
2 Reviews
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Reasonable Doubt (2022– )
Great show, but...
28 September 2022
This show is terrific, let's first say that. The plot, the character development from the first episode, the intrigue, the style, the dialogue... everything is so professionally done, so interesting. But... can we PLEASE stop constantly ragging on white people and calling them every name in the book for absolutely zero reason? It's not ok; it wouldn't be ok if the races were reversed, and it's not ok this way. I mean, it's all the way to the point of, the only mention of a white woman is the one who lied about being sexually assaulted and is discredited without a second thought, but a black woman who claims to be sexually assaulted (also by a rich black man) gets upset that she isn't immediately believed by opposing counsel? Come on. It's fine when it's done in a way that fits in with the storyline, but the characters are talking badly about white people and calling them names without any provocation whatsoever. I still recommend this show, but I really hope all this "f whitey" stuff takes a back seat unless it's relevant to the story.
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The Dirty D (2022– )
Please don't
11 September 2022
This is so bad. I understand that it's low budget, but wow; the sound is horrible. The conversations are stiff and too long, as if we're sitting around the lunch table. The "actors" talk like they're reading off a teleprompter. I honestly don't even know what the main storyline is supposed to be! The club, the cop, the cheating drug dealer club owner... what is the plot? Ugh, just awful. I could get through one episode. The reason I gave it a 3 and not ZERO, is because I appreciate the effort. But it's just so bad and unbelievable. None of the characters are even a little likeable, and they talk to each other like they're about to fight, even the ones who are supposed to be friends. Oh! And why is there only one dude at each table?! Who comes into a club and gets a table on their own? Just ridiculous.
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