
16 Reviews
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Pirates (2021)
31 December 2023
Wow what a stinker and that being nice.

Poor plot, poor writing, poor acting , really cannot understand how this was given money to be produced, what it a bad bet loss?

Im also very surprised by this film, its a poor showing and being a United Kingdom movie the complete lack of diversity is astonishing, you really wouldnt think this was filmed in the united kingdom, the complete lack of natives is remarkable ... imagine if this was the other way round?

The language is poor and actors really do not have a command of the english language, its actually remarkable shocking.

I would not recommend this to anyone really , best to choose something else.
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Our Son (2023)
Very Poor Movie
22 December 2023
Wow this is really a very very poor movies all round gave thi. It was not a good decision to view this drivel.

Acting was terrible and predictable and very contrived

It was a forgettable film, i should be able to charge for my time back that was wasted on this garbage.

Not engaging in anyway at all, very dull and insipid, please dont waste your times

Poor directing, plot?? Not really, unconvincing from acting and general way film was put together.

I encourage all to go watch something else rather than waste time on this,it not worth it

I really can not give any positive points, except when it finished.
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Slow, laborious, sacrilegious
25 October 2023
Slow, laborious, sacrilegious addition to the franchise.... im struggling to understand the high review scores.

Could have been better if not 3 hours long, maybe, there is just too much fluff in the film , gap filling with some poor supporting acting.

First f its so slow, omg so slow to start, its painfully laborious, 30-50 mintues in felt like an eternity already, waiting for something to happen.

Script must be easy to write, hardly any words and non of substance, guessing they only had enough money for a short chatgpt script, were the actor told to speak at the rate of a sloth climbing a tree?

The action although well thought and choreographed, it becomes tedious and far too long over drawn, seemingly more an exercise drill than a proper actual realistic fight.

Poor addition to the franchise, if you can hang on to the end , the ending will disappoint you imo , and you know it tees it up for a JW 5 to be fashioned and manufactured into further destroy a once great series.
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Fail and Miss
25 October 2023
Fail and a miss is an understatement , ill repeat its a massive super dooper fail and miss.

The reboot if you can call it that , for one is not funny, its a hard tired watch with joke writers either on holiday but mostly likely do not have a gram of humour within themselves.

Casting is poor , no cohesion or chemistry whatsoever and making hemsworth a dumbo is just a tragic decision, waste of a decent actor but assume he got a big pay day for not so much work, so maybe cant blame him.

Writing is beyond tragic and directing just isnt there, its boring, doesnt get you mentally or emotionally involved. Its a hard watch and you should be commended if you can last the entirety of this so called movie.

All in all its a sad to see they have besmirched this once great movie series.
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Bad Words (2013)
Brilliant Film - Hillarious
9 January 2023
Brilliant Film absolutely hilarious entertaining film, anyone that is uptight a PC police or just a boring person will not like ths film while everyone else will!!! No only is it funny there is a story line which you get the impact of who the film was being driven to the end goal. Fun enjoyable loads of laughs, its a shame films like these would not be allowed to be made in the current wokery of the world, which is a travesty, Comedy films are not really allowed to be funny these days just cheese fests and making sure you dont upset or hurt someone "feeeeeeeelings" ah poor diddums. We need these type of movies back, we all need to laugh especially in the time of today!!!
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Sneaky Pete (2015–2019)
Absolutely Fantastic and Clever
30 September 2022
Absolutely Fantastic and Clever , this is show is top of top billing, truly wonderful and will be a classic show for decades to come.

The acting in the majority is top notch, the lead Sneaky Pete aks Giovani is phenomenally outstanding, perfect for the role and delivering 200%. The rest of cast were tremendous in the most part too, great recruiting for the cast line up.

The show is immensely intelligent, which has been eruditely and meticulously written, planned and developed with finesse.

How has this show been cancelled, it is completely and utterly criminal, this show is a GOLD STANDARD to what shows should be measured and try to emulate in writing, delivery, acting and production.

Again i will say how has this not been renewed for another 3/4 seasons easily... its a travesty with so much garbage with 80% less viewership get renewed or made....

Please bring this back!
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Charmed (2018–2022)
Misandric and Cringe...
22 September 2022
Wow wow wow, that is not in total amazement or acclamation , int fact the total complete concrete opposite!!! Yes the total opposite, what a joke this was, it is an abomination to the whole franchise and the great series its based upon, desecrating everything for social engineering and forced rhetoric.

This had an average viewship of less than half a million per episode, how was this renewed 4 times??? Yes renewed for 4 seasons , so many great shows have been cancelled for viewership more than 8 times the viewership... what is going on here?

Lets be honest and blunt, the acting was substandard , majority of the main characters annoying, lacking talent and just no energy or presence.. The cast, the storylines and pretty much everything about the show was conspicuously made woke. Do we really need message every single line that is uttered?

