
7 Reviews
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Archetypes (2022 Podcast Series)
How did this woman get a platform?
3 April 2023
This podcast is probably one of the most boring and most narcissistic things I have ever listened to. Meghan Markle has craftily designed her questions to lead her guests towards certain topics just so she can segue and interrupt with her own experiences, opinions, and self-praising. Her guests can never be individually celebrated for who they are on her "show". Sometimes, it's just an entire show where both Meghan and her guests take turns patting each other on the back. Meghan has to include herself in the spotlight. She basically rides the coattails of her guests so she can feel and look important at the end of each and every podcast.
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The Magnificent 4 1/2
12 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'll make this short and sweet: Brynner, McQueen, Bronson, Coburn are likable and magnificent characters in this movie even though I wish they all each had more speaking lines. Heck, I even liked the villain Calvera even though he was not very "villainy", but that's because I can't help to like Eli Wallach.

The problem I had with this movie was the casting of the other 3 played by Brad Dexter, Robert Vaughn, and Horst Buchholz. Dexter's character (Harry) was not interested in helping anybody except himself always asking about where the hidden treasure was at. The only reason he signed on was to hopefully come across a fortune whether it be gold, silver, gems, etc. Vaughn's character (Lee)was there to just basically hang out or hide out from whatever demons he is running from. The scene where he's having a nightmare is laughable I now have to fast forward through each time I watch the movie....and he NEVER takes off his black gloves for a moment. He even sleeps with his gloves on (what a freak). Horst Buchholz's character (Chico) is annoying at the beginning and several times throughout but at least he is willing to fight and not try to blend into the adobe walls as if he were a chameleon like Lee did when Calvera showed up the first time. Which is why he adds the "1/2" part to my Summary Title.

Yul Brynner as "Chris" is eye candy as usual. He just oozes sex appeal all over the screen. He can just sit there and blink and say nothing. The man drives me mad. My favorite scenes are when he lights up his cigarillos in the hearse. So sexy...I have serious breathing problems looking at him. And a big thank you to the scriptwriters for not letting his gorgeous bod not get shot up by the bandidos! Chris' bond with the villagers are the friendships he forms with the initial 3 farmers who seek him out.

McQueen as "Vin" is the camera's darling as he is constantly trying to steal the scenes, which he does. He also has the best lines in the movie. His bond comes with the idea of not drifting anymore but settling down in that town or some place similar. He's just so dang cute.

Bronson as "O'Reilly" was quite the stud all buff chopping wood. Who would've thought the dude from Death Wish could make me go gaga? When in the Mexican village, his bond is formed with several children there making his character even more likable as he is almost like a big brother to them. They vow to make sure if anything happens to him they will bury him, avenge his death, and make sure his grave always has fresh flowers.

Coburn has this intimidating presence on screen. They don't give him a lot to say but I got the impression that he is a dedicated person who finishes whatever he starts. He bonds with the village even though it's not shown/acted out but we know he has one when he says "Nobody throws me my own guns and says run. Nobody." Buccholz I wanted to punch in his young brat face one too many times. He tries too hard to be like the big men. At times, I'd say to the television, "Oh Shut up!" or "Not this kid again!". Sometimes the looks on the others' faces seemed to say the same thing, as if this kid "Chico" gets on their nerves. Chico's bond is with a village senorita he finds down by the arroyo and he comes from a similar farming village but is in denial because he wants desperately to be a gunslinger. Being a farmer isn't glamorous enough and he's ashamed of farmers.

The music is wonderful. So wonderful, I made the opening song my ring tone. Even though the casting flaws (in my opinion) I still love this movie.
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Holy Smokes!!!
27 July 2015
I liked this film very much for the following reasons:

Number 1) Yul Brynner. Number 2) Yul Brynner in a loin cloth. Number 3) Yul Brynner's body in a dark, rich suntan. Number 4) Yul Brynner's body glistening with oil. Number 5) Yul Brynner with his suntan oiled limbs stretched out & tied. Number 6) Yul Brynner writhing around on a bed of hay. Number 7) Yul Brynner strutting around like a jaguar. Number 8) Yul Brynner in several seductive poses. Number 9) Yul Brynner's deep sexy man voice whispering sweet nothings, even if it was to goofy blind Ixchel. Yes, blind! I would've run off with Chief Black Eagle immediately but yet she only heals him so he can be a human sacrifice for her people!
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The Journey (1959)
Yul Brynner steals the show
22 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film very much. Yes, I only watched it because it stars Yul Brynner. He has some excellent lines in this movie. Lines that stick with you and you find yourself repeating them later. Those sort of movie lines.

He plays a Russian major who displays a wide range of emotions in this movie. He's strict, he's kind, he's vulnerable, he's tender, he's mean, he's funny, he's sad, he's lonely, he's happy, he's caring, etc. He smiles, he yells, he laughs, he dances, he sings. You will find yourself liking and loving his character, and you will long Then there's that "Kiss" between him and Deborah Kerr. I felt that kiss right through the television screen! He's a pretty darn good kisser if you ask me.
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I love Yul Brynner
22 July 2015
Yul Brynner is very hard to understand in this movie because he talks fast and his accent gets in the way, but he is still eye candy to me nonetheless. He does play a good brat. Not the same sort of brat Rameses was in The Ten Commandments. The brat he plays in this movie is a wealthy gangster who was exiled back to his birth country of Greece. He's not smart by any means, maybe street smart, but he spelled the only correct word in the Scrabble game between he and Gabby. He pouts, he name-calls, he tells people to shut up, he has a tantrum, etc.

Mitzi Gaynor (Gabby) is a cute girlfriend/sidekick to Yul's gangster character (Nico). Noel Coward's character (King Pavel) bores me to tears.

Cute movie, but not brilliant by any means. Some funny parts, but could be funnier.
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I will suspend reality for Yul Brynner
22 July 2015
I don't like Yul Brynner with hair. I prefer the man clean shaven, but he's still drop dead sexy in this movie. Goodnight! That man drives me mad.

Yes, this is a "silly" biblical movie. Suspend reality for a moment and you will find that this movie is not so bad. It kept my attention span which is hard to do. I wish someone else had played the Sheban Queen instead of Lollobrigida. I found her too unbelievable.

The supporting cast bored me. Especially the girl who played Abishag and the dude who played Pharaoh. Looked like he was wearing an Egyptian Halloween costume he purchased at Walmart. Once you see Yul Brynner play a pharaoh, none other can pull it off.
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True Grit (2010)
12 March 2012
Yaaaawn! This remake was so boring at times. The actors are very robotic at moments like they are reading the script for the first time. Very dry script throughout. Jeff Bridges is hard to understand a lot during the movie. He should not have tried to change his voice as it all seemed contrived. No music throughout the entire movie; only at the opening and closing credits. It needed music within the movie as I feel music plays an important role with forming the viewers emotions. Ending credits music and singing is grating like fingernails on a chalkboard. This entire movie reminded me of the old west saloon/shootout skit at Six Flags in Arlington TX. Glad I didn't spend the dollars to go see this in the theater. Watching this last night just confirmed "no more remakes!" Viva John Wayne!
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