
9 Reviews
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Futurama: The Prince and the Product (2023)
Season 11, Episode 9
So boring and pointless.
26 September 2023
I almost didn't finish the episode I found it so dumb and boring. The only reason I finished it is so I no I didn't miss anything and I will never have to watch it ever again. If at least it would have been framed as a "Tales of Interest". But I don't think even that would have helped this episode. It is by far one of the worst thing I've ever watched. It makes the not so good episodes of Futurama look like gems by comparison. The new season was hit and miss for me so far, but I still think it had enough good moments to warrant its existence. But if this is what awaits us, they should have stayed canceled.
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More complex than most give it credit for...
2 October 2022
This movie seems like most romantic comedies at first glance. A good one but with not much to say. This is often pointed out by those who did not like it. Another common take of this movie is that Andy's friends and boyfriend are the bad guys; not supporting her in her career. The truth is, that every characters in this film from Miranda and Andy to Nate and Emily are complex, with their flaws, their strengths, their values and their needs. Just like in real life, nobody is right or wrong. Everyone makes mistakes. This is what set the movie apart from other shallow romantic comedies. Depending on your values, and own ethics you might side with different characters. It's a movie that is worth the rewatch to place yourself in the shoes of different characters. But you can also just enjoy it as a great romantic comedy or stick to your own values and always side with the same character(s). Any movie who can do that, in my opinion, succeed.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Brothers (1990)
Season 4, Episode 3
Think about it for a sec.
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two crew members leave their sons on the Enterprise under seemingly no supervision under the promise they will "stay out of trouble". During a game of laser tag, the older brother puts a ballon filled with red pain to make is annoying little brother believe he killed him. The little brother runs away and decide to eat a fruit he found on the ground out of guilt or something. Turns out the fruit is super poisonous and because apparently they have accessible poisonous fruits and unsupervised children, but not antidotes on the Enterprise, they change course to go to a medical facility. Everyone one blames the older brother and constantly guilts him for potentially killing his brother. It doesn't help that Dr. Crusher is probably drunk because all she seems to be able to do is inappropriate jokes straight out of Gaucho's sketch when 2 episodes ago she succefully reversed the Borg assimilation process on Picard. Meanwhile, Data takes over the Enterprise, putting to much stress on the engines, putting everyone's life at risk because a signal sent by Dr. Soong triggered a homing program and everyone is like "Oh that Data!, Bwhap Bwhap". This episode truly highlights how much Data actually has emotion and is another great exemple of Worf's incompetence. He lets more than enough tim for Data to raise that force field. Later when they find Data deactivated by Lore, Worf just carries him back like a bride over a threshold. It takes Riker to reactivite him by... turning a switch in his bacl like he's C3PO. Sometimes I swear if Tasha hadn't died, every episode of the series would've been over in 3 minutes.
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Monstrously Ambitious
7 September 2019
Let's get this out of the way: the effects, even for the time, range from laughably bad to ok. Despite of that, the cinematography really gives out a sense of scale and destruction not seen in american Godzilla movies. If it had better effects, this would be amazing film visually. Making Godzilla the vilain again is interesting especially with the concept of Mothra, Barugon and Gidorah be guardians that defend Japan against him. The fight and destruction scenes are entertaining and feature, action, suspense and even comedy at time. Surprisingly, the human element, usually a necessary evil in these movies, is quite good. The characters are endearing and you really get to feel for them by the end of the movie. One of the better Godzilla movie.
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Godzilla 2000 (1999)
20 August 2019
Godzilla arrives pretty early in the film which leads us to believe the movie will be fast paced. However it quickly becomes clear this is not the the case. This wouldn't be an issue if the characters were not so 2 dimensional and cartoonish. This could have built tension and emotions. Instead we are treated to some decent, but not great, kaiju action in the first and third act, but the second act is so boring, it completely took me out of the movie. Even the action is slow an it doesn't help that the effects range from pretty good to amateur filmmaking even for the time. It gets a passing grade, barely.
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Feels like a TV Show
14 August 2019
This movie is beautifully shot and the action entertaining. However, the faithfulness of the adaption causes the movie to feel like a bunch of episodes strung together rather than one full length narrative. This prevented any emotional investment in the story. It's a nice introduction to the material but reading the manga might prove more rewarding.
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Bar Fight (2019)
9 August 2019
A short action packed film with great fight choreography. The action is non-stop and intense and the mood suspensful.
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9 August 2019
This is a very nice little "slice of life" movie that manages to thug at your heartstrings in just the right way. It lets you escape to a simpler life for a couple of hours and takes you through the story of several very attaching characters, both humans and felines.
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Human Lost (2019)
Confusing and Forgettable
9 August 2019
Human Lost is a hodgepodge of anime tropes and concepts that shows its influences a little too clearly. It presents a complex world with ill-defined rules that is never well explained despite tons of exposition. Because of that It is difficult to go more into details of the plot. Even taken at simple entertainment value for its action scenes it is hard to recommend since the cell shaded computer animation is uneven throughout the film taking you out of the movie. The highway scene would be one of the most entertaining part of the film if Akira didn't do it better 30 years ago. It is not a terrible film, but an easily forgettable one that might lose some viewers' attention.
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