
5 Reviews
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Insomnium (2017)
Small costume budget a major plus
13 April 2022
The only reason I gave this garbage 2 stars is because I found both leads attractive and they were shirtless and in underwear a lot. That's it. The movie itself was painfully bad, poorly edited and directed with a script that wouldn't get a second read in high school. The film made no sense and offered no hint of horror or even suspense.
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1 March 2021
What a waste of perfectly good film stock. This movie tried far too hard to be artsy instead of concentrating on finding a good script, director and actors. The performances were abysmal and wooden. This was a remake in name only incredibly misleading. I found my concentration drifting constantly because this mess wasn't worth my attention span. I admit I'm a huge fan of bad movies but this was worse than bad-it was completely uninteresting.
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Too Close to Home (2016–2017)
excruciatingly awful
30 August 2016
I tuned into show simply because I'm a fan of Heather Locklear but I have to wonder about her agent. This show is, to put it mildly, horrible. I'm glad Heather only had a few scenes and was able to escape this dreck. I hope she picked up a fat paycheck. The writing is so bad it's laughable. People keep repeating the same lines over and over until you want to scream at them to shut up. The plot is nonsense, the acting is worse than a high school play and there is NO direction. Why do some people in Alabama have accents and some don't? Why do those accents cone and go at random? Why is it set in a trailer park? Is that really how Mr Perry imagines Alabama- one big trailer park full of whores and drug addicts? The wardrobe, makeup and hair people must have hated Locklear because they did their best to make her look like a 70 year old haggard alcoholic. It's embarrassing how inept this whole thing is and how cheap it all looks. The characters are paper thin and the main character, Anna, does nothing but say how sorry she is to everyone. Repeatedly. This is TV at its worst. Tyler Perry claims a producing, writing and directing credit. He fails spectacularly at all 3 positions. This show is garbage and you'd be a fool to waste your time watching it. Once Locklear's scenes were through, so was I. TLC must be desperate to program this crap. It's amateur, it's cheap and it's insulting to anyone with half a brain.
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vile, revolting and pointless
11 October 2015
without a doubt the most tasteless and disgusting film I've ever seen. The first movie at least a semblance of a plot but this crude and nasty "movie" has no plot-it's nothing short of torture porn. The first 30 minutes or so passable but the last third was just revolting. There is no motive other than to show people suffering and being mutilated. I couldn't even watch most of it. Why are people so desperate to work in a movie that they would subject themselves to such degradation? As an actor, there i no amount of money or notoriety that would convince me to do something so horrendous. It's just sick for the sake of being sick. It doesn't even make sense. Martin works in a parking garage to find victims yet no one ever notices his actions or him coming to work covered in blood. Sick, vile and disgusting. The first movie is Citizen Kane compared to this garbage. Tom Six should NEVER be allowed near a computer, a camera or any amount of cash EVER. I would give this minus 10 if allowed.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
Paycheck movie
14 March 2015
do not, under ANY circumstances, allow yourself to be subjected to this garbage. It was awful from start to finish. The only reason I stuck it out was Tilda Swinton. She was apparently working with a different script and looked embarrassed throughout. The script was clichéd and the camera work amateurish (no disrespect to amateurs intended). The director should never be allowed NEAR a camera again. It wasn't the worst movie i have ever seen but it's in the Top 10. I give it 3 stars only because i felt sorry for Swinton. She deserves better as do the rest of the cast. I hope the actors all received healthy paychecks because there really is no other reason for doing this bomb. I can't imagine anyone looking at this script and screaming "YES YES! I MUST do this." With any luck, we'll never hear from the director again
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