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It's dumb. It's 90's teen romcom. It's a time capsule of how great the 90's were
28 April 2024
This is one of those films that is ridiculous teeny bopper day in the life films that uses teen romcom tropes, but happens to tackle some pretty heavy issues. Drug abuse, suicide, teen angst, unrequitted love. All things that most teenagers experience at some point in their lives.

This is one of the most relatable films for US teens probably ever made. Too afraid to take the leap. Do it and see the amazing things that happen. Tell the girl you love her, despite what she may say. You may be suprised. Not everyone is perfect. Not everyone is having fun.

It really is a great film that I think most teens should see, then see it again as adults.

It's not a perfect film though. Tropes are pretty played out. Acting is pretty meh from the younger male actors. Music though is pretty stellar throughout, since its about a record store. Definitely would recommend.
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Great concept, but misses one key point
21 April 2024
After watching this movie, there is something here that is really great. The concept of locking college kids up for crimes they are accused of and running a psychological experiement on how the microsystems of a prison are established and continue to run. It's a fascinating aspect of humanities horrible side on display.

There is though, a horrible truth though that is spelled out in the movie. The prisoners and the guards..all signed up for it and can leave anytime they feel. In a real prison, there is legal violence that the guards can exercise to ensure that the prisoners remain. These kids can just up and leave. This is discussed in the movie. But, for some reason, the prisoner kids just accept everything as it is. Maybe its because in the back of their mind they know that they're still getting paid. Maybe that's the real test. How much are kids willing to put up with for X amount of dollars.

The movie is done really well. Actors are fantastic and the whole thing was captivating. Definitely recommend to watch.
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The real murder brain
7 April 2024
I don't understand how its possible to have all that talent on screen and have all of that talent be that bad. This is legitimately one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Bad voice over work for re-records. Really bad story continuity. Murder mysteries are supposed to follow a set of rules to lead to the end, where everything makes sense. This movie just purposely goes out of its way to make itself look more ridiculous and actually stupid at times to throw you off the trail. I honestly feel horrible for everyone that was involved in this. What an absolute horrid display. I would never recommend this movie to anyone.
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2h11m of complete meh
7 April 2024
What happens when you put some great actors in a meh movie. You get great performances with a garbage story. Pride and Glory fits this bill almost to a complete T. Ed Norton plays a down on his luck cop who has moved away from detective work to because of prior issues he has towing the company line with the NYPD. Colin Farrell, a corrupt cop where any action is justified through any means as long as it takes care of his family. Noah Emmerich, the one with the sick wife who apparently just turned a blind eye and was surprised with what was discovered after the fact about his officers. And Jon Voight, the company man patriarch.

Tired tropes of characters. This movie is as played out with corrupt cop movie tropes as they come. I know the film is 15 years old, but with movies like this coming out in the 2000's, I can understand why hollywood doesn't make anything unless its a built brand anymore. The writers can't follow Noah's arc to save their lives and just write in how much of a bad guy he is. Norton's character folds like a cheap suit. Farrell is just your typical bad cop. Nothing has depth.

I think the actor's tried to turn this into a good movie. But it's a complete void of a story. No matter how good the actors were going to be, this story was just so vapid that it wouldn't of changed anything. The only way they could've redeemed it was all of them turning into Robin Williams and adlibing 90% of the script.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
What a chilling movie
31 March 2024
Because of all the cold. Seriously, my hands felt frozen the entire time watching all that cold and snow and water in it. Major props to Leo for filming this on location and in this type of weather. For that feat alone he deserved an oscar.

For the movie, its pretty great. The elements, evil men, the Natives, and the French are all stacked against Glass the whole movie, right up to the very end. I did enjoy the Training Day moment that was in the movie. It was a nice touch to help tie up all of the stories.

I'd say for a best Actor award, Leo did a pretty great job with using mostly grunts, speaking an additional language, and gutteral speak. The rest of the cast was perfectly cast and Tom Hardy as hoe down dirty bastard was prime casting for him.

All in all the movie stands pretty well and is deserving of its Oscar. The movie doesn't go too slow, and though it has a long runtime, there is a plenty going to keep the audience watching. Strong 8/10.
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
A beautiful movie...that self aggrandizes Mr. Clooney.
31 March 2024
First let me start out with a few things to get out of the way.

