
4 Reviews
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Comedy? Where?
22 January 2008
Except for his role in Beverly Hills Cop, I think Eddy Murphy is a bad actor. And once again he confirmed my thoughts on him playing Charlie Hinton in this herendous euh thing.

The first 20 minutes are unbelievably boring, as you already know from the start he's going to get fired and start a day care with his idiotic friend. But no, first you get to know the characters and what they stand for. After 20 minutes of lame conversations you finally understand how a nice guy Charlie and how cute his fat friend is. They are those typical cliché family guys who do stupid things once in a while but who you can always count on . Thanks for the introduction.

The only reason you keep on watching is the hope that there will be some funny action going on after they started their day care. But no, nothing happens. Just a bunch of kids running around screaming and shouting, chased by our two charming protagonists. No, a guy getting kicked in the nuts and completely overacting is not funny. No, two guys disguised as a carot and a brocoli is not funny. No, one of the guys paying a kid to get in the house is not funny.

And what about the evil kid? what was that? and the kid in his flash costume suddenly running extremely fast? was that supposed to be funny?

but lets cut to the chase, this movie is so fking bad, its awful. There's just nothing funny about it, nothing nothing nothing. I would never show this piece of dog turd to my children. This is not a nice-time-with-the-family-on-a-cozy-Saturday-evening-film. It makes your Saturday evening boring.

I'm sorry Eddy, but you suck, along with this tremendously lousy everything-but-a comedy movie
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The Mutilation Man (1998 Video)
bad bad bad
22 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this movie for 1 euro, not knowing what it was all about. I thought "hmmm, a movie named mutilation man must be if not very funny at least filled with gore". It wasn't funny alright. It was disturbing. Very disturbing. And I don't mind disturbing movies but this one just didn't mean anything, except that child abuse is not a good thing to do. hmmm... The quality of the images were terrible. The acting...there was no acting. Just some fcked-up fcker mutilating himself for over 90 minutes. This is probably material for sicko's jurking off on extreme gore.

Don't watch this. It's not worth your time. Its just awful. I wish i never bought this.

They should mutilate the guy who made this
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Assault on Death Mountain (1999 TV Movie)
21 January 2008
This is the first movie I saw starring Hulk Hogan. This guy really can't act at all. Add up the utterly stupid plot, conversations and action scenes and you get a helluva movie.

This piece of crap starts with a kidnapping of a girl. Hulk Hogan, here his name is Mike McBride (haha), and his moron friends are assigned to save the day. And in what manner: they go to the house of the kidnapper, who is the father of the girl, and shoot everyone and everything. Once they accomplished this mission something completely different happens. Hulk Hogan is captured by some villain who injects him with a poison that will slowly kill him within 24hours. Look at Hogan's face as he tries to act like he's really going to die. It's painfully funny. After he gets injected with the poison his friends pop up completely out of nowhere shooting all the bad guys, which of course are not American. Shannon Tweed, the "femme fatale" jumps over a sand dune on a motorcycle while killing the baddies. And so it goes on and on. Amazingly brainless and cliché action scenes followed by amazingly brainless and cliché conversations. At one point Hulk is even trying to be emotional, thinking of his "pals" who died in earlier operations. You get to see some idiotic flashbacks of dying soldiers. Then Shannon Tweed comes in to comfort him...hahahaha...this is some really bad acting.

The bad guy is so tremendously evil it becomes a joke. Everything he says, does and thinks is pure evil. And of course he's Russian, what else... His sidekick is even worse. Some kinda gorilla-a-like monster who does everything 'the boss' says. Of course, further on in the movie Hulkie and this mean machine get in a nasty fight with each other.

In the end, after a lot of dim-witted, extremely unbelievable action scenes and other crap, you see Hulk Hogan and his moron crew (one character is called Andy Powers btw, djeezes), walking side by side, way too cool, with in the background a big explosion. Hellooo....... Oh, I almost forgot the hilarious scene with the brainsick madman in the helicopter going completely nuts throwing grenates at the 'bad people'like he's Santa handing out candy to children. Luckely, every grenate takes out a couple of baddies, thrown away in a real old-school McGyverisch style.

Everything about this movie is so crappy and pointless...You can't do otherwise than laugh about it. I hope to see other rubbish starring Hulkie, coz he's so incredibly funny. They should make a movie just with Hogan's face and a spin-off starring his mustache.
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hahahahaha. how ants can be funny
21 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This must be one of the funniest movies ever made. Everything about it is so stupid. The acting is hilarious. The protagonists have no idea what they are doing or saying. The dialogs don't mean nothing. The example:

  • "they stroke here, here and you see a pattern?"

  • "no"

  • "it's something we learned about the marabantu, they move clockwise in 30° angles"

  • "you mean we're next?"

  • "yes"

  • "how much time do we have?"

  • "24h, probably less...we have to kill their queen!"

"you mean we're next?" ...hahaha if that isn't hilarious I don't know what is. The action scenes are even worse. The ants are so un-scary. A bunch of little black plastic dots moving like Parkinson patients. The plot is....HAHAHAHAHAHA. Especially the scene where suddenly there is some kind of earthquake and then they blow up the pass. What the fck was that.

If only there was a DVD release or a sequel.

1/10 as a horror flick 9/10 as a comedy
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