
6 Reviews
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Agora (2009)
Hypatia Was No Atheist and Christians Were Not Taliban
9 January 2011
First, I have to applaud the producers of this movie for daring to go into unfamiliar territory. It is exceedingly rare to see historical movies from the ancient era, especially the 4th and 5th centuries. The movie's production values were superb and the tone of the movie was serious. The story does seem a little choppy at times (it actually is two stories in one) but the movie never fails to engross us.

Unfortunately, the message of the movie was far from subtle and I must proclaim gratuitously anti-religious. Already I can see atheists puffing out their chests and declaring religion as poison. They should also look at themselves in the mirror because such talk is dangerous, and can lead to more of the intolerance this movie is ostensibly decrying.

Intolerance is cyclical: those on top eventually find themselves the victim and vice versa. The Pagans start the bloodshed in this movie and for over 200 years mercilessly killed Christians with impunity, often as a form of entertainment. Now the Christians have the power and it is payback. Yet intolerance and violence is not religion - one need have no beliefs at all to be a murderer - and the real purpose of religion is to transcend one's ego, not increase it.

Now, let's set the record straight. Hypatia was NO atheist but a Neoplatonist. She was not a materialist or iconoclast like atheists today. She had deep-felt beliefs but they were decidedly more philosophical and metaphysical. Nor was she a hedonist and actually remained a virgin, as this movie implies. I am certain that Hypatia, were she alive today, would be disgusted by atheism which believes in absolutely nothing.

Second, I am highly skeptical that Christians were dressed like Taliban and that they were salivating, blood-thirsty barbarians. To be fair, the movie depicts pagans, Jews, and Christians as all intolerant and murderous but in the end the Christians with their black clothes and philistine attacks on culture and learning was a bit too much and felt unbalanced.

Now, intolerance to other faiths was certainly a reality. Neoplatonism itself would be outlawed within a century of this time period when Emperor Justinian closed all the pagan schools and the pagans had ruthlessly murdered thousands of Christians with impunity for a good two centuries. I'm not sure about the Jews but I'm sure they were not innocent either (nor were they in this movie).

Little is known about Hypatia's teachings. She is a very minor character in the history of philosophy, even Neoplatonism, but she will always be remembered for two reasons: she was a woman and she was martyred.
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The Secret (2006 Video)
American "Spirituality" At Its Worst
2 September 2007
Watching "The Secret", one is in constant anticipation for the punch line, the raison d'etre of a 90-minute "positive thinking infomercial that one can see on cable any day at 3 am or Sunday morning.

Am I being primed to sell houses with zero money down? To join Amway? To buy into the next Enron? To join Scientology? What is the punch line? The punch line is this: if you do not own a million dollar house in Beverley Hills, if you do not travel the world sipping from martinis on the beach, if you do not have a model for a wife, and a perfect 10 body then you are a schmuck, you are are a mental wimp and a negative, ignorant, and unspiritual person. Shame on you! The movie is shameless, superficial, supercilious, sugar-coated, and sickening at every level. We are subjected to endless stories of how we can trick God and the universe by power of positive thinking into making us millionaires. Forget about the wisdom of Solomon, forget about the Sermon on the Mount, forget about The Tao, forget about Buddha - this is one big party down here! Hey man, chill out and loosen up! Eat, drink, and be merry! Feed your ego and grab all the toys you can handle.

Worst of all is the packaging. We are told that the movie is about a Secret that somehow the evil priests and clerics of the world has kept from us. Wow, how original! Secret? Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie said the same things decades ago but at least they didn't try to divorce it from all spiritual and philosophical underpinnings.

The Da Vinci Code married to Nietzsche, packaged by Wal-Mart, sold at MacDonalds, and preached by Oprah Winfrey. That is American "Spirituality" at it's "best," circa 2007.
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A Movie Worthy To Pursue
17 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In a dreadful year for movies, this inspirational gem helps to save the day; one of the rare good movies of 2006.

Will Smith is quickly proving himself to be one of the leading men with great range, ingratiating character, and emotional depth. Will Smith is terrific here and richly deserved an Oscar nod.

Besides the acting in Pursuit which is universally good, there are five other positive things to say about Pursuit:

1. It was entertaining without any need for violence, cursing, sex, or death. Can we please see more movies like this?

2. Despite the underlying story of a black man trying to win a job in a white man's world, no aspect of race, racism, or prejudice is ever implied. Wow - can this be? Thank the Almighty.