The acting in this movie is beautiful. This is probably the best acting I've ever seen out of Clooney, who is a great actor in his own right, but this is a top level performance by him. Vera Farmiga not only is absolutely gorgeous, but plays her role beautifully. Anna Kendrick, who I thought was going to be a bit of a stifler, was absolutely wonderful. These three make up the crux of a great acting trio in the movie that bring everything to life.

The soundtrack was fantastic. Very much something I would expect out of a Zach Braff type of movie that explores relationships in a quirky way. The music ebbs and flows with the ups and downs of the characters that definitely draws the audience in with huge emotional pull. I love that in my films.

The story itself, a man that lives his life with no attachments, learns to build them and try to find love. Powerful stuff.

Except that its all a farce. While he does learn to build important attachments with family, the movie feels as though its just a mirror of his own life, at least the public one that was in all the tabloids and magazine articles from yesteryear. An actor that is devoid of all attachments, eventually settles down. Except in the film, that doesn't happen.

There is no payoff. His theory of people should just drift and move is proven right. Maybe because its a self fulfilling prophecy, he always lived that way so when the opportunity to do that it was all a farce, which is why it blew up in his face and the goals he had before meant nothing. The film, at its conclusion, feels like it meant nothing. I loved it, until the last 10 minutes. No character had a real change, learned much of anything, and no one, except for a little bit of Clooney, experienced much of an end to an arc. If I hadn't of seen the last 10 minutes of the movie, I would've given it a 9/10.
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Frailty (2001)
Amazingly Ridiculous
10 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Acting is fine. Cinemetography is good and definitely a callback to older hitchcock movies that others have said as well.

But the just ridiculous. Turns out no one was crazy at all, all the supernatural was real and we, the audience, were stupid to think it was stupid. I can't stand that. Subversion to make the audience look stupid. With all the power of the FBI, no one would look for a photo of Fenton? No one would look for the brother? Through supernatural means no one can recognize Adam? No one in the last 30 years has walked through that garden to see the mounds of dead bodies? Touching people has the miraculous power of dumbstrucking them so hard that they can't even have control of their bodies? Of course with Powers Boothe in the film, he has to be a bad guy, because its Powers. I'm sorry but I just really hate this film.

Powers Boothe and Matthew McConaughey do a fantastic job with their roles, and if not for them, this movie would probably be a 3 or lower in my book. Garbage.
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The film making in this is amazing. The pacing is kind of meh.
10 March 2024
I will say this. That this rating is likely to change, as my theater experience for the movie was not great. Pleather chairs. Hot Theater. Not really any space. Just wasn't very good, I admit that has probably played a role in my lower rating of the movie, where the pacing just felt like it dragged.

Now for my thoughts. The visuals. Stunning. Dune Part One, Villanueva did a supurb job in taking High Sci-Fi and bringing it to the masses through visual story telling as opposed to long expositions of world building. He continues that, for the most part in Part 2. Though, I think that some exposition probably would've helped in some parts. The move to the final act is pretty jarring, as the pace exponentially ramps up.

The music is pretty good, but again. I think this was ruined for me in my theater (IMAX), because there were times I couldn't decern anything but sound.

It really is a stunning film. I just didn't enjoy it as much as I think I would've watching it at home. Will wait for the release to give it another go.
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What a tragic fake somebody
19 February 2024
This movie does something very well. It has you rooting for the bad guy the whole time. A tragic nobody who wants to become somebody and does it by essentially just claiming to be someone else. The acting is phenomenal and I can see why Matt Damon says this was his favorite movie to do. Beautifully filmed on location, probably using local Italian actors for many of those parts. My only knock on this film is the pacing. It drags at a few points and has a very slow burn. But looking at it as a character piece of anyone who has ever wished to have a different life, what it would entail to step into someone else's shoes and balance who you are and who they are. It's basically catfishing before there was the term. Fantastic film would definitely recommend.
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Pandorum (2009)
Could've been a pretty great movie
14 January 2024
I wish that they had leaned more into the psychological hysteria that could erupt from deep isolation.

Instead there is a focus on malformed monsters, bad chases and cut shots to keep the audience in heightened stress sense, that just seems to intensify as the movie progresses to its climax. The parts of this movie that do touch on this are really really good. The actors do a pretty fine job with it.

But the main character figures everything out, just by it just happening. Like plot armor for the characters mind. Honestly the main antagonist is the editor.