They have sullied the charmed name... and im still in shock this got 4 seasons with some of the most poorest viewing figures in history for a top billed main prime time show, its a joke.
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Terrible attempt to remake
19 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Where is HE-MAN... where is HE-MAN... ill say it again where is He-MAN? And no just having a whiney skinny feeble un-masculine prince adam doesnt count .

Seriously who approved the drawing of teela, she looks like a man ... skeletor the baddest fun most evil antagonist is removed... both main characters removed, replaced by surprise surprise female characters... I have no clue what the creators were trying to do, well maybe i do... but this is blasphemy of the highest order no He-Man in masters of the universe ... just does not compute... computer says no!

Orko's voice is terrible not hard to emulate the iconic orko, man of arms and grincer atleast look somewhat like the real original cartoon..

As a he-man fan from the 80's growing up this is an abomination.
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Fail flop from Disney IMO
18 September 2022
Another Disney disaster, what were they thinking, do they not have any original ideas anymore just recycling the past then butchering it with their forced social programming

im guessing they were not thinking. It follows of Disneys programming for the past few years now, it getting very annoying and blatantly forced upon , another attempt at delivering poor content just for the purpose of social engineering

What is that title the about anyway , lends itself elsewhere?.. Hulkess would be far better and more apt

It just doesnt work, 5% of the action is decent but i stress only like only 5% rest is terrible, and to boot the CGI is really meh, below average and not what you would expect from a so called industry giant.

The story line is very corny, was just so dry and the graphics as mentioned above meh. I cannot believe they studio heads actually passed for a series, i mean its bonkers to think they green lit this drivel to continue ?

The writing is terrible main character emotionally weak and not to much to make the noggin think even one iota, I have no doubt this show will be canceled very soon. I also agree with the sentiment many have said it being another disney woke production, if they put as much effort into the writing and original ideas instead they would could get back to the once ago best in class status.
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Cancelled after 1 season for good reason
1 September 2022
This is a sequel to the 80's show. Punky Brewster (Soleil Moon Frye) is now typically made to be a divorced single woman with three kids, two of them adopted, they had too didnt they. She encounters a PC friend foster kid Izzy who is so similar to her younger self.

This Reboot of a formerly famous show, they made it w o k e and it was cancelled, spoiling good classics will get you cancelled and it did. No need for reboots if they are going to desecrate them. Please TV Land do not tarnish classics with virtue signalling dribble, it doesnt work, the public do not want that, please understand this.
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Mad About You (1992–2019)
Last season leaves a bad taste on your mouth , tarnishing the legacy
24 June 2022
Initial run of this was really good, bar maybe the last 2 seasons where they were making Paul a submissive to Jaime, not fully but very close. The relaunch was appalling an abomination so many media driven narratives and agendas its embarrassing. They took a really good show and completely desecrated, defiled and obliterated to flakes of snow, diatribe of the extreme left . All this leaves a nasty bitterness on the tongue, tarnishing the memory of this show, hence the low rating.
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Baby Driver (2017)
Dont believe the hype, Dont believe the Hype
24 June 2022
I watched this on the basis of the good reviews, but WOW this was soooo disappointing , DONT BELIEVE the HYPE... takes 30 mins to actually get into the film, the first 30 mins build is not only slow but sterile and flat and mainly about music tracks a cast member listens too.... if i wanted to hear an album i would do, whats the point of a film if the first 1/3 is all about the music tracks? And nothing to do with the film - stupidity ... gets very very marginally better in the middle then drops off again within 5 mins or so.... OMG what a waste of time ... barely any action some sandwiched inbetween a person who listens to music and it aint all that , gets really rubbish by the end and dumb ..... what a waste of time, a bore laborious watch .....
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The Neighborhood (I) (2018– )
Wow Extremely Bad, Cheesy and Race Baiting
16 June 2022
Wow what an extremely poor piece of programming, unfunny, cheesy how this got past a pilot or first few episodes and wasnt cancelled is an enigma. A very unsettling agenda and narrative here of race baiting and belittling being caucasian. Endless bashing of white culture and people is shameful and would not be tolerated in other circumstances.
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The Dresden Files (2007–2008)
Top Class Show - cancelled way way way too early
13 May 2022
Brilliant show, good characters, good back ground build up and you see where it could potentially go, but sadly the idiots cancelled the show. Great ideas well executed and very well researched i regards to esoteric / occult knowledge. Likely characters, so much room to expand on them.
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The X Files (1998)
Excellent... brilliantly done in every way, acting , story, reality
15 April 2022
Excellent film, great acting, story, the reality and how close to the truth in terms of what takes place at those 3 letter crackpot despot agencies and and some beautiful interwoven facts / truths which the powers like to debunk for so called national security.... anyway going off the point in the last part but still pertinent. Its a truly wonderful, engaging, brilliantly produced, thought provoking piece of work.
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Dune (2021)
For the Woke Snowflake Generation
4 March 2022
WOW boring , long, hard to watch and not really that much fun. Film drags, difficult to get into it and honestly quite forgettable and i really wouldnt want to watch it again to remember again.
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