
23 Reviews
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Whiplash (2014)
thought provoking movie but true to life scenario
31 March 2024
This is certainly not the worst movie I've ever seen but clearly not the best but it is a movie that makes me keep thinking about it after watching and that is uncommon.

There was one major thing I didn't like about it, the main character Terence Fletcher was a brute. He was a complete tyrant and spent a lot of time trying to justify his behavior. I sure hope nobody will ever agree with his abusive tactics that he smoothly rationalized. A good teacher is nuturing and encouraging, never pushing you to your limits with brutality and emotional abuse. He is a person that all people should stay clear of. The boy should not have taken the tainted apple being offered by the monster, allowing himself to be again in harms way. There was not enough reinforcement in the movie to point out that what Terence Fletcher did was evil and wrong. This would be a good discussion movie. There are just too many people in the world just like him and people need to be careful.
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King Richard (2021)
10 March 2024
Will Smith's last movie before his lovely wife prompted him to throw away his career. I say that because she looked at him at the Academy awards expecting him to do something and he acted like an idiot instead of divorcing her like he should of. And yes I'm mad because Will Smith was a great actor and He hurt his career over an obnoxious, untalented loser named Chris Rock and a selfish manipulative wife. But anyway, back to the review. Will Smith breaks away from his men in black character and shows he is able to be quite diversified. The soundtrack is quite bad though. I will never get into that James Brown vibe. I found Smith's character to be increasingly obnoxious. The movie should have been about a father's drive and ambition to help his children succeed but instead it was about a fathers stubbornness and cockiness Which was over emphasized.
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Toi much hamlet
12 February 2024
The only hamlet I like is hamburger Hamlet and they want out of business. I know this movie is old and I love Danny Devito movies just not this one. The movie centers entirely on hamlet. Watching army cadets pretending to have a massive interest in Hamlet and Shakespeare is so phony. The movie is supposed to be about Danny Devito becoming a teacher to help educate The military challenged. Since when does a 100% Shakespeare Curriculum help? If you like Hamlet please watch this movie because it's only about Hamlet. Watching military cadets pretend to have an enormous genuine interest in Hamlet is so phony. I don't ever want to see this movie again.
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Dyke tennis player
7 February 2024
Well I'm certainly not interested in the sex life of Billie Jean King I can tell you that much I mostly watched it because Steve Carrel was in it. But seeing him naked was nothing I wanted to witness either I thought he looked like Austin powers in this movie and Emma Stone did a great job of making herself not look beautiful But she sure was a lot more attractive Then the tennis player The best scene in the movie was one Steve Carrel Was in the addiction meeting annoying the leader by telling everybody They were bad gamblers And if they were good gamblers they wouldn't be at the meeting. I'm sure that scene was all Steve Carroll. Without him in it this movie would have been really bad. The ending scene Where Billy Jean won and cried And Steve Carroll lost in smiled was a bit odd.
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Awkward and Dull
20 January 2024
A now crippled art teacher struggles to continue with art even though she has to resort to using a mop as a paintbrush while a alcoholic English teacher engages in a war with her over what's more important art or English. I couldn't take this movie seriously because the art teacher you're never taught a lesson During the entire movie what kind of art teacher is she that does nothing to inspire. I found the movie awkward and dull. I even found the paintings she completed with the mop even duller Odd how spinning around on a chair on your belly using your arm as a compass can be called art. I should have passed on this movie.
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Maggie (I) (2015)
Good zombie movie different
19 January 2024
I've been wanting to watch this movie for a long time and I'm glad I. It was quite different and engaging. The actors did a good job And I'll keep it in my collection which is one of the best compliments I can give although it's not a movie I would watch Over And Over Again. If I were rating on a 1-5 scale i'd give it a solid 3. It's a very good zombie movie. Definitely give it a watch if you're considering. There are thousands of movies made each year and of those only a couple get to receive 9 or 10 star reviews. The majority of films Crank out are poor and unwatchable so Give this a watch and enjoy it.
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Lots of talent
20 August 2023
Although I have more music than the average person in all kinds of genres and styles I'm just not a celine Dion fan however her new day song is amazing and that would be the only song I can think of from her that I would listen to. I heard a review say that this movie will please every critic and I think that is true I was mesmerized by watching this movie the dancers were stunning what's interesting about this movie is you don't really see the entire concert you see bits and pieces and on half of the screen you see what's going on Backstage and in the dressing rooms. This music DVD makes it clear that Celine Dion is a mega star and you don't need to be a Celine Dion fan to enjoy the talent in this movie. As much as I enjoyed the close-ups and the obvious camaraderie of the cast I was sorry I only saw pieces of the show I would have liked to see more of the dancing it was interesting to see the dancers getting ready to go on stage but let me see them on stage! The one set of dancers in the pink dresses dances were so beautiful.