If the movie had played out like a version of Shudder Island in space, where folks in isolation are losing their minds, but realize that everything was ok along and slowly come to that realization, then this movie would've been an easy 9/10 for me. As it is now, a six is as high as I can go.
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A grim reminder of the cost and comradery of serving
24 December 2023
I had seen clips of this on Tik Tok which got me interested in watching. Bryan Cranston giving the business to the come colonel in a mix of a boston/new york accent. It was pretty funny in a serious type of way.

I was not prepared for this movie. My family has a long history of service. My wife's and my grandfathers served in WW2 and Korea in the Army and Air Force. My father served in the Navy. I served in the Air Force. My brother served in the Army. One of my grandparents, and both of my wife's grandparents that served are gone. And my brother is gone. None of them died in combat, so I can't imagine the type of grief coming from not knowing, this particular story paints a very real picture of the type of bond and brotherhood that can only come from the men and women that served together. And that will lose each other. Eventually. The raw emotion, especially during the final two scenes. It was almost too much.

The characters work together beautifully, and Cranston and Fishbourne's characters act like a devil and angel on Steve Carrell's shoulders, guiding him as he is making this journey to his son's final burial. The way that the characters interact with one another, and the type of chemistry, and depth that you see in Cranston in Carrell is incredibly touching. These men did a great service to the families of those that served, and to those that served as well. A beautiful story that I would whole-heartily endorse that anyone see.
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Child 44 (2015)
Cure for Sleeplessness
3 December 2023
Tom Hardy is going to do what Tom Hardy does. Perform very well in any role that he is in. Gary Oldman as well. Even if his accent goes back and forth to working Russian to Comissioner Gordon.

This movie constantly goes back and forth between being a spy thriller and a who'donit. It can't decide. This film loses identity so much that its difficult to follow. Finally it decides over halfway through and its just...boring. Instead of committing to anything, it commits to bad writing, and unclear character motivations.

If you really enjoy Tom Hardy then this movie, then its probably worth it, but other than that its pretty much just a yawnfest.
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I remember the first perfect game that I watched...
12 November 2023
First perfect game that I watched was Roy Haliday throwing against the Marlins, and watching him almost throw a second one in the ALDS against the Reds. They were beautiful moments. I was watching both of them at a sports bar, and the entire crowd for each was silent, erupting in emotion after each throw.

The way that they tell this story is actually pretty beautiful. This movie came out 5 years before Randy Johnson, at the age of 40, threw his perfect game.

But...the main characters in this movie outside of Heather and Gus, are literally just horrible people. Jane is so self involved that she has MC syndrome and that everyone else is an NPC in her game of life, including her daughter. Chapel is the exact same way, except for with Jane, where he will prostrate himself every chance that he gets for his mistakes and for her mistakes.

The movie does romanticize baseball as it should be, and frames the 'What comes after for players' in a beautiful way, but the intense focus on such a narrow part of a players life rather than the whole to make essentially a romspo (romantic sports) movie just fell flat for me.
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The Nun II (2023)
It's close to a decent movie, but falls short
30 October 2023
Post World War 2 setting, this movie gets a lot of things right. For me, a Horror flick set within the confines of Christendom are the best ingredients for a relatable horror film that has the right amount of creep factor and jump scare.

Unfortunately, this movie leans super hard into the victims have to be the dumbest people on the screen trope. You hear a super creepy raspy voice in a dark hallway, you have to investigate. A ball gets tossed back from an impossibly black room that you cannot see into, lets investigate. You're chasing a group of kids who inexplicably disappear into thin air. Lets investigate. You hear the laughter of your very dead child, lets investigate. The only reason why the Demon racks up a kill count outside the initial priest is because everyone else rides a short bus.