3. The movie demonstrates the power of the human will to not only survive but succeed at whatever singlemindedness it chooses to latch on to, though the road may be exceedingly difficult indeed. Pursuit of Happiness is not only a well-acted, well-directed, entertaining film but a story with an eternal moral to inspire all of us - at least those with an ear to hear.

4. Great, great, great score!

5. The necessity of faith-based charity. At one point in Chris Gardner's nadir, it was a Christian charity that provided the respite and physical/spiritual care he needed for himself and his son. Those that have never experienced such despair and poverty as Chris did may not realize how essential such charity is for so many lives.

There are 3 negative things that can be and have been said: 1. The movie takes some unnecessary liberty with the details of the real story. For example, the competitive internship was not nonsalaried.

2. We never really see Chris Gardner study any books. A competitive internship was not only about working the phones and hobnobbing. We know he is something of a prodigy but one cannot learn through osmosis either. I admit this is nit-picky though.

3. The concept of happiness to Chris Gardner seems a bit too shallow, deceptive, and purely capitalistic. Becoming a stressed-out stockbroker is something I would consider hell on Earth and brokers have more of a reputation of jumping out windows than being a paradigm of contentment.

Nevertheless, it was not really about being a broker or about being wealthy that seemed to have driven him but having the financial freedom to not always have to struggle and survive, which this movie vividly depicts as hellish. And indeed it is.

Great movie. 9 stars.
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The Departed (2006)
Vile and Vicious
31 March 2007
If you like listening to a dialog that sounds like this: "F**k those guineas and nig**s and F**k your mother" for over two hours and seeing non-stop, meaningless, gratuitous violence, crude behavior, and basically a world where the police are corrupt and everybody curses like a sailor - basically a hellish existence - then maybe you might like this. Good luck to you then.

This movie was unwatchable and I had to turn it off after 45 minutes. I value my mind, integrity, and soul too much to soil it with this celluloid gutter trash.

2006 was the worst year in Hollywood history for movies and having this refuse win awards only further illustrates.

One can only wonder just how degenerate America has become to see this movie even receive so many accolades.
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Shockingly Bad
23 March 2007
It shouldn't be hard to create a good war movie about an epic battle to take a mountain like the mount on Iwo Jima. Introduce us to the main soldiers of the battle involved with the flag raisings and let the intense drama unfold. Instead, Eastwood gives us a dull movie centered on nothing and with almost no drama.

Hamburger Hill was a movie based around a difficult battle regarding a hill in the Vietnam war and gave viewers an entertaining and engaging film but Flags of Our Fathers was so awful that Hamburger Hill looks like one of the greatest war films ever made in comparison.

This is not a movie - it is a collage of disjointed, non-linear, whoopy-doo scenes punctuated by redundant, maudlin moments and overwhelming PC preaching. Any dramatic edge possible is destroyed by the poor choice to break up this movie into flashbacks, inane voiceovers, and cinematic tedium.

In a way, this movie is very similar to the sleep-inducing Gods and Generals except that it lacks any good battle scenes after the opening scenes. So even that movie trumps this one.

Clint Eastwood has become the PC king of Hollywood and, since his remarkable Unforgiven and solid Mystic River, he is becoming an increasingly horrible director.

2 stars at best.
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3 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A wannabe Napoleon Dynamite indie that is neither funny, nor intelligent, nor entertaining.

The movie is centered around a puerile plot of an exaggerated dysfunctional family (*yawn*) that is incapable of communicating with each other (almost literally), despite being led by a motivational speaker that is trying to make it big, but is nonetheless an uptight, pompous prig (replacing the prototypical religious zealot).

Little Miss Sunshine lacks any substantive dialogue or character development. Not one of the cardboard characters is likable, including the stupid, almost retarded little girl, the rebellious Nietzsche fan that wears a sickenly offensive shirt about Jesus, and the creepy, porn-addicted grandfather that was probably abusing the girl. The mother, meanwhile, displays absolutely no personality throughout the film and is as dull as a doorknob.

Yet the movie tries to reach its denouement by having the group perform a rude and obnoxious act in a child beauty pageant (of all things!) where one cannot help but think of the seedy world of poor Jon Benet Ramsey. What was that all about? Don't even attempt to analyze this.

As a matter of fact, not one of the characters in this movie would any sane person want to spend more than 5 minutes with - so why watch this for 100 minutes? Easily one of the worst films I've seen in the last 10 years.

Zero stars. Absolute nauseating rubbish.
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