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Adorable movie
12 July 2023
It could happen to you is a timeless and adorable movie that once again demonstrate the amazing acting abilities of Nicholas Cage he is one of the few actors capable of delivering superb acting movie after movie with few exceptions the character of Muriel played by Rosie Perez could have been given to somebody with much better acting skills but for the ugliness required she was perfect in the role her nasty annoying voice and her little tiny teeth help strengthen the ugliness of her character. You have to wonder how a woman like this could be given us a role so powerful he must know somebody because she didn't get this gig based on her Talent. I suppose it was her boobs cuz I think it's the only thing she had going for herself definitely not her eyes.
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Nice little science fiction movie
14 April 2023
The movie opens with a classic David Bowie song and you meet a bunch of aliens being greeted out of space station one at a time you then need a bald princess that stretches a lot but they're language is exotic and unique. Welcome to Big Market! Very cool effects. Not a bad science fiction movie it's a little different for most movies you like all the creatures that were invented for this show give it a try it's very interesting I really don't have any more to say about this movie and I resent having to enter character after character just to be able to finish the review but I really don't have anything else to say just watch it it's not bad thank you.
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Thorp (2020)
Another Amazon bore iginal
30 March 2023
It's hard to decide which is worse the acting or the soundtrack. The soundtrack is typical horrendous'80s sounds recorded on a cheap cassette tape that's playing on batteries running empty while submerged underwater. Yes it's pretty bad the acting is so bad I don't know if this guy is trying to be another Napoleon Dynamite but it's not going to work he's just not funny I don't know how many more times I can. Hear the line I'm looking for Sam, do you know sam,This movie is so darn bad I assure you there's nothing funny there's nothing quirky there's nothing refreshing about it this movie is completely vile.
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25 March 2023
No screen test for this movie anybody and everybody was hired experience or acting skills clearly wasn't necessary I have never seen such lousy acting. Whoever wrote the script thought they could make a combination of while you were sleeping and Highway to Heaven and throw in some really bad acting. I don't think Oscar has ever tried acting before. This movie was so cheesy and the soundtrack was appalling and why they called it a comedy I really don't know, there wasn't anything remotely funny about it. This movie barely qualifies for a watch-Once movie. Two stars is all this movie will get from me.
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The Deal (2022)
Bore ing!
19 March 2023
I saw this movie on Amazon I read the description and it looks so boring and I passed it and then a couple weeks later I looked at it again and I said wait that's Meg Ryan and they look like popular Stars looks let's take a look and I watched it and it was the most boring movie I probably have ever seen I stopped watching it and I don't want to finish it I just don't understand why this movie is so darn boring a Down and Out Feel producer agrees to make his nephew's film about 19th century English Statesman Benjamin Disraeli who the hell is Benjamin Disraeli my God no wonder it's so boring blah.
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Don't watch
18 March 2023
Will Farrell and John Riley are amazing actors just not in this movie be sure to watch Step Brothers or try Bewitched or Superstar. Elf, Blades of Glory. Old school, Talladega nights, this movie is not an example of Will Ferrell's greatest work so if this happens to be the first Will Ferrell movie you watch please please check out the others this one is just not that funny but now I know why some people may not like Will Ferrell because anybody who watches this movie and has not seen his other movies would not like Will Ferrell I wouldn't like Will Ferrell if this was the first movie I saw although there are a few small moments that might make you smile not many.
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Management (2008)
22 February 2023
I was tricked into watching this because the picture on the disc looks like Michael J fox is leaning against Jennifer Aniston shoulder but it wasn't Michael J fox so therefore it wasn't as funny as it could have been and as as I was watching a movie I realized I've seen this before why am I watching it again it's not very good the first time it's just a movie about two awkward people with social problems getting together and that's it but Jennifer Aniston plays an interesting character she looks like she's a classy lady that's all together but inside she's a little insecure and her job requires her to not express any vulnerable abilities but why oh why is Woody Harrelson in it why does he need to be her boyfriend anybody in the world is a better choice I just don't understand how this man gets these roles. He's got to be one of the most ugliest actors in Hollywood.
