
3 Reviews
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Hope Floats (1998)
Creepy and pesty
20 August 2022
I watched this tonight for the first time. A grand 20+ years since it was made. So I'm working hard to recognise that it was "of its time". Everything from the trashy talk show opener to the photos developed from actual cameras and film.

But good gawd! Can we talk about how the bulk of the film is Birdie (Sandra) saying 'no' and Justin (Harry CJ) just pestering her. It is so incredibly uncomfortable to watch. There's literally a point in the movie where the soundtrack is "I just don't have the strength to fight anymore". There's another point where her mother suggests that maybe she "could just sit there".

If you watched this back in 1998 and enjoyed it, good for you. I couldn't possibly recommend this - it's absolutely awful. Just a woman trying to live her life having left a cruel man and a terrible best friend only to end up in the company of a controlling mother and a creepy pestering guy. She's exhausted and I'm exhausted watching her. Don't watch it.

Sandra Bullock is the only reason it gets any score at all.
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Prey (I) (2022)
What prequels should be.....
7 August 2022
Prey is as good or (dare I say it) better than the original predator! Ok, I won't say that. The original Predator is a classic and one of a kind. The build of tension, the David and Goliath dynamic, the fear. It's a great movie.

Prey is an absolute return to form. It's an entirely different movie in many respects while preserving the parts that just elevate it. As with the original, there's a slow build. Where all the other sequels 'blow their load', this doesn't rush. The story unfolds, the tension builds and you find yourself holding your breath in parts.

The main character is flawed, vulnerable, badass and entirely worth watching. The supporting characters are interesting and their actions are sometimes surprising.

Worth watching as a stand alone movie - even if you're not a predator fan. Absolutely worth watching if you liked the original Predator. Gosh I enjoyed it!
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Lying to Be Perfect (2010 TV Movie)
This will not age well
13 July 2022
I don't know how I stumbled onto this movie or even why I kept watching. It was a bit like a car crash - I just couldn't take my eyes off it. So the premise: you are unlovable, unsuccessful and weak if you are fat. And as each pound melts away, all of these things grow in you.

It is a blindingly vacuous and contrived storyline invented by some cruel creature wanting to shame women.

So here's my alternative- fabulous and beautiful writer recognises that she's immensely talented and capable, grabs some cake and champagne and lives happily ever after with someone who is totally into her and surrounded by friends and joy. And doesn't ever ever think of starving herself again.

The end. There, I fixed it.
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