For the faults of the script, the acting is really well done. Taissa Farmiga is pretty great in this movie. I just can't get passed how dumb everyone is written to be.
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The King (I) (2019)
What was a moving piece of English History
15 October 2023
The movie started off very well. The framing of the relationship between father and son. The way that the director and writer portrayed Henry the 5th in the beginning of the film was truly great. Someone who stands up for family and for a person that wants to do the right thing. Who recognizes the problems of wearing the crown during his reign as one of loneliness, who shows strength and courage. All of these qualities of restraint and strength to all be tossed aside in the last two scenes for a woman who he doesn't know, who acts like her brother (Dauphin character) did (Arrogant, dismissive, and berating). The movie was pretty great up until then, its just the last 15 minutes that seem to flush it. I would still recommend it because the performances are fantastic.
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It's so disappointing.
1 October 2023
Watching the first 2 seasons of Castlevania, where very clear motives of the characters are so well established, its so disappointing watching this. I don't need a backstory of Annette, Richter, or Eduard. Just like I didn't need to see Trevor chased out of the Belmont hold while his family is murdered. You can accomplish great feats of character development simply with good dialogue between characters. The best line of the entire first 4 seasons is in the Belmont hold, "I'm surprised to learn that I had more of a childhood than you." "Yeah and your dad is Dracula." That whole scene was a great way for characters to give a lens of history for Trevor, for the audience to connect with both Alucard and Trevor, and it did it without crawling up everyone's ass with useless time wasting. Maybe the writers felt it was a mistake to not show Trevor's past, but that meant that the show didn't waste time on it and was able to more thouroughly explain and show the actual conflict rather than just dancing around it. It's just bad. It looks beautiful, but the writing, pacing, and overall decisions have just made this whole endeavor a waste of time.
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The Rental (2020)
The longest sigh ever.
24 September 2023
Decent movie premise but god its boring. Characters are pretty telegraphed from the beginning. Allison Brie plays herself pretty well, and is probably the only redeeming character in the movie. All in all its pretty disappointing. Would've rather spent my time watching anything else just because its so very meh. There are some brutal spots but the movie is just setting up literally a confrontation from within the whole time with a mouth breather thrown in. No real mystery. No real 'omg whats gonna come next'. It's just so...meh. I'm glad I watched this when I needed a nap because it put me right in the mood to take it.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Its a decent flick
24 September 2023
So...It's a great look at how it could be if you experienced time in such a way that you experienced everything all at once. Then if you played along with it, if you still had the ability to experience free will, would any of it actually matter?

This sort of movie lets you see how that plays out. It's like a serious Rick and Morty episode exploring the feeling of time, where the Aliens are just the vehicle to explain how that happens. In the grand scheme of what the movie is meant to mean, they mean very little though being the vehicle of the tension throughout it. I think the biggest thing that I disliked about the movie is that Jeremy Renner's character, who goes on this journey as well, doesn't experience the same thing, but implies that General Shang might. I don't know. There are just a few too many things that have me knock down a few stars on it. I enjoyed the film very much and the exploration of the concept of experiencing time outside the linear bounds of it.
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Black Adam (2022)
What a huge sigh of meh
3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After what seemed like 8 years of build up, the first bits of dialogue after the history lesson are a terminally online diatribe from a kid that we don't care about or even know. This kid also spends Adam's first time awake with non-violent human interaction in 5000 years to try to convince him to just be a superhero like Superman, Batman, or Aquaman. Legit insufferable.

This movie is like early 00's marvel, but with better graphics. Movie is fast paced definitely action oriented, but after comic book movies made leaps forward in writing like Man of Steel and Iron Man, we have better ways of writing in introductions to these characters than what we got in the first 30 minutes of this movie.

On a positive side, they do a really good job on portraying Black Adam as this ruthless, OP character.

Edit: After reflection. I knocked it down another star. The amount of insufferable from the non-super characters is too much. The writers make all the supers make some really dumb decisions, but the dialogue from the non-supers is...just wholly ridiculous. No one talks like these people. At the end of the movie Hawkman is giving Black Adam good advice, that just killing people will make you calloused, 'darken his soul', and I swear to god the the dumbest retort from someone who is constantly telling their son that non-violence is the way, that he's doing what the justice society should be doing. I though the Son was the worst character in this its the mom. She is a walking contradiction of wanting all the violence and none of it at the same time. Actual garbage.
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Words, should've sent a poet
29 May 2023
Few times in my life have I been happy to share a movie with friends and family. Watching movies is a wonderful escape for me. Like a good book, only instead of words I get pictures. Return of the King is the only movie in my lifetime that has brought me to tears every time I have watched it. Picturesque of brotherly love, care for the world, and a dedication to rising above the evil that confronts. The conclusion of Frodo's journey, Aragorn accepting his destiny, and brotherly bonds that are forged through trial and tribulation.

Tolkien's masterful epic, brought to fruition through Peter Jackson is beyond wonderful. Though 4 hours in length on the shortest book in the series, the emotional payoff in this book more than makes every second of this truly epic movie worth it.
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