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The Office Mix-Up (2020 TV Movie)
Cute shenanigans
15 February 2023
Cute little movie but I'm a little tired of these Anne Hathaway want to be's we already have one anne Hathaway please try and develop your own style and stop trying to copy anne Hathaway. Kate Mansi doesn't seem to have her own style she seems to be duplicating and Hathaway's voice gestures, and mannerisms and expressions and at times even her voice I don't think Anne Hathaway would like it either so I give this movie three stars because there are worse movies but they should have named the movie shenanigans and how can she get a paycheck when she's using a fake name..... Kate Nancy's not very attractive. Also it bothers me that her jewelry store boss is her best friend and she throws away a $2,000 or whatever the ring cost sale to run out of the room and leave the guy by himself in the jewelry store? What kind of friend does that? Somebody with absolutely no common sense?
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Here After (2020)
14 February 2023
The movie opens up with a bloody face pervert guy rambling on with a filthy mouth and you just think to yourself why can't this guy be completely dead why is he talking and then he's at the airport with his mother but you find out it's not his mother it's his girlfriend and then he meets a guy with a mouth just as filthy but suddenly he's not a pervert anymore? But you get a little weary and tired of the repetitious metaphysica,l whiny, poor me ramblings that just don't seem to end and some of the scenes are just long and uneventful and boring it's like listening to ghosts talk about the meaning of life over and over and over I give it this movie two stars only because some movies are worse though not many.
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Your average yawner
13 February 2023
Have you ever owned a piano and one of your relatives comes over with their toddler who proceeds to go to it and start pounding and pounding on it ? If so you know how the opening song of this movie made me feel. In fact all of the songs in this movie were quite irritating. They couldn't get any licensing to play some normal music? Then we have the 67-year-old stewardess that's apparently still menstruating and handing out drugs to passengers sure. Uh-huh . This movie is a big pass it is so uninteresting and the acting is subpar do yourself a favor and choose something else to watch so you don't waste your time.
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A Stranger's Heart (2007 TV Movie)
Typical wholesome Hallmark type movie
22 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Samantha Mathis has ripened nicely and the movie itself is tolerable. The movie was a little on the corny side especially the character that played Cricket's grandfather who was at first extremely adamant. About keeping the donor couple away from his granddaughter and he makes more than a 360° turnaround by showing up at the wedding and smiling 20 times more tenderly at the bride and groom than their own Family Smiled it was honestly kind of creepy. I think this movie would be enjoyed by teens I was kind of expecting the donor couple to end up adopting the girl since they had such strong feelings the movie is not great but it's not terrible either.
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Knucklehead (2010)
21 January 2023
Have you ever watched a movie but didn't really watch it, you had the movie on but you found yourself thinking about your day instead because the movie wasn't really gripping or luring you into it so you popped the movie out before it's finished to find something else to watch. This was one of those movies for me I didn't find it very interesting maybe I need to watch it at a later time and date but I don't think I will do so I think I will just discard it since I didn't find it very interesting I hope you find it interesting but I don't want to lie I'm here to tell the truth thank you very much.
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19 January 2023
There's nothing more annoying than reading hyped up movie reviews written by Liars deceiving you into believing a movie is worth your while. There is not one positive or good thing about this Movie. Everything is crap. The writing, the acting, the soundtrack. This movie is pure crap and certainly not even remotely funny. There is nothing humorous at all this movie is vile, boring, stupid, annoying, you will be so sorry you put this movie on. You will be so angry at yourself for watching even a little bit of it you will be in such a bad mood after watching something so stupid you will want to risk cutting your hand in order to break the disc in two. You'll want to break your TV.
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An Ideal Husband (I) (1999)
Stop rating this five stars please
5 November 2022
Who are these people rating this movie with five stars prompting me to put this disc in my Blu-ray player? Are they people that enjoy listening to Beaver Cleaver soundtrack music? People that enjoy watching vintage scandals with gallant gentleman and proper talk that no one including Julianne Moore can pull off? I found this movie to be quite a yawner and I will not be keeping it in my collection but don't let me stop you from watching it if you like silly hats and Boirish humor be my guest. This could very well be the worst movie I've watched all year don't do it to something else you will thank me I promise !
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City Hall (1996)
Big yawner
23 August 2022
A bunch of old men talking fast like they have important things to say and John Cusack bugs very boring movie. While I'm waiting for something exciting to happen I focus on John Cusack's small little mouth and unfortunately nothing exciting happens.
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Pot o' Gold (1941)
Old movie
31 July 2022
I watched this movie just for fun it's hard to believe that this song and dance was popular at a given time.. I'm not saying at all that it's bad movie I'm just saying it's way different from current times. Hot toddie. I'm certain future Generations will find the time to view my favorite movies I wonder what the heck they are watching. When I have been long did the movie screens will be huge and 3D and there will be smells and other amazing things that will make the movies I like obsolete but I am impressed that this movie feels my entire screen on my 55 in TV.
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