movie more than fluffy shallow entertainment.

Remembering all the rave reviews when this movie was first shown and the awards it received I was expecting to see an outstanding movie. I was surprised and disappointed.

People who call this great movie must never have seen a great movie.

Gladiator begins with an improbable event. The old Caesar Marcus Aurelius is along in his elaborate carriage in Geremania and he calls for his son Commodus and tells him he is not going to name him Caesar but will have his favorite general Maximumus be the leader who will bring back the Republic. for gratuitous violence and no real message, no real humanity or depth. It seems we have regressed to

It's highly doubtful that none of Caesars guards are near both as witness to this important act and as protectors.

So of course Commudus kills the old man and then sends soldiers to kill Maximus. Maximus is severely wounded but escapes and then some how gets from Germania to what looks like a desert in North Africa !!

These two improbably events are followed by dozens more. There are so many why not throw in a car chase or two...

As another reviewer said,it has.. gratuitous violence and no real message, no real humanity or depth. .
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Very disappointing , something for teenagers ,...maybe .
10 February 2005
Remembering how good I thought FARGO was but not having seen any other Coen bros. film I read the comments and the rating for RAISING ARIZONA here when you listed the 10 films.

I was very disappointed in this movie was mildly entertaining , but barely ..two louts screaming as loudly , did not strike me as funny , not funny ...

Makes me wonder about what people thought was even good , not to mention "great" about this bomb.

Makes me hesitate to see the other Coen movies,.. Might see Big Labowski and Brother where art thou.

But of course not every one likes the same movies but often when one reads many good things about a movie one hopes the movie will please you also.

This one did not .
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A sick movie for sick teenagers
9 October 2004
After reading so many silly comments about how this movie is great and Tarentino is great

I decided to rent it What a mistake. Even seeing it one time was more than enough

Blood and guts , Circus cruelty might have been unusual in 1992 movies . But to see a man bleeding to death for most of the movie was stupid .

Only the plot was interesting

Thieves who did not know the others real names-- and some time warp jumps. But all in all very UN-entertaining.

Play a game in the video arcade instead.
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If you like car chases see the movie , not much else is worth watching
19 July 2004
Have heard about this movie for years

and having read some of the reviews here I was expecting something very good.

I was disappointed and even fast forwarding to get past the overly long scenes that were sort of funny for 5 minutes but got boring after 10 minutes.

Belsshi fans loved it. And maybe in the 1980's it was more entertaining as there were not many entertaining movies made in those years.

If you like car chases that are over the top and go on and on you will find them in this movie ....
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Another great movie with Duvall
18 July 2004
I had thought Duvall's " Apostle" was going to be his last and best acting.

Assassination Tango comes very close to being almost as good.

The movie moves along surprisingly quickly considering it's length and the many dance scenes.

I have no interest in musicals nor in dancing but I found the tango dancing scenes interesting..

There were some things that were never made clear to me. Just who was involved in the hit of the general and who were informers for the government was not made


Shown where ome very clever methods that John J. had for protecting himself like having two hotel rooms and some sort of way of getting out of the second one.

All this movie made my list of one of the tops.

on a scale of 1-10 I give it an 8+
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Out of Sight (1998)
A very entertaining movie
18 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I read the book so I knew to some extent what was going to happen.

It's a great movie because Elmore Leonard is a great writer.

I don't know why all the praise for Tarrentino . Elmore Leonard's story is what made the movie good.

You can read about the plot in other posts here.

I just wanted to make a few comments that are probably also "spoilers"

That a millionaire living in a mansion the size of a hotel and not having security guards and other security alarms is highly unlikely...but WTF it's not a documentary, it's a movie.

When Foley is shot how come he can get in the Marshals van so quickly?

Some good acting by some minor actors . Esp. "Suds" or who ever the spaced out guy with sun glasses was called.

Nice ending with most of the bad guys killed and Foley's partner hopefully going on to make a million and stop life as a criminal .

Maybe Ripley's girl friend will tell the police how Foley saved her and that he shot in self defence.

YOu can write your own ending or endings.
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The Player (1992)
fun to see in '92 but not in 2004
20 March 2004
Having lived one time in Hollywood I was amused by some of the in jokes when I first saw this movie when it was first shown.

I had forgotten much but after seeing and enjoying Altmann's "Nashville" I looked for other films of his

Read some of the rave reviews here and rented this "period piece" One has to be a big fan of Altman I suppose to appreciate stuff like this film.

Way too long , repetitive , cute , and boring in many places. Mildly entertaining but it failed my test which is that I would not see this movie again.

Give it 7 of 10 in 1992 and 5/10 12 years later. Many better films to see than this one.
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A dumb story about a stupid lawyer, ..however...
10 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to see a good movie don't rent or buy this one.

HOWEVER, if you want to see Kenneth Branaugh acting in a movie that is not a Shakespeare play then rent this one.

There is a beautiful photo of the county courthouse in Savanna Georgia,outside and inside , but it is too bad that with all the intersting houses and buildings in Savannah tht might have been put in this film, this is the only one taken when it was not raining.

Many questions are raised and few are answered.

SPOILERs How were the children taken so quickly when the lawyers view is blocked for a couple of minutes and if he is hiding the children why would he leave the windows lighted up at night and in

full view of anyone? And who took them. How did he put the gun in the back of the truck of the man fleeing from the storm and then have it in his pocket later on?

A lot more questions but why bother . just look at Branaugh and forget the story such as it is.
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a rare gem
8 March 2004
Anyone who does not know very much about Marlon Brando may not enjoy this film.

Brando had made his reputation as a great actor years before. It was probably made just to put two of the best actors-- Jack Nickelson and Marlon Brando in a film together for the first and only time.

Brando and Nickolson together, beautiful photography of Montana and some standard cowboy movie script-- thats all. The story is not important. It's just fun to see Brando pulling out a bag of tricks and seeing him have fun.

One small trick is that he is always eating or chewing on something as he talks. This may have been an insider joke because at this stage in his life he was fat. Nickelson might have done better acting .

So if you want to see Brando having fun see this movie. If you are looking for movie with great story see something else.

This movie is on my list as one of the best.

I give it ********* an 8 of 10.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Like a shaggy dog story
3 March 2004
After seeing this movie listed so often as a great movie I decided to rent it and see it. This movie is like a shaggy dog story ....the first hour of this overly long movie was so boring I almost stopped watching . I should have stopped watching ! It ground on and on and on. The camera hovers over a wall that needs paint. The driver of the taxi is seen looking into the mirror of the cab over and over and over.

This is the worst movie that has been called a great movie of any movie I have seen.

What is the point of the movie? That there are a lot of nuts in the world and that New York City has more than the average number of them.

Would I see this movie again? Not only would I never see this bomb again but I am sorry I wasted my time seeing it once.
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I added this to my list of best 5 movies of 2002
28 May 2002
The casting was just outstanding. I always wonder how there can be such fine actors/actresses that are little known before they make an outstanding movie.

Saw the movie only yesterday. It sent me to find out more about Marion Davies and Chaplin. I have known quite a bit about WR Hearst.
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